The Art of Shaping the Metropolis - Epub + Converted Pdf

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Author: Pedro Ortiz

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چکیده فارسی

توجه ناشر: محصولات خریداری شده از فروشندگان شخص ثالث توسط ناشر از نظر کیفیت، اصالت یا دسترسی به هر گونه حقوق آنلاین ارائه شده با محصول تضمین نمی شود.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: The Art of Shaping the Metropolis
نویسنده: Pedro Ortiz
ناشر: McGraw-Hill Education; 1 edition (December 3, 2013)
زبان: English
شابک: 0071817964, 978-0071817967
حجم: 17 Mb
فرمت: Epub + Converted Pdf

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Cover About the Author Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Contents Foreword: A Handbook for the Future? 1. Urban Handbooks and the Dynamics of Urban History 2. Urban Handbooks in the Late Twentieth Century 3. Handbooks and Shifting Paradigms in the Early Twenty-First Century Conclusion: From Network to Meshwork in the Megacity/Metacity Literature Cited Foreword: Metropolitan Architecture The Role of the Metropolis Is a Cultural Leap. The Reticular Matrix: A Methodological Indication for the Development of a Fast-Growing City The Reticular Matrix Mapping: A New Way to Conceive and Represent a Metropolis. A Mental Map for the Metropolitan Architecture A Long Debate From the Analysis of the Reality to the “Means” of Changing the Reality: Madrid Metropolitan Plan The Strategic Significance of a Geographical Interpretation for the Metropolis An Open Metropolitan Infrastructure The Formal Characterization of the Metropolitan City-Territory and Landscape: The Shape of the Movement as a New Settlement Code Acting Rules for the Balance between the Two Continuous Systems: Gray and Green Infrastructures The Compatibility between Environment and Urban Development through the Reticular Matrix Methodology Dynamic Strategies for Metropolitan Architecture Management The Management of the Built Cultural Heritage and Landscape in Urban Development Methodological Outlines The Task of the Metropolitan Architecture The Metropolitan Morph-Type, Such as a Gray and Green Geographical Skin of the Infrastructure The Two Maps: Topographic and Mental The Projects References Epigraph Introduction The Challenge 1. The Dialogues of the Metropolis The Dialogues of the Metropolis The Dialogue between Two Scales: Urban and Metropolitan The Dialogue between Two Concepts: Form and Fabric The Dialogue between Two Subsystems: Green and Gray Infrastructure The Dialogue between Locations: Strategy and Tactics The Institutional Dialogue: Local versus Metropolitan/National Authorities The Political Dialogue: Efficiency versus Equity The Time Dialogue: Long-Term versus Short-Term Dialogue with Ethics: General Interest versus Electoral Interest In Practice: Synthesizing Priorities through Dialogues Developing Regions: Managing the Cultural Dialogue beyond the Model The Way Forward 2. The Challenge Urbanization’s Challenge to Urban Planners Production and Wealth Explosive Expansion Expansion and Wealth The Combination of Migration and Economic Growth Geographic and Social Conditions Determine Expansion Patterns The Oil Stain The Sprawl The Oil Splash The “Citta Diffusa,” or Diffuse City The Responsibility to Quantify and Address Growth The Quantitative Foundation 3. The Inheritance The Inheritance: The Historical Record and the Need to Build Differently The (R)evolution of Size Urban Expansion and the New Geometrical Paradigm The Margins of the System: Ideology and Empiricism The Circular “Ideal” as the Wrong Paradigm Ancient Greece The Romans The Spanish in Latin America The Anglo-Saxons in North America The Industrialized City The Chinese, Persian, and Pre-Columbian Cultures The Twentieth Century: New Towns and Territorial Systems The New Town Policy New Town Social Policy and Efficiency Milton Keynes La Padana The Los Angeles Double Grid Madrid The Global Explosion Scale of Instruments The 1:50,000 Integrative Spatial Approach 4. Balanced Urban Development: The Fabric Balanced Urban Development: Fabric and Form Ethosystem Priority Metropolitan Subsystems BUD: Balanced Urban Development 1. The Historic Nucleus 2. Public Mass Transport 3. Expansion of the Nucleus 4. Social Facilities 5. Urban Centrality 6. Local Road Accessibility 7. Productive Zones 8. Infrastructure Networks 9. The Matrix, the Network 10. The Productive System 11. Peripheral Commercial Areas 12. Regional Facilities and Heavy Industry 13. Further Urban Expansion 14. The Environmental System The Balanced Urban Development (BUD) Model BUD Applied: Bogotá-Facatativá/Cudinamarca 5. Balanced Urban Development: The Form The Metropolitan Scale: Strategy and Tactics toward Realizing the Form The Shape: Triangle, Circle, Grid From Circle to Reticulum Circle versus Reticulum The Dichotomy between Economic Efficiency and Social Equity The Spatial Dimension The Institutional Dimension The Matrix Archetype: Surface Transportation Systems The Adaptation of the Matrix Archetype 1: Cairo The Adaptation of the Matrix Archetype 2: Istanbul 6. The Chess on a Tripod (CiTi) Method to Build the Model The Chess Mechanism Analysis Synthesis Proposal Conclusion: The Conceptual Image of the Metropolitan Form The Tripod Governance: Metropolitan Planning in an Environment of Diachronic and Synchronic Dialogue Synchronic Consensus Diachronic Consensus Sliding Horizon Variable Geometry The Methodology 7. Madrid as Testing Ground Proving the Model in Madrid The Situation in 1995 The Natural Pattern The Natural Reticular Layout Building Up the System The Isotropic Matrix Applied to the Schematic Model of Madrid Chess: The Strategy for Madrid as of the 1980s Chess: Madrid’s Extension of the Natural Line in the 1990s Chess: Madrid’s New Spatial Strategy for the 2000s Chess: The Elaborated Structure of Metropolitan Madrid for the 2010s Development of the Metro and Commuter Rail System National and International Hinterland Strategy National High-Speed Rail System The Schematic Approach The Diagrammatic and Cartographic Approaches The Strategic Land Use Map: A Basis for Dialogue Chess: Strategy of the Game and Tactics of the Pieces The Tactics of Urban Units The Model’s Achievements Ongoing Effects 8. Practical Considerations in Implementing a Metropolitan Plan Achievements of the Madrid Plan Social Fundamentals of Metropolitan Planning 1. Professional Planners Are Not Politicians 2. Public Planning Must Be Ethical, Not Merely Legal 3. Embrace the Conflict 4. Social Capital as a Sine Qua Non The Hard City and the Soft City Technical Fundamentals of Metropolitan Planning 1. A Metropolitan Plan Is Not a Municipal Plan 2. A Metropolitan Plan Need Not Be Approved nor Fully Implemented Structuring Concepts of Metropolitan Planning 1. Long and Wide 2. A Sliding Horizon 3. Adaptable and Flexible Four Guidelines for Coordinating Municipal and Metropolitan Plans Interagency Action and the Consortium 9. Translating the Model Elsewhere Adaptive Application: Bogotá The Road Network throughout Cundinamarca and the Capital District The Analysis: Directionalities and Cross Directionalities The Matrix The Game Administrative Principles of Governance Technical Principles of Metropolitan Planning The Development The Backbone of the Region: The Zero Freeway (Via Cero) Nairobi: A Crisis in Private Transport Using BUDs to Resolve the Crisis Kenya: Mombasa Other Models Amman Istanbul African Metropolises Sub-Saharan Africa: Dar es Salaam Accra N’Djamena Kampala Worldwide Trend and Metro-Matrix Response Index

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