Tensile Trading: The 10 Essential Stages of Stock Market Mastery - Original PDF

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Author: Gatis N. Roze, Grayson D. Roze

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A detailed 10-stage roadmap for investors to achieve stock market mastery with their own consistently profitable, high-probability investment system Tensile Trading provides a complete, step-by-step roadmap for investors of all levels, and coaches them on how best to organize the routines and strategies necessary to identify the market's strongest trading opportunities. History is proof that true mastery of the market begins with basic money management protocols, asset protection policies, and organized analysis techniques. With these crucial foundations in place, you can embrace a proven investment methodology, execute an effective trading plan, and develop a reliable system for profitable investing. Consistent, long-run investing success is a result of well-defined goals, carefully-constructed routines and an accurate understanding of the psychological challenges that all investors face. Set yourself up for success by implementing prudent money management and asset protection strategies Build a personalized Asset Allocation Profile—your own personalized investment methodology Construct a properly diversified portfolio using tools and techniques tailored for the modern market Learn to take control of your "Investor Self," limiting the impact of mental hurdles and emotional baggage Supercharge your financial analysis by employing proven routines and strategies A clear and proven approach easily tailored to fit your specific investing style, Tensile Trading distills the vastness of the financial markets into ten essential stages. It is designed to provide a comprehensive structure to your financial management efforts—helping you make smarter investment decisions, trade more efficiently, and consistently earn greater returns.

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I realized during James’s talk that I benefit from the variety of investors and students with whom I cross paths because I embrace change and am genetically programmed to be a lifelong learner. With years of classroom experiences to think back on, I am constantly surprised at the education I receive from teaching others. Perhaps not surprisingly, the same has held true during the writing of this book. as you will come to see, I emphasize xivPReFace the importance of review and reflection at every step of the way. In the stock market, looking back at where you have been allows you to see more clearly where you are headed. Writing a book that covers the details of my trading experiences has served this function to a strikingly potent degree. as a result, its words truly are my greatest hits of sorts, carefully refined and remastered. What I believe makes this book unique is that its words stem from an unusual place in my heart. approaching normal retirement age, my most significant objective has become to pass down to my son, Grayson, the hard‐ earned expertise I have accumulated throughout many years of experience trading the markets. This knowledge has become his intellectual inheritance, if you will. It makes me happy to think that my readers can benefit from the same intellectual inheritance that I am proud to pass on to him. This pro- gram inculcated in Grayson an understanding and passion for the market, as well as the discipline necessary to implement this investing methodology. I am thankful for my teaching career because it has provided me with the opportunity to educate and involve Grayson and others in the world of investing that I love so deeply. Where other investors and traders with my track record would not divulge 100 percent of their secrets, I have no such reluctance. Where my own best interests once stood, I now have my son’s and students’ in their place. as you read this book, rest assured that I have not simply put together an investment program that I can market to stroke my ego. Instead, I have detailed my comprehensive strategic roadmap and feel proud to share it with you, just as I am proud to teach it to my son. My motivation behind this program’s success is largely to create a program that will provide both him and you with the strongest foundation possible for all future investing endeavors

چکیده فارسی


در خلال سخنرانی جیمز متوجه شدم که از سرمایه‌گذاران و دانشجویانی که با آنها تلاقی می‌کنم سود می‌برم زیرا تغییرات را می‌پذیرم و از نظر ژنتیکی برنامه‌ریزی شده‌ام تا یک یادگیرنده مادام العمر باشم. با سالها تجربه در کلاس درس که باید به آن فکر کنم، دائماً از آموزش هایی که از آموزش دیگران دریافت می کنم شگفت زده می شوم. شاید تعجب آور نباشد که در طول نگارش این کتاب هم همینطور بوده است. همانطور که خواهید دید، من روی xivPReFace بر اهمیت مرور و تأمل در هر مرحله از راه تاکید می کنم. در بازار سهام، نگاه کردن به جایی که بوده اید به شما این امکان را می دهد که واضح تر ببینید به کجا می روید. نوشتن کتابی که جزئیات تجربیات معاملاتی من را پوشش می‌دهد، این کارکرد را تا حد قابل توجهی انجام داده است. در نتیجه، کلمات آن واقعاً بهترین آثار من هستند که با دقت پالایش و بازسازی شده اند. چیزی که من معتقدم این کتاب را منحصر به فرد می کند این است که کلمات آن از مکانی غیرعادی در قلب من سرچشمه می گیرند. با نزدیک شدن به سن عادی بازنشستگی، مهم‌ترین هدف من این است که تخصص سختی را که در طول سال‌ها تجربه تجارت در بازار به دست آورده‌ام، به پسرم، گریسون، منتقل کنم. اگر بخواهید این دانش میراث فکری او شده است. باعث خوشحالی من است که فکر کنم خوانندگان من می توانند از همان میراث فکری بهره ببرند که من افتخار می کنم به او منتقل کنم. این برنامه درک و اشتیاق به بازار و همچنین نظم و انضباط لازم برای اجرای این روش سرمایه گذاری را در گریسون ایجاد کرد. من از حرفه تدریس خود سپاسگزارم زیرا این فرصت را برای من فراهم کرده است که گریسون و دیگران را در دنیای سرمایه گذاری که عمیقاً دوست دارم آموزش دهم و مشارکت دهم. جایی که سایر سرمایه گذاران و معامله گران با سابقه من صد در صد اسرار خود را فاش نمی کنند، من چنین اکراهی ندارم. جایی که زمانی بهترین علایق من وجود داشت، اکنون پسر و شاگردانم را به جای آنها دارم. همانطور که شما این کتاب را می خوانید، مطمئن باشید که من به سادگی یک برنامه سرمایه گذاری را تنظیم نکرده ام که بتوانم آن را به بازار عرضه کنم تا نفسم را تحت تأثیر قرار دهم. در عوض، من نقشه راه راهبردی جامع خود را به تفصیل شرح داده ام و احساس افتخار می کنم که آن را با شما به اشتراک می گذارم، همانطور که مفتخرم که آن را به پسرم آموزش می دهم. انگیزه من در پشت موفقیت این برنامه تا حد زیادی ایجاد برنامه ای است که هم برای او و هم برای شما قوی ترین پایه ممکن را برای تمام تلاش های سرمایه گذاری آینده فراهم کند


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Author(s): Gatis N. Roze, Grayson D. Roze

Series: Wiley Trading

Publisher: Wiley, Year: 2016

ISBN: 1119224330,9781119224334


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vii C o n t e n t s Preface xi Acknowledgments xvii About the Authors xxi stAge 1 Money Management 1 Crafting Your Money Management Plan 5 Becoming a Successful Investor 9 The Importance of Asset Allocation 11 Constructing Your Personal Asset Allocation Profile 15 X-Ray Magic 24 Allocation Maintenance 24 stAge 2 the Business of Investing 29 Ten Invaluable Investing Lessons 29 Staying Committed on the Road 36 The Investor’s Quad 36 stAge 3 the Investor self 39 The Five Levels of Investor Growth 40 Investor Weaknesses 42 Learn from the Professionals 46 Your Daily Journal 47 stAge 4 Market Analysis 53 Permission to Buy 54 Telescope-to-Microscope Approach 55 Charting Indicators 56 viii ConTenTS organizing Your Analysis 60 Common Misunderstandings 62 The Market Stages and Technical Analysis 64 Fundamentals Checklist for Stocks 67 Fifty versus Fifty 68 stAge 5 Routines 71 Choosing Your Time Frame 72 From Salesmen to Stock Traders 74 Personal Peak Performance 75 Daily, Weekly, Monthly, Annually 76 A Day in the Life 79 stAge 6 stalking Your trade 87 Where to Look 88 What to Look For 88 How to Look 89 When to Look 89 Filters 91 Human nature and overhead Supply 96 Second-opinion Resources 98 The Sisters Strategy Revisited 98 Mimic Wall Street’s Masters 99 The Base-Hit Investor 101 stAge 7 Buying 103 BATTLe V Methodology 106 Pyramid Trading 106 The Language of the Market 108 Buy Routines 109 Considering Alternatives 111 Perfection Paralysis 111 Commission-Free Mind-Set 112 Invest Like You Drive 113 It’s All about Stress Control 114 stAge 8 Monitoring 117 You Bought It—now What? 118 Revisiting the Investor Self 119 ix ConTenTS Market Monitoring 120 Adjusting Stops 121 Tools, Routines, and Charts 123 Fundamentals 126 Allocation Updates 127 What Is Your Motivation? 129 stAge 9 selling 131 Sell on Technicals, not Fundamentals 133 The Art of Selling 135 Developing Your Selling System 138 Mutual Fund Sell Signals 146 Selling with the Sisters 148 Sell-Side Pyramid Trading 149 The endowment effect 149 The Investor’s Trail 150 stAge 10 Revisit, Retune, Refine 153 Cleanse and Move Forward 154 Personal Data Mining 164 The Investor’s Big Three 165 Thoughts on Transformation 167 About the Website 171 Index 173

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