Race and Crime Fifth Edition

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Author: Shaun L. Gabbidon, Helen Taylor-Greene

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Written by two of the most prominent criminologists in the field, Race and Crime, Fifth Edition takes an incisive look at the intersection of race, ethnicity and the criminal justice system.

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Written by two of the most prominent criminologists in the field, Race and Crime, Fifth Edition takes an incisive look at the intersection of race, ethnicity and the criminal justice system. Authors Shaun L. Gabbidon and Helen Taylor Greene offer you a panoramic perspective of race and crime by expertly balancing historical context with modern data and research in thought-provoking discussions of contemporary issues. Accessible and reader-friendly, this comprehensive text illuminates the continued importance of race and ethnicity in all aspects of the administration of justice.

چکیده فارسی

نوشته شده توسط دو تن از برجسته ترین جرم شناسان در این زمینه،  نژاد و جنایت، ویرایش پنجم نگاهی دقیق به تلاقی نژاد، قومیت و عدالت کیفری دارد. سیستم. نویسندگان Shaun L. Gabbidon و Helen Taylor Greene با متعادل کردن ماهرانه بافت تاریخی با داده‌های مدرن و تحقیقات در بحث‌های تفکر برانگیز درباره مسائل معاصر، چشم‌اندازی پانوراما از نژاد و جنایت را به شما ارائه می‌دهند. این متن جامع، قابل دسترس و خواننده پسند، اهمیت تداوم نژاد و قومیت را در تمام جنبه های اجرای عدالت روشن می کند.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Race and Crime
نویسنده: Shaun L. Gabbidon, Helen Taylor-Greene
ناشر: English
زبان: 9781544334233
شابک: 978-1544334233, 1544334230
حجم: 18 Mb
فرمت: Epub + Converted pdf

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Preface to the Fifth Edition Acknowledgments About the Authors CHAPTER 1 Overview of Race and Crime Race, DNA, Criminal Justice Databases, and Civil Rights Concerns ➨ IN FOCUS 1.1: Maryland v. King Race, Ethnicity, and the U.S. Population in 2015 Race, Ethnicity, and Population Trends Terminological Preferences Prejudice, Discrimination, and Implicit Bias Historical Antecedents of Race and Crime in America Native Americans African Americans ➨ IN FOCUS 1.2: The 10 Precepts of American Slavery Jurisprudence White Ethnics German Americans Italian Americans Irish Americans Jewish Americans Arab Americans Latino Americans Mexicans ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 1.1: What Do We Know About Illegal Immigrants From Mexico? Puerto Ricans A Brief Note on Other Latino Americans Asian Americans Chinese Americans Japanese Americans Filipinos and Koreans Asian Indians ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 1.1: Asian Americans and the “Model Minority” Label Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 2 Extent of Crime and Victimization History of Crime and Victimization Statistics in the United States ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 2.1: Should Race and Ethnicity Categories be Excluded From Crime Statistics? The Uniform Crime Reporting Program Victimization Surveys Limitations of Arrest and Victimization Data Definitions of Racial Categories Variations in Reporting and Recording Utilization of Population, Crime, Arrest, and Victimization Estimates Arrest Trends Victimization Trends ➨ IN FOCUS 2.1: Domestic Violence and Interpersonal Violence Victimization ➨ IN FOCUS 2.2: Race and Human Trafficking Homicide Victimizations Hate Crime Trends ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 2.1: Package Bombings That Killed 2 Seen as Possible Hate Crime in State Where Hate Crimes Underreported: Experts Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 3 Theoretical Perspectives on Race and Crime ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 3.1: Are There Racial Differences in Views on Crime Causation? What Is Theory? Biology, Race, and Crime Early Developments in Biological Explanations Recent Developments in Biological Explanations Crime and Human Nature Intelligence, Race, and Crime Contemporary Biosocial Criminology and Race r/K Selection Theory John Wright’s Biosocial Thesis on Race and Offending Sociological Explanations Early Sociological Explanations Social Disorganization Contemporary Social Disorganization Theory Mass Incarceration and Social Disorganization Collective Efficacy Culture Conflict Theory Strain or Anomie Theory Limitations of the Strain or Anomie Theory General Strain Theory Subcultural Theory The Subculture of Violence Theory The Code of the Street ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 3.1: Is Crime in the Black Community Cultural or Is It the Product of Racial Bias? The Code of the Suburb Conflict Theory Conflict Theory, Race, and Crime ➨ IN FOCUS 3.1: Walker, Spohn, and DeLone’s (1996) Discrimination-Disparity Continuum The Colonial Model Integrated and Nontraditional Theories on Race and Crime Structural-Cultural Theory Abortion, Race, and Crime Critical Race Theory Theory of African American Offending ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 3.2: Are Race-Neutral or Race-Specific Theories Better for Explaining Offending? Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 4 Policing Polling Data Overview of Policing in America ➨ IN FOCUS 4.1: Do Racial/Ethnic Minority Police Officers Make a Difference? Historical Overview of Race and Policing Policing Native Americans Policing African Americans Policing Asian Americans Policing Latinos Policing White Immigrants Contemporary Issues in Race and Policing Police Deviance Police Use of Deadly Force ➨ IN FOCUS 4.2: Police Deadly Confrontations ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 4.1: Are Police Killings of Citizens Too High? ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 4.1: The Ferguson Civil Rights Investigations Police Bias Racial Profiling ➨ IN FOCUS 4.3: Seatbelt Laws and Pretextual Stops in Florida “Veil-of-Darkness” Thesis Stop and Frisk Traffic-Safety Stops vs. “Investigatory Stops” Consent Searches Immigration and Policing Public Opinion on Immigration Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 5 Courts Overview of American Courts: Actors and Processes A Note on the Philosophy, Operation, and Structure of Native American Courts Historical Overview of Race and the Courts in America Native Americans African Americans Latinos Asian Americans Contemporary Issues in Race and the Courts Bail and the Pretrial Process Scholarship on Race/Ethnicity, Bail, and Pretrial Release Legal Counsel Defense Counsel ➨ IN FOCUS 5.1: Ten Principles of a Public Defense Delivery System Plea Bargaining Jury Selection Voir Dire ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 5.1: Eliminate Peremptory Challenges Backstrikes ➨ IN FOCUS 5.2: Equal Justice Initiative: Recommendations to Reduce Bias in the Jury Selection Process Jury Nullification Drug Courts Structure and Philosophy of Drug Courts Court Structure Court Philosophy Effectiveness of Drug Courts The Opioid Crisis ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 5.1: The Opioid Epidemic Has Now Reached Black America: Drug Overdose Deaths Are Skyrocketing Among Black Americans Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 6 Sentencing Sentencing Philosophies Sentencing and Politics Historical Overview of Race and Sentencing Punishment in Colonial America Early Colonial Cases Crime and Justice in Colonial New York Early National Sentencing Statistics The 1980s to 2000s: The Changing Nature of Sentencing Practices The “War on Drugs” Contemporary Issues in Race and Sentencing Felony Convictions in State Courts Convictions in Federal Courts Scholarship on Race and Sentencing Zatz’s Four Waves of Race and Sentencing Research Race and Sentencing Research Post-Zatz Race and Misdemeanor Sentencing Sentencing Disparities and the “War on Drugs” Minority Judges Do Minority Judges Make a Difference? ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 6.1: Minority Judicial Nominations by Trump Would Pose Political Dilemmas for Democrats Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 7 The Death Penalty Historical Overview of Race and the Death Penalty ➨ IN FOCUS 7.1: Slave-Era Capital Crimes and Slave Owner Compensation in Virginia, 1774–1864 Significant Death Penalty Cases The Peach State and the Foundational Death Penalty Cases McCleskey v. Kemp ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 7.1: North Carolina Supreme Court Vacates Racial Justice Act Decisions Current Statistics on the Death Penalty State Death Penalty Statistics Federal Death Penalty Statistics ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 7.1: Should Major Opioid Drug Dealers Get the Death Penalty? Scholarship on Race and the Death Penalty Hispanics and the Death Penalty Substitution Thesis/Zimring Analysis Public Opinion and the Death Penalty Race and Support for the Death Penalty The Marshall Hypotheses Contemporary Issues in Race and the Death Penalty Capital Jury Project Wrongful Convictions Current State of Wrongful Convictions Addressing Wrongful Convictions in the 21st Century Death Penalty Moratorium Movement Judicial Overrides in Death Penalty Sentencing Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 8 Corrections ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 8.1: Corrections vs. Education: Where Should We Invest? Overview of American Corrections Public Opinion on Corrections Historical Overview of Race and Corrections Early History of Race and Corrections Race and Corrections in the 1800s Early National Prison Statistics Black Muslims, the Black Panther Party, Political Prisoners, and the Prisoners’ Rights Movement Prison Gangs Prevalence and Racial/Ethnic Backgrounds of Prison Gangs Race and Prison Gang Activity Contemporary State of Corrections Incarceration: State and Federal Prisons Jails Probation and Parole ➨ RACE AND CRIME IN THE MEDIA 8.1: Five Myths About Incarceration Contemporary Issues in Race and Corrections Explaining Racial Disparities in Corrections Blumstein’s Pioneering Work Racial Disparities in Corrections Scholarship Prisoner Reentry Concerns Felon Disenfranchisement Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites CHAPTER 9 Juvenile Justice Overview of Juvenile Justice Historical Overview of Race and Juvenile Justice The Child Savers Juvenile Courts Race, Juvenile Crime, and Victimization ➨ IN FOCUS 9.1: School Shootings: The Invisible Perpetrators Youth in the Juvenile Justice System ➨ BOTH SIDES OF THE DEBATE 9.1: Should Affluenza Be Allowed as a Mitigating Circumstance in Cases Involving Juveniles? Contemporary Issues in Juvenile Justice Disproportionate Minority Contact (DMC) The Future of DMC The School-to-Prison Pipeline (SPP) Minority Female Delinquency Race and Life Without Parole Sentences for Juveniles Delinquency Prevention Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Internet Sites Conclusion Appendices Glossary References Index

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