Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, Global Edition

دانلود کتاب Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, Global Edition

Author: Y. Daniel Liang (author)

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This text is intended for a 1-semester CS1 course sequence. The Brief Version contains the first 18 chapters of the Comprehensive Version. The first 13 chapters are appropriate for preparing the AP Computer Science exam.

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This text is intended for a 1-semester CS1 course sequence. The Brief Version contains the first 18 chapters of the Comprehensive Version. The first 13 chapters are appropriate for preparing the AP Computer Science exam. For courses in Java Programming. A fundamentals-first introduction to basic programming concepts and techniques Designed to support an introductory programming course, Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures teaches concepts of problem-solving and object-orientated programming using a fundamentals-first approach. Beginner programmers learn critical pro.

چکیده فارسی

این متن برای یک دوره آموزشی 1 ترم CS1 در نظر گرفته شده است. نسخه مختصر شامل 18 فصل اول نسخه جامع است. 13 فصل اول برای آماده سازی آزمون AP Computer Science مناسب است. برای دوره های برنامه نویسی جاوا. مقدمه ای مقدماتی-اولین مقدمه بر مفاهیم و تکنیک های برنامه نویسی پایه که برای پشتیبانی از دوره برنامه نویسی مقدماتی طراحی شده است، مقدمه ای بر برنامه نویسی جاوا و ساختارهای داده، مفاهیم حل مسئله و برنامه نویسی شی گرا را با استفاده از رویکرد اصول اولیه آموزش می دهد. برنامه نویسان مبتدی حرفه ای را یاد می گیرند.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Introduction to Java Programming and Data Structures, Comprehensive Version, Global Edition
نویسنده: Y. Daniel Liang (author)
ناشر: English
زبان: 9781292221878
شابک: 978-1292221878, 1292221879
حجم: 121 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Front Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Preface; Contents; Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers, Programs, and Java"! 1.1 Introduction; 1.2 What Is a Computer?; 1.3 Programming Languages; 1.4 Operating Systems; 1.5 Java, the World Wide Web, and Beyond; 1.6 The Java Language Specification, API, JDK, JRE, and IDE; 1.7 A Simple Java Program; 1.8 Creating, Compiling, and Executing a Java Program; 1.9 Programming Style and Documentation; 1.10 Programming Errors; 1.11 Developing Java Programs Using NetBeans; 1.12 Developing Java Programs Using Eclipse; Chapter 2 Elementary Programming. 2.1 Introduction2.2 Writing a Simple Program; 2.3 Reading Input from the Console; 2.4 Identifiers; 2.5 Variables; 2.6 Assignment Statements and Assignment Expressions; 2.7 Named Constants; 2.8 Naming Conventions; 2.9 Numeric Data Types and Operations; 2.10 Numeric Literals; 2.11 Evaluating Expressions and Operator Precedence; 2.12 Case Study: Displaying the Current Time; 2.13 Augmented Assignment Operators; 2.14 Increment and Decrement Operators; 2.15 Numeric Type Conversions; 2.16 Software Development Process; 2.17 Case Study: Counting Monetary Units; 2.18 Common Errors and Pitfalls. Chapter 3 Selections3.1 Introduction; 3.2 boolean Data Type; 3.3 if Statements; 3.4 Two-Way if-else Statements; 3.5 Nested if and Multi-Way if-else Statements; 3.6 Common Errors and Pitfalls; 3.7 Generating Random Numbers; 3.8 Case Study: Computing Body Mass Index; 3.9 Case Study: Computing Taxes; 3.10 Logical Operators; 3.11 Case Study: Determining Leap Year; 3.12 Case Study: Lottery; 3.13 switch Statements; 3.14 Conditional Operators; 3.15 Operator Precedence and Associativity; 3.16 Debugging; Chapter 4 Mathematical Functions, Characters, and Strings; 4.1 Introduction. 4.2 Common Mathematical Functions4.3 Character Data Type and Operations; 4.4 The String Type; 4.5 Case Studies; 4.6 Formatting Console Output; Chapter 5 Loops; 5.1 Introduction; 5.2 The while Loop; 5.3 Case Study: Guessing Numbers; 5.4 Loop Design Strategies; 5.5 Controlling a Loop with User Confirmation or a Sentinel Value; 5.6 The do-while Loop; 5.7 The for Loop; 5.8 Which Loop to Use?; 5.9 Nested Loops; 5.10 Minimizing Numeric Errors; 5.11 Case Studies; 5.12 Keywords break and continue; 5.13 Case Study: Checking Palindromes; 5.14 Case Study: Displaying Prime Numbers; Chapter 6 Methods. 6.1 Introduction6.2 Defining a Method; 6.3 Calling a Method; 6.4 void vs. Value-Returning Methods; 6.5 Passing Parameters by Values; 6.6 Modularizing Code; 6.7 Case Study: Converting Hexadecimals to Decimals; 6.8 Overloading Methods; 6.9 The Scope of Variables; 6.10 Case Study: Generating Random Characters; 6.11 Method Abstraction and Stepwise Refinement; Chapter 7 Single-Dimensional Arrays; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Array Basics; 7.3 Case Study: Analyzing Numbers; 7.4 Case Study: Deck of Cards; 7.5 Copying Arrays; 7.6 Passing Arrays to Methods; 7.7 Returning an Array from a Method.

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