Above Ground Bulk Storage Tank Emergencies 2nd Edition

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Author: Michael S. Hildebrand, Gregory G. Noll, Bill Hand

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Storage Tank Emergencies, Second Edition is designed to provide public safety and industry emergency response personnel with the background information, general procedures and response guidelines to be followed when operating at incident involving bulk storage tanks and facilities

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Storage Tank Emergencies, Second Edition is designed to provide public safety and industry emergency response personnel with the background information, general procedures and response guidelines to be followed when operating at incident involving bulk storage tanks and facilities. Textbook information will assist the user in meeting the knowledge requirements outlined in NFPA 472, Chapter 16 - Competencies for Hazardous Materials Technicians with a Flammable Liquids Bulk Storage Specialty.

چکیده فارسی

موقعیت‌های اضطراری مخزن ذخیره‌سازی، ویرایش دوم برای ارائه اطلاعات پس‌زمینه، رویه‌های عمومی و دستورالعمل‌های پاسخ به پرسنل ایمنی عمومی و واکنش اضطراری صنعت طراحی شده است که باید هنگام کار در حادثه مربوط به مخازن و تأسیسات ذخیره‌سازی فله رعایت شوند. اطلاعات کتاب درسی به کاربر در برآوردن الزامات دانشی که در NFPA 472، فصل 16 - شایستگی‌های تکنسین‌های مواد خطرناک با تخصص ذخیره‌سازی فله مایعات قابل اشتعال اشاره شده است، کمک می‌کند.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Above Ground Bulk Storage Tank Emergencies
نویسنده: Michael S. Hildebrand, Gregory G. Noll, Bill Hand
ناشر: Jones & Bartlett Learning; 2 edition (January 3, 2018)
زبان: English
شابک: 1284112772, 978-1284112771
حجم: 95 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Table of Contents; Acknowledgments; About the Authors; How to Use This Book; Chapter 1 Introduction and Overview of Aboveground Storage Tanks; Chapter Outline; Key Terms; Introduction; Target Audience; Overview of the Storage Tank Industry; Summary; References and Suggested Readings; Chapter 2 Standards, Codes, and Regulations; Chapter Outline; Objectives; Key Terms; Introduction; Consensus Standards and Codes; National Fire Protection Association; American Petroleum Institute; API-650: Welded Steel Storage Tanks for Oil Storage. API-620: Standard for Design and Construction of Large, Welded, Low Pressure Storage TanksUnderwriters Laboratories Inc. ®; Steel Tank Institute; Regulations; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA); Summary; References and Suggested Readings; Chapter 3 Tank Design and Construction Features; Chapter Outline; Objectives; Key Terms; Introduction; Cone (Fixed) Roof Tanks; Design and Construction Features; Venting; Flame Arresters; Weak Roof-to-Shell Seam; Open (External) Floating Roof Tanks; Design and Construction Features. Floating Roof TypesFloating Roof Seals; Shunts and Lightning Protection; Covered (Internal) Floating Roof Tanks; Design and Construction Features; Floating Roof Types; Low Pressure Storage Tanks; Design and Construction Features; Horizontal Low Pressure Storage Tanks; Design and Construction Features; Structural Supports; Pressure Vessels; Product Transfer and Movement To/From Distribution Facilities; Storage Tank and Distribution Facility Safety Features; Facility Layout/Tank Spacing; Product Control Options and Considerations; Ancillary Equipment; Piping; Piping Supports; Pumps. InstrumentationValves, Connections, and Couplings; Fire Protection Systems; Loading Racks and Transfer Operations; Summary; References; Chapter 4 Incident Management and Response Considerations; Chapter Outline; Objectives; Key Terms; Introduction; Managing the Incident: The Players; The Players; Managing the Incident: The Incident Command System; Managing the Incident: Command Considerations; Developing the Incident Action Plan; Size-Up and Logistical Considerations; Initial Planning and Size-Up; Tactical Decision-Making Framework: The Eight Step Process© Step 1: Site Management and ControlStep 2: Identify the Problem; Step 3: Hazard Assessment and Risk Evaluation; Step 4: Select the Personal Protective Clothing and Equipment; Step 5: Information Management and Resource Coordination; Step 6: Implement Response Objectives; Step 7: Decontamination and Cleanup Operations; Step 8: Terminate the Incident; Summary; References and Suggested Readings; Chapter 5 Firefighting Foam, Water Supply, and Fire Protection Requirements; Chapter Outline; Objectives; Key Terms; Introduction; Foam History; Class B Firefighting Foams; Selecting a Class B Foam.

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