Trevor Winchester Swan, Volume II - Original PDF

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Author: Peter L. Swan

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We now come to the first set of papers which made Trevor Swan famous. When Trevor Swan moved to the chair at the ANU he continued to dwell over the problems of internal and external balance which had been concerning him as an advisor to Prime Minister Menzies and even earlier when he was developing his econometric model of the Australian economy. In particular he was concerned that the very rapid immigra- tion programme, and the investment required to equip the newly arriving migrants would lead to excess demand in the economy and so create difficulties for policymakers in their attempts to achieve full employment, low inflation and a satisfactory outcome on the balance of payments (see Swan, 1949, 1950a, 1950c, 1950d). As early as November 1952, Swan wrote a paper, Simple Algebra (1952) which is included in this volume, for a meeting of economists at the Commonwealth (Central) Bank in Sydney addressing the issue of simultaneously achieving three objectives:

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30 P. L. SWAN 1961 article had for a decade formed part of an “oral tradition” amongst the group around Trevor Swan at the Australian National University. Swan’s article, the fons et origo of this tradition, exists in five versions, only the second and third of which were published; the second in 1960, the third in 1963 (not 1968). The first version, entitled “Simple Algebra: External Balance, Internal Balance and Price Stability”, was written in November 1952 for a meeting of economists at the Australian central bank in Sydney. In this paper, the central point was made quite clearly, although Swan referred to “the ratio of the external price level (an index of the prices of exports and imports in domestic currency) to the domestic cost-level represented by the money wage-level”, rather than to the relative prices of traded and non-traded goods (1952, p. 2). The second version, written in June 1953 for a seminar at the Australian National University, under the title “Economic Control in a Dependent Economy”, emphasized that the terms of trade between export and import prices were taken as given. To treat the terms of trade as a datum is in sharp contrast with most of the literature; the argument is directly applicable only to a ‘dependent economy’—i.e. a small country which trades in world markets that are competitive in the sense that the prices it receives for exports and pays for imports are independent of its domestic conditions of supply and demand.1 However, for a majority of countries (by number, not by weight), and typically for those exporting chiefly primary products, this assumption is closer to reality than the usual textbook situation in which the terms of trade are regarded as sensitive to domestic changes and home-trade products are more or less inter- changeable with exports” (1953, pp. 53f). Here Swan added a crucial footnot

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30 مقاله P. L. SWAN 1961 برای یک دهه بخشی از "سنت شفاهی" در میان گروه اطراف ترور سوان در دانشگاه ملی استرالیا را تشکیل می داد. مقاله سوان، fons et origo of this سنت، در پنج نسخه وجود دارد که تنها نسخه دوم و سوم آن منتشر شده است. دومی در سال 1960، سومی در سال 1963 (نه 1968). اولین نسخه با عنوان "جبر ساده: تعادل خارجی، تعادل داخلی و ثبات قیمت" در نوامبر 1952 برای نشستی از اقتصاددانان در بانک مرکزی استرالیا در سیدنی نوشته شد. در این مقاله، نکته اصلی کاملاً واضح بیان شد، اگرچه سوان به «نسبت سطح قیمت خارجی (شاخص قیمت‌های صادرات و واردات به ارز داخلی) به سطح هزینه داخلی که توسط دستمزد پول نشان داده می‌شود اشاره کرد. سطح» به جای قیمت های نسبی کالاهای مبادله شده و غیرمعامله (1952، ص 2). نسخه دوم، که در ژوئن 1953 برای سمیناری در دانشگاه ملی استرالیا، تحت عنوان "کنترل اقتصادی در یک اقتصاد وابسته" نوشته شد، تاکید کرد که شرایط تجارت بین قیمت صادرات و واردات همانطور که داده شده است در نظر گرفته شده است. در نظر گرفتن شرایط تجارت به عنوان یک داده، در تضاد شدید با بیشتر ادبیات است. این استدلال مستقیماً فقط برای «اقتصاد وابسته» قابل استفاده است - یعنی. کشور کوچکی که در بازارهای جهانی رقابتی تجارت می کند به این معنا که قیمت هایی که برای صادرات دریافت می کند و برای واردات می پردازد مستقل از شرایط داخلی عرضه و تقاضای آن است. وزن) و معمولاً برای کسانی که عمدتاً محصولات اولیه صادر می کنند، این فرض به واقعیت نزدیکتر از وضعیت معمول کتاب درسی است که در آن شرایط تجارت به عنوان حساس به تغییرات داخلی در نظر گرفته می شود و محصولات تجارت داخلی کم و بیش با صادرات قابل تغییر هستند. ” (1953، ص 53f). در اینجا سوان یک پاورقی مهم اضافه کرد


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Peter L. Swan
UNSW Australia
NSW Sydney, NSW, Australia
ISSN 2662-6578 ISSN 2662-6586 (electronic)
Palgrave Studies in the History of Economic Thought
ISBN 978-3-031-23806-2 ISBN 978-3-031-23807-9 (eBook)
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Contents 1 Peter L. Swan The Twin Goals of Internal and External Balance 1 2 Peter L. Swan: The Theory of Economic Growth 11 3 H. W. Arndt Non-traded Goods and the Balance of Payments: The Australian Contribution 29 4 T. W. Swan Simple Algebra: External Balance, Internal Balance and Price Stability 35 5 T. W. Swan Economic Control in a Dependent Economy 45 6 T. W. Swan Circular Causation 67 7 T. W. Swan Longer Run Problems of the Balance of Payments 75 8 W. E. G. Salter Internal and External Balance: The Role of Price and Expenditure Effects 87 9 H. W. Arndt Notes on T. W. Swan Population Growth and Economic Development 105 10 T.W. Swan “Orbituary of Wilfred Edward Graham Salter: 1929–1963” 109 v vi CONTENTS 11 T. W. Swan Effective Protection with Cobb–Douglas Input Substitution in Domestic Supply 113 12 T. W. Swan Overseas Investment in Australia: Treasury Economic Paper No. 1 117 13 T. W. Swan Perceptions in Kaleidascope 123 14 Peter L. Swan “Why ABS Volume GDP Figures Can Be Misleading” 129 15 John D. Pitchford Trevor Swan’s 1956 Economic Growth “Seminar” and Notes on Growth 139 16 T. W. Swan Economic Growth 153 17 T. W. Swan Economic Growth and Capital Accumulation 165 18 Robert Dixon Trevor Swan on Equilibrium Growth with Technical Progress 199 19 Robert W. Dimand and Barbara J. Spencer Trevor Swan and the Neoclassical Growth Model 209 20 T. W. Swan Growth Models: Of Golden Ages and Production Functions 231 21 T. W. Swan Technical Progress in Balanced Growth 249 22 N. G. Butlin and R. G. Gregory Trevor Winchester Swan 1918–1989 253 Appendix 1: Trevor Swan and Joan Robinson 271 Appendix 2: Letter from Robert Solow, MIT, April 1, 1957 277 Appendix 3: Letters 279 Appendix 4: Timeframe—Trevor Winchester Swan 1918–1989 305 Bibliography 315 Index 327 List of Figures Fig. 1.1 Trevor Swan’s model of internal and external balance, 1955 5 Fig. 1.2 Geoff Pryor Cartoon Right through primary school I had a desk next to a boy who was far more interested in drawing splendid sketches than in lessons. This was Geoff Pryor who sums up the Hawke-Keating reforms in a magnificant cartoon. The Geoff Pryor cartoon depicting (from left): Paul Keating, Bob Hawke imposing a free market for the Australian dollar on the Opposition Leader Andrew Peacock and his deputy, John Howard. National Library of Australia obj-156519017. moments/resources/australian-dollar-floated 9 Fig. 2.1 Solution to Trevor Swan’s growth model (Swan, 1956) 13 Fig. 2.2 Solution to Solow’s version of the growth model (Solow, 1956) 14 Fig. 5.1 Achieving both Internal and External Balance by setting the right Cost Ratio (R/W) 53 Fig. 5.2 Choosing the right combination of the External Price Level and the Money Wage 54 Fig. 6.1 An unstable non-linear relationship between White prejudice and Negro standards 68 Fig. 6.2 A stable non-linear relationship between White prejudice and Negro standards 70 vii viii LIST OF FIGURES Fig. 6.3 A sequence of high-level standards stability, instability, and low-level standards stability 73 Fig. 7.1 How the simultaneous determination of internal and external balance depends on the cost ratio and real expenditure 78 Fig. 7.2 The four zones of economic unhappiness (dubbed the Swan Diagram) 79 Fig. 8.1 a Indicates disequilibrium and Swan’s four zones of economic unhappiness, b Illustrates the simultaneous achievement of internal and external balance 90 Fig. 8.2 a Indicates excess expenditure and balance of payments deficit, b Shows that even with income and expenditure equal, the demand for importables can be too high 93 Fig. 8.3 a Shows the effect of a higher foreign price of tradeables, b shows the beneficial effect of capital inflow permitting a desirable balance of payments deficit 96 Fig. 8.4 a Indicates the impact of a worsening in the terms of trade, b Shows that the response requires reduced expenditure and devaluation of the exchange rate 99 Fig. 8.5 Illustrates lack of supply response in the short-run. a shows the burden falling on unemployment, b shows the use of devaluation in an effort to restore the trade balance, c Shows the use of temporary import quotas 103 Fig. 15.1 Swan’s general model behind Chart (1) of the notes 146 Fig. 15.2 Swan’s more general “Swan Diagram” from Chart (3) 149 Fig. 17.1 Trevor Swan’s neoclassical growth model depicted in terms of the growth rates of labor, capital, and per capita output as a function of the capital-output ratio 168 Fig. 17.2 A “classical” version of the model with land fixed in supply 173 Fig. 19.1 The Swan diagram 220 Fig. 20.1 The Golden Age equilibrium with a constant output per unit of capital 235

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