If You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Grant Cardone
خلاصه: The Importance of FirstAlthough the concept of first or last may sound unfair anddifficult to accept for some, in the real world—regardlessof your business or career—first place is the only place thatmatters. It’s a position that allows you to weather all storms,gets you extra attention, and has the competition chasingyou—rather than the other way around. But let’s face it: ifyou didn’t compromise on any point, you would certainlyrather the position of first than any other, right? Given thechoice between first and any other position, we all knowwhat’s preferable.Unlike systems or cultures where everyone getsrewarded for just participating and regardless of theirefforts, abilities, or even the score—the only positionthat ultimately makes sense in business—and the onethat earns the greatest rewards—is, of course, first. If youaren’t in the dominant position in your market, then youare at risk. When economies are abound with business, thecompany in first position continues to gain customers andexpand its size and presence while the weaker players ekeout increasingly smaller gains, helped along solely by thevi INTRODUCTIONrich nature of the market. However, when these profitabletimes wane, the dominant company benefits from its first-place position and grabs market share away from all theother contenders while those in every other position paythe price.Merriam-Webster’s defines the word first as “pre-ceding all others in time, order, or importance.” Beingfirst to the market is not as important as being numberone in your category; you don’t necessarily have to bethe company introducing a product to be the best choicein the buyer’s mind. Order and importance are muchmore vital here than time. There is also a big differencebetween being first and third in Google search results, asevidenced by companies like first-place Intel and second-place Advanced Micro. As of December 2009, Intel hadearned $32.7 billion in revenue and had $13 billion incash, whereas Advanced Micro had $4.92 billion in rev-enues and $2.5 billion in cash. And consider the competi-tion between Barack Obama and John McCain. Only afew points separated a name that has made history. Again,Barack was not first to the market; he actually came 30years after his opponent and had much less experience.Yet he managed to win not just the number one spot, butthe most powerful position in the world.So quit compromising and being “reasonable.” Let’sget you fighting—every minute of every day—for thenumber one spot in your business. You want to be on topwhen the market is great and take market share when itis not.