Illustrated Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016: Comprehensive, Loose-leaf Version - Original PDF
Illustrated Microsoft Office 365 & Excel 2016: Comprehensive, Loose-leaf Version - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Elizabeth Eisner Reding , Lynn Wermers خلاصه: Whether you are a computer rookie or pro, you can thoroughly master Microsoft Excel 2016 skills quickly and efficiently with ILLUSTRATED MICROSOFT OFFICE 365 & EXCEL 2016: COMPREHENSIVE. Using a concise, focused approach and user-friendly format, the Illustrated Series incorporates a hallmark two-page layout that allows you to see an entire task in one view.
La sociología como ciencia de la población (El libro universitario - Manuales) (Spanish Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
La sociología como ciencia de la población (El libro universitario - Manuales) (Spanish Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: John H. Goldthorpe خلاصه: John Goldthorpe es uno de los sociólogos más eminentes de Gran Bretaña y un gran defensor de la sociología cuantitativa.
State and Local Government (10th Edition) - Original PDF
State and Local Government (10th Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: Ann O'M. Bowman , Richard C. Kearney خلاصه: The 10th edition of STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNMENT provides comprehensive and completely updated coverage of institutions, political behavior, and policy-making at the state and local level. This bestselling text's theme of increased capacity and responsiveness of state and local government conveys excitement about politics at the grassroots level and is pro public service.
Marx. Dos volúmenes. (Spanish Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
Marx. Dos volúmenes. (Spanish Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Michel Henry خلاصه: Entender el pensamiento de Marx supone dejar de lado el marxismo. Éste se constituyó como doctrina acabada y oficial en ausencia de todo conocimiento de los escritos filosóficos fundamentales de Marx, en particular “La ideología alemana”, publicado en 1932. Asimismo, apoyado en textos que no contienen su principio de inteligibilidad en sí mismos, el marxismo se ha pretendido en armonía con el objetivismo moderno.
Working Through Conflict: Strategies for Relationships, Groups, and Organizations (8th Edition) - Pdf
Working Through Conflict: Strategies for Relationships, Groups, and Organizations (8th Edition) - Pdf
نویسندگان: Joseph P. Folger خلاصه: Working Through Conflict: Strategies for Relationships, Groups, and Organizations 8th Edition, Kindle Edition by Joseph P. Folger (Author), Marshall Scott Poole (Author), Randall K. Stutman
Leibniz' Philosophie: Über die Einheit von Metaphysik und Wissenschaft (Blaue Reihe) (German Edition)  - Epub + Converted pdf
Leibniz' Philosophie: Über die Einheit von Metaphysik und Wissenschaft (Blaue Reihe) (German Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Hans Poser خلاصه: Dreihundert Jahre nach Leibniz' Tod ist sein Denken so aktuell wie eh und je. Nicht nur, dass wir in der Infinitesimalrechnung die von ihm eingeführten Symbole verwenden oder uns in allen Computersprachen seiner binären Codierung von Begriffen und Aussagen bedienen – es sind vielmehr die Fragen nach dem Verhältnis von Ich und Welt, von Möglichkeit und Notwendigkeit, von Wissenschaft und Metaphysik, von Sein und Sollen, mit denen wir uns in der wissenschaftlich-technischen Welt von heute in ganz ähnlicher Weise konfrontiert sehen wie Leibniz.
Examples & Explanations: Payment Systems (5th Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
Examples & Explanations: Payment Systems (5th Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: James Brook خلاصه: A favorite among successful students, and often recommended by professors, the unique Examples & Explanations series gives you extremely clear introductions to concepts followed by realistic examples that mirror those presented in the classroom throughout the semester.
Rethinking Regionalism BY Söderbaum - Image pdf with ocr
Rethinking Regionalism BY Söderbaum - Image pdf with ocr
نویسندگان: Fredrik Söderbaum خلاصه: Rethinking Regionalism (Rethinking World Politics) 1st ed. 2016 Edition by Fredrik Söderbaum
Black Letter Outline on Corporate Taxation (Black Letter Outlines) (9th Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
Black Letter Outline on Corporate Taxation (Black Letter Outlines) (9th Edition) - Epub + Converted pdf
نویسندگان: Stephen Schwarz , Daniel Lathrope خلاصه: This comprehensive and clearly written text is designed to help students recognize and understand the basic principles and issues covered in law school courses in corporate taxation at both the J.D. and LL.M. levels.
Clinical Interviewing (6th Edition) - Original PDF
Clinical Interviewing (6th Edition) - Original PDF
نویسندگان: John Sommers-Flanagan , Rita Sommers-Flanagan خلاصه: Fully updated guide to proven, practical strategies for conducting effective interviews ­– including access code to online videos

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