Firefighting Strategies and Tactics (4th Edition) [2020] - Epub + Converted Pdf

دانلود کتاب Firefighting Strategies and Tactics (4th Edition) [2020] - Epub + Converted Pdf

Author: James S. Angle

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توضیحات کتاب :

The Fourth Edition of Firefighting Strategies and Tactics meets and exceeds the course outcomes of the National Fire Academy’s Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) course Strategy and Tactics (C0279)

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The Fourth Edition of Firefighting Strategies and Tactics meets and exceeds the course outcomes of the National Fire Academy’s Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) course Strategy and Tactics (C0279). Firefighting Strategies and Tactics, Fourth Edition is a valuable resource for fire fighters studying for promotion or taking civil service examinations.

The Fourth Edition reinforces safe and effective firefighting strategies and tactics for fire fighters and fire officers to employ during a wide spectrum of fire incidents. The chapters follow a natural progression, each chapter building on the previous foundation to provide a broad understanding of firefighting strategy and tactics.

Firefighting Strategies and Tactics, Fourth Edition offers in-depth coverage of potential incident hazards, strategic goals, and tactical objectives at:

One- and two-family dwellings
Multiple-family dwellings
Commercial buildings
Places of assembly
High-rise buildings
Vehicle fires
Wildland fires
The Fourth Edition also includes:

An Emphasis on Safety―Safety and professionalism are stressed throughout the chapters and are reinforced through discussions of incident effectiveness, hazard awareness, and strategic decision-making.
Information for Today’s Fire Service―Expanded and new discussions on geographic information system (GIS mapping), drone use for creating preincident plans, cancer risks in the fire service, gross decontamination of bunker gear after fires to reduce carcinogens, lookouts-communications-escape routes and safety zones (LCES), and deployment of rapid intervention crews at wildland fires.
Engaging Case Studies―Opening each chapter, case studies highlight actual events to emphasize the importance of developing sound strategies and tactics to fight fires effectively and safely. Additional case studies close out each chapter and provide students an opportunity to test their understanding in a safe environment.
Knowledge in Action―The final chapter demonstrates how the strategies and tactics throughout this resource may be applied in scenarios set at various types of occupancies. This feature offers students an opportunity to see how concepts are applied in the real world.

چکیده فارسی


ویرایش چهارم استراتژی ها و تاکتیک های آتش نشانی با نتایج دوره آموزش عالی آتش نشانی و خدمات اضطراری آکادمی ملی آتش نشانی و تاکتیک ها (C0279) مطابقت دارد و از آن فراتر می رود. استراتژی ها و تاکتیک های آتش نشانی، ویرایش چهارم منبع ارزشمندی برای آتش نشانانی است که برای ارتقاء یا شرکت در آزمون های خدمات ملکی مطالعه می کنند.

نسخه چهارم استراتژی ها و تاکتیک های آتش نشانی ایمن و مؤثر را برای آتش نشانان و افسران آتش نشانی برای به کارگیری در طول طیف گسترده ای از حوادث آتش سوزی تقویت می کند. فصل‌ها یک پیشرفت طبیعی را دنبال می‌کنند، هر فصل بر اساس پایه قبلی ساخته می‌شود تا درک وسیعی از استراتژی و تاکتیک‌های اطفای حریق ارائه کند.

استراتژی ها و تاکتیک های آتش نشانی، نسخه چهارم پوشش عمیقی از خطرات احتمالی حادثه، اهداف استراتژیک و اهداف تاکتیکی در زیر ارائه می دهد:

خانه های یک و دو خانوار
خانه های چند خانواری
ساختمان های تجاری
مکان های تجمع
ساختمان های بلند
آتش سوزی وسایل نقلیه
آتش سوزی در مناطق وحشی
نسخه چهارم همچنین شامل موارد زیر است:

تاکید بر ایمنی - ایمنی و حرفه ای بودن در سرتاسر فصل ها تاکید شده و از طریق بحث در مورد اثربخشی حادثه، آگاهی از خطرات و تصمیم گیری استراتژیک تقویت می شوند.
اطلاعاتی برای سرویس آتش نشانی امروز - بحث های گسترده و جدید در مورد سیستم اطلاعات جغرافیایی (نقشه برداری GIS)، استفاده از پهپاد برای ایجاد طرح های پیش از حادثه، خطرات سرطان در سرویس آتش نشانی، ضد آلودگی ناخالص تجهیزات پناهگاه پس از آتش سوزی برای کاهش مواد سرطان زا، دیدبانی-ارتباطات-راه های فرار. و مناطق ایمنی (LCES) و استقرار خدمه مداخله سریع در آتش سوزی های مناطق وحشی.
مطالعات موردی جذاب - با باز کردن هر فصل، مطالعات موردی رویدادهای واقعی را برجسته می‌کنند تا بر اهمیت توسعه استراتژی‌ها و تاکتیک‌های صحیح برای مبارزه مؤثر و ایمن با آتش‌سوزی تأکید کنند. مطالعات موردی اضافی هر فصل را می بندد و فرصتی را برای دانش آموزان فراهم می کند تا درک خود را در یک محیط امن آزمایش کنند.
دانش در عمل - فصل آخر نشان می‌دهد که چگونه استراتژی‌ها و تاکتیک‌ها در سرتاسر این منبع ممکن است در سناریوهایی که در انواع مختلف اشغال‌ها تنظیم شده‌اند، اعمال شوند. این ویژگی به دانش آموزان این فرصت را می دهد که ببینند چگونه مفاهیم در دنیای واقعی به کار می روند.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: Firefighting Strategies and Tactics
نویسنده: Angle, James S., Gala Jr., Michael F., Harlow, David, Lombardo, William B.
ناشر: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 4 edition (January 13, 2020)
زبان: English
شابک: 1284180190, 978-1284180190


9781284180206 1284180204


9781284209693, 1284209695


حجم: 118 Mb
فرمت: Epub + Converted Pdf

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Cover Title Page Copyright Page Brief Contents Contents About the Authors Acknowledgments CHAPTER 1 History of Fire Service Strategies and Tactics Introduction Reasons for Change Specific Changes Impacting the Fire Service Equipment Advances Advanced and Increased Educational Opportunities Codes and Standards Fire Fighter and Civilian Deaths Building Materials and Building Contents Architectural Designs and Engineering Wildland–Urban Interface New Equipment and Materials in Vehicles Hazardous Chemicals Ongoing Changes The Fire Fighter’s Role Wrap-Up CHAPTER 2 Fire Fighter Safety Introduction Firefighter Life Safety Initiatives Fire Fighter Safety, Strategy, and Tactics Review of Fire-Ground Injuries and Deaths The Impact of Regulations and Standards Regulations Standards Standard of Care General Fire-Ground Safety Concepts Incident Safety Officer Personal Protective Equipment Fire-Ground Accountability Rapid Intervention Crews Fire-Ground Rehabilitation Cancer and the Fire Service Wrap-Up CHAPTER 3 Incident Management Systems Introduction The Incident Commander NFPA 1561 Common Terminology Modular Organization Incident Action Plans Evolution of Incident Management Systems Fireground Command National Interagency Incident Management System National Incident Management System Manageable Span of Control Unified Command Standard Operating Procedures/Guidelines Wrap-Up CHAPTER 4 Coordination and Control Introduction Communications Size-Up Environment (E) Resources (R) Conditions/Situation (C) Incident Priorities Life Safety Incident Stabilization Property Conservation Priority Order versus Order of Accomplishment Strategic Goals Tactical Objectives Tactical Methods Plan of Action Concepts in Decision-Making Recognition-Primed Decision-Making Naturalistic Decision-Making Classical Decision-Making Wrap-Up CHAPTER 5 Basic Building Construction Introduction Type V: Frame (Wood) Types of Frame Buildings Variables in Fire Performance of Wood Wood Treatments Wood Dimensions Type IV: Heavy Timber Type III: Ordinary Spreaders Type II: Noncombustible Type I: Fire Resistive Truss Construction Truss Problems New Technology in Building Construction Wrap-Up CHAPTER 6 Fire Dynamics Introduction The Chemistry of Fire Fire Triangle Fire Tetrahedron Classes of Fires Smoke The Physics of Fire Fire Growth Heat Transfer Flashover Backdraft Smoke Behavior Wrap-Up CHAPTER 7 Preincident Planning Introduction The Concept of Preincident Planning Phases and Methods of Preincident Planning Touring the Building and Obtaining Information Creating the Rough Sketch (Diagram) Incorporating Photos Completing the Drawings and Documents Placing the Plans on the Apparatus Sharing and Training Touring Regularly Updating Plans Plan Format Occupancy Classifications Building Types Wrap-Up CHAPTER 8 Extinguishing Agents Introduction Water Flow Effective Fire Streams Nozzles Friction Loss and Basic Hydraulics Foam Foam Components Application of Foam Major Types of Foams Dry Chemical Dry Powder Other Extinguishing Agents Wet Chemical Class K Carbon Dioxide Halon Wrap-Up CHAPTER 9 Built-in Fire Protection Introduction Sprinkler Systems Wet Pipe Sprinkler Systems Dry Pipe Sprinkler Systems Preaction Sprinkler Systems Deluge Sprinkler Systems Residential Sprinkler Systems Standpipe Systems Class Characteristics General Characteristics Special Extinguishing Systems Fire Department Support of Built-in Fire Protection Wrap-Up CHAPTER 10 Company Operations Introduction Engine Company Operations The Apparatus Engine Company Responsibilities Ladder Company Operations Ventilation Search Ladder Company Support Functions Ladder Placement Overhaul Salvage Operations/Loss Control Engine and Ladder Company Apparatus Placement Wrap-Up CHAPTER 11 One- and Two-Family Dwellings Introduction Construction Post and Frame Balloon Frame Platform Frame Ordinary Construction (Masonry) Common Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Fire Fighter Safety Search and Rescue Evacuation Exposure Protection Confinement Extinguishment Ventilation Overhaul Salvage Specific Fires Basement Fires First-Floor Fires Upper Floor Fires Attic Fires Attached Garage Fires Manufactured (Mobile) Home Fires Additional Considerations Wrap-Up CHAPTER 12 Multiple-Family Dwellings Introduction Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Fire Fighter Safety Search and Rescue Evacuation Exposure Protection Confinement Extinguishment Ventilation Overhaul Salvage Firefighting Considerations for Specific Types of Multiple-Family Dwellings Older Apartment Buildings Newer Apartment Buildings Fire-Resistive Multiple-Family Dwellings Row-Frame Multiple-Family Dwellings Brownstone Multiple-Family Dwellings Garden Apartments Wrap-Up CHAPTER 13 Commercial Buildings Introduction Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Fire Fighter Safety Search and Rescue Evacuation Exposure Protection Confinement Extinguishment Ventilation Overhaul Salvage Firefighting Considerations for Specific Types of Commercial Buildings Strip Centers Large Commercial Structures Two- or Three-Story Commercial Structures Stand-Alone Commercial Occupancies Wrap-Up CHAPTER 14 Places of Assembly Introduction Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Fire Fighter Safety Search and Rescue Evacuation Exposure Protection Confinement Extinguishment Ventilation Overhaul Salvage Firefighting Considerations for Specific Types of Places of Assembly Places of Worship Exhibit Halls Arenas Nightclubs and Showplaces Onsite Emergency Personnel and Emergency Control Systems Wrap-Up CHAPTER 15 High-Rise Office Buildings Introduction Construction Building Systems Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Fire Fighter Safety Search and Rescue Evacuation Exposure Protection Confinement Extinguishment Ventilation Overhaul Salvage Wrap-Up CHAPTER 16 Vehicle Fires Introduction Fires in Passenger Vehicles Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Semitrailer and Heavy-Duty Truck Fires Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Recreational Vehicles Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Heavy Construction Equipment Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Transportation Vehicles and Buses Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Wrap-Up CHAPTER 17 Wildland Fires Introduction The Wildland–Urban Interface Causes of Fires in the Wildland–Urban Interface The Rate and Intensity of Wildland Fires Preventing Fires in the Wildland–Urban Interface Types of Wildland Fires and Associated Hazards Forest Fires Brush Fires Groundcover Fires Strategic Goals of Wildland Fires Fire Fighter Safety Search and Rescue Evacuation Exposure Protection Confinement Extinguishment Overhaul Salvage Tactical Objectives Specific to Wildland Fires Using Standard Operating Guidelines Defending Multiple Structures Implementing Safeguards Wrap-Up CHAPTER 18 Special Fires Introduction Hazardous Materials Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Shipboard Fires Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Railcar Fires Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Aircraft Fires Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Bulk Storage Facilities Hazards Encountered Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Electrical Substation Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Structures of Historical Importance Wrap-Up CHAPTER 19 After the Incident Introduction Incident Termination Demobilization Returning to Quarters Postincident Analysis Purpose Informal PIA Formal PIA Reviewing and Updating Procedures Critical Incident Stress Management Types of CISM Wrap-Up CHAPTER 20 Putting It All Together Introduction Hypothetical Fire Department Scenario 1: Single-Family Dwelling Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Company Assignments Scenario 2: Multiple-Family Dwelling Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Company Assignments Scenario 3: Commercial Building Strategic Goals and Tactical Objectives Company Assignments Wrap-Up APPENDIX FESHE Correlation Guide Glossary Index

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۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

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