Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes 6th Edition

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Author: Martin Marger

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Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes introduces key concepts, theories, research findings, and trends associated with the major forms of social inequality.

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Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes introduces key concepts, theories, research findings, and trends associated with the major forms of social inequality. Students will gain a keen awareness of the subtle and often unseen ways in which inequality is structured, and how it impinges on virtually all facets of individual and group life. The 6th edition carries on the tradition of highly accessible and concise narratives, and includes extensive coverage of the latest issues in society both domestic and cross-nationally.

چکیده فارسی

نابرابری اجتماعی: الگوها و فرآیندها مفاهیم کلیدی، نظریه ها، یافته های پژوهشی و روندهای مرتبط با اشکال عمده نابرابری اجتماعی را معرفی می کند. دانش‌آموزان آگاهی دقیقی از روش‌های ظریف و اغلب نادیده‌ای که در آن نابرابری ساختار می‌یابد، و نحوه تأثیر آن بر تقریباً تمام جنبه‌های زندگی فردی و گروهی به دست خواهند آورد. نسخه ششم سنت روایات بسیار در دسترس و مختصر را ادامه می‌دهد و شامل پوشش گسترده‌ای از آخرین مسائل جامعه چه در سطح داخلی و چه در سطح ملی است.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Social Inequality: Patterns and Processes
نویسنده: Martin Marger
ناشر: McGraw-Hill Education; 6 edition (March 25, 2013)
زبان: English
شابک: 0078026938, 978-0078026935
حجم: 26 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Preface Chapter 1: An Introduction to the Study of Social Inequality Major Issues in the Study of Social Inequality Key Questions A Comparative Approach Examining Inequality in a Sociological Mode The Sociological Mode Objectives of Inquiry Individuals and Social Forces Some Basic Terms and Concepts in the Study of Inequality Social Differentiation Social Stratification Stratification Forms Structured Inequality Life Chances and Inequality of Opportunity Stability in Systems of Inequality Change in Systems of Inequality Equity versus Liberty Summary Chapter 2: Theories of Class and Social Inequality Marx's Theory of Social Inequality The Economic Foundation The Class Division Class Conflict and Societal Change Marxian Theory in Summary The Failure of Marx's Vision Enduring Points of Marx's Theory Revising Marx Weber: The Inevitability of Inequality Class Status Party Weber on Power Weber's Contribution to Inequality Theory Dahrendorf: Neo-Weberian Bourdieu: Forms of Capital Functionalism and Conflict Theory Functional Theory: The Need for Inequality Conflict Theory: The Dysfunctions of Inequality Lenski's Synthesis Summary Chapter 3: The American Class System Social Class: A Two-Dimensional Picture Economic Class Class as Lifestyle Popular Notions of the American Class Structure The Reality of Class in the United States The Six-Part American Class Structure The Distribution of Income The Distribution of Wealth Change and Continuity in Economic Inequality Trends in the Distribution of Income and Wealth Looking Beyond Economic Inequality: A Comparative Perspective Summary Chapter 4: The Upper Class and the Power Elite The Upper Class Income Wealth The Rich: Old and New The Privileges of Wealth Inheritance, Effort, and Wealth The Power Elite: Patterns and Theory The Relationship between the Upper Class and the Power Elite Social Class and the Power Elite The Social-Class Origins of U.S. Elites Paths to Power The Elite Recruitment Process The Systemic Nature of Elite Recruitment Power Elites in Other Societies Summary Chapter 5: The Middle Classes Historical Development of the Middle Classes Formation of the Middle Classes in the United States Industrialization and the Changing Class Structure Postindustrialism The Classes in the Middle and the Occupational Structure The Upper-Middle Class The Lower-Middle Class The Working Class The Changing U.S. Economy and the Classes in the Middle The Growth of the Middle Classes The Shrinking Middle Economic Restructuring and the Classes in the Middle Technological Changes Globalization The Decline of Labor Unions Downsizing, Outsourcing, and Offshoring Demographic Factors Public Policies and the Shrinking Middle The Middle Classes: Lifestyles, Desires, and Debt The New Consumerism Consumer Debt The End of the New Consumerism? Summary Chapter 6: Poverty and the Poor Defining Poverty Absolute Poverty Relative Poverty Official Poverty Who Are the Poor? The Poor and Those at Risk Poverty Trends The Working Poor and the Underclass The Working Poor The Underclass Why Are the Poor Poor? Individual-Focused Explanations Structure-Focused Explanations Popular Views of Poverty Public Policies and Poverty Welfare Programs Poverty in Comparative Perspective Summary Chapter 7: Stratification Systems and Social Mobility Systems of Stratification Slavery Caste Estate Class Systems Patterns of Social Mobility in Modern Societies Measurements of Mobility Mobility Trends Mobility in Historical Perspective Determinants of Social Mobility Structural Mobility Individual Mobility Education and the Process of Mobility Education: The Key Life Chance Summary Chapter 8: Ideology and the Legitimation of Inequality Legitimation The Nature of Ideology Dominant Ideologies Ideology: Beliefs and Reality The Dominant American Ideology Individual Achievement Equality of Opportunity Meritocracy and Universalism The Work Ethic Liberal Capitalism Ancillary Beliefs Persistence and Change in the American Ideology Legitimation, Ideology, and Socialization Socialization Legitimation, Socialization, and the School The Mass Media in the Legitimation Process Summary Chapter 9: Public Policy and the Class System The Political Economy Capitalism, Democracy, and Inequality Macroeconomic Policy Taxation: How Much, from Whom Government Spending: On What, for Whom Categories of Government Spending Welfare for the Poor, the Middle, and the Wealthy The U.S. Welfare State in Comparative Perspective The Scope and Impact of the U.S. Welfare State Accounting for the Difference Public Perceptions of Government Spending Government Regulation Regulatory Agencies Efforts to Influence the Business Cycle Partisan Differences in Public Policy in the Modern Era Competing Approaches to the Political Economy More or Less Inequality? Policy Choices Summary Chapter 10: Racial/Ethnic Stratification Ethnicity and Race Ethnicity Race Racial-Ethnic Categories The American Ethnic Configuration Racial-Ethnic Stratification: Majority and Minority Minority Groups Dominant Groups The Relativity of Dominant Status and Minority Status The Origins of Ethnic Stratification The Intersection of Class and Ethnicity The American Ethnic Hierarchy Ethnicity and the Economic Hierarchy African Americans Hispanic Americans Asian Americans Native Americans Ethnicity and Power Prejudice and Discrimination Social Integration Stability and Change in the American Ethnic Hierarchy Efforts at Changing the Hierarchy Affirmative Action Summary Chapter 11: Gender Inequality Gender Differentiation Sex and Gender Gender Stratification Why Gender Inequality? Sexism and Sexist Stereotypes Gender Inequality in the Workforce: Continuity and Change Labor Force Participation Occupational Concentration Earnings Authority Work and the Family Patterns of Gender Inequality: Politics, the Corporation, and Education Gender Inequality in the Political World Gender Inequality in the Corporate World Women and Education The Status of Women in Global Perspective Discrimination Political and Economic Power The Feminist Movement Feminism Summary Chapter 12: Political Inequality Political Stratification The Scope and Dimensions of Power Elites and Masses Three Models of Power in America The Class Model The Power Elite Model The Pluralist Model The American Power Structure: Unity and Division Power in America: An Integrated Model The Role of Masses in the System of Power Political Participation: A Key Life Chance The Effective—and Costly—Forms of Participation Political Participation and Social Class Participation and Elite Accountability Mass Participation and the Class Structure Noninstitutional Forms of Participation Summary Glossary References Index

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