Rhetoric and Reality in Air Warfare: The Evolution of British and American Ideas about Strategic Bombing, 1914-1945 (Princeton Studies in International History and Politics) - Original PDF

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Author: Tami Davis Biddle

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A major revision of our understanding of long-range bombing, this book examines how Anglo-American ideas about "strategic" bombing were formed and implemented. It argues that ideas about bombing civilian targets rested on--and gained validity from--widespread but substantially erroneous assumptions about the nature of modern industrial societies and their vulnerability to aerial bombardment. These assumptions were derived from the social and political context of the day and were maintained largely through cognitive error and bias. Tami Davis Biddle explains how air theorists, and those influenced by them, came to believe that strategic bombing would be an especially effective coercive tool and how they responded when their assumptions were challenged.Biddle analyzes how a particular interpretation of the World War I experience, together with airmen's organizational interests, shaped interwar debates about strategic bombing and preserved conceptions of its potentially revolutionary character. This flawed interpretation as well as a failure to anticipate implementation problems were revealed as World War II commenced. By then, the British and Americans had invested heavily in strategic bombing. They saw little choice but to try to solve the problems in real time and make long-range bombing as effective as possible.Combining narrative with analysis, this book presents the first-ever comparative history of British and American strategic bombing from its origins through 1945. In examining the ideas and rhetoric on which strategic bombing depended, it offers critical insights into the validity and robustness of those ideas--not only as they applied to World War II but as they apply to contemporary warfare.

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Introduction In late September 1941, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was frustrated with Bomber Command, his primary weapon against Hitler’s offensive. The first rigorous evaluation of Bomber Command’s performance in the war, the Butt Report, was discouraging: on any given night only about one in five crews put bombs within five miles of their targets.1 This information came as a jolt—indeed, many in the Royal Air Force (RAF) could barely believe it. Sir Richard Peirse, head of Bomber Command, declared, “I don’t think at this rate we could have hoped to produce the damage which is known to have been achieved.”2 What he “knew” came largely from pilot accounts, and these were now proved to be highly unreliable: Peirse and those under him had engaged in a great deal of wishful thinking. For Churchill, however, the ramifications had sunk in. He directed his ire at Sir Charles Portal, former head of Bomber Command and, since late 1940, Chief of Air Staff (CAS). Portal had just sent Churchill a paper calling for 4,000 heavy bombers for use in a massive air offensive designed to break German civilian morale. The prime minister received the scheme with skepticism and despondency. Strongly implying that he had lost faith in Bomber Command, he responded to Portal with a note that pessimistically concluded, “The most we can say [about Bomber Command] is that it will be a heavy and I trust a seriously increasing annoyance [to Germany].”3 Portal, not one to shrink from the prime minister’s tempests, pointed out that Churchill’s own rhetoric and decisions to date had all relied on the strategic air arm—if not to win the war on its own, at least to help prepare the continent for an allied ground invasion. He defended the RAF scheme and then challenged Churchill directly: “We could, for example, return to the conception of defeating Germany with the army as the primary offensive weapon.” Knowing that Churchill would find this distasteful, he continued, “I must point out with the utmost emphasis that in that event we should require an air force composed quite differently from that which we are now creating. If therefore it is your view that the strategic picture has changed since the issue of your original directives I would urge that revised instructions should be given to the Chiefs of Staff without a moment’s delay.” Portal thus called the prime

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مقدمه در اواخر سپتامبر 1941، نخست وزیر وینستون چرچیل از فرماندهی بمب افکن، سلاح اصلی او در برابر حمله هیتلر، ناامید شد. اولین ارزیابی دقیق از عملکرد فرماندهی بمب‌افکن در جنگ، گزارش Butt، دلسردکننده بود: در هر شب از هر پنج خدمه فقط یک نفر بمب‌ها را در فاصله پنج مایلی اهداف خود قرار می‌داد. نیروی هوایی سلطنتی (RAF) به سختی می توانست آن را باور کند. سر ریچارد پیرس، رئیس فرماندهی بمب افکن، اعلام کرد: «فکر نمی‌کنم با این سرعت بتوانیم به خسارتی که مشخص است به آن رسیده‌ایم امیدوار باشیم». اکنون ثابت شد که اینها بسیار غیرقابل اعتماد هستند: پیرس و کسانی که زیر دست او بودند، درگیر افکار واهی زیادی بودند. با این حال، برای چرچیل، پیامدها فروکش کرده بود. او خشم خود را متوجه سر چارلز پورتال، رئیس سابق فرماندهی بمب افکن و از اواخر سال 1940، رئیس ستاد هوایی (CAS) کرد. پورتال به تازگی مقاله ای را برای چرچیل ارسال کرده بود که در آن خواستار 4000 بمب افکن سنگین برای استفاده در یک حمله هوایی گسترده بود که برای شکستن روحیه غیرنظامیان آلمانی طراحی شده بود. نخست وزیر این طرح را با شک و ناامیدی پذیرفت. وی با بیان اینکه ایمان خود را به فرماندهی بمب افکن از دست داده است، با یادداشتی به پورتال پاسخ داد که با بدبینانه نتیجه گیری کرد: «بیشترین چیزی که می توانیم [درباره فرماندهی بمب افکن] بگوییم این است که بسیار سنگین خواهد بود و من به یک آزار و اذیت به شدت فزاینده [برای آلمان] اعتماد دارم. پورتالی که از طوفان‌های نخست‌وزیر کوتاه نمی‌آید، اشاره کرد که لفاظی‌ها و تصمیم‌های خود چرچیل تا به امروز همگی متکی به بازوی هوایی استراتژیک بوده است – اگر نگوییم به تنهایی در جنگ پیروز می‌شود، حداقل برای کمک به آماده‌سازی. قاره برای تهاجم زمینی متفقین. او از طرح RAF دفاع کرد و سپس چرچیل را مستقیماً به چالش کشید: «برای مثال، می‌توانیم به مفهوم شکست دادن آلمان با ارتش به عنوان سلاح تهاجمی اولیه بازگردیم.» او که می‌دانست چرچیل این امر را ناپسند می‌داند، ادامه داد: «باید با نهایت تأکید اشاره کنم که در آن صورت باید به نیروی هوایی کاملاً متفاوت از آنچه اکنون ایجاد می‌کنیم نیاز داشته باشیم. بنابراین اگر نظر شما این است که تصویر استراتژیک از زمان صدور دستورالعمل های اولیه شما تغییر کرده است، من اصرار دارم که دستورالعمل های تجدید نظر شده باید بدون لحظه ای تأخیر به روسای ستاد داده شود.» پورتال به این ترتیب prime

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Acknowledgments vii Introduction 1 Chapter One The Beginning: Strategic Bombing in the First World War 11 Chapter Two Britain in the Interwar Years 69 Chapter Three The United States in the Interwar Years 128 Chapter Four Rhetoric and Reality, 1939–1942 176 Chapter Five The Combined Bomber Offensive, 1943–1945 214 Conclusion 289 Notes 303 Bibliography of Archival Sources 387 Index 391

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