Practical IP and Telecom for Broadcast Engineering and Operations: What you need to know to survive, long term (Focal Press Media Technology Professional Series) - Original PDF
Practical IP and Telecom for Broadcast Engineering and Operations: What you need to know to survive, long term (Focal Press Media Technology Professional Series) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Fred Huffman خلاصه: This book is about knowledge. It is not another treatise on all youneed to know about Broadcasting, Internet, or Telecom. The focus ison what you need to know about using Telecom and Internet equip-ment, facilities, and services to transport content in broadcasting orsimilar operations. It is not a biased pitch for classical terrestrialtelecom networks or satellite networks. Its target audience includesexecutives, managers, and professional staff engaged in engineering,on-air, and content production operations. The book is in two parts.The first is technical in nature, while the second is business orientedor, as one of my reviewers said, ‘‘administrative.’’Practical Internet and Telecom for Broadcast Engineering and Operationsgestated in the fall of 2002 following the ‘‘Streaming For BroadcastEngineers’’ tutorial sessions for the IEEE Broadcast Technical Society.The first seminar was conducted in October 2001. Attendees weremostly seasoned broadcast engineers with many years experience.The second seminar occurred in April 2002 and attracted a remark-ably larger group with mixed backgrounds. No formal survey wastaken, but it was easy to discern the group consisted of broadcastersinterested in learning about Internet technology and Internet engin-eers wanting to know more about video.
The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want - PDF
The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want - PDF
نویسندگان: Joe Vitale خلاصه: I want you to imagine a large lock. It’s strong and very difficult toopen. This lock is keeping you where you do not want to be.However, you seem to have an awareness that the lock will openand, if opened, you will feel and experience the freedom you have,until now, only been privileged to read about. You dream of livingwhere you want to live, enjoying everything the way you were meantto enjoy it, earning the income you know deep inside you can earn,living the way you were intended to live, and contributing in amanner you know you should.This is a powerful lock. Until opened, this lock keeps people in apsychic prison—a dark place that respects no one, a confining cell, alimiting space that kills dreams and keeps smart, loving, aspiringpeople down. This is indeed one of the most powerful locks. Canyou see it? I think you can!This is the lock that’s within the mind of man; it is a paradigm.The book you are now holding represents a way out . . . free-dom. The Key: The Missing Secret for Attracting Anything You Want by JoeVitale will open up a world of possibility and promise. It will answeryour nagging questions as to why you don’t yet have the abundanceyou know you should have and that you deserve. This book will giveyou serious, time-tested, and practical strategies to unlock that lockforever.If you are looking for a book that explains how to make thingshappen in your life and you want to expand your awareness, Isuggest that you adopt this book as a new and dear friend now.Devour it! But, most important, use it to unlock those places withinyourself that have held you back.For almost 40 years, I have been involved in helping individualsand companies the world over open that mysterious lock. I’ve readxvthousands of books on the subject and have spent over 40 yearsstudying why we behave as we do. This book is an absolute must-read—cover to cover!You see, I know Joe Vitale. I knew Joe when he was searching forthe elusive Key. I observed him find it. I have watched his life and hisworld change. What is wonderful about Joe’s discovery is how he hasrecorded every move. Like a great astronomer, Joe charted his movesso he can share these beautiful truths with you and everyone elsewho is tired of the psychic prison in which they may find themselves.Joe Vitale is a widely respected teacher on how to unlock yourhidden potential. I’ve read all of his books. This book, The Key, islikely to be considered his best. In his easy-to-read style, Joe unfoldswhat could be considered complex subjects and makes them easy tounderstand and, more important, easy to apply. He will challengeyour thinking; that’s what Joe is all about. He will make you think,laugh, and cry (possibly). But he will equip you to overcome theconstraints of that ugly lock and open it.Use this book as I suggested, and I promise you that strange andmarvelous things will begin to happen in all areas of your life withconstant regularity.
What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...) - Original PDF
What Can You Do with a Major in Business : Real people. Real jobs. Real rewards. (What Can You Do with a Major in...) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kate Shoup Welsh خلاصه: This book is part of a series of major-based career guides. Here youwill see how the book is organized and find out how to make itwork for you. In the following sections, I describe the chapters you willfind in this book. Feel free to read the chapters in whatever order ismost helpful to you.Chapter 1: Majoring in BusinessThis chapter outlines what students majoring in business can expectwith regard to course work and requirements. You’ll also find waysto tailor your education to help you land that dream job when yougraduate—or at the very least, an entry-level position that puts you onthe right path—by choosing a concentration during the course of yourstudies.Chapter 2: Choosing a CollegeKnowing you want to study business can make choosing a collegemuch easier. This chapter describes the most outstanding undergradu-ate business programs in the nation.1Chapter 3: Making the Mostof Your Time at CollegeThis chapter is designed to illustrate to business majors how to increasetheir chances of gainful employment upon graduation by maximizingtheir college experience.Chapter 4: Attending Graduate SchoolWhether you received an undergraduate degree in business or in someother field, you may well decide that you want to pursue an MBA. Thischapter is designed to help you decide whether an MBA is right foryou, determine how obtaining an MBA can help you with your jobsearch, discover what sort of undergraduate background and grades arerequired, find out how to obtain excellent letters of recommendationfrom professors and other sources, figure out how to pay for yourschooling, and estimate how much time you can expect to devote toyour studies. You’ll also find information about the top MBA programsin the nation.Chapter 5: Career Optionsfor the Business MajorA business major acquires several skills and abilities that transfer well toany number of jobs in any number of industries. All these, plus thework ethic and self-discipline you’re sure to develop during the courseof your studies, will serve you well upon graduation. In this chapter,you’ll get a glimpse of a few of your options.Chapter 6: Breakinginto the Job MarketThis chapter is designed to help college students, recent grads, or anyoneinterested in changing careers find—and land—a great job in business.What Can You Do with a Major in Business?2Chapter 7: Case StudiesMeet six people who earned undergraduate degrees in business or whoreturned to school for an MBA. These people describe what they doand what they like and dislike about their jobs. They tell you how theygot to where they are today and discuss their successes and mistakes soyou can benefit from their experience
Fit for Golf : How a Personalized Conditioning Routine Can Help You Improve Your Score, Hit the Ball Further, and E - PDF
Fit for Golf : How a Personalized Conditioning Routine Can Help You Improve Your Score, Hit the Ball Further, and E - PDF
نویسندگان: Boris Kuzmic, Jim Gorant خلاصه: Ever since Tiger Woods exploded onto the golf scene and attributedpart of his success to daily workouts, physical fitness has become one ofthe fastest-growing areas of interest for golfers. Tiger worked out hard,even on the days he played. This was unheard of on the PGA Tour.Before Tiger, a few golfers did pay attention to physical fitness—mostnotably Gary Player—but most of them weren’t consistent and didn’treally do the kind of work that would make a difference in their play. Twoand half years later, after Tiger had conquered the golf world, the work-out facilities at every PGA stop were jammed with players every day.These guys suddenly realized that if they wanted to keep up with the bestthey could no longer focus solely on swing planes and putting strokes.The same is true for the rest of us: to play better golf, we need toimprove every aspect of our games and our bodies. I’m a former profes-sional golfer who went on to become the personal trainer for eleven PGATour players—David Duval, Ernie Els, Vijay Singh, Jesper Parnevik,Robert Allenby, Tom Pernice Jr., Gabriel Hjertstedt, Gary Nicklaus,1Copyright © 2004 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Click here for terms of use.Tommy Armour, Brad Fabel, and Tim Herron. While working with me,five of them were ranked among the top twenty golfers in the world.Although working out is great for the pros, it may do even more forthe amateur golfer. By following a well-designed fitness and nutritionprogram like the ones in this book, you can expect to:hit the ball farthergain control over your swingimprove your flexibility and range of motionincrease your stamina
Your Modeling Career: You Don't Have to Be a Superstar to Succeed - Original PDF
Your Modeling Career: You Don't Have to Be a Superstar to Succeed - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Debbie Press خلاصه: Shoot for the moon, and even if youmiss, you’ll land among the stars.” That was the quote that fell out of mycoworker’s fortune cookie.“Here, you take it. You need it more than I do,” my friend said as hehanded me the tiny piece of paper. I taped it on the first page of my newday planner and finished writing out a list of all the agencies I plannedto visit during my first week in New York. That quote stayed with methroughout my journey.I’m proud of this book for many reasons, but mostly because it hasallowed me the opportunity to help others gain insight into the mod-eling business. I have been given a wonderful opportunity to helppotential models make educated decisions concerning the direction oftheir modeling careers. It has been a privilege to hear from readers fromall over the world and hear their stories as well as offer them encour-agement.XMy modeling journey began with aglance through the local Sunday news-paper in my hometown of Beckley,West Virginia. For some reason, my eyeslocked on a small ad that read:Modeling Contest. Under Size 12 NeedNot Apply. Big Beauties and LittleWomen of New York needs new faces intheir full-figure division. Twelve finalistswill be selected and flown to New YorkCity to compete for cash, prizes andmodeling contracts.“I could do that,” I thought tomyself. After all, I had the required fullfigure. Other people would tell me,however, that it was a silly idea. At agetwenty-three, I still lived in a smalltown in southern West Virginia where I grew up. I had a fine job with alocal coal company. For some reason, though, I could not get that littlead out of my mind.
Winners: How Good Baseball Teams Become Great Ones (And It's Not the Way You Think) - Original PDF
Winners: How Good Baseball Teams Become Great Ones (And It's Not the Way You Think) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Dayn Perry خلاصه: our team is a loser.They’re not irredeemably awful—they have a handful of elite per-formers, and there are worse clubs. But your team isn’t within hail-ing distance of the truly great teams of the day. They’re graced withthe odd All-Star and what seems to be a spare menagerie of haphaz-ardly identified prospects, but your team’s high command does a poorjob of filling out the roster and navigating the club through the treach-erous shoals of the late season. They either mindlessly adhere to thetactical approaches of the past or, on occasion, fecklessly ape the strat-egy du jour. They misread the markets, judge hitters with flawed met-rics, and fail to covet repeatable skills in pitchers. So they lose. Andthey lose.You may have picked up this book because you’d like to be a bet-ter fan, a better unpaid organizational watchdog. You’d like to knowwhat your team can learn from the winners of the recent past. You’dlike to know what they’ve got that your team doesn’t.The book in your hands attempts to answer the following queries:How do baseball teams win? More specifically, what things are impor-tant? What do they tend to excel at? What do they tend to ignore? Inessence: How’d they do that?1IntroductionTo cobble together answers to these questions, I’ve examined eachteam to make the postseason between 1980 and 2003, with the 1981and 1994 seasons excluded. I’m excluding those years because theyculminated like no two other seasons in baseball. In 1981, a players’strike forced the season to be truncated to a total of just more than 100games per team. Because MLB decided to determine the playoff poolbased on first-half and second-half division winners—a patently sillydecision—teams such as the Cardinals and the Reds, who had the twobest records in the NL that season, were left out despite meriting inclu-sion. So to include playoff teams from the ’81 season in my researchwould be to pollute the sample with teams that weren’t really playoffteams. As for the 1994 season, labor troubles once again fouled up theprocess, except this time no playoffs at all occurred. However, evenwith those two seasons left out of the calculus, 124 playoff teamsremain, and it’s those teams and what they did to be successful, toreach the wilder shores of October, that drive this book.As for the 1980 cutoff date, I think it’s more instructive to keep thefocus on recent history. Even so, since 1980 the vicissitudes of the gamehave allowed us to see an array of organizational styles and tacticalapproaches employed by great teams. That affords us a look at thestrains of greatness that have persisted over the past quarter century orso, despite broad and frequent changes to the playing environment.To divine what’s important and what’s not important to winningteams, I’ve used statistics of all sorts. First, know this: I’m a formerhumanities major who for many years had math skills that could becharitably characterized as tutor-worthy. So I’m not going to sail overanyone’s head with all things quantitative. From time to time I’ll wieldsome scary-sounding metrics, but they’ll be explained, and along theway I’ll also explain why they’re superior to the baseball stats you’reused to seeing. If you like, think of these statistics as an ideological coun-terweight to the stuff that’s on the backs of baseball cards. But moreoverthink of them as tools that help tell the stories of these great teams
The Joy of Mathematics: Discovering Mathematics All Around You - PDF
The Joy of Mathematics: Discovering Mathematics All Around You - PDF
نویسندگان: Theoni Pappas خلاصه: The Joy Of Mathematics and More Joy of Mathematics unveilconcepts, ideas, questions, history, problems, and pastimeswhich reveal the influence and nature of mathematics.To experience the joy of mathematics is to realize mathematics isnot some isolated subject that has little relationship to the thingsaround us other than to frustrate us with unbalanced checkbooks and complicated computations. Few grasp the true natureof mathematics - so entwined in our environment and in ourlives. So many things around us can be described bymathematics. Mathematical concepts are even inherent in thestructure of living cells.These books seek to help you become aware of the inseparablerelationship of mathematics and the world by presentingglimpses and images of mathematics in the many facets of ourlives.The joy of mathematics is similar to the experience ofdiscovering something for the first time. It is an almost child-likefeeling of wonder. Once you have experienced it you will notforget that feeling - it can be as exciting as looking into amicroscope for the first time and seeing things that have alwaysbeen around you that you have been unable to see before.When deciding how to organize The Joy Of Mathematics, at firstcertain divisions immediately came to mind-for example,mathematics and nature, mathematics and science, mathematicsand art, and so forth. But mathematics and its relationship to oursurroundings does not come already packaged into categories.Rather, mathematics and its occurrences are spontaneous withelements of surprise. Thus, the topics are randomly arranged toretain the true essence of discovery. The Joy Of Mathematics andMore Joy of Mathematics are designed to be opened at any point.Each section, regardless of how large or small, is essentiallyself-contained.After one experiences the sheer joy of mathematics, theappreciation of mathematics follows and then the desire to learnmore
The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job, Second Edition - PDF
The Bully at Work: What You Can Do to Stop the Hurt and Reclaim Your Dignity on the Job, Second Edition - PDF
نویسندگان: Gary, Ph.D. Namie, Ruth, Ph.D. Namie خلاصه: Life for the Namies changed in 1996 when Dr. Ruth ran into ahorrific woman supervisor as an employee in a psychiatric clinic.In her life before completing a PhD in clinical psychology and special-izing in chemical dependency treatment, Ruth had been a corporatetraining director, management consultant, and retail manager. Gary(PhD, social psychology) was a professor at several universities, thedirector of two corporate training departments, and a managementconsultant.The couple’s fight for justice began in 1998 with the founding of theCampaign Against Workplace Bullying. The nonprofit organizationmorphed during its first decade into the Workplace Bullying Institute,which serves Americans and Canadians. The accomplishments ofwhich we are most proud are that we imported the British term “work-place bullying” to the United States, started the national dialogue,and sustain it in more ways than originally imagined.Research—data from empirical surveys and over 5,000 intensiveinterviews—distinguishes WBI from well-intentioned newcomers tothe fight against bullying. Surveys started with a modest set of ques-tions in 1998, growing to the national scientific survey conductedwith partner Zogby International, and continuing with state-of-the-artdescriptive empirical studies, scientific conference presentations, andpublications in peer-reviewed academic journals. Interviews beganxiiThe Bully at Workwhen we offered toll-free advice starting in 1998. Financial compli-cations from the practice compelled its termination, but we learnedmuch of what we know from those who shared their suffering.The Namies educate the public. Their bullying-related researchand work have been featured numerous times on network TV—CNBC,The Today Show, Good Morning America, The Early Show, Nightline,CNN—on local TV, and in the national press—New York Times,Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, San Francisco Chronicle, ChicagoTribune, Wall Street Journal, National Post, Financial Post, TorontoStar, Maclean’s—and radio across the United States and Canada.Appearances total over 700 in all media.Work Doctor, Inc., is the premier consulting firm that focuses onemployer solutions to correct and prevent workplace bullying. Thefirm, established in 1985, has focused exclusively on bullying-relatedorganizational problems since 1998.The original website grew into the Namie network of eight websitesreflecting the breadth of their services and information on the topic.
An Insider's Guide to Refinancing Your Mortgage: Money-Saving Secrets You Need to Know - Original PDF
An Insider's Guide to Refinancing Your Mortgage: Money-Saving Secrets You Need to Know - Original PDF
نویسندگان: David Reed خلاصه: Having been in the mortgage business for nearly two decades,I’ve seen mortgage companies come and go. And I’ve seen mort-gage loan programs come and go along with them.Technology has made an impact on the mortgage industry.Mortgage loan approvals used to take several weeks to accom-plish. Now, it’s only a matter of days. Loans are approved usingautomated systems and no longer need human beings makingjudgment calls as to the borrower’s creditworthiness.Since loans are so easy to approve and take very little time tocomplete, the entry-level qualifications for loan officers are verylow. Sure, loan officers have to get licensed in the state wherethey place mortgage loans. But trust me, the licensing procedureis typically nothing more than taking a rudimentary test and get-ting fingerprinted. There are more inexperienced loan officers inthis business than ever before, all trying to get a piece of the‘‘refinance pie.’’Because of the ease of mortgage approvals, interest ratesdon’t have to fall very much in order to make a refinance a rea-sonable proposition. And mortgage companies, in all their glory,can market themselves silly trying to convince you to refinanceyour loan with them. Heck, there are even classes that loan officerscan take to learn how to convince you to refinance your mortgage
PETA's Vegan College Cookbook: 275 Easy, Cheap, and Delicious Recipes to Keep You Vegan at School - PDF
PETA's Vegan College Cookbook: 275 Easy, Cheap, and Delicious Recipes to Keep You Vegan at School - PDF
نویسندگان: PETA خلاصه: special thanks to: Rebecca Fischer, Lara Sanders, and PatriciaTrostle for their invaluable assistance throughout the entire cook-book writing process. To Dan Shannon, Joel Bartlett, Ryan Huling, ChrisGarcia, and P.J. Smith for their guidance and input. To Becky Fenson,Amy Elizabeth, Heidi Parker, and Lindsay Pollard-Post for their amazingability to capture the college voice. To Blake Simmons and Laura Brownfor their organizational and research abilities. To Erin Nevius, SaraAppino, and Carrie Gellin at Sourcebooks, Inc., for their help in makingthis work come together. And to the following people for lending us theirrecipes, opinions, and taste buds in order to make this book come to life:Claire Marlatt, Christine Doré, Rachel Owen, Jennifer Cierlitsky, AlkaChandna, David Perle, Kelly Respess, Paul Kercheval, Chris Holbein,Jenny Lou and Josh Browning, Sean Conner, Caleb Wheeldon, MichaelCroland, Teresa Cooper, Christine Tynes, Sarah Pearson, Megan Hartman,Karen Porreca, Patti Tillotson, Meg Caskey, Kelli Provencio, ColleenHiggins, Roxanne Conwell, Jannette Patterson, Julian Carr, DesireeAcholla, Colleen Borst, Jessica Johnston, Jennifer Hurst, Melissa Kessler,Elizabeth O’Mara, Tracy Reiman, Liesel Wolff, Kim DeWester, TravisPoland, Laura Frisk, Kaci Fairbanks, Jenny Woods, Allison Liu, JessicaJagmin, Carrie Ann Knauss, Katie Smith, Kim Terepka, Anita DeWester,Jessica Roland, Madalyn Grimm, Ashley Byrne, and Libby Simons.Finally, a big thank you to Ingrid E. Newkirk for trusting us with thisproject, writing a rockin’ foreword, and submitting many, many recipes.aCKnoWledgments

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