Emissions Trading as a Policy Instrument: Evaluation and Prospects - Original PDF

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Author: CESifo Seminar Series

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Empirical and theoretical perspectives on the first two phases of the European Emissions Trading Scheme, the largest cap-and-trade market established so far. Emissions trading schemes figure prominently among policy instruments used to tackle the problem of climate change, and the European Union Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), begun in 2005, is the largest cap-and-trade market so far established. In the EU ETS, firms regulated by the scheme are provided with emissions allowances (each a one-time right to emit one ton of greenhouse gases) and can sell their unused allowances to firms that have higher rates of emissions. In this volume, leading economists offer empirical and theoretical perspectives on the early phases of the EU ETS implementation. The contributors discuss the features of the EU ETS market; and regulatory uncertainty stemming from rule changes; the political economy context of the trading scheme, including allowance allocation and the influence of lobbying on abatement decisions; the coexistence of such overlapping instruments for climate policy as pricing and taxation; the relationship between spot and futures markets for allowances, and firms' responses to various features of the EU ETS, including fluctuating allowance prices, free allocation, and links to the Kyoto process. They show that, although the basic theory behind emissions permit markets is straightforward, design features, market structure, and interactions with other policy instruments can influence the efficiency of the scheme. Contributors Nathan Braun, A. Denny Ellerman, Timothy Fitzgerald, Beat Hintermann, Wolfgang Härdle, Peter Heindl, Philipp Hieronymi, Marc Gronwald, Frank Jotzo, Andreas Lange, Stephen Lecourt, Ralf Martin, A. J. Mulder, Mirabelle Muûls, Clement Pallière, Jason Pearcy, Oliver Sartor, David Schüller, Stefan Trück, Ulrich J. Wagner, Rafal Weron, Peter J. Wood

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Introduction Marc Gronwald and Beat Hintermann Climate change is among the most important challenges we face today. Although the severity and distribution of its effects are not known with certainty, it seems clear that every part of the world will be affected in some way, and that the damages are likely to outweigh any potential benefits by a significant margin. Emissions trading schemes (also known as cap-and-trade markets) figure prominently among the policy instruments used to tackle this problem. The largest such market so far, the European Emissions Trading Scheme (EU ETS), started in 2005. Emission permit markets are also increasingly being used outside of Europe — for example, in China, in Canada, and in the United States. The experience gained during the first years of the EU ETS, however, indicates that the task of establishing an emissions trading scheme in the real world, as opposed to in an economic model, is anything but simple. Evidence for the necessary learning process includes the allow- ance price crash observed at the end of Phase I, price volatility in general, and the apparent oversupply during the first two phases. Although the theory behind emissions markets is straightforward and states that they reduce emissions below a certain limit at the least cost, there are several complications that may arise in practice. Particular design features, the prevailing market structure, and interactions with other policy instruments can influence the efficiency of the scheme, in the sense that the abatement costs associated with attaining the emis- sions goal are not minimized. And because no obvious counterfactual exists, the reduction in emissions that can be attributed to the introduc- tion of the EU ETS itself is not known, nor is its economic cost

چکیده فارسی


مقدمه Marc Gronwald و Beat Hintermann تغییر اقلیم یکی از مهم ترین چالش هایی است که امروزه با آن روبرو هستیم. اگرچه شدت و توزیع اثرات آن به طور قطع مشخص نیست، به نظر می رسد واضح است که هر بخش از جهان به نحوی تحت تأثیر قرار خواهد گرفت و احتمالاً خسارات آن به میزان قابل توجهی از منافع احتمالی آن بیشتر خواهد بود. طرح‌های تجارت انتشار (همچنین به عنوان بازارهای سقف و تجارت شناخته می‌شوند) در میان ابزارهای سیاستی مورد استفاده برای مقابله با این مشکل قرار دارند. بزرگترین چنین بازاری تاکنون، طرح تجارت انتشار گازهای گلخانه ای اروپا (EU ETS)، در سال 2005 آغاز شد. بازارهای مجوز انتشار نیز به طور فزاینده ای در خارج از اروپا مورد استفاده قرار می گیرند - به عنوان مثال، در چین، در کانادا، و در ایالات متحده. با این حال، تجربه به‌دست‌آمده در سال‌های اول اتحادیه اروپا ETS نشان می‌دهد که کار ایجاد یک طرح تجارت انتشار گازهای گلخانه‌ای در دنیای واقعی، برخلاف مدل اقتصادی، هر چیزی جز ساده نیست. شواهد برای فرآیند یادگیری ضروری شامل سقوط قیمت کمک هزینه مشاهده شده در پایان فاز I، نوسانات قیمت به طور کلی، و مازاد عرضه آشکار در طول دو فاز اول است. اگرچه تئوری پشت بازارهای انتشار ساده است و بیان می کند که آنها انتشار گازهای گلخانه ای را با کمترین هزینه کمتر از حد معینی کاهش می دهند، اما در عمل ممکن است چندین پیچیدگی وجود داشته باشد. ویژگی‌های طراحی خاص، ساختار بازار غالب و تعاملات با سایر ابزارهای سیاستی می‌تواند بر کارایی طرح تأثیر بگذارد، به این معنا که هزینه‌های کاهش مرتبط با دستیابی به هدف انتشار گازهای گلخانه‌ای به حداقل نمی‌رسد. و از آنجایی که هیچ خلاف آشکاری وجود ندارد، کاهش انتشار گازهای گلخانه ای که می تواند به معرفی EU ETS نسبت داده شود، شناخته شده نیست، همچنین هزینه اقتصادی آن نیز مشخص نیست


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Series: CESifo Seminar Series

Publisher: The MIT Press, Year: 2015

ISBN: 0262029286,9780262029285

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Contents Series Foreword vii Introduction 1 Marc Gronwald and Beat Hintermann I Current State and Development of the EU Emissions Trading System 1 The EU ETS 15 Marc Gronwald and Beat Hintermann 2 The EU ETS: What We Know and What We Don ’t Know 25 A. Denny Ellerman 3 EU Emissions Trading and Regulatory Uncertainty 43 Andreas Lange II The Political Economy of the EU Emissions Trading System 4 Benchmark-Based Free Allocations in EU ETS Phase III: How Much Better Than Phase II? 63 Oliver Sartor, Stephen Lecourt, and Clement Palli è re 5 The Influence of Permit-Price Uncertainty and Lobbying on Energy Investment 87 Philipp Hieronymi and David Sch ü ller vi Contents III Overlapping Policy Instruments 6 Combining International Cap-and-Trade with National Carbon Taxes 123 Peter Heindl, Peter J. Wood, and Frank Jotzo 7 Interaction between EU Instruments and Member-State Instruments: The End of CO2 Emissions Trading in Europe? 149 A. J. Mulder IV Firm Behavior 8 The Relationship between Spot and Futures CO2 Emission Allowance Prices in the EU ETS 183 Stefan Trü ck, Wolfgang H ä rdle, and Rafa ł Weron 9 Trading Behavior in the EU ETS 213 Ralf Martin, Mirabelle Mu û ls, and Ulrich J. Wagner 10 Tradable Emissions Permits with Offsets 239 Nathan Braun, Timothy Fitzgerald, and Jason Pearcy 11 Offset Spread Options in the European Carbon Market 267 Timothy Fitzgerald List of Contributors 285 Index 287

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