Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction (7th Edition) - Original PDF

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Author: Donald R. Bear; Marcia Invernizzi; Shane Templeton; Francine Johnston

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Words Their Way Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction (7th Edition)

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این کتاب الکترونیکی کتاب چاپی است و ممکن است شامل هیچ رسانه، کد دسترسی به وب‌سایت، یا مکمل چاپی که ممکن است همراه با کتاب صحافی شده باشد نباشد. توجه: قبل از خرید، با مربی خود مشورت کنید تا مطمئن شوید ISBN صحیح را انتخاب کرده اید. چندین نسخه از پلت فرم پیشرفته Pearson eText برای هر عنوان وجود دارد و ثبت نام قابل انتقال نیست. برای ثبت نام و استفاده از Enhanced Pearson eText، ممکن است به شناسه دوره نیز نیاز داشته باشید که مدرس شما ارائه خواهد کرد. کتاب‌های استفاده شده، اجاره‌ها و خریدهای انجام‌شده خارج از پیرسون در صورت خرید یا اجاره از شرکت‌هایی غیر از پیرسون، ممکن است کدهای دسترسی برای متن الکترونیکی پیشرفته پیرسون گنجانده نشده باشد، ممکن است نادرست باشد، یا ممکن است قبلا بازخرید شده باشد. قبل از تکمیل خرید خود با فروشنده چک کنید. این بسته شامل eText پیشرفته پیرسون است. یک رویکرد عملی و مبتنی بر رشد برای مطالعه کلمات که نحوه ادغام و آموزش مهارت های آوایی، واژگان و املا را به همه دانش آموزان نشان می دهد. Words Their Way یک رویکرد توسعه‌دهنده به آواشناسی، واژگان، و آموزش املا است. با هدایت یک تفسیر آگاهانه از اشتباهات املایی و سایر رفتارهای سوادآموزی، Words They Way یک برنامه منظم، معلم محور و کودک محور برای مطالعه کلمات از مهدکودک تا دبیرستان ارائه می دهد. کلیدهای این رویکرد مبتنی بر تحقیق، آگاهی از پیشرفت سواد دانش آموزان، سازماندهی برای آموزش، و اجرای مطالعه کلمه است. نسخه 7 دارای فصل جدیدی (9) در مورد سازماندهی مطالعه کلمات در کلاس درس، و همچنین فعالیت های جدید، مواد نظارت بر پیشرفت و طرح های درسی نمونه است. با وب سایت جدید طراحی شده خود که شامل ارزیابی های املایی نمره گذاری شده خودکار و بیش از 130 نوع تعاملی است، Wordsir Way، یک برنامه درسی کامل برای مطالعه کلمات ارائه می دهد که به دانش آموزان شما انگیزه می دهد و در عین حال به آنها کمک می کند تا در یادگیری سوادآموزی موفق شوند. تسلط و حفظ را با متن الکترونیکی پیشرفته پیرسون بهبود بخشید* متن الکترونیکی پیشرفته پیرسون: جذاب است. ویژگی‌های یادگیری تعاملی و چندرسانه‌ای جدید توسط نویسندگان و دیگر متخصصان موضوع برای تعمیق و غنی‌تر کردن تجربه یادگیری توسعه داده شد. راحت. از دسترسی آنلاین فوری از رایانه خود لذت ببرید یا برنامه Pearson eText را دانلود کنید تا روی تبلت iPad® و Android® خود به صورت آفلاین یا آفلاین بخوانید.** مقرون به صرفه است. مزایای متن الکترونیکی پیشرفته پیرسون را به همراه تمام مزایای چاپ با 40% تا 50% کمتر از یک کتاب صحافی چاپی تجربه کنید. *ویژگی های eText پیشرفته فقط در قالب eText Pearson موجود است. آنها در eTexts یا بارگیری های شخص ثالث در دسترس نیستند. **برنامه Pearson eText در گوگل پلی و اپ استور موجود است. به سیستم عامل Android 3.1-4، تبلت 7 یا 10 اینچی یا iPad iOS نسخه 5.0 یا بالاتر نیاز دارد. 0135174627 / 9780135174623 Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics، واژگان و آموزش املا با Words Their Way دیجیتال و پیشرفته Pearson eText -- بسته کارت دسترسی، بسته 7/e شامل: 01315352074 ورد: 01315352040. آموزش واژگان و املا، 7e 0135205271 / 9780135205273 Words Their Way Digital -- Teacher Access Card 0135205328 / 9780135205327 Words Their Way: Word Study for Phonics, Spelling, Spelling, Phonics

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Words Their Way

Word Study for Phonics, Vocabulary and Spelling Instruction

By: Donald R. Bear; Marcia Invernizzi; Shane Templeton; Francine Johnston

  • Publisher: Pearson
  • Print ISBN: 9780135174623, 0135174627

    Print ISBN: 9780135174623, 0135174627

  • eText ISBN: 9780135205389, 0135205387

    eText ISBN: 9780135205389, 0135205387

  • Edition: 7th
  • Copyright year: 2020
  • Format: Original PDF

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Half-Title Page Title Page Copyright Page Dedication Page Letter from the Authors About the Authors Brief Contents Contents Activities Preface Chapter 1 Developmental Word Knowledge How Children Learn about Words The Braid of Literacy Children’s Spellings: A Window into Developing Word Knowledge Conceptual Development Grows through Categorizing Word Knowledge Grows through Categorizing and Reflecting Why Is Word Study Important? What Is the Purpose of Word Study? Alphabet, Pattern and Meaning: The Basis for Developmental Word Study Alphabet Pattern Meaning How History Speaks to Instruction Teaching Tips: Learning and Integrating the Layers of English Orthography The Development of Orthographic Knowledge Stages of Spelling Development Stages of Spelling: A Perspective The Synchrony of Literacy Development Emergent Readers Beginning Readers Transitional Readers Intermediate and Advanced Readers Words Their Way Chapter 2 Getting Started Informal Observations to Assess Orthographic Knowledge Observe and Interpret Students’ Writing Observe Students’ Reading Qualitative Spelling Inventories to Assess Orthographic Knowledge The Development of Spelling Inventories Using Inventories Score and Analyze the Spelling Inventories Sample Practice Teaching Tips: When Synchrony Is Not Observed Group Students for Instruction Classroom Composite Chart Spelling-By-Stage Classroom Organization Chart Factors to Consider When Organizing Groups Teaching Tips: Using the Inventory across the Year Spelling Inventories for Formative and Summative Assessment Benchmarks and Grade Level Expectations Additional Assessments Qualitative Spelling Checklist Emergent Class Record Kindergarten Spelling Inventory McGuffey Spelling Inventory Monitor Student Growth Over Time Expectations and Goal-Setting Assessing the Spelling Development of English Learners The Influences of Students’ Primary Languages Conclusion Chapter 3 Word Study Principles and Practices Why Focused Contrasts? Teaching Word Knowledge through Sorting Teaching Phonics through Word Study Types of Sorts Sound Contrasts Pattern Contrasts Meaning Contrasts The Word Study Lesson Levels of Support Teacher-Directed Closed Sorts Teacher-Directed Open Sorts Student-Centered Sorts Teacher Talk and Student Reflection Extensions and Follow-Up Routines Repeated Sorting Buddy Sorts Blind Sorts Writing Sorts Blind Writing Sorts Written Reflections Speed Sorts Word Operations Word Hunts Draw and Label/Cut and Paste Alternative Sorts Games Periodic Spell Checks Guidelines for Preparing Word Sorts Making Sorts More or Less Challenging Planning for Oddballs Using Word Study Notebooks Linking Word Study to Reading, Writing, and the Language Arts Curriculum Apply Spelling Generalizations to Read New Words Apply to Writing Promote Strategies for Independent Problem Solving Brainstorm Relatives to Widen the Net Use Cover and Connect Proofread for Targeted Spelling Features Allow Students to Write “As Best They Can” Teaching Tips: Proofreading Tips with Intermediate Students Caveats Regarding Tradition Traditional Spelling Activities Word Walls Word Displays Principles of Word Study Instruction 1. Look for What Students Use but Confuse 2. A Step Backward Is a Step Forward 3. Use Words Students Can Read 4. Compare Words That “Do” with Words that “Don’t” 5. Begin with Obvious Contrasts 6. Sort by Sound and Pattern 7. Don’t Hide Exceptions 8. Avoid Rules 9. Work for Fluency 10. Encourage and Participate in Student Talk 11. Return to Meaningful Texts Teaching Is Not Telling RESOURCES FOR IMPLEMENTING WORD STUDY in Your Classroom Chapter 4 Word Study for the Emergent Stage From Speech to Print The Word Level Sounds in Words Characteristics of the Emergent Stage Emergent Reading Emergent Writing and Spelling Creating Classrooms for Early Literacy Learning Support Emergent Writing and Spelling Teaching Tips: Writing Support Emergent Reading RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Classic Predictable Books to Use for Shared Reading The Literacy Diet for the Emergent Stage Oral Language, Concepts, and Vocabulary Classroom Interactions for Language Development Concept Sorts Phonological Awareness Development in PA During the Emergent Stage Syllables and Words Teaching Tips: Syllables Rhymes Teaching Tips: Rhyme Alliteration and Beginning Sounds Teaching Tips: Alliteration and Beginning Sounds Assessing and Monitoring Phonological Awareness Alphabet Knowledge Lots to Learn About Letters Teaching the Alphabet Teaching Tips: Alphabet Letter–Sound Knowledge and Phonics Selecting Contrasting Initial Consonants Introducing Focused Contrasts for Beginning Sounds Assessing and Monitoring Growth in Letter–Sound Knowledge Teaching Tips: Word Study for Initial Sounds Concepts About Print (CAP) Print Referencing Assessing and Monitoring Growth in CAP Concept of Word in Text (COW-T) COW-T Continuum RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Traditional Rymes and Jingles The Whole-to-Part Five-Day Lesson Framework Assessing and Monitoring Growth in COW-T Word Study Routines and Management Emergent Literacy Daily Management Plan RESOURCES CONNECTIONS — IMPLEMENTING WORD STUDY in Your Classroom ACTIVITIES for the Emergent Stage Oral Language, Concepts, and Vocabulary Phonological Awareness (PA) Alphabet Knowledge RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — ALPHABET BOOKS Letter–Sound Knowledge Concepts About Print (CAP) Concept of Word in Text (COW-T) Chapter 5 Word Study for the Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Literacy Development of Students in the Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Reading Beginning Writing and Spelling Vocabulary Orthographic Development in the Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Letter Names Letter Sounds How Consonants are Made and Articulated in the Mouth Teaching Tips: Mastering Sounds Vowels in the Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Teaching Tips: Learning about Vowels Other Orthographic Features Developmental Spelling Strategies Teaching Tips: Encouraging Developmental Spelling Word Study Instruction for The Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Reading Instruction Teaching Tips: Draw Attention to Words in Text Teaching Tips: Personal Readers and Word Banks Supporting Writing Supporting Vocabulary Development Teaching Tips: Encourage a Variety of Writing Teaching Tips: Developing Vocabulary Word Study The Study of Consonant Sounds Teaching Tips: Word Study with English Learners The Study of Short Vowels Teaching Tips: Word Families Teaching Tips: The Study of Short Vowels in CVC Words Assess and Monitor Progress in The Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Assess and Monitor Progress in Concept of Word Assess and Monitor Progress in Phonemic Awareness, Phonics, and Spelling Assess and Monitor Progress in Sight Word Development Word Study with English Learners in The Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Word Study Routines and Management RESOURCES FOR IMPLEMENTING WORD STUDY in Your Classroom ACTIVITIES for the Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage Vocabulary Activities Phonemic Awareness Personal Readers and Word Banks Dictionary Skills in the Letter Name–Alphabetic Stage RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Dictionaries for Beginning Readers Initial Consonant Sound Word Study The Study of Word Families Short Vowel Word Study Chapter 6 Word Study for the Within Word Pattern Stage Literacy Development of Students in the Within Word Pattern Stage Reading in the Within Word Pattern Stage Writing in the Within Word Pattern Stage Vocabulary Learning in the Within Word Pattern Stage Orthographic Development in the Within Word Pattern Stage The Pattern Layer The Complexities of English Vowels Teaching Vowels to English Learners The Influence of Consonants on Vowels Triple Blends, Silent Initial Consonants, and Other Complex Consonants Homophones, Homographs, and Other Features Word Study Instruction for the Within Word Pattern Stage The Word Study Lesson Plan in the Within Word Pattern Stage Picture Sorts to Contrast Long and Short Vowels Teacher-Directed Sorts for Long Vowel Patterns Open Sorts Spelling Strategies Word Sorting with English Learners Sequence and Pacing of Word Study in the Within Word Pattern Stage Early, Middle, or Late Placement Pacing The Study of High-Frequency Words Teaching Tips: Teaching High-Frequency Words Vocabulary Instruction Read Alouds Repeated Exposure Word Sorts and Vocabulary Teaching Tips: Teaching About Homophones RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Books that Celebrate Homophones, Homonyms, and Homographs Dictionary Use Teaching Basic Morphology: Prefixes and Suffixes Teaching Tips: Teach Dictionary Skills Assess and Monitor Progress in the Within Word Pattern Stage Weekly Spelling Tests Monitoring Progress and Setting Goals Strategies for Assessing and Monitoring Progress of English Learners Word Study Routines for Within Word Pattern Spellers Word Study Notebooks Homework Resources for Implementing Word Study in Your Classroom ACTIVITIES for the Within Word Pattern Stage Vocabulary Activities Spelling Strategies and Dictionary Skills Spelling Games and Activities Chapter 7 Word Study for the Syllables and Affixes Stage Literacy Development of Students in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Reading in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Writing in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Vocabulary Learning in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Orthographic Development in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Base Words and Inflectional Endings Compound Words Open and Closed Syllables and Syllable Juncture Vowel Patterns in Accented Syllables Unaccented Syllables Teaching Tips: Introducing Accent or Stress Learning about Accent or Stress Further Exploration of Consonants Base Words and Simple Derivational Affixes Teaching Tips: Exploring Suffixes Word Study Instruction for the Syllables and Affixes Stage Supporting Vocabulary Development Teaching Tips: Develop Academic Vocabulary Systematic Word Study for Spelling Sorting and Discussion in the Syllables and Affixes Stage The Word Study Lesson Plan in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Sequence and Pacing of Word Study in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Sequence of Focused Contrasts Placement Using Spelling Inventories and Spell Check Spelling Strategies Teaching Tips: How to Develop a Spelling Conscience Assess and Monitor Progress in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Weekly Assessments and Spell Checks Monitoring Progress Word Study with English Learners in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Word Study Routines and Management Word Study Notebooks in the Syllables and Affixes Stage Resources for Implementing Word Study in Your Classroom ACTIVITIES for The Syllables and Affixes Stage Vocabulary Activities Dictionary Skills for Syllables and Affixes Spellers Spelling Activities Chapter 8 Word Study for the Derivational Relations Stage Literacy Development of Students in the Derivational Relations Stage Reading in the Derivational Relations Stage Writing in the Derivational Relations Stage Vocabulary Learning in the Derivational Relations Stage Orthographic Development in the Derivational Relations Stage The Spelling–Meaning Connection: Foundations of Generative Vocabulary Knowledge Latin and Greek Word Parts RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Resources for Word Study: Greek and Latin Word Parts Spelling Strategies Word Study Instruction for the Derivational Relations Stage Supporting Vocabulary Development RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Resources for Word-Specific Vocabulary Activities RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Resources for Word Study: Word Origins RESOURCE CONNECTIONS — Online Resources about Words Systematic Word Study Sequence Teaching Tips: Fine-Tuning Instruction Assess and Monitor Progress in the Derivational Relations Stage Ways to Assess Monitoring Progress Word Study with English Learners in the Derivational Relations Stage Teaching Tips: Exploring Cognates Word Study Routines and Management Teacher-Directed Word Study Instruction Routines Teaching Tips: Extending Word Study Activities for Derivational Spellers Word Study Notebooks in the Derivational Relations Stage Word Consciousness Resources for Implementing Word Study in Your Classroom ACTIVITIES for the Derivational Relations Stage Vocabulary Activities Word-Specific Spelling Activities Chapter 9 Implementation of Word Study Instruction: Schedules, Routines, Materials, and Effective Pr Ten Indicators of Effective Word Study Instruction Teacher Talk, Student-to-student Talk, and Reflection Weekly Routines, Word Study Notebooks, and Extension and Transfer Teacher Knowledge and Classroom Management Word Study Schedules and Routines How to Begin a Word Study Program Develop a Word Study Schedule Organizing Word Study in the Primary Grades Teaching Tips: How to Launch into Word Study at the Close of a Small-Group Reading Lesson Schedules for Students Working with Picture Sorts Schedule for Students Working with Word Sorts Teaching Tips: Three Questions to Teach Self-Reflection Assessments and Grading Creating Word Study Groups Word Study Schedules in the Intermediate and Secondary Grades Communicate with Families Teaching Tips: Word Study at Home Prepare Materials: Sorts, Games, Apps, and Storage Prepare Sorts Prepare Word Study Games for Extension and Practice Teaching Tips: Managing Word Sorts in the Classroom Choosing Apps for Word Study Prepare Your Room Effective Word Study Practices for Implementation Pace Your Implementation Indicators of Effective Word Study Instruction Professional Development Appendices APPENDIX A Assessment Materials APPENDIX B Progress Monitoring and Goalsetting APPENDIX C Sound Boards APPENDIX D Pictures for Sorts and Games APPENDIX E Focused Contrasts by Spelling Stage APPENDIX F Word Lists APPENDIX G Games and Templates for Sorts APPENDIX H Other Resources Glossary References Index

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