Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process Third Edition

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Author: Kenneth J. Peak, Tamara D. Herold

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A practical and applied introduction to criminal justice Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process shows you how to think practically about the criminal justice system by offering you a proven, problem-based approach to learning.

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A practical and applied introduction to criminal justice

Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process shows you how to think practically about the criminal justice system by offering you a proven, problem-based approach to learning.  Bestselling authors Kenneth J. Peak and Tamara D. Madensen draw on their many years of combined practitioner and academic experience to explain the importance of criminal justice and show how key trends, emerging issues, historical background, and practical lessons can be applied in the field.

New to the Third Edition:

  • An emphasis on constitutional policing, legitimacy, and procedural justice stresses the importance for police to develop a "guardian" mindset over a "soldier" mindset.
  • New discussions of contemporary criminological theories―such as social structure theories, social process theories, social conflict theories, feminist theories, and environmental criminology theories―provide you with a concise explanation on why people commit crimes and how to prevent them in the modern world.
  • An in-depth view of three particularly challenging problems and policy issues―terrorism, the mentally ill population, and illegal immigration―demonstrate how today’s society and the criminal justice system are affected by these issues and what can be done to address the problems.
  • New examples and case studies of ethical dilemmas illustrate today′s climate of distrust, dissension, and dysfunction to encourage you to think critically about what is considered "ethical". 
  • New video interviews with criminal justice professionals offer you career advice, provide you with insights into a variety of career paths, and discuss challenges and misconceptions of each profession.
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مقدمه ای کاربردی و کاربردی بر عدالت کیفری

مقدمه ای بر عدالت کیفری: عمل و فرآیند به شما نشان می دهد که چگونه به طور عملی در مورد سیستم عدالت کیفری با ارائه یک رویکرد اثبات شده و مبتنی بر مشکل برای یادگیری به شما فکر کنید. نویسندگان پرفروش کنت جی پیک و تامارا دی. مادنسن از سالها تجربه ترکیبی شاغل و آکادمیک خود استفاده می کنند تا اهمیت عدالت کیفری را توضیح دهند و نشان دهند که چگونه می توان روندهای کلیدی، مسائل نوظهور، پیشینه تاریخی و درس های عملی را در این زمینه به کار برد. .

جدید در نسخه سوم:

  • تاکید بر پلیس قانون اساسی، مشروعیت، و عدالت رویه بر اهمیت پلیس برای ایجاد ذهنیت "نگهبان" نسبت به طرز فکر "سرباز" تاکید می کند.
  • بحث‌های جدید نظریه‌های جرم‌شناسی معاصر - مانند نظریه‌های ساختار اجتماعی، نظریه‌های فرآیند اجتماعی، نظریه‌های تعارض اجتماعی، نظریه‌های فمینیستی، و نظریه‌های جرم‌شناسی محیطی- توضیح مختصری در مورد چرایی ارتکاب جرم توسط افراد ارائه می‌کنند. و چگونه می توان از آنها در دنیای مدرن جلوگیری کرد.
  • نگاهی عمیق به سه مشکل و موضوع سیاست چالش‌برانگیز به‌ویژه - تروریسم، جمعیت بیمار روانی، و مهاجرت غیرقانونی - نشان می‌دهد که چگونه جامعه امروزی و سیستم عدالت کیفری تحت تأثیر این مسائل قرار گرفته‌اند. برای رفع مشکلات چه کاری می توان انجام داد.
  • نمونه‌های جدید و مطالعات موردی معضلات اخلاقی جو بی‌اعتمادی، اختلاف و ناکارآمدی امروزی را نشان می‌دهند تا شما را تشویق کنند تا درباره آنچه «اخلاقی» تلقی می‌شود، فکر انتقادی کنید.
  • مصاحبه‌های ویدیویی جدید با متخصصان عدالت کیفری توصیه‌های شغلی را به شما ارائه می‌دهد، بینش‌هایی را در مورد مسیرهای شغلی مختلف به شما ارائه می‌دهد، و چالش‌ها و تصورات نادرست هر حرفه را مورد بحث قرار می‌دهد.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Introduction to Criminal Justice: Practice and Process
نویسنده: Kenneth J. Peak, Tamara D. Herold
ناشر: SAGE Publications, Inc; Third edition (January 16, 2018)
زبان: English
شابک: 1506391842, 978-1506391847
حجم: 54 Mb
فرمت: Epub + Converted pdf

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PREFACE ABOUT THE AUTHORS PART I. FOUNDATIONS OF POLICING Chapter 1. Policing in the United States Chapter Learning Objectives Law Enforcement Today Public Scrutiny in Our Modern Society Increased Danger for Police Police and the Public Trust The Concept and Mandate of the Police Police Stories 1.1: Commander Dan Koenig, LAPD Retired Scope of the Law Enforcement Sector Levels of Policing State Police Local Police Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs Federal Law Enforcement A Changing Landscape You Decide 1.1 A Changing Workforce Case in Point 1.1: Racketeering, Drug Conspiracy Charges for 27 in Schenectady, New York Additional Types of Police/Security Private Security Special Jurisdiction Police Auxiliary, Reserve, and Special Police Conservation Police Officers and Game Wardens Tribal Police Officers Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 2. A Brief History of Police in the United States Chapter Learning Objectives English Roots of Policing The Evolution of Early U.S. Policing Exhibit 2.1: Peel’s Principles of Policing The Political Era Exhibit 2.2: Origin of the Term Sheriff Case in Point 2.1 Police Accountability The Reform Era The Era of Social Upheaval (1960s and 1970s) Research on Police Effectiveness Exhibit 2.3: Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies The Community-Policing Era (1980–2000) Police Stories 2.1: Greg Seidel, Captain (Retired), Petersburg, Virginia You Decide 2.1 The Homeland Security Era (2001–Present) Some Contemporary Policing Strategies Intelligence-Led or Intelligence-Based Policing Terrorism-Oriented Policing Case in Point 2.2 Exhibit 2.4: How the Long Beach Police Department Has Adapted to the Terrorism Threat Policing in the Past, Present, and Future Exhibit 2.5: Contemporary Police Issues Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 3. Police Organization and Administration Chapter Learning Objectives Organizational Structures Police Hierarchy Hierarchy and Communication Exhibit 3.1: Incident Command System (ICS) The Paramilitary Structure You Decide 3.1 Police Militarization Decentralized and Proactive Organizations Exhibit 3.2: CompStat Police Organizations in Context Operations Division Patrol Investigations Case in Point 3.1 Administrative or Staff Services Division Exhibit 3.3: Civilian Staff Organizational Substructures Functional Design Geography Scheduling Police Stories 3.1: Commander Dan Koenig, LAPD Retired Handling Change in Police Organizations Police Unions and Collective Bargaining Police Unions and Professionalism Police Professionalism You Decide 3.2 Professional Literature and Research Code of Ethics Professional Associations Self-Improvement Academic Field Accreditation Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises PART II. POLICE OPERATIONS Chapter 4. Recruitment and Selection of Police Officers Chapter Learning Objectives The Importance of Recruitment and Selection Generational Issues Exhibit 4.1: Traits and Principles of an Effective Police Officer Exhibit 4.2: Boomers to Generation Z The Process Antidiscrimination Legislation Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 The Age Discrimination in Employment Act Exhibit 4.3: Ricci v. DeStefano The Americans with Disabilities Act Entry-Level Recruitment and Selection Costs of Outreach Targeted Recruiting Diversity Monitoring and Evaluating Recruiting and Retaining Women Officers Exhibit 4.4: Recruiting Female Officers Women and Promotions Police Stories 4.1: Chief Bernadette DiPino of the Sarasota Police Department, Retired Chief of the Ocean City Police Department Recruiting and Retaining Officers of Color Exhibit 4.5: Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Testing of Candidates Status Tests U.S. Citizenship Preference Points Age Physical Tests Physical Agility Tests Height-Weight Proportion Tests Vision Requirements Medical Examinations Mental Tests Tests of Intelligence, Knowledge, or Aptitude Psychological Tests Tests of Morality Background Investigations Drug Tests Polygraph Examinations Case in Point 4.1 Exhibit 4.6: Polygraph Examination Areas Tests of Ability to Communicate The Oral Board Police Stories 4.2: Gene L. Scaramella, Former Police Officer, Author, and Educator Exhibit 4.7: Typical Performance Dimensions Supervisory Recruitment and Selection Grooming Supervisors Testing Candidates Assessment Centers Strengths of the Assessment Center Recruitment and Selection of Police Chiefs You Decide 4.1 Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 5. Police Training and Education Chapter Learning Objectives Police Education Background Higher Education and the Police: A Debate Arguments in Favor of Education You Decide 5.1 What Do Agencies Require? What Do the Police Think? Research on College Education and Police Performance Research Results Positive Results Inconclusive Results The Importance of Leadership in Education: What Are Leaders to Do? Evaluating Leaders Police Training Purposes of Training What Kind of Training and How Much? Implicit Bias Training Department Support for Training Types of Training Recruit Training Police Stories 5.1: Dave King, Commander, Vancouver Police Department Training and Community-Oriented Policing Field Training Ongoing In-Service Training Licensing Technological Advances and Online Training Case in Point 5.1 Exhibit 5.1: Internet-Based Training Portal Topics Who Should Conduct Police Training? Challenges Funding for Training Mandatory Versus Voluntary Training Training and Police Leadership Training Effectiveness Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 6. Police Work: Operations and Functions Chapter Learning Objectives Basic Police Functions Order Maintenance and Law Enforcement Broken Windows and Zero Tolerance Policing Police Stories 6.1: Doreen Jokerst, Commander, Parker Police Department Policing the Mentally Ill Investigations and Forensic Science Investigations and Community-Oriented Policing Forensics Styles of Policing Watchman Style Legalistic Style Service Style You Decide 6.1 Patrol Strength and Allocation Intuitive Approach Comparative Approach Case in Point 6.1 Workload Analysis Exhibit 6.1: Patrol Staffing Requirements Other Types of Patrol Evaluating Patrol Evaluating Police Performance Evaluating Officer Performance Evaluating Agency Performance Case in Point 6.2: Baltimore Police Reforms Move Forward Slowly and Behind the Scenes Police and the Media Media Relations Programs Social Media Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 7. Contemporary Strategies in Policing Chapter Learning Objectives Community Policing Exhibit 7.1: Implementing Community-Oriented Policing The LEMAS Survey Problem-Oriented Policing Exhibit 7.2: SARA Research on Community- and Problem-Oriented Policing Case in Point 7.1 Criticisms of Community Policing Rhetoric Versus Practice Crime Reduction Costs Corruption The Current Status of COP and POP Exhibit 7.3: CAPS: Chicago Alternative Policing Strategy Innovations in Policing Strategies Police Stories 7.1: Doreen Jokerst, Commander, Parker Police Department Information Innovations CompStat Intelligence-Led Policing Evidence-Based Policing Hot-Spot Policing Patrol Response Policing Directed Patrol Differential Response Policing Saturation Patrol and Crackdowns Changing Up the Environment Situational Crime Prevention Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design Collaboration and Organization Pulling Levers Policing Policing Processes Broken Windows Procedural Justice Policing You Decide 7.1 Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises PART III. POLICE CONDUCT Chapter 8. The Police Culture and Work Stress Chapter Learning Objectives What Is Culture? Exhibit 8.1: The Stigma of Being a Cop Socialization, Isolation, and the Code Erosion of the Public’s Trust Coping Analyzing Police Subculture Police Stories 8.1: Dave Carlson, Sergeant, Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department You Decide 8.1: Police Discretion Contributing Factors Danger Authority Case in Point 8.1 Performance Exhibit 8.2: The Police Subculture The Police Personality: How Real? Types of Stresses in Police Work Exhibit 8.3: Working Personalities Task Demands Role Demands Interpersonal Demands Physical Demands Effects and Consequences of Police Stress Exhibit 8.4: Categories of Stressors Personal Pitfalls Desensitization Prejudice Exhibit 8.5: Positive Effects of Stress Cynicism Burnout Exhibit 8.6: Four Stages That Lead to Police Cynicism Stress and Police Families Exhibit 8.7: A Day in the Life Police Officer Suicide Research on Police Suicide Police Shootings and Critical Incidents Exhibit 8.8: Law Enforcement Officer Deaths, 2017 Police Stories 8.2: Victor Allende, Captain (retired), Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Counteracting Police Stress Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 9. Law, Court Decisions, and the Police Chapter Learning Objectives The 1st Amendment You Decide 9.1 The 2nd Amendment The 4th Amendment Case in Point 9.1: Concealed Weapons Probable Cause and Reasonableness Searches and Seizures With and Without a Warrant Police Stops Police Stories 9.1: Gene L. Scaramella, Former Police Officer, Author, and Educator Police Searches Incident to Arrest Consent Searches The 5th Amendment The 14th Amendment The Exclusionary Rule Police Use of Force The USA PATRIOT Act, Homeland Security, and Terrorism Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 10. Ethics and Decision-Making Chapter Learning Objectives Police Discretion Factors That Influence Discretion The Situation, Setting, and Suspect Departmental Policy and Culture The Law Political and Economic Pressure The Challenge of Discretion Quotas Police Stories 10.1: Connie Koski, Author, Professor, and Former Police Officer Ethics and Police Conduct Ethics in Police Education You Decide 10.1 Evaluating Police Ethics Biased Enforcement and Racial Profiling Leadership and Improving Decision-Making Media Relations Police Stories 10.2: Dave King, Commander, Vancouver Police Department Intolerance of Malfeasance Case in Point 10.1 Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 11. Police Misconduct and Accountability Chapter Learning Objectives Corruption What Is Corruption? Background of Corruption Official Investigation Into Corruption Other Types of Police Misconduct Nonfeasance, Misfeasance, and Malfeasance You Decide 11.1 Drug-Related Corruption Perjury Emotional Abuse and Psychological Harassment Corruption of Authority Gratuities Kickbacks Shakedowns Bribery Case in Point 11.1: Corruption and Conspiracy Opportunistic Theft Protection of Illegal Activities Excessive Use of Force Police Stories 11.1: John Crombach, Former Chief of Police, Oxnard Police Department Research on Police Misconduct and Use of Force The Impacts of Misconduct Race and Police Harassment Research on Profiling Causes of Misconduct—Bad Apples or Bad Barrels? Individual Case in Point 11.2 Agency Exhibit 11.1: Justifications for Misconduct Society Noble Cause Corruption Misconduct: Management and Administrative Issues Whistleblowing Addressing Misconduct Accountability Accountability and Community Policing Citizen Oversight Groups Internal Affairs Police Discipline Police Story 11.2: Chief David C. Massey, Author and Retired Chief of the Ocean City Police Department Cameras Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Appendix PART IV. CONTEMPORARY ISSUES IN POLICING Chapter 12. Policing in a Diverse Society Chapter Learning Objectives Policing in a Multicultural and Multiethnic Society Changing Demographics Immigration Mentally Ill The Problem and Promise of Diversity Police–Community Conflict Police–Minority Encounters Exhibit 12.1: Prejudice and Discrimination Peer Pressure Forms of Discrimination Profiling Exhibit 12.2: Arrest Rates by Race, by Crime Profiling the Muslim Community Legislation on Profiling Driving or Walking While Black Research on Police Discrimination Police Stories 12.1: Connie Koski, Author, Professor, and Former Police Officer Case in Point 12.1: Use “Terrorist” Label Carefully Public Image of the Police Police in the Community Cultural Diversity and Awareness Training Police Responsiveness The Community Role in Multicultural Relations Citizen Complaints A Representative Workforce Women in Policing Background Women of Color Challenges for Women Police Officers Police Stories 12.2: Connie Koski, Author, Professor, and Former Police Officer Minority Police Officers African American Police Officers Background Why Become Police? Department Benefits Challenges for African American Police Officers Hispanic Police Officers Challenges for Hispanic Police Officers Asian Police Officers Exhibit 12.3: Clarifying Terminology LGBTQ Police Officers Recruiting and Retaining Minorities as Police Officers Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 13. Technology and the Police Chapter Learning Objectives The Costs and Benefits of Technology Case in Point 13.1 Computers You Decide 13.1 Video Cameras Vehicle Cameras Body-Worn Cameras Mobile Phone Cameras Surveillance Technology Exhibit 13.1: A Policy Framework for the Deployment of Police Technology Drones and Robots Crime Mapping Case in Point 13.2 Case in Point 13.3: Legislature Could Try Again on Eavesdropping Biological Identifiers Fingerprints Facial Recognition Exhibit 13.2: Facial Recognition Software DNA Case in Point 13.4: Drones Offer New Advantages for Police Exhibit 13.3: Police Databases Bacterial Forensics Speed Detection Devices or Systems Armor and Weapons Body Armor Police Weapons Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Chapter 14. Organized Crime, Homeland Security, and Global Issues Chapter Learning Objectives Transnational Crime Transnational Organized Crime Types of TOC Exhibit 14.1: Data Sources Case in Point 14.1: The Complexity of Investigating Cybercrime at the Local Level You Decide 14.1 White-Collar Crime Costs of White-Collar Crime You Decide 14.2: Postponed Violence Terrorism Foreign and Domestic Terrorists Types of Terrorism Intersecting Crime Flows Exhibit 14.2: Nuclear Trafficking Incidents Local Response to Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime Antiterrorism and Organized Crime Legislation Department of Homeland Security The USA PATRIOT Act and Information Sharing Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) Act Foreign Corrupt Practices Act Race, Ethnicity, and the Police Response to Transnational Crime First-Responder Preparedness Police Stories 14.1: John Crombach, Former Chief of Police, Oxnard Police Department The Role of the Public Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Appendix Chapter 15. Private Security Chapter Learning Objectives History and Background The Rise of the Modern Private Security Industry You Decide 15.1 The Current Private Security Force Numbers Private and Contract Security Personnel Who Are They? What Roles Do They Fill? Security Officers Employment Private Detectives and Investigators Executive Protection Agents Authority, Requirements, and Accountability Hiring Requirements Case in Point 15.1: Manassas, Virginia Private Security Versus Public Police The Benefits of Private Security Police Stories 15.1: Brian Fitch, Author and Retired LA County Sheriff’s Department Lieutenant The Risks of Privatizing the Police Coordinating Public Police and Private Security Case in Point 15.2: Private Security Contractor TigerSwan Accused of Questionable Practices at Dakota Access Pipeline Protests Moving Forward Chapter Summary Key Terms Discussion Questions Internet Exercises PART V. LOOKING AHEAD Chapter 16. The Future of Policing in the United States Chapter Learning Objectives The Changing Context Demographics Economics Case in Point 16.1: Computer Hacking Research and Planning Ongoing and Strategic Change Trust and Legitimacy Policy and Oversight Technology and Social Media Policing Strategies Patrol You Decide 16.1 Community-Oriented Policing Predictive Policing Evolving Police Personnel Training and Education Police Leadership Police Stories 16.1: Connie Koski, Author, Professor, and Former Police Officer Private and Contract Security Personnel Civilianization Accreditation Officer Wellness and Safety Terrorism and Future Policing Intelligence-Led Policing and Terrorism Chapter Summary Key Term Discussion Questions Internet Exercises GLOSSARY ENDNOTES INDEX

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