Migration and Faith The Migrations of the Schwenkfelders from Germany to America - Risks and Opportunities (Forschungen Zur Kirchen- Und Dogmengeschichte) (9783525564356)

دانلود کتاب Migration and Faith The Migrations of the Schwenkfelders from Germany to America - Risks and Opportunities (Forschungen Zur Kirchen- Und Dogmengeschichte) (9783525564356)

Author: Horst Weigelt, L Allen Viehmeyer

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Migrations are a phenomenon that can be traced back to the beginning of the history of mankind

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Migrations are a phenomenon that can be traced back to the beginning of the history of mankind. In modern times, especially in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, numerous migration movements took place from Europe to North America. It was also at this time that the migrations of the Schwenkfelders, followers of Caspar Schwenckfeld's teachings, from Silesia - then belonging to the Austrian Habsburg Monarchy - to Pennsylvania took place. On the basis of their spiritualistic theology as well as their intense, personal piety, they rejected some essential doctrines of Christianity and ecclesiastical institutions. Therefore governmental and ecclesiastical authorities meted out severe punishments to them. However, it was not until the establishment of a Jesuit Mission for their catholicization in 1719 that more than two hundred of them left Silesia for the sake of their faith. They emigrated first to the Electorate of Saxony and several years later to Pennsylvania, where they settled scattered widely northwest of Philadelphia between 1731 and 1737. In this multireligious, multicultural, and multiethnic English colony they become acquainted with other religious beliefs and forms of piety. Here, moreover, they were challenged by other social, political, and cultural circumstances. This monograph is the first to pursue, in detail, the effects of these acquaintanceships and challenges on the faith of the Silesian refugees. These effects ranged - as becomes clear - from declines and multifarious alterations (modifications, changes, or even revisions) to the strengthening and deepening of their traditional faith and piety. However, the study shows, for most of the Schwenkfelders the migrations did not primarily involve risks. Rather they opened up great opportunities for their religious development and their individual and community life. Without doubt, the Schwenkfelder migrations are characterized by uniqueness; nevertheless certain features can also be detected in other religious migrations. Therefore their migrations represent in certain ways a paradigm, for this time and beyond.

چکیده فارسی


مهاجرت ها پدیده ای است که می توان آن را به ابتدای تاریخ بشریت ردیابی کرد. در دوران مدرن، به ویژه در قرن هجدهم و نوزدهم، جنبش های مهاجرتی متعددی از اروپا به آمریکای شمالی صورت گرفت. همچنین در این زمان بود که مهاجرت شونکفلدرها، پیروان آموزه های کاسپار شوئنکفلد، از سیلسیا - که در آن زمان به سلطنت هابسبورگ اتریش تعلق داشت - به پنسیلوانیا رخ داد. آنها بر اساس الهیات معنوی و نیز تقوای شدید شخصی خود، برخی از آموزه های اساسی مسیحیت و نهادهای کلیسایی را رد کردند. از این رو مقامات دولتی و کلیسایی مجازات های سختی برای آنها در نظر گرفتند. با این حال، تا زمانی که یک مأموریت یسوعی برای کاتولیک شدن آنها در سال 1719 تأسیس شد، بیش از دویست نفر از آنها سیلسیا را به خاطر ایمان خود ترک کردند. آنها ابتدا به مجلس انتخابی ساکسونی و چندین سال بعد به پنسیلوانیا مهاجرت کردند، جایی که بین سال‌های 1731 تا 1737 در شمال غرب فیلادلفیا مستقر شدند. در این مستعمره چند مذهبی، چند فرهنگی و چند قومی انگلیسی، آنها با دیگر باورهای مذهبی و اشکال تقوا آشنا شدند. در اینجا، علاوه بر این، آنها با سایر شرایط اجتماعی، سیاسی و فرهنگی به چالش کشیده شدند. این تک نگاری اولین تک نگاری است که به تفصیل تأثیرات این آشنایی ها و چالش ها را بر ایمان پناهندگان سیلزی دنبال می کند. این تأثیرات - همانطور که مشخص می شود - از انحطاط و تغییرات متعدد (اصلاحات، تغییرات یا حتی تجدید نظرها) تا تقویت و تعمیق ایمان و تقوای سنتی آنها را در بر می گرفت. با این حال، این مطالعه نشان می دهد، برای اکثر شونکفلدرها مهاجرت در درجه اول خطراتی را در بر نداشت. بلکه فرصت های بزرگی را برای رشد دینی و زندگی فردی و اجتماعی خود باز کردند. بدون شک، مهاجرت شونکفلدر منحصر به فرد است. با این حال، ویژگی های خاصی را می توان در سایر مهاجرت های مذهبی نیز تشخیص داد. بنابراین مهاجرت آنها به طرق خاصی نشان دهنده یک پارادایم است، برای این زمان و بعد از آن.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: Migration and Faith The Migrations of the Schwenkfelders from Germany to America - Risks and Opportunities (Forschungen Zur Kirchen- Und Dogmengeschichte) (9783525564356)
نویسنده: Horst Weigelt, L Allen Viehmeyer
ناشر: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Gmbh & Co (December 31, 2016)
زبان: English
شابک: 352556435X, 978-3525564356
حجم: 15 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Title Page; Copyright; Table of Contents; Body; Foreword; Introduction; 1. Guiding Cognitive Interest; 2. Outline; 3. Text Style, Footnotes, List of Archival Materials, Bibliography, List of Illustrations, and Indices; 3.1 Text Style; 3.2 Footnotes; 3.3 List of Archival Materials, Bibliography, and List of Illustrations; 3.4 Indices; I. Schwenkfeldianism in Silesia from Middle of 16th to Beginning of 18th Century; 1. Schwenkfelders until End of Thirty Years War; 1.1 Residences, Living and Economic Conditions, Theology and Religious Life; 1.2 Criticism of Church and Ecclesiastical Doctrines. 1.3 Disciplinary and Punitive Measures by Governmental and Ecclesiastical Authorities2. Schwenkfelders from Second Half of 17th to Beginning of 18th Century; 2.1 Between Religious Isolation and Openness; 2. 2 Procedures of Governmental and Ecclesiastical Authorities; 2.3 Establishment of a Jesuit Mission for Catholicization; II. Schwenkfelders' Search for Asylum in Germany and the Netherlands; III. Flight of Schwenkfelders from Silesia to Upper Lusatia in Electorate of Saxony ; 1. Asylum in the Trade Town of Görlitz and Vicinity; 2. Sojourn on Zinzendorf's Estates in Herrnhut and Berthelsdorf. IV. Expulsion of Schwenkfelders from Upper Lusatia -- Decree by Elector Frederick August II of SaxonyV. Schwenkfelders' Various Endeavors for an Asylum in Europe or America; VI. Schwenkfelder Migrations from Saxony to Pennsylvania; 1. Organization and Route of the Main Emigration and Events during the Transatlantic Passage; 2. Smaller Emigration Groups; VII. Schwenkfelders in Pennsylvania -- From Immigration to Beginning of the Revolutionary War; 1. Settlement and Economic Circumstances ; 1.1 Scattered Settlements Northwest of Philadelphia; 1.2 Economic and Labor Conditions. 2. Religious Life -- From Privacy to Communality2.1 Religious Life during the Early Settlement Years; 2.2 Spangenberg's and Zinzendorf's Attempts at Influencing Schwenkfelders' Religious Life; 2.3 Emergence of the Society of Schwenkfelders -- Gradual Formation of Organizations and Institutions; 3. Social and Political Engagement during French and Indian War; VIII. Schwenkfeldianism in Silesia under Prussian Sovereignty; 1. Guarantees for Individual Freedom of Faith and Conscience -- Edicts of King Frederick II of Prussia; 2. Religious and Social Life of a Shrinking Minority. 3. Extinguishment of Schwenkfeldianism in SilesiaIX. Migration and Faith Risks and Opportunities; 1. Giving up Schwenkfelder Faith -- Betrayal and Abandonment; 1.1 Betrayal -- Breach of Fidelity and Apostasy; 1.2 Abandonment -- Forsaking and Jettisoning; 2. Alterations of Faith -- Modification, Change, and Realignment; 2.1 Modification; 2.2 Change; 2.3 Realignment; 3. Deepening and Strengthening Faith and Piety; 3.1 Reasons and Impulses; 3.1.1 Encounters with Beliefs of other Denominations and Christian Communities; 3.1.2 Scattered Settlements and Conditions of Life in a Multicultural Society.

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