Computational Intelligence Techniques for Trading and Investment - Original PDF

دانلود کتاب Computational Intelligence Techniques for Trading and Investment - Original PDF

Author: Christian Dunis, Spiros Likothanassis, Andreas Karathanasopoulos, Georgios Sermpinis, Konstantinos Theofilatos

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Computational intelligence, a sub-branch of artificial intelligence, is a field which draws on the natural world and adaptive mechanisms in order to study behaviour in changing complex environments. This book provides an interdisciplinary view of current technological advances and challenges concerning the application of computational intelligence techniques to financial time-series forecasting, trading and investment. The book is divided into five parts. The first part introduces the most important computational intelligence and financial trading concepts, while also presenting the most important methodologies from these different domains. The second part is devoted to the application of traditional computational intelligence techniques to the fields of financial forecasting and trading, and the third part explores the applications of artificial neural networks in these domains. The fourth part delves into novel evolutionary-based hybrid methodologies for trading and portfolio management, while the fifth part presents the applications of advanced computational intelligence modelling techniques in financial forecasting and trading. This volume will be useful for graduate and postgraduate students of finance, computational finance, financial engineering and computer science. Practitioners, traders and financial analysts will also benefit from this book.

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Machine intelligence dates back to 1936, when Turing proposed the idea of a universal processing machine (Turing, 1936), which composed the theoretical milestone in the theory of computability for the next years. Having Turing’s machine as a starting point, artificial intelligence (AI), in the last decades, focused on the principles, theoretical issues and design of algorith- mic methodologies inspired by observations of the natural environment. Some striking examples are the artificial neural networks (ANNs), which are inspired by the mammalian neural system, and evolutionary algorithms (EAs), inspired by natural selection and genetic evolution in biology. These techniques, along with numerous others, have found their way in solving real-world problems in biology, medicine, business, technology and finance. Computational intelligence (CI) (Engelbrecht, 2007) constitutes the sub- branch of AI that includes the design and development of theories and methods with a sound biological understanding alongside their application to solve real- world problems. According to Bezdek (1994): A system is computationally intelligent when it: deals with only numerical (low level) data, has pattern recognition components, does not use knowledge in the AI sense and additionally when it (begins to) exhibit i) computational adaptivity, ii) computational fault tolerance, iii) speed approaching human- like turn around and iv) error rates that approximate human performance. The above definition provides a central role for the definition of CI systems to the principles of computational adaptation, noisy data handling, computational speed and fault tolerance. The basic distinction of general AI systems and CI ones lies in their effort not only to imitate or surpass human intelligence, but also to aid humans to solve real-world problems more effectively, reducing their workload. The necessity for fulfilling human tasks more conveniently, costlessly and faster, and the need for processing high volumes of data has led to the growth of the CI field in the last two decades, with the development of a series of high- performance algorithms.

چکیده فارسی


هوش ماشینی به سال 1936 برمی‌گردد، زمانی که تورینگ ایده یک ماشین پردازش جهانی را پیشنهاد کرد (تورینگ، 1936)، که نقطه عطف نظری در نظریه محاسبه‌پذیری برای سال‌های بعد را تشکیل داد. با داشتن ماشین تورینگ به عنوان نقطه شروع، هوش مصنوعی (AI) در دهه های گذشته بر اصول، مسائل نظری و طراحی روش های الگوریتمی الهام گرفته از مشاهدات محیط طبیعی متمرکز شده است. برخی از نمونه‌های بارز شبکه‌های عصبی مصنوعی (ANN) هستند که از سیستم عصبی پستانداران الهام گرفته شده‌اند و الگوریتم‌های تکاملی (EAs) که از انتخاب طبیعی و تکامل ژنتیکی در زیست‌شناسی الهام گرفته شده‌اند. این تکنیک ها، همراه با تکنیک های متعدد دیگر، راه خود را در حل مشکلات دنیای واقعی در زیست شناسی، پزشکی، تجارت، فناوری و مالی پیدا کرده اند. هوش محاسباتی (CI) (Engelbrecht، 2007) شاخه فرعی هوش مصنوعی را تشکیل می دهد که شامل طراحی و توسعه نظریه ها و روش ها با درک بیولوژیکی صحیح در کنار کاربرد آنها برای حل مسائل دنیای واقعی است. به گفته بزدک (1994): یک سیستم زمانی از نظر محاسباتی هوشمند است که: فقط با داده های عددی (سطح پایین) سر و کار دارد، دارای اجزای تشخیص الگو است، از دانش به معنای هوش مصنوعی استفاده نمی کند و همچنین زمانی که (شروع به نمایش می کند) محاسباتی است. انطباق، 2) تحمل خطا محاسباتی، 3) سرعت نزدیک شدن به چرخش انسان مانند و iv) نرخ خطا که عملکرد انسان را تقریب می کند. تعریف فوق نقش مرکزی را برای تعریف سیستم های CI با اصول سازگاری محاسباتی، مدیریت داده های پر سر و صدا، سرعت محاسباتی و تحمل خطا ارائه می دهد. تمایز اساسی سیستم‌های هوش مصنوعی عمومی و سیستم‌های CI در تلاش آن‌ها نه تنها برای تقلید یا پیشی گرفتن از هوش انسان، بلکه برای کمک به انسان‌ها برای حل مؤثرتر مشکلات دنیای واقعی و کاهش حجم کاری است. ضرورت انجام وظایف انسانی راحت‌تر، کم‌هزینه‌تر و سریع‌تر و نیاز به پردازش حجم بالایی از داده‌ها، با توسعه یک سری الگوریتم‌های با کارایی بالا، در دو دهه اخیر باعث رشد حوزه CI شده است. /p>

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Contents List of figures ix List of tables xi List of contributors xiii Preface xv Acknowledgements xix PART I Introduction 1 1 Computational intelligence: recent advances, perspectives and open problems 3 K O N S T A N T I N O S T H E O F I L A T O S , E F S T R A T I O S G E O R G O P O U L O S , S P I R O S L I K O T H A N A S S I S A N D S E F E R I N A M A V R O U D I 2 Financial forecasting and trading strategies: a survey 22 C H A R A L A M P O S S T A S I N A K I S A N D G E O R G I O S S E R M P I N I S PART II Trading and investments with traditional computational intelligence techniques 41 3 Hidden Markov models: financial modelling and applications 43 S O V A N M I T R A 4 Adaptive filtering on forecasting financial derivatives indices 66 C H R I S T O S D I M I T R A K O P O U L O S , A N D R E A S K A R A T H A N A S O P O U L O S , G E O R G I O S S E R M P I N I S A N D S P I R O S L I K O T H A N A S S I S viii Contents PART III Trading and investments with artificial neural networks 79 5 Modelling and trading the corn–ethanol crush spread with neural networks 81 C H R I S T I A N L . D U N I S , J A S O N L A W S , P E T E R W . M I D D L E T O N A N D A N D R E A S K A R A T H A N A S O P O U L O S 6 Trading decision support with historically consistent neural networks 116 H A N S - J ö R G V O N M E T T E N H E I M PART IV Trading and investments with hybrid evolutionary methodologies 131 7 Advanced short-term forecasting and trading deploying neural networks optimized with an adaptive evolutionary algorithm 133 K O N S T A N T I N O S T H E O F I L A T O S , T H O M A S A M O R G I A N I O T I S , A N D R E A S K A R A T H A N A S O P O U L O S , G E O R G I O S S E R M P I N I S , E F S T R A T I O S G E O R G O P O U L O S A N D S P I R O S L I K O T H A N A S S I S 8 Using argumentation and hybrid evolutionary multi- model partitioning algorithms for efficient portfolio construction 146 N I K O L A O S S P A N O U D A K I S , K O N S T A N T I N A P E N D A R A K I A N D G R I G O R I O S B E L I G I A N N I S PART V Trading and investments with advanced computational intelligence modelling techniques 175 9 Forecasting DAX 30 using support vector machines and VDAX 177 R A F A E L R O S I L L O , J A V I E R G I N E R A N D D A V I D D E L A F U E N T E 10 Ensemble learning of high-dimensional stock market data 192 M A N O L I S M A R A G O U D A K I S A N D D I M I T R I O S S E R P A N O S Index 216 Figures 1.1 The MLP neural network architecture 6 1.2 The RNN architecture 6 1.3 The HONN architecture 8 1.4 The RBF neural network architecture 9 1.5 Meta- heuristic algorithms flow chart 13 3.1 A diagram of a two-state Markov model with state transitions depicted by arrows 44 3.2 Graphs for the S&P 500 index 1976–1996 57 3.3 Graphs for the Nikkei 225 index 1976–1996 58 3.4 Graph of Bank of England interest rates (%) for each month from October 1980 to December 2008 59 3.5 Graph of interest rates states for each month from October 1980 to December 2008 60 5.1 The corn–ethanol crush CBOT daily closing prices 89 5.2 Histogram of corn–ethanol spread return series 90 5.3 A single output, inter-connected MLP model 96 5.4 Elman RNN architecture with two neurons/nodes for the hidden layer 97 5.5 Second order HONN with three inputs 99 6.1 Modelling with the HCNN. The initial hidden states can also be trained 118 8.1 The structure of the hybrid evolutionary multi-model partitioning algorithm used for financial time series forecasting 158 8.2 Mapping from a fixed dimensional internal representation to a variable length NARMAX parameter vector. The resulting order is n(p, q, r) = (3, 2, 3) 159 8.3 The fitness of each candidate model is the model conditional pdf 160 8.4 The PORTRAIT system architecture 163 8.5 The investment process using the PORTRAIT tool 164 8.6 A screenshot of the PORTRAIT tool 165 8.7 The bear market context, the moderate investor role and the specific context that combines them returns for all eight years 167 x Figures 8.8 The compound return of all scenarios sorted according to the compound return of 2008, compared to the compound return of the RASE and the average return of all MFs 168 9.1 An example of how a kernel function works 178 9.2 DAX (left axis) and VDAX (right axis) 180 9.3 Design of the trading rule 182 9.4 Cross correlation DAX returns and VDAX changes 184 9.5 Cumulative DAX 30 points for each strategy from 2000 to 2011 188 10.1 Hierarchical decomposition of a random forests classifier on a dataset 199 10.2 A simple Bayesian network depicting the interelation of five random variables 202 10.3 An example of a Bayesian network with the Markov blanket of node x 202 10.4 Plot of virtual portfolio balance of two different trading strategies 212

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۱- در صورت داشتن هرگونه مشکلی در پرداخت، لطفا با پشتیبانی تلگرام در ارتباط باشید.

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۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

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