The Official Guide for Foreign-Educated Nurses: What You Need to Know about Nursing and Health Care in the United States - PDF
The Official Guide for Foreign-Educated Nurses: What You Need to Know about Nursing and Health Care in the United States - PDF
نویسندگان: CGFNS International خلاصه: When the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools(CGFNS) International was created in 1977, I was a member ofthe American Nurses Association Board of Directors and party to themany debates on the efficacy of recruiting foreign nurses to providepatient care to the U.S. population. I was intrigued with the discussionabout the advantages and disadvantages of foreign-educated nursesbeing a temporary or permanent element of the U.S. nursing work-force. What evolved from those discussions was the need to create aprogram of credentials evaluation that was professionally ethical andresponsible to both the foreign-educated nurse and the U.S. public.The need for an entity such as CGFNS was a novel, yet contro-versial idea—especially for foreign-educated nurses who felt that as-sessment of their nursing credentials and a pre-immigration examto test their nursing knowledge was burdensome and unnecessary.Nevertheless, CGFNS was created at the bequest of the U.S. De-partment of State, the then–Immigration and Naturalization Service(INS), the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), and the then–U.S. De-partment of Health, Education, and Welfare (HEW). Then and now,the need for such an organization emerged from the migration ofnurses. Now, as then, a rapidly expanding health care industry wel-comes foreign-educated nurses to fill vacancies and to provide careto the U.S. populace.Adele Herwitz, RN, MS, founding Executive Director of CGFNS,who previously served as an Executive of the American Nurses Asso-ciation and the International Council of Nurses, played a major rolein establishing CGFNS’s credibility and guiding the organization toachieve its dual mission—protecting the public of the United Stateswhile fostering equitable treatment of nurses around the world.Preface
The New Manager's Tool Kit: 21 Things You Need to Know to Hit the Ground Running - PDF
The New Manager's Tool Kit: 21 Things You Need to Know to Hit the Ground Running - PDF
نویسندگان: Don Grimme, Sheryl Grimme خلاصه: This book is intended for “new” managers (of any job title). Thatcertainly includes first-time managers (as well as those preparing forthat role). And it also includes experienced managers (at all levels)who feel a need for a fresh approach to the challenges of leading peo-ple in today’s workplace.If you are a first-time manager, we suspect that you were quitecompetent as an individual contributor, which is why you were cho-sen for your current role. However, you may not be feeling that samelevel of competence in your new position, yet. You’re facing a verydifferent set of challenges. Chief among them is getting things donethrough others. This book will guide you on your journey.If you are an experienced manager, you may be reeling from adizzying array of new challenges—a rapidly changing (even danger-ous) marketplace and workplace, increasing legal restrictions, ashrinking (but more demanding and different) workforce, and aglobal 24/7 world. This book will help you find your way through themaze.
How to Study: Discover How Your Personal Learning Style Can Help You Succeed - PDF
How to Study: Discover How Your Personal Learning Style Can Help You Succeed - PDF
نویسندگان: Gail Wood خلاصه: GETTING COMFORTABLE WITH STUDYINGThis book asks a lot of questions to help you learn how to studyeffectively. But there are no “right” or “wrong” answers here. Every questionis designed to help you discover how you learn, and to help you do more ofwhat works for you—whether you’re reading a text, listening to a lecture,writing a paper, or preparing for a test.For example, in order to understand what you’re reading right now,you are doing something that works for you. Maybe you’re reading thisout loud. Or “hearing” your voice in your head as you read this silently.Perhaps you are making pictures on paper. Maybe you’re reading this asyou’re walking. You might be reading all this in an orderly way, making akind of outline in your head as you go along.Each of these ways is a different learning style. And the early chap-ters in this book focus on helping you find your own learning style. Laterchapters help you work with your learning style so you can use it moreoften. The icons shown to the left stand for the five learning styles you’llfind out about in this book. Once you’ve identified your learning style inChapter 2, “Discovering How You Learn,” you can look in the later chap-ters for the icon that stands for your style to find study tips that will helpyou take advantage of your strength.You’re more comfortable when you’re using your own style becauseyou’re understanding more. And when you’re comfortable, you’re morereceptive—you find it easier to get involved with what you’re studying, asyou’ll see in Chapter 9, “Getting Involved in Learning.” When you’reinvolved with what you’re studying, it doesn’t feel like work; it becomessomething you enjoy.Getting satisfaction from what you’re studying requires carefulplanning. Dividing big jobs into little ones makes overwhelming tasksmore bearable. There’s a chapter in this book on that, too. Sometimespeople can’t pay close attention to their studying because something elseneeds to be done. Spending a few minutes on that other job before studyingwill ease the conscience—thus making studying more productive.Also, some people work best if they work on several things at once.Maybe you’ve heard, “Can’t you just do one thing at a time?” Well, for youperhaps the answer is, “No, I can’t. I work best if I go back and forthbetween two or three projects. If I try to stick to one job at a time, I getdistracted and don’t work well.” Many people work best this way
Playing Bigger Than You Are: How to Sell Big Accounts Even if You're David in a World of Goliaths - Original PDF
Playing Bigger Than You Are: How to Sell Big Accounts Even if You're David in a World of Goliaths - Original PDF
نویسندگان: William T. Brooks, William P. G. Brooks خلاصه: There was only one thing Bill Brooks loved more than win-ning a big deal: hearing about another salesperson scoring aneven bigger one (unless that person was competing for the samebusiness, of course!).He would have been thrilled to see this, his final work, cometo fruition. Playing Bigger Than You Are: How to Sell Big AccountsEven If You’re a David in a World of Goliaths is a book designedto show you how to win the biggest deals—and why you shouldgo for them—no matter how small your operation is.There are two kinds of Goliaths.First, they’re corporate behemoths (and even govern-ments). A “small” expenditure by a Goliath might make your(or your company’s) decade. But Goliaths are also your largercompetitors—those who have bigger budgets, more staff re-sources, and demonstrated expertise in supplying products orservices for giant corporations.Take heart, all you Davids out there. This book outlinesstrategies and specific techniques that will help Davids—like youand us—gain opportunities with the Goliaths of business. Thisbook is also about holding your own against your most sophisti-cated competitors by playing bigger than you are—and smarterthan they are.Too many small businesses pay attention to the reasons theycan’t make deals. This book forces readers to focus instead on theixx PREFACEmany reasons major corporations prefer smaller vendors and howto take advantage of this preference.Everything in this book comes from experience. The BrooksGroup is a small business by virtually any definition. By em-ploying the ideas in this book, we’ve become the sales trainingprovider of choice for many Goliaths. And we’ve beaten the Go-liaths of our industry at the sales and sales management traininggame, time and time again.How do you know if you’re ready to sell to Goliaths? Theanswer to this question is in the first chapter of this book. You’llalso learn why small businesses are uniquely qualified to sell togiants and find out not only which giants are the right ones topursue but also where to find them.Once you know whom you’re pursuing, you need to knowhow they buy. Large corporations and government agencies oftenhave complex and mysterious purchasing processes. This bookdiscusses how corporate buyers make purchasing decisions andthen turns to the topics of making successful sales presentationsand eventually building on your successes.If you’re like many salespeople, you’re preventing yourselffrom winning busin
The Mindful Investor: How a Calm Mind Can Bring You Inner Peace and Financial Security - PDF
The Mindful Investor: How a Calm Mind Can Bring You Inner Peace and Financial Security - PDF
نویسندگان: Maria Gonzalez, Graham Byron خلاصه: Money. The word itself has a power of its own. It can inducefeelings and start a train of thought instantly. Unfortunately,often these feelings and thoughts are negative and stressful.We believe that achieving a healthy relationship with moneyis necessary because it’s attached, in some way, to almost everyaspect of our lives. In reality most people have enough money,even after the recent market collapse. What they don’t have isthe level of calm, clarity, focus, and equanimity required tolive peacefully with money. Mindfulness can help achieve it.We will focus a great deal on equanimity throughout the book,and while the term may seem unfamiliar, it simply meansaccepting your thoughts and feelings without judgment, whichallows you to maintain balance.
You and Your Arrhythmia: A Guide to Heart Rhythm Problems for Patients & Their Families - PDF
You and Your Arrhythmia: A Guide to Heart Rhythm Problems for Patients & Their Families - PDF
نویسندگان: John A. Kastor خلاصه: Cardiac arrhythmias are among our most common afflictions. Usuallythey have little clinical importance and present no risk to the life ofpatients who have them. Occasionally, however, they can produce trou-blesome symptoms and may even bring about the patient’s death.*Arrhythmias produce rapid, slow, or irregular heartbeats of whichsome patients may be acutely conscious, whereas others may beunaware. Explaining what arrhythmias are and how doctors treatthem—when that is necessary—is the purpose of this book.First I explain the anatomy and physiology of the heart, particularlyof the electrical components that give rise to arrhythmias.Then I describe most of the arrhythmias that patients maydevelop. Each chapter has been built around the experiences of apatient for whom the author or one his colleagues has cared. In somecases, I have changed the stories slightly to facilitate understandingand to avoid confusing the picture with issues that the doctors mighthave needed to consider but are unrelated to the topic being dis-cussed. In the next section, I explain how cardiologists use drugs andixPreface* For a more comprehensive discussion of the subject, some readers may want to con-sult the author’s text Arrhythmias (Philadelphia, W.B. Saunders, 2000).devices such as pacemakers and implantable defibrillators to treatarrhythmias.I then invite the reader to take a short course in electrocardiography,for it is this familiar test that we use to diagnose arrhythmias and evaluatethe effects of treatment. The reader will find electrocardiograms of someof the arrhythmias discussed in the case reports to see how cardiologistsrecognize which arrhythmia is which.The analysis of arrhythmias has, in recent decades, become so complexthat a subspecialty of cardiology has developed for those who study thissubject. Some call the practitioners of this art arrhythmologists, a name thatno reader of this book is required to learn. Many arrhythmologists work incardiac electrophysiology laboratories, large rooms filled with electroniccomputerized equipment where the details of patients’ arrhythmias arestudied and appropriate treatments are planned and instituted. By describ-ing what goes on in these laboratories, I will try to relieve some of the con-cern that patients who undergo these procedures may have and dispelsome of the mystery about what those working in these laboratories aredoing.
Homeowners Association and You (You and Your Homeowner's Association) - PDF
Homeowners Association and You (You and Your Homeowner's Association) - PDF
نویسندگان: Coleman, Huss خلاصه: Homeowners Association and You is designed as an informationresource and a practical guide for solving problems regardingAssociations. The book is presented in three parts. The first partaddresses how the Community and its Association are structured.The second part provides an overview of the legal issues theAssociation confronts and what to do about them. The third partaddresses how the Community is managed and the part you canplay—whether as a knowledgeable resident, Committee member, orBoard member—in improving its operation and success.The chapters are laid out by major topic areas—those thateveryone must know something about. Within the chapters, eachsubject area is discussed in detail with questionnaires, checklists, andforms provided. The appendices provide you with additionalresources and information to assist you as you go forward.EVALUATING THE COMMUNITYThe questionnaires and checklists are evaluation and improvementtools for determining the state of your Community and yourAssociation. They can and should be used more than once. That way,you can track your progress based on the point at which you started.Even more, the questionnaires and checklists will provide you withthe opportunity to develop a vision for your Community. No matterwhere you live or in what type of Community, each resident has a pic-ture of how that Community should look, feel, and operate. The eval-uations allow you to determine how you are progressing toward thatINTRODUCTIONvision, where there are opportunities for improvement, and whatactions should be taken so that the vision can and does become reality.As you read through the book, you may want to gather a groupof other residents to join you in completing some of the evaluations.If you are a member of the Board, you may want to arrange a spe-cial session to discuss the evaluations and the Board’s vision for theCommunity.You may decide to get alternative views from non-Board orCommittee members—in effect, the silent majority of residents—about how they see the Community and its operations. Think of itas an informal focus group. Marketing companies do it all the timeto make sure that they are on the right track. Why not use a triedand true technique for getting as much input as possible?The main thing in using the questionnaires and checklists is tobe as honest and objective as possible. It is very rare that everythingis perfect or perfectly awful. Most situations are a combination ofwhat you want and what you are surprised to find—for the goodand the bad. So when you use the evaluations, use them one at atime, take your time in answering them, and consider the answerscarefully before you decide to take action.
The Body in Action: You Can Keep Your Joints Young - PDF
The Body in Action: You Can Keep Your Joints Young - PDF
نویسندگان: Sarah Key خلاصه: The other day I was driving at dawn along one of Sydney’s forest-fringed outer highways. It was one of those leafy dappled mornings ofhigh summer with the occasional shaft of sunlight bursting throughthe greenery and making explosions of light wherever it landed. In themiddle, cleaving its way through the foliage, ran my highway; a duskyblue thread of bitumen blending and becoming as one with thewaking forest. As I rounded a corner I came upon a cyclist meander-ing at ease across the nearside lane of the roadway. I hung back tolook because his actions had a compelling quality of beauty to them;a languid mark of excellence that made me want to stay and watchrather than speed on past. I kept my distance, watching transfixed ashe acted out in front of me a perfect virtuoso performance of coordi-nated movement.
My Son Fred- Living With Autism: How Could You Manage? I Couldn't, I Did It Anyway - PDF
My Son Fred- Living With Autism: How Could You Manage? I Couldn't, I Did It Anyway - PDF
نویسندگان: Maud Deckmar خلاصه: Can you remember that sense of longing?The time was filled with longing. I put my hand over myenormous belly, the protecting cover for our beloved child. No othercouple had ever been more in love than we and no child had ever beenconceived from a greater love than ours. This child, growing inside me,would feel our endless love and his or her life would be permeatedwith joy and togetherness. How we waited for this child. The Mosesbasket was draped in a floral fabric and I had put out all the clotheswhich I had sewn and knitted. I put out the tiny cap, then the jacket,sleep suit and, finally, the baby socks. Now, all it took was the baby tofill all these warm and soft baby clothes. Our baby, our prince orprincess, who, with our help and the help of Love, would one daybreak boundaries and make the world a better place to live in.What image does the word longing give? Are there pictures oflonging? Is an image of that word at all possible? You long for thisspecial day to come, you know it will happen and the anticipationgives your eyes a gleam and your body fills with giddy, happy sensa-tions. Soon, you keep on thinking, soon…
If You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition - Original PDF
If You're Not First, You're Last: Sales Strategies to Dominate Your Market and Beat Your Competition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Grant Cardone خلاصه: The Importance of FirstAlthough the concept of first or last may sound unfair anddifficult to accept for some, in the real world—regardlessof your business or career—first place is the only place thatmatters. It’s a position that allows you to weather all storms,gets you extra attention, and has the competition chasingyou—rather than the other way around. But let’s face it: ifyou didn’t compromise on any point, you would certainlyrather the position of first than any other, right? Given thechoice between first and any other position, we all knowwhat’s preferable.Unlike systems or cultures where everyone getsrewarded for just participating and regardless of theirefforts, abilities, or even the score—the only positionthat ultimately makes sense in business—and the onethat earns the greatest rewards—is, of course, first. If youaren’t in the dominant position in your market, then youare at risk. When economies are abound with business, thecompany in first position continues to gain customers andexpand its size and presence while the weaker players ekeout increasingly smaller gains, helped along solely by thevi INTRODUCTIONrich nature of the market. However, when these profitabletimes wane, the dominant company benefits from its first-place position and grabs market share away from all theother contenders while those in every other position paythe price.Merriam-Webster’s defines the word first as “pre-ceding all others in time, order, or importance.” Beingfirst to the market is not as important as being numberone in your category; you don’t necessarily have to bethe company introducing a product to be the best choicein the buyer’s mind. Order and importance are muchmore vital here than time. There is also a big differencebetween being first and third in Google search results, asevidenced by companies like first-place Intel and second-place Advanced Micro. As of December 2009, Intel hadearned $32.7 billion in revenue and had $13 billion incash, whereas Advanced Micro had $4.92 billion in rev-enues and $2.5 billion in cash. And consider the competi-tion between Barack Obama and John McCain. Only afew points separated a name that has made history. Again,Barack was not first to the market; he actually came 30years after his opponent and had much less experience.Yet he managed to win not just the number one spot, butthe most powerful position in the world.So quit compromising and being “reasonable.” Let’sget you fighting—every minute of every day—for thenumber one spot in your business. You want to be on topwhen the market is great and take market share when itis not.

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