Winning Job Interviews: Reduce Interview Anxiety Outprepare the Other Candidates Land the Job You Love - PDF
Winning Job Interviews: Reduce Interview Anxiety Outprepare the Other Candidates Land the Job You Love - PDF
نویسندگان: Paul Powers خلاصه: In this easy-to-follow, step-by-step book, author, psychologist, and career expert Dr. Paul Powers shows job hunters how to find and land a job they love. Winning Job Interviews demystifies job interviewing, explains why the process actually favors the job hunter, and shows how you can dramatically improve your interviewing success. Winning Job Interviews is packed with insider tips Dr. Paul has learned from over 20 years of working with job hunters, career changers, employment managers, outplacement specialists, and executive recruiters. You will learn how to: * Overcome the "deadly dozen" roadblocks to effective job hunting. * Out-prepare your competition. * Predict 90% of the questions you'll be asked. * Always have a fail-safe answer for even the toughest question. * Use time-tested, super sales techniques to subtly pave the road to the job offer you want. Packed with solid, practical information and laced with both humor and "kick in the pants" motivation, Winning Job Interviews is the book you wished you had before your last interview.
File Your Own Divorce, 7E : Everything You Need for a Fresh Start (How to File Your Own Divorce) - PDF
File Your Own Divorce, 7E : Everything You Need for a Fresh Start (How to File Your Own Divorce) - PDF
نویسندگان: Edward Haman خلاصه: A divorce can be the most painful and expensive experience of your life. Whether you use a lawyer or not, protect yourself by getting all the information you need about divorce laws and your legal rights. Let File Your Own Divorce help you get control over this stressful time of your life. Learn how to:-File an Uncontested or Contested Divorce-Protect Your Assets, Yourself and Your Children-Save Money when Working with a Lawyer-Negotiate Child Support and Visitation AgreementsReady-to-Go forms with step-by-step instructionsEssential documents you need to:-End the Marriage and Start Fresh-Resolve Property Disputes -Calculate Child Support-Develop a Visitation Schedule-And much more . . ."Their legal survival guides are dynamite and very readable."-Small Business Opportunities"Explaining the way the law works."-Daily Herald"Sphinx [legal guides] are staples of legal how-to collections."-Library Journal"Takes you step-by-step through the process of divorce."-Money World
Guide to Pirate Parenting: Why You Should Raise Your Kids As Pirates, and 101 Tips on How to Do It - PDF
Guide to Pirate Parenting: Why You Should Raise Your Kids As Pirates, and 101 Tips on How to Do It - PDF
نویسندگان: Tim Bete خلاصه: Never before has raising a pirate been so easy! If you re like most parents, you long to raise your children as pirates, but just don t know how. In Guide to Pirate Parenting, Cap n Billy The Butcher MacDougall provides everything you need to know to turn your little powder monkeys into happy, healthy buccaneers. In Guide to Pirate Parenting you ll learn: Ten benefits of raising a pirate At what age your child should be able to remove a bottlecap by taking out his glass eye and using it as an opener Which offense requires administering The Flying Dutchman Wedgie How to prevent sogging the quartermaster The best place to maroon your disobedient child How to remove chewing gum or a giant octopus from your child s hair The difference between plundering and pillaging How to convert your minivan into a pirate schooner Each information-packed section ends with, Your pirate s progress, a short quiz that shows whether your child is reaching his or her pirate development milestones. In this tongue-in-cheek offering, raising a child has never been so much fun!
What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan (2006) - PDF
What You Should Know About Your Retirement Plan (2006) - PDF
نویسندگان: Department of Labor Contributors خلاصه: Your employer’s retirement savings plan is an essential part of your future financial security.It is important to understand how your plan works and what benefits you will receive. Just asyou would keep track of money that you put in a bank or other financial institution, it is in yourbest interest to keep track of your retirement benefits.Those responsible for the management and oversight of your retirement plan must followcertain rules for operating the plan, handling the plan’s money and overseeing the firms thatmanage the money. You should also understand and monitor your retirement plan and yourbenefits. You will find Action Items in each chapter to assist you in doing this.This booklet helps you understand your plan, explains what information you should reviewperiodically and where to go for help with questions. It includes information on:Different types of retirement plans;What information you can get about your plan;When and how you can receive retirement benefits;What to do if you have a question or find a mistake;The responsibilities of those who manage the plan and its investments;Your responsibilities to understand and monitor your plan; andSpecific circumstances such as how a divorce or change of employer ownershipmay affect your retirement benefit.Any terms you see that appear in blue in the text are explained in the Glossary.RETIREMENT PLANS COVERED IN THIS BOOKLETThis booklet covers private retirement plans that are governed by Federal laws and guidelinesin the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and the Internal RevenueCode. ERISA is a Federal statute that sets standards for most employer and union sponsoredretirement plans in private industry and imposes responsibilities on those running the plan.Participants in these plans have certain rights as well as responsibilities.The rules discussed in this booklet do not apply to all retirement plans. For example, theinformation does not apply to:State and local government plans, including plans covering public school teachersand school administrators;Most church plans; andPlans for Federal government employees.Also, if you are in a collectively-bargained plan, the rules that apply under ERISA may bedifferent in some cases.The information contained in the following pages answers the most common questionsabout retirement plans. Keep in mind, however, that this booklet is a simplified summary ofparticipant rights and responsibilities, not a legal interpretation of ERISA.
Are You Ready, An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness (2003) - PDF
Are You Ready, An In-Depth Guide to Citizen Preparedness (2003) - PDF
نویسندگان: Joe M. Allbaugh خلاصه: This guide has been prepared for directdissemination to the general publicand is based on the most reliable hazardawareness and emergency education infor-mation available at the time of publication,including advances in scientific knowledge,more accurate technical language, and thelatest physical research on what happensin disasters.This publication is, however, too brief tocover every factor, situation, or differ-ence in buildings, infrastructure, or otherenvironmental features that might be ofinterest. To help you explore your interestfurther, additional sources of informationhave been compiled in the “For More In-formation” chapter, beginning on page
Surviving Prostate Cancer: What You Need to Know to Make Informed Decisions (Yale University Press Health & Wellness) - PDF
Surviving Prostate Cancer: What You Need to Know to Make Informed Decisions (Yale University Press Health & Wellness) - PDF
نویسندگان: E. Fuller Torrey M.D. خلاصه: When Dr. E. Fuller Torrey was diagnosed with prostate cancer, none of the books he could find was current enough or comprehensive enough to satisfy his need for information. This book is for the hundreds of thousands of other men who each year receive the same frightening diagnosis. It is the book Dr. Torrey wished he had when he was facing the countless questions that a man with prostate cancer, and his family and friends, all confront.Complete, up-to-date, and readable, the book explains how to come to terms with the diagnosis of prostate cancer, evaluate the severity of the disease, and assess the variety of treatment options and their complications. Many chapters provide information other books barely consider, such as a full discussion of the causes of prostate cancer and an evaluation of other books on the subject. Also included is a summary of the most useful Web sites.The author mixes his personal experience with factual material, and he maintains a reassuring sense of humor. His advice is practical, with dozens of tips and lists including “Ten Steps to Sanity for Men Recently Diagnosed with Prostate Cancer.” With Dr. Torrey’s book in hand, readers can now tackle all the important decisions about prostate cancer, confident in having the most accurate and complete information available.
Shake That Brain: How to Create Winning Solutions and Have Fun While You're At It - PDF
Shake That Brain: How to Create Winning Solutions and Have Fun While You're At It - PDF
نویسندگان: Liz Aleshire خلاصه: What to Do (and What Not to Do) When a Friend, Co-Worker, or Relative Suffers a Loss With 101 quick and concrete suggestions you can use immediately, 101 Ways You Can Help offers practical information on the dos and don'ts of handling grief and loss. You'll find the universal basics of helping, as well as specific tools for how to offer support based on your relationship to the person who is grieving, from a boss to a backyard neighbor: Accept that you can't fix it. Stop trying. Tuck a book of stamps in that sympathy card. Donate a vacation day. Don't say: "She's in a better place." Be a little pushy. Help with the pets. Listen. There are an estimated eight million newly bereaved people in the United States each year. Through this book, Liz Aleshire, who experienced personally and professionally what helps and what hurts, encourages you to reach out and gives you suggestions on how to ease the delicate situations surrounding bereavement.
Atrial Fibrillation Information for you, and your family, whānau and friends - Original PDF
Atrial Fibrillation Information for you, and your family, whānau and friends - Original PDF
نویسندگان: New Zealand Guidelines Group خلاصه: trial fibrillation (also called AF or A Fib) isa common abnormal heart rhythm.Atrial flutter is related to atrial fibrillation andis usually treated in the same way.This booklet is for people who have beendiagnosed with atrial fibrillation or flutter. It hasbeen written to help you to better understandyour condition and how it is best managed.Families, whänau and friends of people withatrial fibrillation or flutter may also find thisbooklet useful.Being told you have atrial fibrillation can beworrying. For most people, the management ofatrial fibrillation is quite straight forward. Eventhough you have atrial fibrillation, you should stillbe able to enjoy a normal and active lifestyle.The main concern with atrial fibrillation is thatit increases the risk of a stroke. Treatment canreduce this risk. Your GP or specialist will assessyour risk of stroke and decide whether youneed treatment.
Home Business Tax Deductions: Keep What You Earn 2nd Edition - Original PDF
Home Business Tax Deductions: Keep What You Earn 2nd Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Stephen Fishman خلاصه: Keep more of your hard-earned money! Tax deductions are essential to any business, but even more so when your office is also your home. You can spend thousands on an accountant -- or you can turn to Home Business Tax Deductions and do it yourself! Home Business Tax Deductions will help you write off: *your home office *start-up and operating expenses *vehicles and travel *entertainment and meals *health insurance and medical bills *inventory *equipment *and much more The 2nd edition is completely updated to provide the latest information and tax numbers for 2006. Home Business Tax Deductions also covers how to avoid being classified as a hobby business, steer clear of home-business tax scams, stay out of trouble with the IRS and take special deductions if your business loses money.
Unleashing the Ideavirus - PDF
Unleashing the Ideavirus - PDF
نویسندگان: Seth Godin, Malcolm Gladwell خلاصه: Counter to traditional marketing wisdom, which tries to count, measure, and manipulate the spread of information, best-selling Author Seth Godin argues that the information can spread most effectively from customer to customer, rather than from business to customer. Godin calls this powerful customer-to-customer dialogue the ideavirus, and cheerfully eggs marketers on to create an environment where their ideas can replicate and spread. In lively detail, Godin looks at ways companies such as Napster, Hotmail, GeoCities, even Volkswagen have successfully launched ideaviruses. Godin provides all the ingredients so anyone can start their own ideavirus epidemic. He identifies key factors to show how any business, large or small, can use ideavirus marketing. Now all businesses can succeed in a world that just doesn’t want to hear it anymore from the traditional marketers. Who but Godin could teach consumers the importance of powerful sneezers, hives, velocity, a clear vector, and a smooth, friction-free transmission? Readers will learn much more, including: *Why ideas matter *Seven ways an ideavirus can help you *How to dramatically increase the chances your ideavirus will spread *The importance of sneezers *The thirteen questions ideavirus marketers want answered *Five ways to unleash and ideavirus

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