A traders guide to financial astrology : forecasting market cycles using planetary and lunar movements - Original PDF

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Author: Pesavento, Larry; Smoleny, Shane

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23 Zodiac Signs ■ Introduction This chapter introduces the concept of signs in astrology. The important distinction will be made to establish that a sign is a position in the relative orbit around the Sun. The meanings of each of the signs will be explained in the context of traditional meaning. The elements and qualities of each sign will be addressed. Finally, the con- cepts of precession will be addressed. Key Concept Questions • What is a sign? • What is a solar house? • How does a sign get its meaning through rectification? • How did constellations become involved in astrology? • What are the characteristics of Aries? • What are the characteristics of Taurus? • What are the characteristics of Gemini? • What are the characteristics of Cancer? • What are the characteristics of Leo? • What are the characteristics of Virgo? • What are the characteristics of Libra? • What are the characteristics of Scorpio? • What are the characteristics of Sagittarius?

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1 C h a p t e r 1 ■ Introduction This chapter will provide a brief historical background on the concept of astrology. Then the basic concept of financial astrology will be introduced. Introduction C h a p t e r 1 Key Concept Questions • What is the purpose of this book? • What is astrology? • What is financial astrology? • How is astrology like a clock? • Why is it important to have a working knowledge of astrology to pursue financial astrology? • Why is financial astrology easier to prove than personal astrology? • How can astrology affect financial markets? • What does financial astrology guarantee? • Who were some popular early astrologers in America? • How does Newton’s second law apply to astrology?

چکیده فارسی


1 C h a p t e r 1 ■ مقدمه این فصل پیشینه تاریخی مختصری در مورد مفهوم طالع بینی ارائه می دهد. سپس مفهوم اصلی طالع بینی مالی معرفی خواهد شد. مقدمه C h a p t e r 1 سؤالات مفهومی کلیدی • هدف این کتاب چیست؟ • طالع بینی چیست؟ • طالع بینی مالی چیست؟ • طالع بینی چگونه شبیه ساعت است؟ • چرا داشتن دانش کاری از طالع بینی برای دنبال کردن طالع بینی مالی مهم است؟ • چرا طالع بینی مالی آسان تر از طالع بینی شخصی است؟ • طالع بینی چگونه می تواند بر بازارهای مالی تأثیر بگذارد؟ • طالع بینی مالی چه چیزی را تضمین می کند؟ • برخی از ستاره شناسان اولیه محبوب در آمریکا چه کسانی بودند؟ • قانون دوم نیوتن چگونه در طالع بینی اعمال می شود؟


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Author(s): Pesavento, Larry; Smoleny, Shane

Series: Wiley trading series

Publisher: Wiley, Year: 2015

ISBN: 9781118369395,1118369394,9781118417027,111841702X,9781118420553,1118420551

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v C o n t e n t s Foreword ix Preface xi Acknowledgments xiii ChAPter 1: Introduction 1 Introduction 1 Purpose of the Book 2 Brief Historical Background 3 Theory of Financial Astrology 4 Summary 5 ChAPter 2: Planets 7 Introduction 7 Planets 8 Summary 20 ChAPter 3: Zodiac signs 23 Introduction 23 Zodiac Signs 24 Determining the Meaning of Signs 26 Precession 33 Discovery of New Constellations 35 Summary 35 viCoNTeNTS ChAPter 4: Planetary Position Coordinate system 37 Introduction 37 Planet Positions 37 Summary 43 ChAPter 5: transiting Aspects 45 Introduction 45 Transiting Aspects 46 Grouping Planetary energies 48 Key Aspect Angles 49 Key Sun-Moon Aspects 61 Putting It All Together: How Astrology Works 65 Summary 65 ChAPter 6: Visual representation of transits 67 Introduction 67 Visual Representations of Planetary Aspects and Alignments 68 orb of Influence 71 Conjunction 72 Visual Strength of Aspect versus Peak event 73 overlapping Asymmetrical Aspects Flare Up 77 Retrograde Motion of Planets Making a Transit 79 Summary 81 ChAPter 7: Introduction to Cycles and transits for Forecasting 83 Introduction 83 Defining a Cycle 84 Advantages and Disadvantages of Cycles 88 Use of Transits to Forecast Markets 89 Summary 91 ChAPter 8: testing the effect of the new Moon on the Market 93 Introduction 93 Case Study: The Sun and the Moon 94 How an efficiency Test Works 95 efficiency Test: Dow Jones Behavior around the New Moon from 1885 to 2013 96 Walk Forward Analysis 99 Summary 113 vii CoNTeNTS ChAPter 9: Verification of Planetary Meanings and transits 115 Introduction 115 Verification of Planetary Meanings Using Cycles 116 Verification of Transits in Financial Markets 126 Past Issues with Accuracy and Financial Markets 130 Summary 130 ChAPter 10: Financial Forecasting Using solar Cycles 133 Introduction 133 Types of Cycles 134 Summary 144 ChAPter 11: Financial Forecasting Using Lunar Cycles 145 Introduction 145 Moon versus Sun Cycle (Angle) for Dow Jones since 1885 146 Moon versus Sun Cycle (Angle) Matched to Angle Key Turning Points 147 Moon versus Sun Cycle (Angle) for Dow Jones since 2009 with Quantitative easing 148 Moon versus Sign Cycle for S&P 500 since 1950 149 Moon versus Sign Cycle for S&P 500 since 2009 150 ConCLUsIon 153 APPendIx A Full Moon, new Moon dates 155 APPendIx B Bradley Barometer 159 APPendIx C sun/Moon Lunar Cycles 169 APPendIx d It’s not What You think, It’s how You think! 201 Index 21

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