Running from Injury: Why runners get injured and how to stop it Kindle Edition - Original PDF
Running from Injury: Why runners get injured and how to stop it Kindle Edition - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Peter Francis خلاصه: Peter Francis saw his teenage years transformed by a miracle drug called running. His elation was soon followed by despair, in the form of 12-years of repetitive injuries. Spurred on by personal injustice, Peter pursued 3-science degrees, multiple coaching and consultancy roles before making a breakthrough in the form of what had seemed like an unlikely comeback. In 2016 aged 29-years, for the first time in his life, he ran for almost 3-years uninterrupted. This period coincided with running multiple personal bests (33:46 10-km; 78:00 half marathon). In this book, he uses a combination of his own story and his learnings spanning some 18-years of trial and error to provide a holistic explanation for why runners get injured and how best to avoid it. His personal story is as captivating as the information it imparts. Whether you are a disgruntled beginner or an Olympic hopeful, you cannot help but become more consistent having read this book.
1,001 Celestial Wonders to See Before You Die: The Best Sky Objects for Star Gazers - Original PDF
1,001 Celestial Wonders to See Before You Die: The Best Sky Objects for Star Gazers - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Michael E. Bakich (auth.) خلاصه: Many deep-sky objects that can appear quite wonderful in photographs can be hard to observe in the telescope. This book is your guide to the more interesting nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies, objects that will bring gasps when you see them through a telescope. Author Michael E. Bakich shows you how to spot constellations you’ve heard of but haven’t been able to find. He gives you lists of bright deep-sky objects to target on clear nights. And he guides your search for the famous named splendors you’ve heard of — and perhaps seen a picture of — and would like to see through your own telescope. Bakich, an observer since he was in third grade, knows the sky better than most. In his current position as senior editor and also photo editor for the highly regarded Astronomy magazine, he has the technical expertise and finely honed communication skills to help you easily locate the best sites in the sky. His more than 250 astroimages help you identify the detail in these sky wonders. Bakich organizes his 1,001 objects according to their best viewing months, so anytime is a good time to pick up this book and start observing. As long as you know what month it is, just head for that chapter, set up your scope, and off you go!
You Shall Know Our Velocity (Vintage) - PDF
You Shall Know Our Velocity (Vintage) - PDF
نویسندگان: Dave Eggers خلاصه: Everything within takes place after Jack died, and before my mom and I drownedin a burning ferry in the cool tannin-tinted Guaviare River, in east-central Columbia, withforty-two locals we hadn't yet met. It was a clear and eyeblue day, that day, as was thefirst day of this story, a few years ago in January, on Chicago's north side, in the opulentshadow of Wrigley and with the wind coming low and searching off the jagged half-frozen lake. I was inside, very warm, walking from door to door.I was talking to Hand, one of my two best friends, the one still alive, and we wereplanning to leave. At this point there were good days, good weeks, when we pretendedthat it was acceptable that Jack had lived at all, that his life had been, in its truncated way,complete. This wasn't one of those days. I was pacing and Hand knew I was pacing andknew what it meant. I paced like this when figuring or planning, and rolled my knuckles,and snapped my fingers softly and without rhythm, and walked from the western edge ofthe apartment, where I would lock and unlock the front door, and then east, to the backdeck's glass sliding door, which I opened quickly, thrust my head through and shut again.Hand could hear the quiet roar of the door moving back and forth on its rail, but saidnothing. The air was arctic and it was Friday afternoon and I was home, in the new blueflannel pajama pants I wore most days then, indoors or out. A stupid and nervous bird thecolor of feces fluttered to the feeder over the deck and ate the ugly mixed seeds I'd put inthere for no reason and lately regretted -- these birds would die in days and I didn't wantto watch their flight or demise. This building warmed itself without regularity orequitable distribution to its corners, and my apartment, on the rear left upper edge, got itsheat rarely and in bursts. Jack was twenty-six and died five months before and now Handand I would leave for a while. I had my ass beaten two weeks ago by three shadows in astorage unit in Oconomowoc -- it had nothing to do with Jack or anything else, really, ormaybe it did, maybe it was distantly Jack's fault and immediately Hand's -- and we had toleave for a while. I had scabs on my face and back and a rough pear-shaped bump on thecrown of my head and I had this money that had to be disseminated and so Hand and Iwould leave. My head was a condemned church with a ceiling of bats but I swung fromthis dark mood to euphoria when I thought about leaving.
First Kisses 4: It Had to Be You - PDF
First Kisses 4: It Had to Be You - PDF
نویسندگان: Sabrina Jordan خلاصه: Chapter OneIam a girly-girl.With three older brothers who areobsessed with sports and cars and videogames, it would have been easy for me to growup a tomboy, but I didn’t.From the time I was little, I’ve loved beinga girl! Dresses with ruffles. Colored tights.Shiny black Mary Janes. I used to wear themall! Very rarely would I wear T-shirts andjeans, but if I did, there was always somethingfeminine about them. Like my jeans wouldn’t1be blue. They’d be yellow or purple andtrimmed with lace on the cuffs. And my T-shirts would say things like: DADDY’S LITTLEGIRL or SWEET AS SUGAR.I used to have tea parties with my stuffedanimals and I would serve cakes made with myEasy-Bake oven. Cliché, I know. I even hadevery Barbie imaginable, including all theaccessories, as well as a few Bratz dolls.Confession: I always loved my Barbies morethan my Bratz dolls. Barbie just seemed moreelegant. And she had her own Dream House!I’ve always had pierced ears. My oldestbrother, Rob, who’s nineteen and just finishedhis first year of college, says this is becausewhen I was a baby and our mom used to takeme out in my carriage, people would alwaysstop her and say, “What a cute baby boy!” eventhough I was wearing pink and I had a PebblesFlintstone hairstyle (a tuft of hair sticking upon the top of my head and tied with a bright-colored ribbon).Earrings are fun. My jewelry box is filledwith all sorts of different styles. Some days I2like wearing tiny hoops. Other days I likewearing earrings that are long and dangling.Sometimes I’ll just go simple and wear goldstuds. My mom has a fabulous earring collec-tion and sometimes she’ll let me borrow a pair,but only if I ask permission. Sneaking into herjewelry box is not allowed. That’s because herearrings are made of real gold and silver anddiamonds while mine are all pretty much cos-tume jewelry.When I was little, my mom used to braidmy hair in pigtails. Some days she’d give me aponytail. But whatever hairstyle she gave me,she always used silk ribbons and cute barrettesand hair clips. My hair is still long and I lovestyling it in different ways. No short-and-sassyhairstyle for me! My hair reaches past myshoulders to the middle of my back and thecolor is chestnut brown, although sometimes,like during the summer, if I’m out in the sun fora long time, highlights will appear. My bestfriend, Caitlyn, is always telling me she wouldkill to have my hair. I don’t know what she’scomplaining about. Her hair is super curly and3a gorgeous red color. Not carrot red but a richauburn. Like in shampoo ads in magazines. Butshe hates the color and is always trying tostraighten the curls out of her hair.Caitlyn and I have been best friends sincekindergarten. On the first day of school, weboth brought our Cabbage Patch Kids toschool for show-and-tell. The dolls were identi-cal and we decided that they were long-lost sis-ters and it was up to us to make sure theystayed in touch.Caitlyn practically lives at my house andwhen we’re not hanging out together, we’reeither on the phone or instant messaging whenwe’re online. We tell each other everythingalthough there’s a secret I’ve been keepingfrom her.It’s not that I don’t want to tell her mysecret, but I can’t. I’ve been told that part of thejob I’ve just taken is keeping my identity asecret.I know this all sounds mysterious and con-fusing, but it really isn’t. And there’s a perfectlylogical explanation.4This September I’ll be a freshman at NorthMarshall High School and I’ve been picked toinherit the job of being the anonymous fresh-man advice columnist, Dear Daisy, for the highschool’s website. Daisy has been around forever.I think she was even giving out advice whenmy parents were both freshmen there! Beforewebsites existed, she had her own column inthe school’s newspaper. Every year a newfreshman takes over as Daisy, writing the col-umn and dispensing advice.Working on my junior high’s newspaper,writing and editing articles, is what got me thejob of Dear Daisy. I know the importance ofextracurricular activities. Colleges look for thatkind of stuff in addition to good grades, so it’snever too early to start participating.My guidance counselor, who I met when Iwent to pick up my class schedule in June, wasthe one who told me about the Dear Daisyposition. He thought I would be good at it, buthe also told me that there were five other girlswho were just as qualified as I was to take overthe column. If I was interested in becoming5Dear Daisy, then I’d have to submit a samplecolumn and after all the columns were com-pared, a decision would be made
Typosphere: New Fonts to Make You Think - PDF
Typosphere: New Fonts to Make You Think - PDF
نویسندگان: Marta Serrats, Pilar Cano خلاصه: Intheearlyl990s,ahugenumberofgraphicdesignerslaunchedthemselvesintocreatingtypefaces.BoththetechnologicalrevolutionthatprecededtheappearanceofthefirstMacintoshcomputer,in1984,andthedevelopmentofrelativelyuser-friendlytypeface-productionsoftwareencouragedmanydesignerstoenterafieldthatwaspreviouslylimitedtohighlyexperiencedprofessionals.Theappearanceofthecomputerbroughtwithitagreatersenseoffreedom,anditallowedthegraphicdesignworldingeneraltoexploretheapparentlynonexistentlimitsofthisnewtechnology.Largenumbersofcreatorsgeneratedmassesofbizarrepieces,mostlyofanexperimentalnature,andthefreneticrhythmofproductioninevitablyaffectedtheirquality,bothingraphicandtypefacedesign.However,fromthistechnologicalrevolution,likeallrevolutions,arosearelativelyshortperiodofenergetic,large-scaleproduction,whichcametoanendasquicklyasithadstarted.Bytheendofthe1990stheworldofgraphicdesignhadsettleddown.Thoseexperimentingwithtypedesignreturnedtographics;somewentontoWebdesign,thenextrevolution,andtypefacedesignersruledtheroostonceagain.Thisreturntospecializationisdueinparttotheappearanceofmorecomplextypeface-productionsoftware,whichrequiredtech-nicalsophistication.Unicode,forexample,isanencodingsystemwhichcanidentifytheglyphsthateachtypefacecontains.Itlocatesaspecificglyphinatypeface'sdatabase,whenthattypefaceisused.OpenType,aprojectstartedin1995anddevelopedbybothMicrosoftandAdobe,actuallyproducedanewtypefaceformat,which,inreality,isahybridofexistingformatsandnewextensions.OpenTypeisaversatileformat,compatiblewithbothplatforms—MacandPC—whichalsoallowsthedevelopmentoflargecharactersets.Asinglefontmaycontainupto65,000glyphscomparedtoaprevious256.Thisfeaturefavorsthedevelopmentoftypefacesthatcontainvariouswritingsystemswithinasinglefont.Italsoallowsthepro-ductionofcomplexwritingsystems,suchasJapanese,whichusestwosyllabicalphabets,hiraganaandkatakana;oneideographic,kanji;and,inrecentyears,theso-calledromaji,orLatinalphabet.OpenTypealsoallowsuserstoaddotherfeatures,suchassmallcapitals,alternativecharacters,ligatures,OldStylefiguresandothers—attributesthatpreviouslyhadtobeseparatedintodiffer-ent"expert"fonts,whichwereaimedatprofessionalgraphicdesigners.Inshort,thesenewtechnologieshaveonceagainlimitedtypefacedesigntoprofessionalswithanin-depthknowledgeofboththenewtoolsandthetraditionaltechniques.Soanyonecreatingnewfontsthesedaysisdoingmuchmorethanmerelycreatingattractiveshapes.InthewordsofPaulRenner:"Heedthisprofessionals:Typefacedesignistechnology,anditisart."
This Is Where I Leave You: A Novel - PDF
This Is Where I Leave You: A Novel - PDF
نویسندگان: Jonathan Tropper خلاصه: Dad’s dead,” Wendy says offhandedly, like it’s happened before, likeit happens every day. It can be grating, this act of hers, to be utterly unfazed at all times, even in the face of tragedy. “He died two hoursago.”“How’s Mom doing?”“She’s Mom, you know? She wanted to know how much to tip thecoroner.”I have to smile, even as I chafe, as always, at our family’s patentedinability to express emotion during watershed events. There is no occasion calling for sincerity that the Foxman family won’t quickly diminishor pervert through our own genetically engineered brand of irony andevasion. We banter, quip, and insult our way through birthdays, holidays, weddings, illnesses. Now Dad is dead and Wendy is cracking wise.It serves him right, since he was something of a pioneer at the forefrontof emotional repression.“It gets better,” Wendy says.“Better? Jesus, Wendy, do you hear yourself?”“Okay, that came out wrong.”“You think?”“He asked us to sit shiva.”“Who did?”“Who are we talking about? Dad! Dad wanted us to sit shiva.”2 J o n a t h a n Tr o p p e r“Dad’s dead.”Wendy sighs, like it’s positively exhausting having to navigate thedense forest of my obtuseness. “Yes, apparently, that’s the optimal timeto do it.”“But Dad’s an atheist.”“Dad was an atheist.”“You’re telling me he found God before he died?”“No, I’m telling you he’s dead and you should conjugate your tensesaccordingly.......
Residents' Teaching Skills (Springer Series on Medical Education) - Original PDF
Residents' Teaching Skills (Springer Series on Medical Education) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Janine Edward, Joan Friedland, Robert Bing-You خلاصه: After a 2-year stint as a research fellow in nephrology, I returned to BostonCity Hospital in order to complete my 3rd year of internal medicine residen-cy. During the course of my fellowship, I'd done research on acid-basedisorders—an area that most medical students and residents find very con-fusing. Because of my research experience, the faculty and attendings as-sumed that I could teach this arcane subject to my peers and to our medicalstudents. With no training whatsoever in teaching (yes, even as a 3rd-yearresident!), I was assigned the task of putting together a lecture/seminar se-ries. To this day, I'm not sure whom the experience was worse for: theanxious, utterly unprepared "instructor" (me), or the learners, who probablygot very little satisfactory instruction from the seminar despite my mostearnest efforts.Does this sound familiar? It's an experience that nearly all of us have hadat some point during our residency: the sudden, sickening realization thatwe're going to be expected not only to care for patients, but to teach themedical students that we all too recently were ourselves. And we have abso-lutely no idea what to do. For more than a few residents, a crashing patientin the emergency room may be a lot less daunting than a clutch of earnestmedical students following in their wake and waiting for their wisdom.Traditionally, medical residents have not received the formal preparationthat is essential to the transition from full-time learner to at least part-timeteacher. Although many residents make that transition successfully through asort of osmosis, many more do not, and they remain ineffective teachersthroughout their residencies. With some estimates indicating that residentsare responsible for as much as 80% of student teaching, this is clearly anuntenable situation for medical education. Nor is it permissible according tothe standards of the Liaison Committee on Medical Education, which statethat "Residents must be fully informed about the educational objectives ofthe clerkships and be prepared for their roles as teachers and evaluators ofmedical students.
Retire Secure!: Pay Taxes Later The Key to Making Your Money Last as Long as You Do - Original PDF
Retire Secure!: Pay Taxes Later The Key to Making Your Money Last as Long as You Do - Original PDF
نویسندگان: James Lange خلاصه: Retire Secure! is written for consumers and advisors who wor-ry about these essential questions: “Will I have enough incomewhen I retire?” and “Will it last as long as I might?” These ques-tions might have additional significance for the wife of a maleretiree because she is statistically likely to survive her husband.Jim has properly identified the three stages of retirementplanning: accumulation, distribution, and estate planning, andreaders will fi nd the organization extremely helpful. They canquickly place themselves along the continuum of the retirementprocess and fi nd excellent recommendations for each stage oftheir journey.Understanding the implications of various retirement plan-ning decisions requires looking at the numbers. There is no get-ting around that. Comparing and contrasting different optionsguides the consumer into making the right choices. Jim takes allthe work out of this by providing numerous comparisons. Gradu-ally the reader is educated and informed—and making the rightchoices becomes easier.An important issue is, “Which account (Roth, IRA, 401(k),403(b), after tax, etc.) is the best to make withdrawals from first?”This is very clearly addressed in the book despite the fact that theexplanation cannot be simple or the response universal. It de-pends on an individual’s particular circumstances, and Jim avoidsgiving the reader the simplified, and often wrong, answer.The mini case studies are a real eye-opener for all readers,both consumers and financial advisors, because they mathemati-cally prove Jim’s assertions. Each comparison and mini case studyis based on several assumptions, which Jim is careful to point outin a clear fashion. I particularly enjoyed Mini Case Study 5.2about the disastrous execution of beneficiary forms and the deci-sion of Junior not to sue the careless estate administrator—hismother
Microcephaly - Original PDF
Microcephaly - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Timothy Gershon خلاصه: Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts
Alzheimer’s Disease - Original PDF
Alzheimer’s Disease - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jerold Chun خلاصه: Includes cutting-edge methods and protocols Provides step-by-step detail essential for reproducible results Contains key notes and implementation advice from the experts

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