Entrepreneurship As Organizing Selected Papers of William B. Gartner

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Author: William B. Gartner

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This book draws together William B

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This book draws together William B. Gartner's key contributions to entrepreneurship research over the past 25 years. An original introduction by the author offers a comprehensive overview and analysis of his work as it pertains to the development of entrepreneurship as a scholarly field, and the articles demonstrate the many ways in which his research has explored entrepreneurship in relation to individuals, firms, environments, and processes.

چکیده فارسی


این کتاب مشارکت‌های کلیدی ویلیام بی. گارتنر در تحقیقات کارآفرینی در 25 سال گذشته را گرد هم می‌آورد. مقدمه اصلی نویسنده یک مرور کلی و تحلیلی جامع از کار او ارائه می‌کند، زیرا به توسعه کارآفرینی به عنوان یک زمینه علمی مربوط می‌شود، و مقالات راه‌های زیادی را نشان می‌دهند که تحقیقات او کارآفرینی را در رابطه با افراد، شرکت‌ها، محیط‌ها بررسی کرده است. ، و فرآیندها.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: Entrepreneurship As Organizing Selected Papers of William B. Gartner (9781783471157)
نویسنده: William B. Gartner
ناشر: Edward Elgar Pub (August 25, 2017)
زبان: English
شابک: 1783471158, 978-1783471157
حجم: 73 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Contents:Introduction William B. Gartner1. William B. Gartner (1985), `A Conceptual Framework for Describing the Phenomenon of New Venture Creation', Academy of Management Review, 10 (4), October, 696-706 2. William B. Gartner (1985), `Did River City Really Need a Boys' Band?', New Management, 3 (1), Summer, 29-34 3. William B. Gartner (1986), `The Oz in Organization', New Management, 4 (1), Summer, 15-21 4. William B. Gartner (1988), `"Who Is an Entrepreneur?" Is the Wrong Question', American Journal of Small Business, 12 (4), Spring, 11-32 5. Jerome Katz and William B. Gartner (1988), `Properties of Emerging Organizations', Academy of Management Review, 13 (3), July, 429-41 6. William B. Gartner, Terence R. Mitchell and Karl H. Vesper (1989), `A Taxonomy of New Business Ventures', Journal of Business Venturing, 4 (3), May, 169-86 7. Donald A. Duchesneau and William B. Gartner (1990), `A Profile of New Venture Success and Failure in an Emerging Industry', Journal of Business Venturing, 5 (5), September, 297-312 8. William B. Gartner (1990), `What Are We Talking About When We Talk About Entrepreneurship?', Journal of Business Venturing, 5 (1), January, 15-28 9. William B. Gartner, Barbara J. Bird and Jennifer A. Starr (1992), `Acting As If: Differentiating Entrepreneurial from Organizational Behavior', Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 16 (3), Spring, 13-31 10. William B. Gartner (1993), `Words Lead to Deeds: Towards an Organizational Emergence Vocabulary', Journal of Business Venturing, 8 (3), May, 231-9 11. Elizabeth J. Gatewood, Kelly G. Shaver and William B. Gartner (1995), `A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive Factors Influencing Start-Up Behaviors and Success at Venture Creation', Journal of Business Venturing, 10 (5), September, 371-91 12. Nancy M. Carter, William B. Gartner and Paul D. Reynolds (1996), `Exploring Start-Up Event Sequences', Journal of Business Venturing, 11 (3), May, 151-66 13. William B. Gartner, Jennifer A. Starr and Subodh Bhat (1999), `Predicting New Venture Survival: An Analysis of "Anatomy of a Start-Up" Cases from Inc. Magazine', Journal of Business Venturing, 14 (2), March, 215-32 14. Nancy M. Carter, William B. Gartner, Kelly G. Shaver and Elizabeth J. Gatewood (2003), `The Career Reasons of Nascent Entrepreneurs', Journal of Business Venturing, 18 (1), January, 13-39 15. William B. Gartner, Nancy M. Carter and Gerald E. Hills (2003), `The Language of Opportunity', in Chris Steyaert and Daniel Hjorth (eds), New Movements in Entrepreneurship, Chapter 7, Cheltenham, UK and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 103-24 16. Jianwen Liao and William B. Gartner (2006), `The Effects of Pre-venture Plan Timing and Perceived Environmental Uncertainty on the Persistence of Emerging Firms', Small Business Economics, 27 (1), August, 23-40 17. W.B. Gartner (2006), `A "Critical Mess" Approach to Entrepreneurship Scholarship', in Entrepreneurship Research: Past Perspectives and Future Prospects published in Foundations and Trends in Entrepreneurship, 3 (2), 213-22 18. William B. Gartner (2007), `Entrepreneurial Narrative and a Science of the Imagination', Journal of Business Venturing, 22 (5), September, 613-27 19. William B. Gartner and Candida G. Brush (2007), `Entrepreneurship as Organizing: Emergence, Newness, and Transformation', in Mark P. Rice and Timothy G. Habbershon (eds), Entrepreneurship: The Engine of Growth, Volume 2, Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers, 1-20 20. William B. Gartner, Kelly G. Shaver and Jianwen (Jon) Liao (2008), `Opportunities as Attributions: Categorizing Strategic Issues from an Attributional Perspective', Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2 (4), December, 301-15 21. William B. Gartner (2010), `A New Path to the Waterfall: A Narrative on a Use of Entrepreneurial Narrative', International Journal of Small Business, 28 (1), February, 6-19 Conclusion: An `EntreFesto' William B. Gartner

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