Day trading manual proprietary trading methods that prepare you to trade like the pros - Original PDF

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Author: DiPietro, Josh

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xv I N T R O D U C T I O N I f you’ve read my first book, The Truth About Day Trading Stocks, then you’re well-prepared for this new, more technical application of my trading methodology. Before you get started, all you’ll need is awareness of the updates and modifications that have been added since 2008, and that vital information is here. For those who haven’t read The Truth About Day Trading Stocks, I recap the book’s major lessons in the first part of this book. I designed this second book specifically to disclose my proprietary applications to intra-day trading stocks and swing trading stocks (equities). I have been trading since 1998, but I learned most of the applications here while trading on private equity floors near Wall Street. After I disengaged from private equity trading floors I began my own unique system that works for the relatively lower-capitalized independent day trader. After eight years of testing and trading with a high rate of success, I finally designed my own highly transparent trading system.

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The importance of hands-on training can’t be overstated. As a survivor of life-shattering Crash & Burn, I am one trading mentor who cares whether you profit or plummet. I was once a victim of those big-box training programs that gouge your credit card, herd you in like underfed cattle, corral you for a couple of days, and then throw you to the wolves of Wall Street. That won’t happen here. In Part 1, I address the permanent, ironclad focal points of The Truth About Day Trading Stocks. You’ll find instructions that must be hardwired into your trading psychology. These are prerequisites to learning the framework of my intricate current system. Hundreds of rules and procedures must be followed to the T. The biggest potential for disaster is real, live trading with only the framework learned here. Don’t be that guy who tries one portion, say 1 percent of my system, loses money, and then posts online that my system doesn’t work. I know that guy exists and I’m trying to prevent you from becoming another one. I do care about the outcome for anyone who is trading my system. In Part 2, I introduce you to only the intra-day portion of the system. It’s critical that you start with intra-day, because you need to get in rhythm with your stock on that basis. I show you which level to trade, and why. You’ll learn several procedures and the mechanics of intra-day trading. You’ll learn why it’s crucial to not assume that you can trade the intra-day rules and strategies without knowing the swing trading system, and without knowing how to fuse them

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اهمیت آموزش عملی را نمی توان نادیده گرفت. من به عنوان یک بازمانده از سقوط و برن، یک مربی تجاری هستم که به سود شما اهمیت می دهد یا سقوط. من زمانی قربانی برنامه‌های آموزشی بزرگی بودم که کارت اعتباری شما را می‌چرخانند، مانند گاوهای کم‌تغذیه شما را به دام می‌اندازند، چند روز شما را به دام می‌اندازند، و سپس شما را به دامان گرگ‌های وال استریت می‌اندازند. این اتفاق در اینجا نخواهد افتاد. در قسمت 1، من به نقاط کانونی دائمی و محکم The Truth About Day Trading Stocks می پردازم. دستورالعمل‌هایی را خواهید یافت که باید در روانشناسی معاملاتی شما وارد شوند. اینها پیش نیازهای یادگیری چارچوب سیستم پیچیده فعلی من هستند. صدها قانون و رویه باید برای T دنبال شود. بزرگترین پتانسیل برای فاجعه واقعی است، تجارت زنده فقط با چارچوبی که در اینجا آموخته شده است. آن مردی نباشید که یک بخش، مثلاً 1 درصد از سیستم من را امتحان می کند، پول از دست می دهد، و سپس به صورت آنلاین پست می کند که سیستم من کار نمی کند. من می دانم که آن پسر وجود دارد و من سعی می کنم از تبدیل شدن تو به یکی دیگر جلوگیری کنم. من به نتیجه هر کسی که سیستم من را معامله می کند اهمیت می دهم. در قسمت 2، من شما را تنها با بخش درون روزی سیستم آشنا می کنم. بسیار مهم است که شما با درون روز شروع کنید، زیرا باید بر این اساس با سهام خود هماهنگ شوید. من به شما نشان می دهم که کدام سطح را تجارت کنید و چرا. چندین روش و مکانیک معاملات درون روز را یاد خواهید گرفت. یاد خواهید گرفت که چرا مهم است که فرض نکنید می‌توانید قوانین و استراتژی‌های درون روز را بدون اطلاع از سیستم معاملاتی نوسانی و بدون دانستن نحوه ترکیب آنها معامله کنید


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Author(s): DiPietro, Josh

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons, Year: 2015

ISBN: 9781119108429,9781119150503,9781119150497,1119150493

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v C O N T E N T S Author’s Note xi Three Essential Prerequisites xiii Introduction xv Discovering Day Trader Josh xxv Acknowledgments xxxvii PART I MASTERING YOUR MINDSET BEFORE YOU A BSORB THE S YSTEM BY DAY T RADER J OSH 1 LESSON 1 Control of Emotions and Mastery of Focus 3 LESSON 2 How Overconfidence Can Destroy Your Trade 6 LESSON 3 Dealing with Your Impatience 8 LESSON 4 Knowing When to Stop Trading 10 LESSON 5 Risk Management: Buying Power versus Capital 12 CONTENTS vi LESSON 6 Avoiding Overexposure to Market Risk 15 LESSON 7 Budgeting Your Way to Profitability 18 LESSON 8 A Realistic Look at Stop-Loss 20 LESSON 9 Day Trading Is Not Gambling 23 LESSON 10 Consistency Rules! 26 LESSON 11 News versus Noise 28 LESSON 12 When It Comes to Averaging Down, Amateurs Beware! 31 LESSON 13 What Stocks to Trade and Why 33 LESSON 14 Picking the Right Online Broker 38 PART II DAY T RADER J OSH’ S I NTRA-DAY T RADING METHODOLOGY 43 CHAPTER 1 Basic Procedure 45 The Best Stocks to Trade with My System 45 Additional Reasons Why You Should Take Only 15 Cents on Each Trade 49 CHAPTER 2 Prior Price Levels and Newly Forming Intra-Day Levels 53 The Basics of One-Minute Candlestick Chart Reading 55 Get Your Daily Price Levels Logged and Organized 67 What to Do After You Have Your List of Daily High Price Levels and Daily Low Price Levels 68 CONTENTS vii Log Your Prior Price Levels on a Whiteboard Before the Opening Bell 70 Now You Start the Five-Candlestick Counting Process 74 How to Count Five Minimum Candlesticks (Chart Analysis) 75 Notes, Reminders, Cautions, and Hints of the Lessons to Come 76 CHAPTER 3 Intra-Day Golden Rules: Entry/Exit Setups 78 The Rules Explained 79 Mastering the Three-Tier Max Strategy with 100-Share Block Trades 84 Understanding the Wisdom of 15-Cent Static Profits 86 Observing the Framework of Entry and Exit Strategy with Step-by-Step Procedures and Guidelines 88 Entry Strategy 90 Exit Strategy 91 The Wisdom of Using Strategy Stop-Loss 92 CHAPTER 4 The Mechanics of FASTKEY Order Execution 96 Using Your Keyboard Keys for Rapid Order Execution 96 Placing Orders Directly from a Level 2 Quote Chart (Direct Access) 97 Executing Real-Time Trades (Manual Limit Orders) 100 Scrutinizing Both Real-Time and End-of-Day Trades with Back-Testing 102 CONTENTS viii PART III DAY T RADER J OSH’ S S WING T RADING METHODOLOGY 107 CHAPTER 5 Introduction to Swing Trading: Basic Rules and Procedures 109 Introducing the Ten-Day Hold Rule 111 How to Determine the First-Tier Swing Level 112 Understanding Entry and Exit Setup Rules 115 Two Key Swing Rules to Follow 118 Buying Power and Trading Experience Dictate Your Swing Strategy 121 Here’s the Good News! 122 CHAPTER 6 Sample Swing Charting Setups 124 The 5 Percent Bubble 126 Swing Trade Setups 129 PART IV T HE FUSION OF I NTRA-DAY AND S WING S TRATEGIES 137 CHAPTER 7 Introduction to Fusion Trading 139 Why Are They Not Mutually Exclusive? 140 Applying the Golden Rules 144 Deciding Your Trading Options: Intra-Day Only, Swing Only, or Fusion? 148 CHAPTER 8 Sample Fusion Trade Setups 150 Sample Fusion Trade #1 152 Sample Fusion Trade #2 156 Sample Fusion Trade #3: An Advanced Fusion Trade 160 Final Words on Fusion Trading 169 CONTENTS ix PART V ADVANCED R ULES AND P ROCEDURES 171 CHAPTER 9 Maximizing Net Profits and Minimizing Losses on Overall Trade Setups 173 What Is Pivot Trading? 175 Sideline Trading 178 Earnings Release Trading 181 PART VI T RADING AND T RAINING WITH DAY T RADER J OSH 187 CHAPTER 10 My Trading Room and How It Works 189 CHAPTER 11 The Day Trader Josh Training Program 195 Program Details 196 Learning Objectives 197 What the Price Includes 199 Recap 199 About the Companion Website 200 My Final Words to Readers: Warnings, Reminders, and Prospects for the Future 201 Index 207

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