Advanced Building and Joinery Skills

دانلود کتاب Advanced Building and Joinery Skills

Author: Greg Cheetham

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Advanced Building and Joinery Skills, 2e provides the basic knowledge and skills required in advanced carpentry and joinery, covering subjects as wall lining and cladding, wet area construction, stairs, doors and windows to name a few.

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Advanced Building and Joinery Skills, 2e provides the basic knowledge and skills required in advanced carpentry and joinery, covering subjects as wall lining and cladding, wet area construction, stairs, doors and windows to name a few. Advanced topics as beams, suspended slabs and walls, formwork for columns and concrete stairs has also been covered. This text is written for apprentices undertaking study and completing the Certificate III in Carpentry (CPC30211) and the Certificate III in Carpentry and Joinery (CPC32011) qualifications. Advanced Building and Joinery Skills, 2e is the third text.

چکیده فارسی

مهارت‌های پیشرفته ساختمان و نازک کاری، 2e دانش و مهارت‌های اولیه مورد نیاز در نجاری و نازک کاری پیشرفته را ارائه می‌کند و موضوعاتی مانند پوشش دیوارها و روکش‌کاری، ساخت‌وساز مناطق مرطوب، پله‌ها، درها و پنجره‌ها را پوشش می‌دهد. موضوعات پیشرفته مانند تیرها، دال ها و دیوارهای معلق، قالب بندی ستون ها و پله های بتنی نیز پوشش داده شده است. این متن برای کارآموزانی نوشته شده است که در حال مطالعه و تکمیل مدارک گواهینامه III در نجاری (CPC30211) و گواهینامه III در نجاری و نازک کاری (CPC32011) هستند. مهارت های پیشرفته ساختمان و نازک کاری، 2e متن سوم است.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Advanced Building and Joinery Skills 9780170357951
ناشر: Cengage Learning Australia; 2nd edition
شابک: 0170357953, 978-0170357951
حجم: 188 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Half title; Title page; Copyright page; Brief contents; Contents; Guide to the text; Guide to the online resources; Preface; About the author; Acknowledgements; List of figures; Colour palette for technical drawings; Chapter 1 Formwork for slabs, columns, beams and walls ; Legislation, codes and standards; Constructing concrete slabs, columns, beams and walls; Constructing and erecting formwork/falsework; Stripping formwork; Summary; References and further reading ; Worksheets; Chapter 2 Formwork for stairs and ramps ; Loads on stair formwork; Setting out stair formwork/ falsework. Beams at top of flightConstruction of formwork for reinforced concrete stairs; Ramps and raked formwork/falsework; Formwork for other sloping concrete forms; Release agents; Stripping formwork; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets; Chapter 3 Construct advanced roofs; Basic principles of roofing; Gambrel (Dutch gable) roofs; Jerkin head roofs; Skewed gables; Oblique hips; Unequal pitched roofs; Purlins and struts; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets; Chapter 4 Manufacture and assemble joinery components; Introduction; Planning and preparation; Types of doors. Making a framed panel doorTypes of windows; Sill and threshold sections; Preparing window components; Joints in curved head frames; Setting out doors and windows; Setting up machinery; Machines; Assembling the frames; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets; Chapter 5 Install and replace windows and doors; Door and window styles and specifications; Planning and preparation; Flashings in doors and windows; Door and door frame installation; Hanging doors; Window installation; Removing door and window frames; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets. Chapter 6 Install external claddingAbout cladding; Preparation for safe and quality installation; Types of cladding; Calculating quantities; Installation; Finishing off around doors and windows; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets; Chapter 7 Install lining, panelling and moulding; Lining, panelling and moulding materials; Preparing walls for installation of linings; Setting out lining materials; Installing lining materials; Finishing; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets; Chapter 8 Install wet area fixtures; What is a wet area?; Planning and preparation. Wet area constructionBaths and spas; Showers; Flashings; Linings; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets; Chapter 9 Construct, assemble and install internal and external timber stairs; Stair terminology; Types of stairs; Quality assurance, work health and safety; Setting out stairs; Machines used in stair production; Handrails and balustrades; Installing stairs; Summary; References and further reading; Worksheets; Glossary; INDEX.

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