Create Stunning AI Art Using Craiyon,  DALL-E and Midjourney: A Guide to  Generated Art for Everyone - Epub + Converted PDF

دانلود کتاب Create Stunning AI Art Using Craiyon, DALL-E and Midjourney: A Guide to Generated Art for Everyone - Epub + Converted PDF

Author: Antonis Tsagaris & Andreas Pampoukkas

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When I decided to write this book, I had no idea what I had gotten myself into. At first, it was going to be a 5000-or-so word book, and it was just going to be a little primer about Craiyon, or “Dall-E mini”, as it was called at the time. Craiyon is a generative art artificial intelligence program and, since you’ve picked up this book, you probably already know what it does. However, I will allow for the following possibilities: 1. This book was a present, which is good, because at least you didn’t get socks 2. You only bought it to impress the hot, artistically-inclined hottie that’s hawt at school. The good news? You just put food on my table. The bad news? It’s not going to work. If any of the above are the case, let me bring you up to speed: Craiyon, and other similar AI art generation programs will let you enter a text prompt (tip: get used to the word “prompt”) and then create an image based on that text prompt. For example, you could ask for “a frog eating a bagel in a pond on Titan, edward hopper style” and the AI would do its best to return a picture that’s relevant to your prompt. Of course, this being AI, the results could end up being hilariously bad, but that’s also part of the fun. As any decent fellow writing a book about any subject would do, I went ahead and did my research on the matter, and while trying to find alternatives to Craiyon, I came upon DALL-E, which was (and still is, at the time of writing) in invite-only beta. I also discovered what would probably end up being my wife, if it was human and could cook creamy risotto, and I wasn’t already married: Midjourney. Of course, there are many more out there, often with their own twist on the formula. Nightcafe will actually let you print your creations and have them mailed to your address, while StarryAI will let you generate NFTs right then and there. Stable Diffusion is another big contender that I’ll be following with much interest. I have used most of them (for you, dear reader) and I can tell you that DALL-E and Midjourney beat the alternatives (with the exception of Stable Diffusion) into a pulp and use it to fertilize their plants, while Craiyon often returns such ingenious results that is definitely worth keeping around. After using the plethora of newfangled AI tools that suddenly sprang up on the web, I know that writing a book only about Craiyon was no longer an option. This book had to become the bible of AI- generated art books, or I had failed. Of course, it also had to be shipped in a reasonable amount of time, so I released it in a form that I consider to be finished, but far from complete. This means that content will be added to this book very regularly, and you’ll be able to download the updated version to your device any time you wish. At the time of writing, the book has already seen two updates, and many more are coming as this is a vibrant, active field in its early days, and that requires constant attention and revisions.

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The services Here’s something interesting: I’ve written another book that’s related to the visual arts. It’s called “Quick & Easy Vector Graphics” and the title says everything you need to know about it. Since releasing that book, I’ve come to realize that every single email I’ve ever received from readers has contained questions related to the exercises at the end of each chapter, while there have been no questions about the main content of the chapters. It’s easy to see what that’s the case: reading and doing are two vastly different things. What may seem like a walk in the park while reading about it can turn into an exercise in frustration when attempting to perform it. That’s why I highly recommend using the tools I’ve mentioned in the introduction as you’re reading this book. Craiyon is an easy one: just head over to and that’s it. You don’t even have to create an account, at least for now. Start writing your prompt, and when you’re done press Enter. The situation with DALL-E is a bit more complex: for the time being, it’s an invite-only beta, so you have to request an invite and wait. It took about three weeks for me to get an invite, but I never get invited to parties, so maybe you’ll get yours sooner. Go to to request your invite. Midjourney is a strange one. This service will generate your images by sending your prompts to a Discord bot. Confused? Don’t worry, it’s less complicated than it sounds. Just go to and you’ll get very detailed instructions on how to sign up. My suggestion is this: sign up for all of them. Even DALL-E. Doesn’t matter if you have to wait. Each one has its strengths and weaknesses, and it’s very interesting to explore them. Full disclosure: Midjourney is by far my favorite of the three, but that’s mostly because I have a preference for more abstract, more illustrative styles. Check out my Instagram account at to see what I mean

چکیده فارسی


خدمات اینجا چیز جالبی است: من کتاب دیگری نوشته ام که مربوط به هنرهای تجسمی است. این «گرافیک برداری سریع و آسان» نام دارد و عنوان هر چیزی را که باید در مورد آن بدانید را بیان می کند. از زمان انتشار آن کتاب، متوجه شدم که هر ایمیلی که تا به حال از خوانندگان دریافت کرده‌ام، حاوی سؤالات مربوط به تمرین‌های انتهای هر فصل بوده است، در حالی که هیچ سؤالی در مورد محتوای اصلی فصل‌ها وجود نداشته است. به راحتی می توان فهمید که این قضیه چیست: خواندن و انجام دادن دو چیز کاملاً متفاوت هستند. چیزی که ممکن است هنگام مطالعه در مورد آن مانند پیاده روی در پارک به نظر برسد، می تواند هنگام تلاش برای انجام آن به یک تمرین ناامید تبدیل شود. به همین دلیل است که در هنگام خواندن این کتاب به شدت توصیه می کنم از ابزارهایی که در مقدمه ذکر کردم استفاده کنید. Craiyon یک راه آسان است: فقط به سر بزنید و تمام. شما حتی نیازی به ایجاد یک حساب کاربری ندارید، حداقل در حال حاضر. شروع به نوشتن درخواست خود کنید و پس از پایان کار Enter را فشار دهید. وضعیت DALL-E کمی پیچیده‌تر است: در حال حاضر، این نسخه بتا فقط برای دعوت است، بنابراین باید درخواست دعوت کنید و منتظر بمانید. حدودا سه هفته طول کشید تا دعوت نامه بگیرم، اما هرگز به مهمانی ها دعوت نمی شوم، پس شاید شما زودتر دعوت خود را دریافت کنید. برای درخواست دعوت خود به بروید. میانه سفر چیز عجیبی است. این سرویس با ارسال پیام های شما به ربات Discord تصاویر شما را تولید می کند. سردرگم؟ نگران نباشید، پیچیده تر از آن چیزی است که به نظر می رسد. فقط به بروید و دستورالعمل های بسیار دقیقی در مورد نحوه ثبت نام دریافت خواهید کرد. پیشنهاد من این است: برای همه آنها ثبت نام کنید. حتی DALL-E. مهم نیست که باید صبر کنی هر کدام نقاط قوت و ضعف خود را دارند و کشف آنها بسیار جالب است. افشای کامل: Midjourney تا حد زیادی مورد علاقه من از این سه است، اما این بیشتر به این دلیل است که من به سبک های انتزاعی تر و گویاتر ترجیح می دهم. حساب اینستاگرام من را در بررسی کنید تا منظورم را ببینید


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Super Important Bit! DO NOT SKIP! Art-generating AIs are getting better and more complex at a staggering rate, and you don’t want to be left behind. For example, as I’m writing this, DALL-E’s servers are about to give up and topple over under the weight of the traffic that their brand-new Outpainting feature has caused. This is seriously impressive tech, and you don’t want to learn about it after your grandma, so we’ll be adding content to the book constantly. The content will be available to you for free, you’ll just need to redownload the newest version of the book on your Kindle. But how will you know that there’s been an update? EXACTLY! For that reason, just send an email to with the subject “I want updates to the AI art book” and you’ll be added to my personal list of emails to notify whenever there’s an update out. Your email won’t be used for any purpose other than that, and that’s a promise

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Table of Contents Super Important Bit! DO NOT SKIP! Table of Contents Other books by Antonis Tsagaris Quick and Easy Vector Graphics Clothes For Language: A Typography Handbook for Designers, Authors and Type Lovers Introduction AI-generated art is not art, and robots will crush us all!1!!!1 Part 1: The basics How does any of this work? The services Free or paid? Creating your first artwork Image resolution Image rights Craiyon TOS Midjourney TOS DALL-E TOS Censorship Use cases Part 2: Prompts A tip before we begin: use natural language Content vs modifiers Framing as content and modifier Visual Hierarchy and Relationships Between Objects Principle 1: Proximity Principle 2: Closure Principle 3: Similarity Principle 4: Continuity Principle 5: Figure-Ground Use stylistic instructions Photo vs Illustration Material Genre and mood Image fidelity Condition Time period & artistic movement Artists Printing techniques Photographic techniques Digital art Effects Directorial instructions Aspect ratio Use services in series A note on the place of AI-generated art in art and culture going forward Appendices Appendix 1: Midjourney /imagine parameters Size parameters Algorithm parameters Detail parameters Seeding parameters Stylize parameter Quality parameters Other parameters Appendix 2: A non-exhaustive list of notable artists belonging to some of the most recognizable art movements Appendix 3: Midjourneys, or 100+ images and their prompts Mid·Journeys

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۲- برای خرید محصولات لطفا به شماره محصول و عنوان دقت کنید.

۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

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