Fruit Flies (Tephritidae): Phylogeny and Evolution of Behavior - Original PDF

دانلود کتاب Fruit Flies (Tephritidae): Phylogeny and Evolution of Behavior - Original PDF

Author: Martin Aluja, Allen Norrbom

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Fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are among the most destructive agricultural pests in the world, eating their way through acres and acres of citrus and other fruits at an alarming rate and forcing food and agriculture agencies to spend millions of dollars in control and management measures. But until now, the study of fruit flies has been traditionally biased towards applied aspects (e.g., management, monitoring, and mass rearing)-understandable, given the tremendous economic impact of this species.This work is the first that comprehensively addresses the study of the phylogeny and the evolution of fruit fly behavior. An international group of highly renowned scientists review the current state of knowledge and include considerable new findings on various aspects of fruit fly behavior, phylogeny and related subjects. In the past, the topics of phylogeny and evolution of behavior were barely addressed, and when so, often superficially. Fruit Flies (Tephritidae): Phylogeny and Evolution of Behavior is a definitive treatment, covering all behaviors in a broad range of tephritids.

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پرداخت آنلاین

پرداخت آنلاین

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The superfamily Tephritoidea includes the families Lonchaeidae, Piophilidae, Pallopteridae, Richardiidae, Ulidiidae (= Otitidae, = Pterocallidae), Platystomatidae, Pyrgotidae, and Tephritidae. The phylogenetic relationships of the superfamily, including the ground plan characters and proofs of monophyly of the included families, were discussed by J. F. McAlpine (1976; 1977; 1981; 1989). There is some disagreement among contemporary taxonomists (e.g., Colless and McAlpine 1970; Griffiths 1972; J. F. McAlpine 1989) on the relationships of the families within the group. Among the problems unsolved by those authors, the relationships among the Tephritidae and allied families (Platystomatidae, Pyrgotidae, and Ulidiidae) have never been thoroughly analyzed.

چکیده فارسی


ابرخانواده Tephritoidea شامل خانواده‌های Lonchaeidae، Piophilidae، Pallopteridae، Richardiidae، Ulidiidae (= Otitidae، = Pterocallidae)، Platystomatidae، Pyrgotidae، و Tephritidae است. روابط فیلوژنتیکی ابرخانواده، از جمله شخصیت‌های پلان زمین و اثبات انحصار خانواده‌های شامل، توسط J. F. McAlpine (1976؛ 1977؛ 1981؛ 1989) مورد بحث قرار گرفت. در میان تاکسونومیست‌های معاصر (مانند کولس و مک آلپاین 1970؛ گریفیث 1972؛ جی.اف. مک آلپاین 1989) در مورد روابط خانواده‌های درون گروه اختلاف نظر وجود دارد. در میان مشکلات حل نشده توسط آن نویسندگان، روابط بین Tephritidae و خانواده های متحد (Platystomatidae، Pyrgotidae، و Ulidiidae) هرگز به طور کامل تجزیه و تحلیل نشده است.


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