Engineering Communication: A Practical Guide to Workplace Communications for Engineers 2nd Edition

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Author: David Ingre, Robert Basil

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Master the communication skills and strategies most important in today's workplace with Ingre/Basil's ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONS FOR ENGINEERS, 2E

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Master the communication skills and strategies most important in today's workplace with Ingre/Basil's ENGINEERING COMMUNICATION: A PRACTICAL GUIDE TO WORKPLACE COMMUNICATIONS FOR ENGINEERS, 2E. Ideal for future or practicing engineers, this practical guide is built around the successful dynamic analysis model CMAPP (context, message, audience, purpose and product). Meaningful insights and direction help you create proposals, reports, memos, letters, and job applications most appropriate for today's workplace. New coverage of digital and social media shows you how to maximize these online tools. Interrelated case studies and exercises help you strengthen the critical thinking and planning skills essential in engineering today. This edition also emphasizes important ethical and cultural considerations as you learn to develop the effective communication needed to be successful in your career.

چکیده فارسی

مهارت‌ها و استراتژی‌های ارتباطی که مهم‌ترین آنها در محیط کار امروزی است را با Ingre/Basil's ENGINEERING COMUNICATION: A Practical Guide to Workplace Communications FOR ENGINEERS، 2E تسلط پیدا کنید. ایده‌آل برای مهندسین آینده یا شاغل، این راهنمای عملی بر اساس مدل تحلیل پویا موفق CMAPP (زمینه، پیام، مخاطب، هدف و محصول) ساخته شده است. بینش‌ها و جهت‌گیری‌های معنادار به شما کمک می‌کنند تا پیشنهادات، گزارش‌ها، یادداشت‌ها، نامه‌ها و برنامه‌های شغلی را برای محل کار امروزی مناسب‌تر ایجاد کنید. پوشش جدید رسانه های دیجیتال و اجتماعی به شما نشان می دهد که چگونه این ابزارهای آنلاین را به حداکثر برسانید. مطالعات موردی مرتبط و تمرینات به شما کمک می کند تا مهارت های تفکر انتقادی و برنامه ریزی ضروری در مهندسی امروز را تقویت کنید. این نسخه همچنین بر ملاحظات مهم اخلاقی و فرهنگی تأکید می‌کند، زیرا یاد می‌گیرید ارتباطات مؤثر مورد نیاز برای موفقیت در حرفه خود را ایجاد کنید.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Engineering Communication A Practical Guide to Workplace Communications for Engineers (9781305635104)
نویسنده: David Ingre, Robert Basil
ناشر: Cengage Learning; 2 edition (January 1, 2016)
زبان: English
شابک: 1305635108, 978-1305635104
حجم: 120 Mb
فرمت: Image pdf with ocr

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Title Statement Copyright Dedication Contents Preface Ch 1: Building a Foundation 1–1: The Relevance of Engineering Communication 1–2: Characteristics of Engineering Communication 1–3: Ethics 1–4: Cultural Impact 1–5: The Issue of Gender 1–6: Correct Language Ch 1: Case Studies Ch 1: Exercises Ch 2: The CMAPP Analysis Ch 2: Introduction 2–1: Transactional Communication Models 2–2: The CMAPP Communication Model Ch 2: Case Studies Ch 2: Exercises Ch 3: Complementary Attributes of the CMAPP Model Ch 3: Introduction 3–1: Abbreviations and Acronyms 3–2: Complementary CMAPP Attributes Ch 3: Case Study Ch 3: Exercises Ch 4: Research and Reference Works Ch 4: Introduction 4–1: Research 4–2: Documenting Sources 4–3: Language Use Tools 4–4: Professional Development: Staying Up to Date Ch 4: Case Study Ch 4: Exercises Ch 5: From Data to Information Ch 5: Introduction 5–1: Data versus Information 5–2: Process and Structure 5–3: Collecting Data 5–4: Organizing Data into an Outline 5–5: Refining the Outline 5–6: The Information-Evaluation Distinction Ch 5: Case Study Ch 5: Exercises Ch 6: Digital/Social Media Ch 6: Introduction 6–1: Social Media 6–2: Image-Sharing Platforms 6–3: Creating a Social Media “Hub” 6–4: Open-Source Collaboration 6–5: Smartphone and Tablet Mobile Apps Ch 6: Case Study Ch 6: Exercises Ch 7: Visual Elements in Written and Oral Communication Ch 7: Introduction 7–1: Document Visuals 7–2: Visuals in Documents and Presentations 7–3: Clip Art and Other Web Visuals Ch 7: Case Study Ch 7: Exercises Ch 8: Reports, Summaries, and Abstracts Ch 8: Introduction 8–1: Reports Overview 8–2: Informal/Short Reports 8–3: Formal Reports 8–4: Summaries and Abstracts 8–5: An Ethical and Cultural Aside Ch 8: Case Study Ch 8: Exercises Ch 9: Mechanism Description, Process Description, and Instructions Ch 9: Introduction 9–1: Mechanism Description 9–2: Process Description 9–3: Instructions Ch 9: Case Study Ch 9: Exercises Ch 10: Persuasive Communication Ch 10: Introduction 10–1: Persuasive Strategies: Intellect versus Emotion 10–2: Strategies for Conveying News 10–3: Targeting the Intellect: Logical Argumentation 10–4: Syllogisms 10–5: Logical Fallacies 10–6: A Note on Ethics 10–7: Targeting the Emotions: AIDA Ch 10: Case Studies Ch 10: Exercises Ch 11: Proposals and Business Plans Ch 11: Introduction 11–1: Classification of Proposals 11–2: CMAPP Implications 11–3: Informal and Formal Proposals 11–4: General Considerations 11–5: Writing a Business Plan Ch 11: Case Study Ch 11: Exercises Ch 12: Correspondence: Letters, Memos, Email, and Faxes Ch 12: Introduction 12–1: Letters 12–2: Memos 12–3: Email 12–4: Faxes Ch 12: Case Studies Ch 12: Exercises Ch 13: Effective Presentations Ch 13: Introduction 13–1: The CMAPP Approach to Presentations 13–2: Audience Analysis 13–3: Purpose 13–4: Conquering Stage Fright 13–5: The Development Process 13–6: Types of Delivery 13–7: Elements of the Presentation 13–8: Paralinguistic Features 13–9: Time Management 13–10: Visuals and Visual Aids 13–11: After the Presentation 13–12: An Ethical Aside Ch 13: Case Study Ch 13: Exercises Ch 14: Seeking Employment Ch 14: Introduction 14–1: Gambling 14–2: The Employment Application Package 14–3: Preparation 14–4: Cover Letters 14–5: Resumes 14–6: Interviews 14–7: A Final Word about LinkedIn Ch 14: Case Study Ch 14: Exercises Ch 15: The Importance of Language Use Ch 15: Introduction 15–1: Overview 15–2: Parts of Speech 15–3: Sentence Parts and Sentence Structure 15–4: Punctuation 15–5: Abbreviations, Capitals, and Numbers Index

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