Digital and Sustainable Transformations in a Post-COVID World Economic, Social, and Environmental Challenges - Original PDF

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Author: Salvador Estrada

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The worst of times in 50 years. Wars, pandemics, and climate change. In addition, to civil and drug wars, ethnic violence, and terrorist insurgen- cies, now we are suffering a Geopolitics war. Over a half billion infected people and 6 million passed away. Climate change worsens natural disas- ters such as floods, drought, wildfires, and hurricanes. Pain, life losses, grief and suffering, exodus, and famine. In brief a humanitarian disaster. No doubt, these conditions exercise pressure to accelerate a transfor- mation. Global warming warns of carbon dependence. Change demands large-scale investments in renewable energy, but this solution is not contradiction-free. This technology requires rare earth minerals and other scarce and non-renewable materials found in a few countries. In times of deglobalization, opening trade is demanded to enable such a transfor- mation. We are living for these conditions: severe economic disruptions, higher costs of living, energy, commodities, and food price shocks. How is the world after a persistent COVID-19 pandemic? The COVID-19 pandemic is a decreasing worry since several parts of the world are becoming endemic, but we still suffer its impacts manifested in inflation, energy prices, and supply chain disruption. Nonetheless, the outlook for the economy is perceived as dark since the conflict in Ukraine and the threat of new virus strains and variants as other zoonotic diseases. So, the 2021 economic recovery has a turndown and provokes a cautious sentimen

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CHAPTER 3 Innovation in Information Technologies for the Achievement of SDG 9 in Mexico: Technology Policy Analysis José Luis Solleiro-Rebolledo , Araceli Olivia Mejía-Chávez , and Rosario Castañón-Ibarra 3.1 Introduction In September 2015, the United Nations General Assembly approved the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, which is composed of 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), 169 targets, and 231 global indi- cators focused on economic, and social sustainability for the 193 member states that signed it. The 2030 Agenda puts the dignity and equality of the population first through a set of global, regional, and national strategies J. L. Solleiro-Rebolledo (B) · R. Castañón-Ibarra Institute of Applied Sciences and Technology, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Coyoacán, Mexico e-mail: R. Castañón-Ibarra e-mail: © The Author(s), under exclusive license to Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 S. Estrada (ed.), Digital and Sustainable Transformations in a Post-COVID World, 75 76 J. L. SOLLEIRO-REBOLLEDO ET AL. and policies to achieve greater economic growth and decent work for all, create sustainable cities, and combat climate change, among others [1, 2]. For the fulfillment of the goals of the 2030 Agenda, the progress of technology is fundamental and, even though all SDGs are highly rele- vant, it is in the interest of this research to focus on goal 9. Build resilient infrastructures, promote sustainable industrialization, and foster innova- tion, because this is a cross-cutting goal that participates in all productive, economic, social, technological, cultural, and environmental activities. In Mexico, the Specialized Technical Committee for the SDGs was created, made up of the Office of the President of the Republic, the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, Inegi by its acronym in Spanish), and the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit (Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público, SHCP by its acronym in Spanish), together with the United Nations Development Program, which within the framework of this collabora- tion defines the mechanisms for linking the Federal Expenditure Budget with the 2030 Agenda [3]. The 2030 Agenda is a roadmap that serves to chart the path toward various strategies that will serve to eliminate poverty, protect the environment, guarantee access to quality education, create added value through innovation, and generate conditions of well- being for all people, among others, without jeopardizing the resources of the population in the future. To achieve the mentioned above, the devel- opment of digital technology has been a fundamental tool, especially in the current pandemic scenario. In Mexico, the 2030 Agenda agreement came into force on January 1, 2016; one of the main actions in the framework of SDG compliance has focused on identifying the linkage

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فصل 3 نوآوری در فناوری اطلاعات برای دستیابی به SDG 9 در مکزیک: تجزیه و تحلیل سیاست فناوری خوزه لوئیس سولیرو-ریبولدو، آراسلی اولیویا میخیا-چاوز، و روزاریو کاستانیون-ایبارا 3.1 مقدمه در مجمع عمومی سازمان ملل متحد در 20 سپتامبر تصویب شد. دستور کار 2030 برای توسعه پایدار، که متشکل از 17 هدف توسعه پایدار (SDGs)، 169 هدف و 231 شاخص جهانی متمرکز بر پایداری اقتصادی و اجتماعی برای 193 کشور عضو امضاکننده آن است. دستور کار 2030 کرامت و برابری جمعیت را در ابتدا از طریق مجموعه ای از استراتژی های جهانی، منطقه ای و ملی قرار می دهد. )، Coyoacán، مکزیک پست الکترونیکی: R. Castañón-Ibarra پست الکترونیکی: © نویسنده(ها)، تحت مجوز انحصاری Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2023 S. Estrada (ed. ، تحولات دیجیتال و پایدار در دنیای پسا کووید، 75 76 J. L. SOLLEIRO-REBOLLEDO ET AL. و سیاست هایی برای دستیابی به رشد اقتصادی بیشتر و کار شایسته برای همه، ایجاد شهرهای پایدار، و مبارزه با تغییرات آب و هوایی، از جمله [1، 2]. برای تحقق اهداف دستور کار 2030، پیشرفت فناوری اساسی است و با وجود اینکه همه SDG ها بسیار مرتبط هستند، تمرکز بر هدف 9 به نفع این تحقیق است. ایجاد زیرساخت های انعطاف پذیر، ترویج صنعتی شدن پایدار. و نوآوری را تقویت می کند، زیرا این یک هدف مقطعی است که در تمام فعالیت های تولیدی، اقتصادی، اجتماعی، فناوری، فرهنگی و زیست محیطی مشارکت دارد. در مکزیک، کمیته فنی تخصصی برای اهداف توسعه پایدار، متشکل از دفتر رئیس جمهور، مؤسسه ملی آمار و جغرافیا (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía، Inegi با نام اختصاری آن به زبان اسپانیایی) و وزارت دارایی و اعتبار عمومی (Secretaria de Hacienda y Crédito Público، SHCP با نام اختصاری آن به زبان اسپانیایی)، همراه با برنامه توسعه سازمان ملل متحد، که در چارچوب این همکاری مکانیسم هایی را برای پیوند بودجه هزینه فدرال با دستور کار 2030 [3]. دستور کار 2030 نقشه راهی است که در خدمت ترسیم مسیر به سوی استراتژی های مختلف است که در خدمت رفع فقر، حفاظت از محیط زیست، تضمین دسترسی به آموزش با کیفیت، ایجاد ارزش افزوده از طریق نوآوری، و ایجاد شرایط رفاه برای همه مردم، از جمله دیگران، بدون به خطر انداختن منابع جمعیت در آینده. برای دستیابی به موارد ذکر شده در بالا، توسعه فناوری دیجیتال یک ابزار اساسی به ویژه در سناریوی همه‌گیری کنونی بوده است. در مکزیک، توافقنامه 2030 دستور کار در 1 ژانویه 2016 لازم الاجرا شد. یکی از اقدامات اصلی در چارچوب انطباق با SDG بر شناسایی پیوند متمرکز شده است


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Salvador Estrada
Division of Social and Management
Sciences—Department of Business
and Finance
University of Guanajuato
Celaya, Guanajuato, Mexico
ISBN 978-3-031-16676-1 ISBN 978-3-031-16677-8 (eBook)
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Contents Part I Introductory Chapters 1 Digital and Sustainable Transformation: An Outcoming Response to the Pandemic 3 Salvador Estrada and Juan Reyes Álvarez 2 The Scope of Digital Transformation in Sustainability 43 Guillermo J. Larios-Hernandez Part II Digitization Progress and SDG 3 Innovation in Information Technologies for the Achievement of SDG 9 in Mexico: Technology Policy Analysis 75 José Luis Solleiro-Rebolledo, Araceli Olivia Mejía-Chávez, and Rosario Castañón-Ibarra Part III Developments in Digital and Sustainable Learning 4 Resilience and Capabilities Adopted by Enterprises to Cope with Disruptive Events 121 Laura Villasana-Arreguín and María del Pilar Pastor Pérez xiii xiv CONTENTS Part IV Digital and Sustainable Transformations in Agriculture, Manufacturing, and Services 5 Sustainability and Innovation in the Beekeeping Sector: A First Approach 161 Mariana Astrid González Pacheco and Alejandro Barragán Ocaña 6 From “Smart Company” to “Smart Business”: Implementation of Industry 4.0 Strategy Carried Out by GKN Mexico 191 Adriana Martínez Martínez 7 An Evaluation of Cashless Transactions During Pre- & Post-Demonetization Era in India 211 Dhanraj Sharma, Ruchita Verma, and Heavendeep Singh 8 Analysis of Innovation Processes in the Circular Economy in Hotel Companies, Jalisco, México 231 Mayra Isabel González Vázquez and Evelio Gerónimo Bautista 9 Embracing Digital Transformation in the Indian Travel and Tourism Industry 249 Smruti Rekha Sahoo 10 Challenges for the Digital Transformation of Ecuador’s Tourism Industry: Perceptions of Leaders in Times of Covid-19 257 Johanna Toscano-Jara, Edison Loza-Aguirre, and Antonio Franco-Crespo Part V Digital and Sustainable Entrepreneurship and Business Models 11 Innovation and Digital Transformation as a Competitive Strategy in University Entrepreneurship in Victoria de Durango, Dgo., Mexico 277 Mayela del Rayo Lechuga-Nevárez CONTENTS xv 12 ICTs, Media, and Social Networks Use Indicators in Micro, Small, and Medium-Sized Companies: An Overview in the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Mexico 299 Luis Alfonzo Zea Jiménez 13 Marketing Strategy in MSMEs Facing the Covid-19 Pandemic 329 Gloria Leticia López-Salazar, Rubén Molina-Sánchez, and Alejandra López-Salazar 14 World Research and Intellectual Structure in Digital Transformation on SMEs in Covid-19 Times 347 David Sabando-Vera, Néstor Montalván-Burbano, Marcela Yonfá-Medranda, and Katherine Parrales-Guerrero Part VI Smart, Sustainable, and Resilient Communities 15 Socioeconomic Impact on Rural Communities in 3 Municipalities of the State of Durango in the Face of the New Normal 379 Mayela del Rayo Lechuga-Nevárez, María Quetzalcihuatl Galván Ismael, Iván González Lazalde, Juana Hernández Chavarría, and Adriana Eréndira Murillo Part VII Digital and Sustainable Agendas: Overview and Foresight 16 Digitalization of Manufacturing Development in Latin America and the Caribbean 415 Fernando Santiago, Clovis Freire, and Alejandro Lavopa 17 Challenges and Opportunities of Digitalization in Mexico 451 Mónica Casalet 18 Conclusions: The Challenge Towards the Future Is Digital and Sustainable Transformations from a Systemic Perspective in a Changing COVID World 475 Salvador Estrada and Juan Reyes Álvarez Index 503

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