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John Cobb
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I have never written a book before: it has been a newexperience which I have greatly enjoyed. But any success ishardly mine. I am grateful to Cathy Gunn who not only wroteinitially from my long and rambling synopsis but who has alsoput up so patiently with my later insertions of large chunks ofCobb-prose which she has skilfully turned into English.I have tried to look at the relationship between client andstockbroker from both points of view. After all, I was first aclient for a number of years. Then - as my wife Sue puts it sotruly - I proved to be such a pest that they invited me to jointhe firm so that I could answer my own questions! That I didfor 22 years and have now reached the dizzy height ofconsultant - the polite word for an ageing man on his way out.In fact, I now have a new challenge, as chairman of APCIMS,the trade association formed in 1990 to represent the interestsof private client stockbrokers. So I am even more involvedand even more concerned that a really good understanding isbuilt up between stockbrokers and clients. That is what thisbook is all about.I do hope that you will find that this book helps you. Itcannot answer all your questions but I hope it will stimulate5The ProS hare Guide to You and Your Stockbrokersome which you and your stockbroker can then answertogether.Once the framework between the client and thestockbroker is established and the relationship is under way,then it is a question of confidence - both ways - in that thestockbroker must understand your thinking and give you acracking good service and you must feel sure that thestockbroker is doing his best for you.At the end of the day, it boils down to mutual trust.One apology I need to make is to all the femalestockbrokers working throughout the country. I have referredthroughout the book to stockbrokers as male. But nodiscrimination is sought and "he" really means "he/she".I would be very interested to hear from readers with theircomments on this book - good, or bad! Please write to mec/o APCIMS, 20 Dysart Street, London EC2A 2BX.
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