If I Were You (Stories from the Golden Age) - PDF
If I Were You (Stories from the Golden Age) - PDF
نویسندگان: L. Ron Hubbard خلاصه: A ND it was a golden age.The 1930s and 1940s were a vibrant, seminal time fora gigantic audience of eager readers, probably the largest percapita audience of readers in American history. The magazineracks were chock-full of publications with ragged trims, garishcover art, cheap brown pulp paper, low cover prices—and themost excitement you could hold in your hands.“Pulp” magazines, named for their rough-cut, pulpwoodpaper, were a vehicle for more amazing tales than Scheherazadecould have told in a million and one nights. Set apart fromhigher-class “slick” magazines, printed on fancy glossy paperwith quality artwork and superior production values, thepulps were for the “rest of us,” adventure story after adventurestory for people who liked to read. Pulp fiction authors wereno-holds-barred entertainers — real storytellers. They weremore interested in a thrilling plot twist, a horrific villain ora white-knuckle adventure than they were in lavish prose orconvoluted metaphors.
Making Capitalism in China: The Taiwan Connection - PDF
Making Capitalism in China: The Taiwan Connection - PDF
نویسندگان: You-tien Hsing خلاصه: ew generations ago, the very idea ofretirement was foreign to the vast ma-jority of Americans. Retirement wasfor the well-to-do. Most peopleworked until they couldn’t physically(or legally) work any longer. They lived a few moreyears in greatly reduced circumstances—often withtheir adult children—and then they died. Social secu-rity was in its infancy, and anyhow, it was just a mini-mal safety net for the last couple of years of life.Company-paid health insurance and pensions wereuncommon. Most people’s lifetime earnings didn’tallow for much retirement savings, and the elderlywere the poorest age group in America.In the last 30 years or so, all of this has been turnedtopsy-turvy by simultaneous revolutions in health care,employment rights, pensions and government policiesthat encourage tax-deferred saving. Today most work-ers are protected from mandatory retirement by theAge Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) thatcovers workplaces of more than 20 employees and mostoccupations other than some such as highly paid execu-tives in policy-making positions, tenured university fac-ulty, fire fighting and law-enforcement personnel.On the other hand, many people who saved aggres-sively while they were young are able to retire muchearlier than age 65.Today millions of elderly Americans now live com-fortably in retirement, with income from a combina-tion of social security, private pensions and their ownsavings. Many retirees have significant health carecoverage from their previous employees.ixIntroduction
When Research Goes Off the Rails: Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It - PDF
When Research Goes Off the Rails: Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It - PDF
نویسندگان: David L. Streiner PhD, Souraya Sidani PhD خلاصه: Welcome to the wonderful world of research. Actually, as a reader ofthis book, you probably don’t need a welcome; you’re already in it, as aresearcher or a student learning the ins and outs of design, methodology,sampling, statistics, focus groups, and all of the other arcane arts that arenecessary to be successful. As researchers and teachers of research ourselves,for more years than either of us would like to admit, we know about thesethings and how they’re presented, both in the classroom and in publishedpapers. But we also know what’s not told—that research is not a smooth,paved superhighway leading from the idea, to the proposal, through thefunding agency, the execution of the plan, and ending in eventual publica-tion. It’s more like a rutted back road, full of dead ends, potholes, detours,and branching side roads. We also know that highways may be fast andefficient, but they’re boring; the back roads are far more unpredictable andscenic. You never know what you’ll find; sometimes it will be little morethan a nondescript backwater town, but more often than not it will be avista that takes your breath away.There are many textbooks that act as tour books for the superhigh-way, but none that are guides to the back roads; this book is such a guide.It tells what really happens on the bumpy road of research; things you findout about only over a beer in the campus pub with a seasoned researcherwho’s in a melancholy mood. Each of the 42 vignettes describes how acarefully crafted, well-thought-out study has been derailed by Murphy’slaw—“If anything can go wrong, it will.” In a few cases, the chapters areas cathartic as they are educational, with the authors sadly relating howthe derailment was disastrous. What comes through in all of the chapters,though, is ingenuity, flexibility, resourcefulness, and—most of all—thelove of research. Projects may have been derailed, at least for a while, butthe researchers weren’t.
Typosphere: New Fonts to Make You Think - PDF
Typosphere: New Fonts to Make You Think - PDF
نویسندگان: Marta Serrats, Pilar Cano خلاصه: Intheearlyl990s,ahugenumberofgraphicdesignerslaunchedthemselvesintocreatingtypefaces.BoththetechnologicalrevolutionthatprecededtheappearanceofthefirstMacintoshcomputer,in1984,andthedevelopmentofrelativelyuser-friendlytypeface-productionsoftwareencouragedmanydesignerstoenterafieldthatwaspreviouslylimitedtohighlyexperiencedprofessionals.Theappearanceofthecomputerbroughtwithitagreatersenseoffreedom,anditallowedthegraphicdesignworldingeneraltoexploretheapparentlynonexistentlimitsofthisnewtechnology.Largenumbersofcreatorsgeneratedmassesofbizarrepieces,mostlyofanexperimentalnature,andthefreneticrhythmofproductioninevitablyaffectedtheirquality,bothingraphicandtypefacedesign.However,fromthistechnologicalrevolution,likeallrevolutions,arosearelativelyshortperiodofenergetic,large-scaleproduction,whichcametoanendasquicklyasithadstarted.Bytheendofthe1990stheworldofgraphicdesignhadsettleddown.Thoseexperimentingwithtypedesignreturnedtographics;somewentontoWebdesign,thenextrevolution,andtypefacedesignersruledtheroostonceagain.Thisreturntospecializationisdueinparttotheappearanceofmorecomplextypeface-productionsoftware,whichrequiredtech-nicalsophistication.Unicode,forexample,isanencodingsystemwhichcanidentifytheglyphsthateachtypefacecontains.Itlocatesaspecificglyphinatypeface'sdatabase,whenthattypefaceisused.OpenType,aprojectstartedin1995anddevelopedbybothMicrosoftandAdobe,actuallyproducedanewtypefaceformat,which,inreality,isahybridofexistingformatsandnewextensions.OpenTypeisaversatileformat,compatiblewithbothplatforms—MacandPC—whichalsoallowsthedevelopmentoflargecharactersets.Asinglefontmaycontainupto65,000glyphscomparedtoaprevious256.Thisfeaturefavorsthedevelopmentoftypefacesthatcontainvariouswritingsystemswithinasinglefont.Italsoallowsthepro-ductionofcomplexwritingsystems,suchasJapanese,whichusestwosyllabicalphabets,hiraganaandkatakana;oneideographic,kanji;and,inrecentyears,theso-calledromaji,orLatinalphabet.OpenTypealsoallowsuserstoaddotherfeatures,suchassmallcapitals,alternativecharacters,ligatures,OldStylefiguresandothers—attributesthatpreviouslyhadtobeseparatedintodiffer-ent"expert"fonts,whichwereaimedatprofessionalgraphicdesigners.Inshort,thesenewtechnologieshaveonceagainlimitedtypefacedesigntoprofessionalswithanin-depthknowledgeofboththenewtoolsandthetraditionaltechniques.Soanyonecreatingnewfontsthesedaysisdoingmuchmorethanmerelycreatingattractiveshapes.InthewordsofPaulRenner:"Heedthisprofessionals:Typefacedesignistechnology,anditisart."
How well are you willing to bee?: A beginners's ''auto'' fix it guide - PDF
How well are you willing to bee?: A beginners's ''auto'' fix it guide - PDF
نویسندگان: Pat Wagner خلاصه: The contents of this guide are intended to give the reader knowledge ofsome alternatives to the manner in which he/she may view the treatment of aspecified illness. Although a variety of choices exists, the hope is that this bookmay enlighten you about some new, yet very old, ways to get better. Did thatsuper heart medication, digitalis, not come from the foxglove plant? Sure it did.Do you know where aspirin originated? It was in the willow tree. Even thebuffering agent now used in aspirin comes from that same willow tree. Whatelse does nature have to offer? This is something many of us are now asking andwe are getting answers, too. Why do so many of us use things that just mask aproblem? A bandage can help protect a scratch from further harm, but why notuse something to aid the healing process before you apply the bandage? Well,did you know that raw honey is one of the most sterile topical ointments youcould use? When used on a scratch or burn, for example, it actually assists inspeeding the healing process. Of course, honey is good on piping hot biscuits,too! However, that's another story.What else can we learn about natural healing? It's not invasive to ourbodies. It does not require a whole new way of living, but it can give you one.The cost is affordable. The "feel good" feeling is natural, not synthetic. Thedocumentation about the powers of natural healing has been handed down forthousands of years. The Bible speaks often of the benefits of honey and propolis.Since the time of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, there is evidence of theuse of apitherapy (the therapeutic use of bee products). The Chinese have usedherbs, bees, and other natural means of healing for hundreds of centuries. Doyou realize that money has not been an issue when dealing with these ways ofhealing? Only when mankind starts to "fool with Mother Nature" does the wal-let become an important factor.Remember when you would fall down and Mom could simply kiss it andmake it all better? Of course the bad knee scrapes sometimes needed a Band-Aid. Now, for instance, many of us feel we need to 'see a doctor' for a hurt knee.What do we get? Perhaps it will be a cortisone shot. Ouch!! Your body pro-duces cortisol, so why not use it instead? Because we don't know how, right?Well, let's start learning, saving money, and getting better. First, learn whatKISS can really mean: Keep It Simple, Sweetheart!
You Have a Point There: A Guide to Punctuation and Its Allies - Original PDF
You Have a Point There: A Guide to Punctuation and Its Allies - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Eric Partridge خلاصه: SOME DAY a doctorate will justly be awarded to a scholar braveenough to write a history of the theory and practice of British andAmerican punctuation, from the time when there certainly was noneuntil the time when there will perhaps be none.I have aimed at something much less ambitious. Eschewing all butthe most recent history—except, here and there, for the sake of anexample—I deal only with the theory and especially the practice ofpunctuation as we know it today and knew it yesterday; and withsuch allies or accessories as capitals, italics, quotation marks,hyphens, paragraphs.Acquainted with ‘the literature of the subject’, I recognize themerits, both of such books as that of T.F. and M.F.A.Husband, that ofMr G.V.Carey and that of Mr Reginald Skelton, and of the chapters orentries in such works as the Fowler brothers’ The King’s English,H.W.Fowler’s Modern English Usage and G.H.Vallins’s Good English.This recognition and that knowledge strongly confirm me in adetermination (publicly stated in the article on punctuation in Usageand Abusage, 1942 in U.S.A., 1947 in Britain) to write a comprehensiveguide to punctuation and its concomitants. Such a guide is very badlyneeded, especially in what I have called ‘orchestration’: andorchestration forms the subject of the quite painfully practicalBook III.
You Must Be from the North: Southern White Women in the Memphis Civil Rights Movement - Original PDF
You Must Be from the North: Southern White Women in the Memphis Civil Rights Movement - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Kimberly K. Little خلاصه: Echol Cole and Robert Walker died in a freak accident on 30 January1968 while working for the City of Memphis Sanitation Department.Trapped inside one of the city’s numerous archaic and dilapidated gar-bage packers, these men died a grisly death from injuries sustainedwhile operating the machinery. Their fellow workers staged a walkoutin protest of abysmal working conditions thirteen days later. Strikingsanitation workers believed that a walkout would prove to be their onlybargaining tool in an ongoing struggle between the public works em-ployees and their employer, the city of Memphis, over issues surround-ing better wages and the improvement of working conditions.Mayor Henry Loeb refused to negotiate with the striking workers,due to his belief that the strike was an illegal one. A local court decisionbuttressed Loeb’s belief in the illegality of the strike. According to a billpresented to the Chancery Court of Memphis, the strikers violated aninjunction of 26 August 1966 that prohibited “employees of the PublicWorks Department of the City of Memphis . . . [from] striking against theCity of Memphis.” The ruling also applied to those “influencing, advis-ing, coercing or directing employees of the Public Works Department . . .not to report to work in the usual and customary place and time.” Loeb’slack of sympathy for the striking workers derived not only from hisnotions of the illegality of the strike, but also from his personal racialattitudes toward the overwhelmingly African American sanitation work-ers.1
Voltage-gated Ca2+ Channels: Pharmacology, Modulation and their Role in Human Disease - Original PDF
Voltage-gated Ca2+ Channels: Pharmacology, Modulation and their Role in Human Disease - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Jörg Striessnig خلاصه: Provides state-of the art insight into current research on voltage-gared Ca2+ channels Broadens the understanding of how Ca2+ channelopathies can provide novel insight into therapies of rare diseases Discusses concepts of the regulation of Ca2+ channels by neurotransmitters, enzymes and drugs
Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology - Original PDF
Reviews of Physiology, Biochemistry and Pharmacology - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Stine Helene Falsig Pedersen خلاصه: Provides in-depth reviews covering modern physiology, biochemistry and pharmacology Highlights the latest development in these rapidly advancing fields Authored by international, specially invited experts
Hook Up or Break Up #2: If You Can't Be Good, Be Good at It - PDF
Hook Up or Break Up #2: If You Can't Be Good, Be Good at It - PDF
نویسندگان: Kendall Adams خلاصه: Layla has the reputation of being “fast” due to her lively personality and incredible good looks—and the fact that she just REALLY likes boys. But it's senior year and she's finally settled down with Nate, a fabulously gorgeous football player. Still, she can't help but notice Ian, with his funky dreads and dreamy British accent. And then Drew Anderson crashes into her life, the hot, rebellious artist she's had a crush on since she was 15. Just when things couldn't be more confusing, Layla makes two too many plans for Valentine's Day. You decide which one Layla hooks up with in the end!

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