Organized Crime:  Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance - Epub + Converted pdf

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Author: Klaus Von Lampe

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Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance provides a systematic overview of the processes and structures commonly labeled "organized crime," drawing on the pertinent empirical and theoretical literature primarily from North America, Europe, and Australia.

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Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance provides a systematic overview of the processes and structures commonly labeled "organized crime," drawing on the pertinent empirical and theoretical literature primarily from North America, Europe, and Australia. The main emphasis is placed on a comprehensive classificatory scheme that highlights underlying patterns and dynamics, rather than particular historical manifestations of organized crime. Esteemed author Klaus von Lampe strategically breaks the book down into three key dimensions: (1) illegal activities, (2) patterns of interpersonal relations that are directly or indirectly supporting these illegal activities, and (3) overarching illegal power structures that regulate and control these illegal activities and also extend their influence into the legal spheres of society. Within this framework, numerous case studies and topical issues from a variety of countries illustrate meaningful application of the conceptual and theoretical discussion.

چکیده فارسی

جرم سازمان‌یافته: تجزیه و تحلیل فعالیت‌های غیرقانونی، ساختارهای جنایی، و حکمرانی فراقانونی بررسی کلی سیستماتیک از فرآیندها و ساختارهایی که معمولاً «جرم سازمان‌یافته» نامیده می‌شوند، ارائه می‌کند، که عمدتاً از ادبیات تجربی و نظری مرتبط استفاده می‌کند. از آمریکای شمالی، اروپا و استرالیا. تأکید اصلی بر یک طرح طبقه بندی جامع است که الگوها و پویایی های اساسی را به جای جلوه های تاریخی خاص جنایات سازمان یافته برجسته می کند. نویسنده محترم کلاوس فون لامپ به طور استراتژیک کتاب را به سه بعد کلیدی تقسیم می کند: (1) فعالیت های غیرقانونی، (2) الگوهای روابط بین فردی که به طور مستقیم یا غیرمستقیم از این فعالیت های غیرقانونی حمایت می کنند و (3) ساختارهای قدرت غیرقانونی فراگیر که تنظیم و کنترل می کنند. این فعالیت های غیرقانونی و همچنین گسترش نفوذ آنها به حوزه های قانونی جامعه است. در این چارچوب، مطالعات موردی متعدد و موضوعات موضوعی از کشورهای مختلف، کاربرد معنادار بحث مفهومی و نظری را نشان می‌دهد.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Organized Crime: Analyzing Illegal Activities, Criminal Structures, and Extra-legal Governance
نویسنده: Klaus Von Lampe
ناشر: English
زبان: 9781452203508
شابک: 978-1452203508, 1452203504
حجم: 10 Mb
فرمت: Epub + Converted pdf

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Preface Acknowledgments About the Author Part I: Organized Crime as a Construct and as an Object of Study Chapter 1 Introduction—The Study of Organized Crime Phenomena Associated With Organized Crime The Organization of Crime The Organization of Criminals The Exercise of Power by Criminals Myth and Reality: The Case of “Scarface” Al Capone Conceptual Confusion Organized Crime and the Social Construction of Reality Is a Definition of Organized Crime Needed to Study Organized Crime? What Is the Object of Study in the Study of Organized Crime? Chapter 2 The Concept of Organized Crime The Conceptual History of Organized Crime The Origins of the Concept of Organized Crime The First Coinage of the Concept of Organized Crime in the United States The Merging of the Concepts of Organized Crime and Mafia Challenges to the Mafia Paradigm The Reception of the American Concept of Organized Crime in Other Countries Lessons to Be Learned From the Conceptual History of Organized Crime Overview of Definitions of Organized Crime Three Notions of the “Nature” of Organized Crime: Activity, Structure, Governance Accounting for the Diversity of Definitions of Organized Crime Outline of a Conceptual Framework for the Study of Organized Crime Basic Dimensions of Organized Crime Links Between Basic Dimensions The Concept of Organized Crime: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 3 Organized Crime Research The Study of Organized Crime as an Academic Subdiscipline The History of the Study of Organized Crime The Pioneers: Frederic Thrasher and John Landesco The Journalistic Period Donald Cressey The Post-Cressey Era The Main Lines of Contemporary Research Illegal Enterprises and Illegal Markets Illegal (Extra-legal) Governance Criminal Network Analysis Crime-Specific Analyses Threat Assessments Challenges to the Study of Organized Crime Data Collection Risks for Researchers Problems of Research Research on Organized Crime: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Part II: Empirical Manifestations of Organized Crime Introduction to Part II Chapter 4 Organized Criminal Activities Why Study Organized Criminal Activities Separate From Criminal Organizations? Outline of This Chapter Case Study: Cocaine Trafficking Coca and Cocaine The Harvesting of Coca Leaves The Production of Cocaine Transportation of Intermediate Products Cocaine Smuggling Wholesale and Retail Distribution Case Study: The Trafficking in Stolen Motor Vehicles Phase I: Obtaining a Car Phase II: Changing the Identity of a Car Phase III: Transportation and Marketing Conceptualizations of Organized Criminal Activities Organized Criminal Activities and Non-organized Criminal Activities An Overview of Different Classifications of Criminal Activities The Main Types of Organized Criminal Activities Market-Based Crimes Predatory Crimes Hybrid Forms of Market-Based and Predatory Crimes The Special Cases of Business and Labor Racketeering Illegal-Governance Crimes Implications of the Three Main Types of Organized Criminal Activities Illegal Markets Different Types of Illegal Markets Implications of Differences Between Illegal Markets The Conceptualization of Particular Organized Criminal Activities Crime Scripts The Logistics of Organized Crime Approach Organized Criminal Activities: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 5 Criminal Structures—An Overview Introduction Case Study: Pedophile Networks Existing Classifications of Criminal Organizations Categorization by Structure Categorization by Activity Categorization by Sociopolitical Position Categorizations by Function The Three Basic Types of Criminal Structures Entrepreneurial Criminal Structures Associational Criminal Structures Quasi-Governmental Criminal Structures The Basic Forms of Criminal Structures: Markets, Networks, and Hierarchies Markets Hierarchies (Organizations) Networks The Relationship Between the Concepts of Network and Organization The Conceptualization of Criminal Networks Constitutive Elements and Boundaries of Criminal Networks The Social Microcosm of Illegal Entrepreneurs Networks of Criminally Exploitable Ties The Emergence and Persistence of Criminal Network Ties Potential Network Ties and Offender Convergence Settings The Role of Trust for Criminal Networking Coping With a Lack of Trust and Mistrust Violence as a Functional Alternative to Trust Criminal Structures: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 6 Illegal Entrepreneurial Structures Introduction Case Study: The Lavin Enterprise The Illegal Firm Assets Boundaries Conceptualizing Illegal Entrepreneurial Structures Basic Concepts for Analyzing Criminal Networks Basic Categories for Analyzing Criminal Organizations Explaining the Structure of Illegal Firms The Emergence of Illegal Firms The Consequences of Illegality for the Structure of Illegal Firms Environmental Factors Illegal Entrepreneurial Structures: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 7 Associational Structures Introduction Case Studies of Associations of Criminals Case Study: The Sicilian Mafia (Cosa Nostra) Case Study: The Hong Kong Triads Case Study: Vory v Zakone (Thieves in Law) Case Study: Hell’s Angels Variations Across Illegal Associational Structures The Core Functions of Associational Structures Bonding Communication Mutual Aid and Mutual Protection Codes of Conduct Delineating Associational Structures From Entrepreneurial Structures and From Quasi-Governmental Structures Associational Structures: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 8 Illegal-Market Monopolies and Quasi-Governmental Structures Introduction Case Study: The American Cosa Nostra Illegal-Market Monopolies and Quasi-Governmental Structures Monopolies in Illegal Markets Defining the Scope of Illegal Markets Empirical Research on the Structure of Illegal Markets Conditions Conducive to the Emergence of Illegal Market Monopolies Monopolization Through Violence Quasi-Governmental Structures What Quasi-Governmental Structures Do The Structure of Illegal Governance Conditions Conducive to the Emergence of Quasi-Governmental Structures Delineating Illegal-Market Monopolies and Quasi-Governmental Structures Illegal-Market Monopolies and Monopolies of Violence: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Part III: Organized Crime and Society Introduction to Part III Chapter 9 The Social Embeddedness of Organized Crime Introduction The Social Embeddedness of Organized Crime: Illegal Goods and Services Variations in the Prevalence of Illegal Markets The Relative Importance of Illegal Supply and Demand The Social Embeddedness of Organized Criminals Inner-City Slums as “Breeding Grounds” of Organized Crime Organized Criminals Among the Middle and Upper Classes The Social Embeddedness of Organized Crime: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 10 Organized Crime and Legitimate Business Introduction Conceptualizations of Organized Crime and Legitimate Business Along the Dimensions of Activities, Structures, and Governance Organized Criminal Activities in Legitimate Business Organized Criminal Structures in Legitimate Business Illegal Governance in Legitimate Business Organized Criminals and Legitimate Business Variations in the Degree of Involvement of Organized Criminals in Legitimate Businesses Means of Acquiring Control Over Legitimate Businesses The Consequences of the Involvement of Organized Criminals for the Integrity of Legitimate Businesses and Legal Markets Racketeering: Criminal Control Over Business Sectors Labor Racketeering Business Racketeering Business Sectors Vulnerable to Criminal Influence Business Sectors Preferred by Organized Criminals Business Sectors Most Affected by Racketeering Dynamics of the Infiltration of the Legal Economy Organized Crime and Legitimate Business: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 11 Organized Crime and Government Introduction Conceptualizations of Organized Crime and Government: Activities, Structures, and Governance Organized Criminal Activities and Government Organized Criminal Structures and Government Organized Crime and Governance The Relationship Between Organized Crime and Government as Two Separate Entities Evasion as an Alternative to Corruption and Confrontation Corruption The Balance of Power in Corrupt Relations Between Organized Crime and Government: Six Case Studies Confrontation Between Organized Crime and Government Organized Crime Within Government Organized Crime Inside the State Apparatus Organized Crime by the State The Relationship Between Organized Crime and Government: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 12 Transnational Organized Crime Introduction Transnational Criminal Activities Patterns of Cross-Border Movement in Transnational Crime Modes of Smuggling The Geography of Transnational Criminal Activities Cross-Border Mobility and Cross-Border Networking of Criminals Cross-Border Mobility Cross-Border Networking Transnational Criminal Structures Transnational Illegal Entrepreneurial Structures Transnational Illegal Associational Structures Transnational Quasi-Governmental Structures The Cyberization of Organized Crime and the Organization of Cybercrime The Concept of Cybercrime The Organization of Cybercriminals Entry of Traditional Organized Crime Groups Into Cyberspace Transnational Organized Crime and Organized Cybercrime: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Note Part IV: The Big Picture and the Arsenal of Countermeasures Introduction to Part IV Chapter 13 The Big Picture of Organized Crime Introduction The Range of Phenomena That Fall Under the Umbrella Concept of Organized Crime Narrow Conceptions of Organized Crime The Analytical Approach to Conceptualizing Organized Crime Modeling Organized Crime Descriptive Models of Organized Crime Explanatory Models of Organized Crime Comprehensive Analytical Models of Organized Crime Typologies of Organized Crime Trajectories in the Development of Organized Crime Growth and Structural Sophistication of Individual Criminal Groups Transformations in the Function of Criminal Groups Developmental Pathways in the Relation Between Underworld and Upperworld The Big Picture of Organized Crime: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Chapter 14 Countermeasures Against Organized Crime Introduction Substantive Criminal Law as an Instrument Against Organized Crime Innovative Use of Conventional Criminal Law Expanding Criminal Penalties for Organized Criminals: Criminal Forfeiture Expanding the Scope of Criminal Law: The Case of Money Laundering Expanding the Scope of Criminal Law: Criminalizing Involvement in a Criminal Group Investigative Tools and Institutional Innovations as Instruments Against Organized Crime Collection of Information: Intelligence and Criminal Investigation Institutional Innovations in the Fight Against Organized Crime Non-Criminal Justice Approaches to Combating Organized Crime Administrative Measures Against Organized Crime The Situational Prevention of Organized Crime Civil Society in the Fight Against Organized Crime Combating Organized Crime: Summary and Conclusion Discussion Questions Research Projects Further Reading Bibliography Index

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پشتیبانی محصول

۱- در صورت داشتن هرگونه مشکلی در پرداخت، لطفا با پشتیبانی تلگرام در ارتباط باشید.

۲- برای خرید محصولات لطفا به شماره محصول و عنوان دقت کنید.

۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

۵- در صورت وجود هر مشکلی در فرایند خرید با تماس بگیرید.