The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Second edition

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Author: Steven G. Rogelberg

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The well-received first edition of the Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2007, 2 vols) established itself in the academic library market as a landmark reference that presents a thorough overview of this cross-disciplinary field for students, researchers, and professionals in the areas of psychology, business, management, and human resources

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The well-received first edition of the Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (2007, 2 vols) established itself in the academic library market as a landmark reference that presents a thorough overview of this cross-disciplinary field for students, researchers, and professionals in the areas of psychology, business, management, and human resources. Nearly ten years later, SAGE presents a thorough revision that both updates current entries and expands the overall coverage, adding approximately 200 new articles, expanding from two volumes to four. Examining key themes and topics from within this dynamic and expanding field of psychology, this work offers a truly cross-cultural and global perspective. 

چکیده فارسی


نسخه اول دایره المعارف روانشناسی صنعتی و سازمانی (2007، 2 جلد) که مورد استقبال قرار گرفت، خود را در دانشگاه تثبیت کرد. بازار کتابخانه به عنوان یک مرجع برجسته که یک مرور کلی از این زمینه بین رشته ای را برای دانشجویان، محققان و متخصصان در زمینه های روانشناسی، تجارت، مدیریت و منابع انسانی ارائه می دهد. تقریباً ده سال بعد، SAGE یک بازبینی کامل ارائه می‌کند که هم ورودی‌های فعلی را به‌روزرسانی می‌کند و هم پوشش کلی را گسترش می‌دهد و تقریباً 200 مقاله جدید اضافه می‌کند که از دو جلد به چهار جلد افزایش می‌یابد. این کار با بررسی مضامین و موضوعات کلیدی از درون این حوزه پویا و در حال گسترش روانشناسی، یک دیدگاه واقعاً بین فرهنگی و جهانی ارائه می دهد.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: The SAGE Encyclopedia of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (9781483386898) Steven G. Rogelberg
نویسنده: Books
ناشر: SAGE Publications, Inc; Second edition (November 3, 2016)
زبان: English
شابک: 1483386899, 978-1483386898
حجم: 21 Mb
فرمت: Converted Pdf

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Cover Half Title Publisher Note Title Page Copyright Page Contents Reader’s Guide About the Editors Acknowledgments Acknowledgements Contributors Publisher Note Introduction A Abusive Supervision Academic Careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Academy of Management Achievement Needs Achievement Needs, Power Needs, Affiliation Needs, and Goal Orientation Action Regulation Theory Action-State Orientation Adverse Impact/Disparate Treatment/Discrimination at Work Affective Events Theory Affective Traits Affiliation Needs Affirmative Action Affordable Care Act After Action Reviews Age Discrimination in Employment Act Alliance for Organizational Psychology Ambition American Psychological Association, Association for Psychological Science Americans with Disabilities Act Applicant/Test-Taker Reactions Approach–Avoidance Motivation and Regulatory Focus Arbitration Archival Data/Secondary Data Techniques Armed Conflicts: Implications for Organizations Army Alpha/Army Beta Assessing Organizational Culture Assessment Center Assessment Center Methods Attitudes and Beliefs Attraction–Selection–Attrition Model Attractiveness Automation/Advanced Manufacturing Technology/Computer-Based Integrated Technology Autonomy B Background Checks/Credit Checks Balanced Scorecard Banding Bayesian Statistics Behavioral Approach to Leadership Benchmarking Big Data: Implications for Organizations Big Data Techniques/Analytics and I-O Psychology Big Five Taxonomy of Personality Biographical Data Bona Fide Occupational Qualifications Boomerang Employees Bootstrapping Boredom at Work Boundaryless Careers/Protean Mindset Building a Talent Pipeline Bullying at Work C Campbell, John P.: Ninth Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Career Development Career Success Career Transitions Careers Careers for Industrial and Organizational Psychologists Case Study Method Changing Demographics: Implications for Organizations Charismatic Leadership Theory Civil Rights Act of 1964, Civil Rights Act of 1991 Classical Test Theory Classification Climate Change: Implications for Organizations Coercive Citations Cognitive Abilities Cognitive Ability Tests Common Method Variance Comparable Worth Compensation Competency Modeling Compressed Workweek Computer Adaptive Testing Computer-/Web-Based Assessment/Computer Adaptive Testing Conditional Reasoning Confidence Intervals/Hypothesis Testing/Effect Sizes Confirmatory Factor Analysis Conflict at Work Conflict Management Construct Contextual Performance/Prosocial Behavior/Organizational Citizenship Behavior Control Theory Convenience Sampling Core Self-Evaluations Corporate Ethics Corporate Social Responsibility Counterpoductive Behaviors Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Interpersonal Deviance Counterproductive Work Behaviors, Organizational Deviance Creativity at Work Credentialing Criterion Theory Critical Incident Technique Cross-Cultural Research Methods and Theory Crowdsourcing Customer Satisfaction and Service Cyberattacks: Implications for Organizations Cyberloafing at Work D Data Mining Data Privacy Data Sampling Data Visualization Dependent Care Support Descriptive Statistics Developing Leadership Talent Through Multiple Experiences Dictionary of Occupational Titles Differential Item Functioning Dirty Work Dispositional Resistance to Change Distance Learning Diversity Climate Diversity in the Workplace Diversity Training Downsizing Dual-Career Family Issues Dunnette, Marvin D.: Third Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Dyadic Data Analysis E Electronic Human Resource Management Electronic Performance Monitoring Emergent Leadership Emerging Markets and Globalization: Implications for Organizations Emotional Burnout Emotional Intelligence Emotional Labor Emotions Employee and Leader Self-Talk Employee Assistance Programs Employee Grievance Systems Employee Participation and Voice Employee Performance Recognition Employee Selection Employee Wellness Programs Employment at Will Employment Interview Empowerment Engagement Enron Scandal Entrepreneurship Epidemics: Implications for Organizations Equal Pay Act of 1963 Equity Theory Ergonomics Error Management Training Ethical Decision Making and Behavior, Promotion of Ethics in Industrial and Organizational Practice Ethics in Industrial and Organizational Publishing Ethics in Industrial and Organizational Research Ethics Scandals in Organizations Ethics Training Ethnography European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology Eustress Executive Attention Executive Coaching Executive Selection Exit Survey (Exit Interview) Exogeneity Expatriate Assignments Expectancy Theory of Work Motivation Experience Sampling Technique Experimental Designs Exploratory Factor Analysis F Facilitating Survey Response Factor Analysis Faking and Intentional Distortion Family and Medical Leave Act Family Business Faultlines Feedback Feedback Seeking Flexible Work Schedules Flow Focus Groups Followership Founders of Industrial and Organizational Psychology Free Riding Funding Sources for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Research Furloughs G Gainsharing and Profit Sharing Gamification at Work Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Issues at Work Gay Rights Laws and Legislation Generalizability Theory Generational Issues in Working With Others Genetics and Industrial and Organizational Psychology Glass Ceiling Glass Cliff Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness Project Global Political Instability: Implications for Organizations Goal Orientation Goal-Setting Theory Graphology Gravitational Hypothesis Grounded Theory Group Cohesiveness Group Decision-Making Quality and Performance Group Decision-Making Techniques Group Development Group Dynamics and Processes Group Mental Model Groups Groupthink Guanxi Guion, Robert M.: Fifth Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award H Hackman, J. Richard: Tenth Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Hardiness Hawthorne Studies/Hawthorne Effect HEXACO Model of Personality High-Performance Organization Model High-Potential Identification High-Potential Initiatives High-Reliability Organizations History of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Africa History of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Asia History of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Chile History of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Europe and the United Kingdom History of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in North America History of Industrial and Organizational Psychology in Other Parts of the World Honesty Testing Human Capital Human Factors Human Factors and Ergonomics Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Human Relations Movement Human Resource Information Systems Human Resource Management Human Resource Strategy Human-Centered Design Human–Computer Interaction Humor in the Workplace I Identity Identity Management Strategies Illegitimate Tasks Immigration: Implications for Organizations Immigration Law and Work Implicit Attitudes Implicit Theory of Leadership Incentives Incremental Validity Individual Differences Individual Psychological Assessment Industrial and Organizational Psychology Journals Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Poverty Reduction, and Prosocial Initiatives Industrial Relations Inferential Statistics Initial Screening Innovation Input–Process–Output Model of Team Effectiveness Institutional Theory Integrity at Work Integrity Testing Intergroup Relations International Association of Applied Psychology Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal Communication Styles Interpersonal Skills Interrater Reliability/Agreement Interviewing Considerations Beyond Applicant Ability Intrapreneurship Intrinsic and Extrinsic Work Motivation Item Response Theory J Job Advertisements Job Analysis Job Analysis Methods Job Characteristics Theory Job Choice Job Control Job Crafting Job Demands–Control Theory Job Description Job Design Job Evaluation Job Involvement Job Knowledge Testing Job Performance Models Job Rotation Job Satisfaction Job Satisfaction Measurement Job Search Job Security/Insecurity Job Sharing Job Typologies Journal of Applied Psychology Judgment and Decision-Making Process Judgment and Decision-Making Process: Advice Giving and Taking Judgment and Decision-Making Process: Heuristics, Cognitive Biases, and Contextual Influences Justice in Teams K Katzell, Raymond A.: Sixth Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Knowledge Management L Labor Law Labor Unions Latent Trait Theory Lawler, Edward E. III: Eighth Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Layoffs Leader–Member Exchange Theory Leadership and Gender Leadership and Neuroscience Leadership and Supervision Leadership Circumplex Leadership Development Learning Agility Learning Organizations Least Preferred Coworker Theory Lens Model Letters of Recommendation Linkage Research and Analyses LinkedIn Locus of Control Longitudinal Research M Machiavellianism Machine Learning Managing Talent in China Managing Talent in Global Organizations Mayflower Group McCormick, Ernest J.: Fourth Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Measurement Invariance Measurement of Implicit Attitudes Measurement Scales Measures of Association/Correlation Coefficient Mediating Variables Mediation Meetings at Work Mentoring Mergers, Acquisitions, and Strategic Alliances Meta-Analysis Micro Breaks Microaggressions at Work Mindfulness at Work Missing Data Mixed-Methods Designs Moderated Mediation and Mediated Moderation Models Moderator Variables Mood Morale Motherhood Penalty/Fatherhood Bonus Motivational Traits Motives M-Turk Data Collection Multilevel Modeling Multilevel Modeling Techniques Multimodal Performance Measurement and Assessment Multitrait–Multimethod Matrix N Narcissism National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health/Occupational Safety and Health Administration Naturalistic Observation Need Theories of Work Motivation Negotiation Negotiation, Mediation, and Arbitration Nepotism Networking New Employee Orientation Nomological Networks Nonexperimental Designs Nonparametric Tests Nonverbal Communication Normative Models of Decision Making and Leadership Normative Versus Ipsative Measurement Norms O Occupational Health Psychology Occupational Information Network (O*NET) Older Worker Issues Online Assessment Online Qualitative Methods Online Support Online Survey Data Collection Methods: Leveraging Qualtrics and SurveyMonkey Open Systems Theory Optimism and Pessimism Organizational Attraction Organizational Behavior Organizational Behavior Management Organizational Change Organizational Change, Resistance to Organizational Climate Organizational Commitment Organizational Communication, Discipline of Organizational Communication, Formal Organizational Communication, Informal Organizational Culture Organizational Cynicism Organizational Development Organizational Identification Organizational Image Organizational Justice Organizational Politics Organizational Retaliatory Behavior Organizational Sensemaking Organizational Socialization Organizational Socialization Tactics Organizational Sociology Organizational Structure Organizational Surveys Originality Outsourcing and Temporary Work Owens, William A.: First Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award P Part-Time Work Passion at Work Path–Goal Theory Perceived Organizational Support Performance Appraisal Performance Appraisal, Objective Indices Performance Appraisal, Subjective Indices Performance Feedback Personality Personality Assessment Person–Environment Fit Person–Job Fit Personnel Psychology Person–Organization Fit Person–Vocation Fit Phenomenology Physical Disabilities at Work Physical Performance Assessment Placement and Classification Policy Capturing Method Political Polarization: Implications for Organizations Political Skill Polychronicity Porter, Lyman W.: Seventh Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Positive Psychology Applied to Work Power Needs Practical Intelligence Practice Careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: External Consulting Roles Practice Careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology: Internal Roles Pregnancy Discrimination Act Prejudice Preparing for Academic Careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Preparing for Careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Practice Prescreening Assessment Methods for Personnel Selection Privacy at Work Proactive Personality Procrastination Profit Sharing Program Evaluation Project A Prosocial Values Prospect Theory Protestant Work Ethic Psychological Contract Psychological Resilience Q Qualitative Analytic Software Qualitative Research Approach Quality of Work Life Quantitative Research Approach Quasi-Experimental Designs Queen Bee Syndrome Questionnaires R Race Norming Rater Training Rating Errors and Perceptual Biases Rational Decision Making Theory Realistic Job Preview Recovery From Work/Psychological Detachment Recruitment Recruitment Sources Registered Reports Publication Model Regression Techniques Reinforcement Theory of Work Motivation Relative Importance Reliability Religious Discrimination Results-Only Work Environment Retesting Retirement Rightsizing Rise of Africa: Implications for Organizations Rise of China: Implications for Organizations Role Ambiguity Role Conflict Role of Theory in Research Role Overload and Underload S Safety Climate Sampling Techniques Scale Creation Scale Development Scientific Management Scientist–Practitioner Model Selection: Occupational Tailoring Selection Strategies Self-Concept Theory of Work Motivation Self-Determination Theory Self-Efficacy Self-Esteem Self-Fulfilling Prophecy: Pygmalion Effect Self-Leadership Theory Self-Regulation Theory Servant Leadership Service Climate Sexual Discrimination Sexual Harassment Shared Leadership Shift Work Simulation, Computer Approach Situational Approach to Leadership Situational Judgment Tests Situational Leadership Theory Smith, Patricia C.: Second Recipient, SIOP Distinguished Scientific Contributions Award Social Cognitive Theory Social Comparison Theory Social Exchange Theory Social Loafing Social Media: Implications for Organizations Social Media in Selection Social Norms and Conformity Social Relations Model Social Support Socialization Socialization, Employee Proactive Behaviors Society for Human Resource Management Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Sociotechnical Approach Space and Spaceflight: Implications for Organizations Stakeholder Theory Standardized Testing Statistical Power Status Characteristics Theory Stereotype Threat Stereotyping Stigma Strategic Human Resources Strategic Planning Strategic Talent Management Strategy Stress, Consequences Stress, Coping and Management Stress, Models and Theories Stress and Physiological Indicators Stress Management Interventions Structural Equation Modeling Subconscious Motivation Succeeding in Academic Careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Succeeding in Careers in Industrial and Organizational Psychology Practice Succession Planning Survey Approach Survey Nonresponse Bias Survivor Syndrome Sustainability: Implications for Organizations T Team Building Team Development Team Mental Model Team-Based Rewards Teams Teams, Creativity and Innovation Telecommuting Temporary Workers Terrorism: Implications for Organizations Terrorism and Work Test Security Tests of Mean Differences Theft at Work Theory of Action Theory of Reasoned Action/Theory of Planned Behavior Theory of Work Adjustment Theory X/Y 360-Degree Feedback Time Management Tips for Applying to Industrial and Organizational Psychology Graduate School Tips for Creating a Consulting Practice Tips for Getting an Internship Total Quality Management Trade Unions Trainability and Adaptability Training Training Evaluation Training Methods Training Needs Assessment and Analysis Trait Approach to Leadership Transfer of Training Transformational and Transactional Leadership Triple Bottom Line Trust Two-Factor Theory Type A/Type B Personality U Underemployment Unethical Data Analytic Practices Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures Union Commitment Union Law Unions U.S. National Debt: Implications for Organizations User Experience Utility Analysis V Validation Strategies Validity Verbal Protocol Analysis Veterans in Civilian Work Victimization Violence at Work Virtual Interactions Virtual Organizations Virtual Teams Vocational Interests/Choice Volunteer Management W Web-Based Assessment What Is Theory? Whistle-Blowers Withdrawal Behaviors, Absenteeism Withdrawal Behaviors, Lateness Withdrawal Behaviors, Turnover Work as a Calling Work Ethic Work Motivation Work Samples Work Values Workaholism Workers’ Compensation Law Work–Life Balance Work–Life Conflict Work–Life Enrichment Workplace Accommodations for People With Disabilities Workplace Exclusion Workplace Incivility Workplace Injuries Workplace Romance Workplace Safety Workplace Spirituality and Spiritual Leadership Appendix A: Graduate Training Programs in Industrial and Organizational (I-O) Psychology and Organizational Behavior and Human Resources (OBHR) Appendix B: Groups Related to Industrial and Organizational Psychology Appendix C: 2012 lncome and Employment Survey Results for the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology Appendix D: Policy on Licensure Index

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