Public Budgeting:  Policy, Process and Politics (Aspa Classics) - Original PDF

دانلود کتاب Public Budgeting: Policy, Process and Politics (Aspa Classics) - Original PDF

Author: Rubin, Irene S.

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Some of the best writings on public budgeting and finance can be found in the journals that ASPA publishes or sponsors

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Some of the best writings on public budgeting and finance can be found in the journals that ASPA publishes or sponsors. For this volume editor Irene Rubin has brought together the best of these articles - emerging classics that address the most important theoretical and practical problems underlying public budgeting.The anthology is organized topically rather than historically, with an effort to delineate the issues needed to understand some of the more recent controversies in the field. Rubin's introductory essay and section openers frame the key issues and provide historical context for each article. The collection begins with descriptions of what public budgeting is, where it comes from, and what it is for. It moves on to the relationship between budget processes and outcomes, constraints on budgeting, the legal context in which it operates, and adaptations to those constraints such as contracting out.The book concludes with a discussion of the ethics and norms that underlie budgeting in a democracy. Throughout the anthology, the emphasis is on areas of disagreement and debate, so students can get involved and explore different viewpoints.

چکیده فارسی


برخی از بهترین نوشته‌ها در مورد بودجه عمومی و امور مالی را می‌توان در مجلاتی که ASPA منتشر می‌کند یا حامی مالی می‌شود، یافت. برای این جلد، ایرنه روبین، ویراستار این کتاب، بهترین این مقالات - کلاسیک های نوظهور را که به مهم ترین مشکلات نظری و عملی زیربنای بودجه ریزی عمومی می پردازند، گرد هم آورده است. گلچین به جای تاریخی، به صورت موضعی سازماندهی شده است، با تلاشی برای ترسیم موضوعات مورد نیاز برای درک برخی موارد. از جنجال های اخیر در این زمینه. مقاله مقدماتی روبین و بازکننده‌های بخش، موضوعات کلیدی را چارچوب می‌دهند و زمینه تاریخی را برای هر مقاله ارائه می‌کنند. این مجموعه با توضیحاتی در مورد اینکه بودجه عمومی چیست، از کجا می آید و برای چیست شروع می شود. این کتاب به رابطه بین فرآیندها و نتایج بودجه، محدودیت‌های بودجه‌ریزی، زمینه قانونی که در آن عمل می‌کند، و انطباق با آن محدودیت‌هایی مانند انعقاد قرارداد ادامه می‌دهد. این کتاب با بحث در مورد اخلاقیات و هنجارهایی که زیربنای بودجه‌ریزی را تشکیل می‌دهند، به پایان می‌رسد. دموکراسی در سراسر گلچین، تأکید بر زمینه‌های اختلاف و بحث است، بنابراین دانش‌آموزان می‌توانند درگیر شوند و دیدگاه‌های مختلف را بررسی کنند.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: Public Budgeting: Policy, Process and Politics (Aspa Classics)
نویسنده: Rubin, Irene S.
ناشر: Routledge (March 15, 2008)
زبان: English
شابک: 0765616904, 978-0765616906

9781317461845 1317461843 9781315701431 131570143X 9781317461821 1317461827 9781317461838 1317461835 0765616904 9780765616906 9780765616913 0765616912
حجم: 19 Mb
فرمت: Original PDF

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Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Introduction; Part 1. What Is a Public Budget? Origins and Purposes; 1. Making ""Common Sense"" of Federal Budgeting; 2. Who Invented Public Budgeting in the United States?; 3. The Road to PPB: The Stages of Budget Reform; Part 2. Budgeting in a Democracy; Institutional Arrangements; 4. Paradox, Ambiguity, and Enigma: The Strange Case of the Executive Budget and the United States Constitution; 5. The Executive Budget: An Idea Whose Time Has Passed; 6. The End of Executive Dominance in State Appropriations. 7. Budgeting by the Ballot: Initiatives in the State of MontanaPart 3. The Roles of the Key Budget Actors and Decision Making; 3.1. Role of the Executive Budget Office; 8. The Office of Management and Budget in a Changing Scene; 9. The Shifting Roles of State Budget Offices in the Midwest: Gosling Revisited; 3.2. The Courts-When and How They Intervene; 10. Courts and Public Purse Strings: Have Portraits of Budgeting Missed Something?; 3.3. The Bureaucracy; 11. Federal Agency Budget Officers: Who Needs Them? 12. The Budget-Minimizing Bureaucrat? Empirical Evidence from the Senior Executive Service3.4. Incrementalism; 13. Police Budgeting: Winning Strategies; 14. Aaron Wildavsky and the Demise of Incrementalism; 15. Decision Strategies of the Legislative Budget Analyst: Economist or Politician?; Part 4. The Budget Process; 16. Ten Years of the Budget Act: Still Searching for Controls; 17. Deficit Politics and Constitutional Government: The Impact of Gramm-Rudman-Hollings; 18. The Budget Enforcement Act and Its Survival: Congress Hears from Experts. 19. Does Budget Format Really Govern the Actions of Budgetmakers?20. Participatory Democracy and Budgeting: The Effects of Proposition 13; Part 5. Constraints; 5.1. Federalism; 21. Changes in Intergovernmental Fiscal Patterns; 22. At What Price? Costs of Federal Mandates Since the 1980s; 5.2. Entitlements; 23. The Inflexibility of Contemporary Budgets; 24. Re-establishing Budgetary Flexibility; 25. Entitlement Budgeting vs. Bureau Budgeting; 5.3. Tax and Expenditure Limitations; 26. Constraint and Uncertainty: Budgeting in California. 27. Restraint in a Land of Plenty: Revenue and Expenditure Limitations in Texas5.4. Court Decisions and Constitutional Rights; 28. Budgeting Rights: The Case of Jail Litigation; Part 6. Privatization and Contracting; 29. Competition and Choice in New York City Social Services; 30. The Need for a Privatization Process: Lessons from Development and Implementation; Part 7. Budget Norms and Ethics; 31. Budgetary Balance: The Norm, Concept, and Practice in Large U.S. Cities; 32. Federal Budget Concepts-Bright Lines or Black Holes?

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