You Can Write Children's Books, 2nd Edition - PDF
You Can Write Children's Books, 2nd Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Tracey E. Dils خلاصه: Writing for children - whether it's in the form of picture books, beginning readers, chapters books and novels, or nonfiction - requires a unique skill set: the ability to speak to children on their level. "You Can Write Children's Books, 2nd Edition", provides readers with the instruction and exercises they need to shape their ideas, develop their writing, and sell their work! This revised edition keeps the book relevant and increases its value as a resource for writers. It provides readers with: updated information on changes in the publishing industry related to children's book writing; new techniques and exercises for writing children's books; new instruction for submitting work online; an updated look at publishing methods and opportunities; like traditional, online, print on demand; and, online promotional opportunities that didn't exist when the first edition of this book was released.
The Diva Next Door: How to Be a Singing Star Wherever You Are - PDF
The Diva Next Door: How to Be a Singing Star Wherever You Are - PDF
نویسندگان: Jill Switzer خلاصه: You too can be a star! If you've ever dreamed of singing on American Idol or grabbing a Grammy Award, The Diva Next Door is for you. Switzer's book, designed for everyone from total novice on up, takes a three—step approach: how to get physically and mentally in shape for a singing career, how to create and fine-tune an act, and how to shine at auditions and to book gigs. Written in the style of a caring girlfriend, the book blends practical information with anecdotes, musical quotes, pep talks, and tips. Sample cover letters, performance agreements, references, and a "diva dictionary" add value.• For the hundreds of thousands of female applicants to such shows as American Idol, Nashville Star, Today's Superstar, Oprah and Star Search, and for everyone who has ever dreamed of being a professional singer• Written for the complete novice in encouraging girl-to-girl style but packed with information for all levels• Author plays hundres of US clubs and will heavily promote the book
Vanity, Vitality, and Virility: The Science behind the Products You Love to Buy - PDF
Vanity, Vitality, and Virility: The Science behind the Products You Love to Buy - PDF
نویسندگان: John Emsley خلاصه: What is the secret of shower cleaners? How does the dangerous explosive nitroglycerin ward off heart attacks? And what medicines, usually prescribed for other purposes, are said to produce the ultimate orgasm? In Vanity, Vitality, and Virility, award-winning science writer John Emsley offers a fascinating behind-the-scenes account of 30 chemicals that we use everyday to make ourselves more beautiful, to improve our diet and sexual pleasure, to kill germs, and to ward off depression and other mental illnesses. Emsley looks at common compounds such as alpha-hydroxy acids, vitamin C, chlorine bleach, and Prozac, telling us if they work, how they work, and how they were discovered. Indeed, the book is packed with useful information and easy-to-digest science, and Emsley relates it all with a light touch that delights in the odd fact or amusing anecdote. Thus we learn of the "vitamin C tights" sold in Japan to make your legs more beautiful (they don't work) and of the whimsical Hungarian scientist who first isolated vitamin C and wanted to name it "godnose"--because he had no idea what the compound was. We discover that Cleopatra was right to bath in milk, which is filled with alpha-hydroxy acids. And we read about the unforgettable British researcher who demonstrated a powerful new drug for male erections at a Las Vegas convention--injecting himself with the compound and then "displaying the results" to a stunned lecture hall. As with the much-loved Nature's Building Blocks, in John Emsley's hands, chemistry comes alive. Anyone curious about the ingredients in the products we use, and everyone fascinated with science, will be enthralled by this book.
Living Rich by Spending Smart: How to Get More of What You Really Want - PDF
Living Rich by Spending Smart: How to Get More of What You Really Want - PDF
نویسندگان: Gregory Karp خلاصه: “After 21 years of giving advice about your wallet on the radio, I thought I had heard it all and read it all. Then I read Living Rich by Spending Smart. Greg Karp has a clear roadmap to wealth that is yours for the taking. Follow his simple steps and you will take control of your financial future. Get FIT now!” –Clark Howard, The Clark Howard radio show “The book is full of practical information for trimming and redeploying spending, which is often given short shrift in other personal finance books. The author provides solid advice and solid writing on a topic that benefits from a fresh voice.” –Liz Pulliam Weston, MSN Money columnist and author of Easy Money “Greg Karp offers well-researched, practical strategies that can help anyone save big money on everyday expenses, and his entertaining writing style makes the book a fun read.” –Stephanie Nelson, editor of CouponMom.com and frequent guest on ABC-TV’s Good Morning America “Greg Karp gets it and you will too. His research and tips will help you keep more of the money you earn. Reading Living Rich by Spending Smart is the best way to give yourself a raise.” –Steve & Annette Economides, New York Times Best-Selling Authors of America’s Cheapest Family Gets You Right On The Money “Wise people have always known it. Now Greg Karp lets everyone in on the secret. The surest way to living well is to manage your spending. Living Rich by Spending Smart is a simple roadmap that anyone can follow. And should!” –Gary Foreman, editor of TheDollarStretcher.com “For every consumer who consistently fails to engage brain before operating pocketbook, this book provides simple, concrete steps to immediately take control of your spending.” –Edgar Dworsky, founder of ConsumerWorld.org As The Millionaire Next Door revealed, building wealth isn’t just about working harder or what you choose to invest in: it’s about spending smarter. Now, award-winning Tribune Company personal finance columnist Gregory Karp shows how to do just that. This book isn’t about depriving yourself. Instead, Gregory Karp shows how to build real, long-lasting wealth by plugging the money leaks you’re barely aware of and making sure you spend with a purpose. Karp’s surprisingly painless techniques will help you eliminate wasteful spending in every area of your financial life. You’ll discover how to focus spending on what you really care about...spend less on gifts without becoming a cheapskate...slash your phone bill...pay less for food and still eat what you want...eliminate spending leaks in insurance, education, even entertainment. From the clothes you wear to the cars you drive, this book will help you build a life that’s truly rich because it’s truly financially secure. •Smart people, dumb spendingWhy you need to fire the accountant in your head •What a waste From inkjet cartridges to extended warranties •Achieving money victory: short-term tactics, long-term strategies Win today’s retail skirmishes (and your lifelong money wars) •How to pay less for the same entertainment ...without having less fun • Why comparison shopping is more profitable than you thought Surprise: it’s worth your time
Take Your Pediatrician with You: Keeping Your Child Healthy at Home and on the Road (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) - PDF
Take Your Pediatrician with You: Keeping Your Child Healthy at Home and on the Road (A Johns Hopkins Press Health Book) - PDF
نویسندگان: Christopher S. Ryder خلاصه: It's three o'clock in the morning and your child is screaming in pain. To make matters worse, you and your family are vacationing in a strange city. What should you do? Call the front desk? Your family pediatrician? An ambulance?From in-flight earaches to strep throat, from poison ivy to insect bites, illness and injury are common and unwelcome traveling companions. You need to know when to treat your child yourself and when to seek professional medical care. This compact handbook tells you how to decide and then puts crucial information for preventing and treating acute childhood illnesses and injuries at your fingertips. In Take Your Pediatrician with You, Dr. Christopher Ryder offers expert advice on keeping children safe and healthy at home and on the road. He includes detailed instructions for creating a children's medical care kit to use at home or while traveling. Also included are descriptions of common childhood illnesses and summer woes; travel tips; accident prevention; and guidelines for emergency care. A chapter on international adoption guides parents through the process of bringing a child home safely. As well as a reassuring travel companion, this valuable resource will become the "turn-to" guide at home and in childcare centers. (September 9, 2007)
Running from Injury: Why runners get injured and how to stop it Kindle Edition - Original PDF
Running from Injury: Why runners get injured and how to stop it Kindle Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Peter Francis خلاصه: Peter Francis saw his teenage years transformed by a miracle drug called running. His elation was soon followed by despair, in the form of 12-years of repetitive injuries. Spurred on by personal injustice, Peter pursued 3-science degrees, multiple coaching and consultancy roles before making a breakthrough in the form of what had seemed like an unlikely comeback. In 2016 aged 29-years, for the first time in his life, he ran for almost 3-years uninterrupted. This period coincided with running multiple personal bests (33:46 10-km; 78:00 half marathon). In this book, he uses a combination of his own story and his learnings spanning some 18-years of trial and error to provide a holistic explanation for why runners get injured and how best to avoid it. His personal story is as captivating as the information it imparts. Whether you are a disgruntled beginner or an Olympic hopeful, you cannot help but become more consistent having read this book.
Information Structure and Language Change: New Approaches to Word Order Variation in Germanic (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs) - PDF
Information Structure and Language Change: New Approaches to Word Order Variation in Germanic (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs) - PDF
نویسندگان: Roland Hinterhölzl, Roland Hinterholzl خلاصه: The book addresses one of the most prominent and widely discussed topics in diachronic syntax, namely, word order variation and change in older Germanic. It presents a novel approach that explains these issues not in terms of parameters and parameter change or in terms of competition between two grammars, but in terms of competition between information-structurally marked and unmarked forms within one grammar.
Janice VanCleave's Help! My Science Project Is Due Tomorrow! Easy Experiments You Can Do Overnight - PDF
Janice VanCleave's Help! My Science Project Is Due Tomorrow! Easy Experiments You Can Do Overnight - PDF
نویسندگان: Janice VanCleave خلاصه: So you want to do a science project. Great!You’ll get to show off your work to yourclass and you may even get an award. But thebest part is that you’ll learn a lot about scienceby observing, investigating, and sharing whatyou have learned with others. I hope that youhaven’t really left your science project untilthe last minute, because you’ll get a lot moreout of your project (and probably get a bettergrade) if you take your time. You can do theexploratory investigations in this bookovernight, but I hope that you’ll considerworking on the extensions, doing research,and using what you’ve discovered from theinvestigation to come up with your own greatscience project.A science project is like a mystery in whichyou are the detective searching for answers.But with a science project, you get to selectwhich mystery to solve. After you’ve selectedyour mystery, you can creatively design meth-ods to uncover clues. These clues eventuallyshould lead to the final revelation of who,what, when, where, how, and why.This book presents fun project ideas on awide variety of subjects from astronomy, biol-ogy, chemistry, earth science, and physics. Inthe 50 chapters, you’ll find investigations,facts, ideas, and questions for projects you cando easily all on your own. It’s your job to picka topic, discover the answers, and develop theideas into a terrific project!HOW TO USE THIS BOOKYou can start anywhere in the book. Flipthrough the chapters for a topic that soundsinteresting. Before you do any of the investi-gations, read the chapter through completely.Once you’ve decided on a project, collect allthe materials needed for the investigation andfollow procedures carefully. The format foreach chapter is as follows:• So You Want to Do a Projectabout . . . A statement introducing thetopic of the project• Let’s Explore An exploratory investiga-tion that will become part of your research• Purpose A statement of the investiga-tion’s objective• Materials A complete list of what you’llneed• Procedure A step-by-step walk-throughthat shows you how to do the investigation• Results A statement of the expectedoutcome• Why? An explanation of why the investi-gation works. When a new term is intro-duced and explained, it appears in boldtype; these terms can also be found in theGlossary.• For Further Investigation An exampleof the way the data from the investigationcan be used to develop a project questionon the same topic• Clues for Your Investigation Ideas forways to experimentally answer the projectquestion. Some chapters include specialideas for displaying your science project.• Other Questions to Explore A list ofother possible science questions for you tothink about in creating your own projects• References and Project Books A listof books where information and other proj-ect ideas about the topic presented in thechapter can be found. It is important to getinformation from many different sourcesso that you will be as informed as possible.You can use Internet search engines ifthese resources are approved by your par-ent and teacher. No Web site URLs arelisted in this book because of the possibil-ity of sites being canceled or having achange of address
Make Money Work For YouInstead of You Working for It: Lessons from a Portfolio Manager - PDF
Make Money Work For YouInstead of You Working for It: Lessons from a Portfolio Manager - PDF
نویسندگان: William Thomason خلاصه: f you picked up this book looking for information on financialplanning, then put it down and find another one. This is not a bookon financial planning. Instead, this book tells how you can:• Accumulate wealth through investing.• Be your own research analyst and portfolio manager.• Create and manage your own investment portfolio to reachyour own personal financial goals.I’m not a financial planner, nor am I a stockbroker. I am what iscalled in the financial services industry a portfolio manager, I man-age—and that means I make the investment decisions for—both in-dividual and institutional money in a variety of investment portfoliosfor my firm’s clientele. I have experience managing traditional in-vestments (such as stocks and bonds) and also alternative invest-ments (such as hedge funds). But, even more importantly, I am alsoan individual investor like you. I didn’t grow up with a silver spoon inmy mouth nor did I ever receive any type of large inheritance. I amtelling you this about myself because I want you to know that you, asan individual investor, can build a substantial investment portfolio byfollowing the ideas laid out in this book.Each day normally thoughtful and conservative people throwcaution (and their hard-earned money) to the wind when they heara stock tip that is nothing more than rumor. Others, for fear of mak-ing a mistake, keep their money invested in mediocre stocks and mu-tual funds simply because they don’t know what to do or whoseadvice to trust. Many others feel they need large sums of money be-fore they can begin to invest in stocks or anything else. I’m an advo-cate of stocks and the financial markets, and I will show you how toinvest in the stock market and buy a stock even if you have only $20.Don’t believe me? Keep reading
نویسندگان: James F. Dunnigan خلاصه: This is not a history of World War II , but revelations about many of thelesser-known details. Because it is a book of facts, you don't read itfrom beginning to end, but rather you jump in wherever it strikes yourfancy. There are over three hundred separate items, each a completestory in itself.As a rule, much of the information found in one section of the bookwill usually also be applicable to the others as well. After all, althoughaircraft carriers are inseparably associated with the Pacific war, theyalso performed yeoman service in the Atlantic and Mediterranean,while the problems of troop transport transcended theater.After reading this book, you'll never look at World War II the sameway again. We have not changed the story of that conflict; we areproviding information about it that is not generally known. We oftenlook at the same subject from several different angles, giving you abetter appreciation of, for example, how a blitzkrieg was conducted,what it took to supply partisans, and why the U.S. Army had moreships than the U.S. Navy.World War II was the most enormous human drama in history. Noone volume could ever really come close to examining all of theunusual, and often important, aspects of this, history's greatest war. Somuch has had to be left out, from the drama of Dunkirk to the U.S.Navy's coal-burning, paddle-wheel aircraft carriers on the Great Lakes;from the Marine Corps's Navaho communications specialists to the12 INTRODUCTIONJapanese Navy's "American" pilots; not to mention the improbableadventures of FDR's son, the extraordinary antiarmor tactics of theFinns, and the secret missions of Harry Hopkins. Also left out are manyinteresting items from the "secondary" theaters such as China, Burma,Finland, and the Middle East. Moreover, the end of the Cold War hasthrown open the Soviet World War II archives. Much fascinating ma-terial is coming out. We were shown a volume (in Russian) of some ofthe newly revealed material already being published in Russia andrealized that we could have added several dozen pages of previouslyunknown goodies for this book from that one Russian volume alone.Well, if we sell enough copies of this book, there may be more. Wecertainly have enough to fill several more volumes.This book undoubtedly displays an "American" bias. This is nat-ural, given the audience. Without much difficulty the authors couldproduce a book of similar length with a "British" or "German" or"Chinese" bias which, while being somewhat repetitive, would stillmanage to include a lot of unusual and interesting material. World War II was the most enormous human drama in history, and there is farmore to be told about it than can possibly be included between thecovers of a single book.

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