Quantitative Finance With Python: A Practical Guide to Investment Management, Trading, and Financial Engineering - Original PDF

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Author: C. Kelliher

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In March 2018, the Federal Reserve (“Fed”) was in the midst of its first hiking cycle in over a decade, and the European Central Bank (“ECB”), still reeling from the Eurozone debt crisis, continued to charge investors for the privilege of borrowing money. US sovereign bonds (“Treasuries”) were yielding 3% over their German coun- terparts (“Bunds”), an all-time high, and unconventional monetary policy from the two central banks had pushed the cost of protection to an all-time low. Meanwhile, across the pond, a sophisticated Canadian pension flipped a rather esoteric coin: A so-called digital put-on Euro/Dollar, a currency pair that trades over a trillion dollars a day. On this crisp winter morning, the EURUSD exchange rate (“spot”) was 1.2500. If the flip resulted in heads and spot ended below 1.2500 in 2 years, the pension would receive $10 million. If the flip were tails and spot ended above 1.2500, the pension would have to pay $2.5 million. Naturally, the 4 to 1 asymmetry in the payout suggests that the odds of heads were only 25%. Interestingly, the flip yielded heads, and in 2 years, spot was below 1.2500

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C H A P T E R 1 Setting the Stage: Quant Landscape 1.1 INTRODUCTION Quantitative finance and investment management are broad fields that are still evolving rapidly. Technological and modeling innovations over the last decades have led to a series of fundamental shifts in the industry that are likely just beginning. This creates challenges and opportunities for aspiring quants who are, for example, able to harness the new data sources, apply new machine learning techniques or lever- age cutting edge derivative models. The landscape of these fields is also fairly broad, ranging from solving investment problems related to optimal retirement outcomes for investors to providing value to firms by helping them hedge certain undesirable exposures. In spite of the innovations, however, quants must remember that models are by definition approximations of the world. As George Box famously said “All Models are Wrong, Some are Useful”, and this is something all quants should take to heart. When applying a model, the knowledge of its strengths, weaknesses and limitations must be at the forefront of our mind. Exacerbating this phenomenon is the fact that finance, unlike hard sciences like Physics or Chemistry, does not allow for repeatable experiments. In fact, in finance we don’t even know for sure that consecutive exper- iments come from the same underlying distribution because of the possibility of a regime change. Making this even more challenging is the potential feedback loop cre- ated by the presence of human behavior and psychology in the market. This is a key differentiating factor relative to other, harder, sciences. As a result, quants should aim to make models that are parsimonious and only as complex as the situation requires, and to be aware and transparent about the limitations and assumptions1.

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C H A P T E R 1 تنظیم مرحله: Quant Landscape 1.1 مقدمه مدیریت مالی و سرمایه گذاری کمی حوزه های گسترده ای هستند که هنوز به سرعت در حال تکامل هستند. نوآوری‌های فناوری و مدل‌سازی در دهه‌های گذشته منجر به یک سری تغییرات اساسی در صنعت شده است که احتمالاً تازه شروع شده‌اند. این چالش‌ها و فرصت‌هایی را برای کمیت‌های مشتاق ایجاد می‌کند که به‌عنوان مثال، می‌توانند از منابع داده جدید استفاده کنند، تکنیک‌های جدید یادگیری ماشین را به کار ببرند یا از مدل‌های مشتق پیشرفته استفاده کنند. چشم‌انداز این حوزه‌ها نیز نسبتاً گسترده است، از حل مشکلات سرمایه‌گذاری مرتبط با نتایج بهینه بازنشستگی برای سرمایه‌گذاران تا ارائه ارزش به شرکت‌ها از طریق کمک به آنها برای محافظت از مواجهه‌های نامطلوب خاص. با وجود ابداعات، کوانت ها باید به خاطر داشته باشند که مدل ها طبق تعریف تقریبی از جهان هستند. همانطور که جرج باکس به قول معروف «همه مدل‌ها اشتباه هستند، برخی مفید هستند»، و این چیزی است که همه چیز باید به آن توجه داشته باشد. هنگام به کارگیری یک مدل، شناخت نقاط قوت، ضعف و محدودیت های آن باید سرلوحه ذهن ما باشد. تشدید این پدیده این واقعیت است که امور مالی، بر خلاف علوم سخت مانند فیزیک یا شیمی، اجازه آزمایش های تکراری را نمی دهد. در واقع، در امور مالی، ما حتی نمی‌دانیم که آزمایش‌های متوالی از یک توزیع اساسی ناشی می‌شوند، زیرا امکان تغییر رژیم وجود دارد. چالش برانگیزتر کردن این موضوع، حلقه بازخورد بالقوه ای است که با حضور رفتار و روانشناسی انسانی در بازار ایجاد می شود. این یک عامل کلیدی تمایز نسبت به سایر علوم سخت تر است. در نتیجه، کوانت‌ها باید به دنبال ساخت مدل‌هایی باشند که صرفه‌جویی و فقط به اندازه‌ای که شرایط پیچیده باشد، و از محدودیت‌ها و مفروضات آگاه و شفاف باشند.


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Author(s): C. Kelliher

Year: 2022

ISBN: 2021056941,2021056942,9781032014432,9781032019147,9781003180975

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Contents ■ xxvii 19.2.2 Marginal VaR Contribution 527 19.2.3 Portfolio Conditional Value at Risk 527 19.2.4 Marginal CVaR Contribution 528 19.2.5 Extreme Loss, Stress Tests & Scenario Analysis 528 19.3 CALCULATION OF PORTFOLIO VaR AND CVaR 529 19.3.1 Overview 529 19.3.2 Historical Simulation 530 19.3.3 Monte Carlo Simulation 531 19.3.4 Strengths and Weaknesses of Each Approach 532 19.3.5 Validating Our Risk Calculations Out-of-Sample 533 19.3.6 VaR in Practice: Out of Sample Test of Rolling VaR 534 19.4 RISK MANAGEMENT OF NON-LINEAR INSTRUMENTS 535 19.4.1 Non-Linear Risk 535 19.4.2 Hedging Portfolios via Scenarios 537 19.5 RISK MANAGEMENT IN RATES & CREDIT MARKETS 537 19.5.1 Introduction 537 19.5.2 Converting from Change in Yield to Change in Price 538 19.5.3 DV01 and Credit Spread 01: Risk Management via Parallel Shifts 539 19.5.4 Partial DV01’s: Risk Management via Key Rate Shifts 541 19.5.5 Jump to Default Risk 542 19.5.6 Principal Component Based Shifts 543 Chapter 20 ■ Quantitative Trading Models 545 20.1 INTRODUCTION TO QUANT TRADING MODELS 545 20.1.1 Quant Strategies 545 20.1.2 What is Alpha Research? 546 20.1.3 Types of Quant Strategies 547 20.2 BACK-TESTING 547 20.2.1 Parameter Estimation 548 20.2.2 Modeling Transactions Costs 549 20.2.3 Evaluating Back-Test Performance 551 20.2.4 Most Common Quant Traps 551 20.2.5 Common Performance Metrics 552 20.2.6 Back-Tested Sharpe Ratios 557 20.2.7 In-Sample and Out-of-Sample Analysis 558 xxviii ■ Contents 20.2.8 Out-of-Sample Performance & Slippage 559 20.3 COMMON STAT-ARB STRATEGIES 560 20.3.1 Single Asset Momentum & Mean-Reversion Strategies 560 20.3.2 Cross Asset Autocorrelation Strategies 561 20.3.3 Pairs Trading 562 20.3.4 Pairs Trading in Practice: Gold vs. Gold Miners 564 20.3.5 Factor Models 565 20.3.6 PCA-Based Strategies 567 20.3.7 PCA Decomposition in Practice: How many Principal Components Explain the S&P 500? 570 20.3.8 Risk Premia Strategies 571 20.3.9 Momentum in Practice: Country ETFs 573 20.3.10 Translating Raw Signals to Positions 574 20.4 SYSTEMATIC OPTIONS BASED STRATEGIES 576 20.4.1 Back-Testing Strategies Using Options 576 20.4.2 Common Options Trading Strategies 577 20.4.3 Options Strategy in Practice: Covered Calls on NASDAQ 584 20.5 COMBINING QUANT STRATEGIES 586 20.6 PRINCIPLES OF DISCRETIONARY VS. SYSTEMATIC INVESTING 591 Chapter 21 ■ Incorporating Machine Learning Techniques 593 21.1 MACHINE LEARNING FRAMEWORK 593 21.1.1 Machine Learning vs. Econometrics 593 21.1.2 Stages of a Machine Learning Project 594 21.1.3 Parameter Tuning & Cross Validation 596 21.1.4 Classes of Machine Learning Algorithms 597 21.1.5 Applications of Machine Learning in Asset Management & Trading 597 21.1.6 Challenges of Using Machine Learning in Finance 598 21.2 SUPERVISED VS. UNSUPERVISED LEARNING METHODS 599 21.2.1 Supervised vs. Unsupervised Learning 599 21.2.2 Supervised Learning Methods 600 21.2.3 Regression vs. Classification Techniques 602 21.2.4 Unsupervised Learning Methods 603 21.3 CLUSTERING 604 21.3.1 What is Clustering? 604 Contents ■ xxix 21.3.2 K-Means Clustering 604 21.3.3 Hierarchical Clustering 605 21.3.4 Distance Metrics 606 21.3.5 Optimal Number of Clusters 607 21.3.6 Clustering in Finance 608 21.3.7 Clustering in Practice: Asset Class & Risk-on Risk-off Clusters 608 21.4 CLASSIFICATION TECHNIQUES 610 21.4.1 What is Classification? 610 21.4.2 K-Nearest Neighbor 611 21.4.3 Probit Regression 612 21.4.4 Logistic Regression 614 21.4.5 Support Vector Machines 616 21.4.6 Confusion Matrices 620 21.4.7 Classification Problems in Finance 621 21.4.8 Classification in Practice: Using Classification Techniques in an Alpha Signal 622 21.5 FEATURE IMPORTANCE & INTERPRETABILITY 622 21.5.1 Feature Importance & Interpretability 622 21.6 OTHER APPLICATIONS OF MACHINE LEARNING 624 21.6.1 Delta Hedging Schemes & Optimal Execution via Reinforcement Learning 624 21.6.2 Credit Risk Modeling via Classification Techniques 624 21.6.3 Incorporating Alternative Data via Natural Language Processing (NLP) Algorithms and Other Machine Learning Techniques 625 21.6.4 Volatility Surface Calibration via Deep Learning 625 Bibliography 627 Index 641

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