Unstuck and On Target!: An Executive Function Curriculum to Improve Flexibility, Planning, and Organization Second Edition - PDF

دانلود کتاب Unstuck and On Target!: An Executive Function Curriculum to Improve Flexibility, Planning, and Organization Second Edition - PDF

Author: Lynn Cannon M.Ed. (Author), Dr. Lauren Kenworthy Ph.D. (Author), Katie Alexander "M.S. OTR" (Author),

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About the Online Materials Unstuck and On Target! An Executive Function Curriculum to Improve Flexibility, Planning, and Organization, Second Edition, offers online companion materials to supplement and expand the knowledge and strategies provided in this text. All purchasers of the book may access, download, and print the handouts, resource materials, posters, and gameboards for educational purposes. The online materials include: Two digital, print-ready gameboards, available as one-page 11” x 17” PDFs, two-page 8.5” x 11” PDFs, and PowerPoint files Four digital posters, available as print-ready PDFs and PowerPoint files 50+ handouts—digital downloads available as fillable PDFs To access the materials that come with this book: 1. Go to the Brookes Publishing Download Hub: http://downloads.brookespublishing.com 2. Register to create an account or log in with an existing account. 3. Redeem the code 22nnLyW90 to access any locked materials

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Unstuck and On Target! is designed for use in a small, school-based weekly group of students led by a professional (teacher, psychologist, social worker, speech-language therapist, occupational therapist, counselor, or highly trained teaching assistant). Those implementing this curriculum should have basic skills in working with students with special needs, including an understanding of positive reinforcement techniques, and should read the entire manual before beginning the curriculum. Unstuck and On Target! has also been successfully used by clinicians and parents in small group or individual sessions. GUIDE TO THE LESSON PLANS This manual includes 21 lessons, which are divided among six topics. Topics Each topic begins with an overview page that summarizes the topic, expected outcomes, and background on the rationale for the topic. The information on this page covers the material for all of the lessons included in that topic. Each topic includes a progress report. This is designed to help monitor student progress throughout the curriculum and communicate progress with parents and caregivers. Lessons Each lesson plan has the same structure and includes: A statement of the purpose of the lesson A list of required materials Suggestions for modifications Descriptions of each activity Handouts Every lesson has a standard opening and closing routine. The lesson is introduced to the students in a Goal, Why, Plan, Do, Check (GWPDC) format in order to reinforce a key script taught in Unstuck and On Target! for completing any multi-step task. Each lesson also begins with a summary of the previous lesson (i.e., Lightning Round), highlighting the vocabulary students have learned. Each lesson ends with the review and completion of the GWPDC. It is critical that you completely understand the lessons before beginning them with the students. Read through the entire topic before beginning instruction in order to gain a full understanding of the skills being taught and how the lessons fit together, as well as prepare and gather materials. You know your students best, and an overall 

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Unstuck و در هدف! برای استفاده در یک گروه کوچک هفتگی مدرسه ای از دانش آموزان به رهبری یک متخصص (معلم، روانشناس، مددکار اجتماعی، گفتاردرمانگر زبان، کاردرمانگر، مشاور یا دستیار آموزشی بسیار آموزش دیده) طراحی شده است. کسانی که این برنامه درسی را اجرا می کنند باید مهارت های اساسی در کار با دانش آموزان با نیازهای ویژه، از جمله درک تکنیک های تقویت مثبت داشته باشند، و باید قبل از شروع برنامه درسی، کل دفترچه راهنما را مطالعه کنند. Unstuck و در هدف! همچنین با موفقیت توسط پزشکان و والدین در جلسات گروهی یا فردی کوچک استفاده شده است. راهنمای برنامه های درس این راهنما شامل 21 درس است که بین شش موضوع تقسیم شده است. موضوعات هر مبحث با یک صفحه مروری آغاز می شود که موضوع، نتایج مورد انتظار و پیشینه منطق موضوع را خلاصه می کند. اطلاعات موجود در این صفحه، مطالب مربوط به تمام دروس موجود در آن مبحث را پوشش می دهد. هر موضوع شامل گزارش پیشرفت است. این برای کمک به نظارت بر پیشرفت دانش آموزان در سراسر برنامه درسی و برقراری ارتباط با والدین و مراقبان طراحی شده است. درس ها هر طرح درس ساختار یکسانی دارد و شامل موارد زیر است: بیانیه ای از هدف درس فهرستی از مواد مورد نیاز پیشنهاداتی برای اصلاح توضیحات هر فعالیت جزوه ها هر درس دارای یک روال استاندارد شروع و پایان است. این درس در قالب هدف، چرا، برنامه‌ریزی، انجام، بررسی (GWPDC) به دانش‌آموزان معرفی می‌شود تا یک اسکریپت کلیدی تدریس شده در Unstuck و On Target را تقویت کند! برای تکمیل هر کار چند مرحله ای هر درس همچنین با خلاصه‌ای از درس قبلی (یعنی Lightning Round) شروع می‌شود و واژگانی را که دانش‌آموزان آموخته‌اند برجسته می‌کند. هر درس با مرور و تکمیل GWPDC به پایان می رسد. بسیار مهم است که قبل از شروع دروس با دانش آموزان، آنها را کاملاً درک کنید. قبل از شروع آموزش، کل مبحث را بخوانید تا درک کاملی از مهارت های آموزش داده شده و نحوه تناسب درس ها با هم و همچنین تهیه و جمع آوری مطالب به دست آورید. شما دانش‌آموزان خود را بهتر می‌شناسید، و در کل


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Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co.
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Contents Unstuck Fast Facts About the Online Materials About the Authors Foreword John Elder Robison Acknowledgments Introduction Reinforcement System Icon Glossary Script Practice Throughout the Manual Topic 1 Foundational Skills Lesson 1 Get to Know You Introduction Activity 1: Code of Conduct Activity 2: Who Knows Whom? Handout: All About Me! Closing Classroom Practice 1 Home Practice 1 Lesson 2 Introduction to Goal, Why, Plan, Do, Check Introduction Activity 1: Introduction to GWPDC Activity 2: Wacky GWPDC Handout: Wacky GWPDC Closing Classroom Practice 2 Home Practice 2 Lesson 3 Emotional Identification Introduction Activity 1: Feelings Target Visual: Feelings Target Materials: Feelings Target Cards Activity 2: How Does It Make Me Feel? Activity 3: Feelings Chain Visual: Feelings Chain Scenarios Handout: Feelings Chain Blank Closing Classroom Practice 3 Home Practice 3 Lesson 4 What Can You Do to Feel Better? Introduction Activity 1: Disappointment and Coping Handout: Disappointment and Coping Activity 2: Coping Skills Investigation Handout: How to Feel Just-Right Handout: Just-Right Strategies Investigation Handout: My Mission to Get Back to Just-Right Handout: Deep Breathing Activity 3: Strategy Cards Handout: Strategy Card Examples Additional Activity: Coping Choices Closing Classroom Practice 4 Home Practice 4 Topic 1 Progress Report Topic 2 What Is Flexibility? Lesson 5 Flexibility Investigation Introduction Activity 1: Flexible vs. Rigid Scavenger Hunt Activity 2: Flexible Is Faster (and More Efficient) Closing Classroom Practice 5 Home Practice 5 Lesson 6 Flexibility Introduction Activity 1: Mystery Word—Flexibility Handout: Mystery Word 1 Educator Guide: Mystery Word 1 Key Handout: Unstuck and On Target! Dictionary—Flexible Activity 2: As Flexible as Putty Handout: Flexible Fun Handout: Fun Putty Recipe Closing Classroom Practice 6 Home Practice 6 Lesson 7 Getting Stuck Introduction Activity 1: Mystery Word—Stuck Handout: Mystery Word 2 Educator Guide: Mystery Word 2 Key Handout: Unstuck and On Target! Dictionary—Stuck Activity 2: Flexible/Stuck Role Play Closing Classroom Practice 7 Home Practice 7 Topic 2 Progress Report Topic 3 How to Be Flexible Lesson 8 Plan A → Plan B Introduction Activity 1: Mystery Words—Plan A → Plan B Handout: Mystery Word 3 Educator Guide: Mystery Word 3 Key Handout: Unstuck and On Target! Dictionary—Plan A → Plan B Activity 2: Speed B Activity 3: Build a Plan A, B, C Handout: Build a Plan A, B, C Closing Classroom Practice 8 Home Practice 8 Lesson 9 Compromise Introduction Activity 1: Mystery Word—Compromise Handout: Mystery Word 4 Educator Guide: Mystery Word 4 Key Handout: Unstuck and On Target! Dictionary—Compromise Activity 2: Compromise Game Materials: Compromise Game Cards Closing Classroom Practice 9 Home Practice 9 Lesson 10 Big Deal/Little Deal Introduction Activity 1: Mystery Words—Big Deal/Little Deal Handout: Mystery Word 5 Educator Guide: Mystery Word 5 Key Handout: Unstuck and On Target! Dictionary—Big Deal/Little Deal Activity 2: Big Deal/Little Deal Practice Materials: Big Deal/Little Deal Cards Activity 3: Converting Big Deals to Little Deals Handout: Big Deal/Little Deal Scale Closing Classroom Practice 10 Home Practice 10 Lesson 11 Choice/No Choice Introduction Activity 1: Mystery Words—Choice/No Choice Handout: Mystery Word 6 Educator Guide: Mystery Word 6 Key Handout: Unstuck and On Target! Dictionary—Choice/No Choice Activity 2: Choice/No Choice Practice Materials: Choice/No Choice Cards Closing Classroom Practice 11 Home Practice 11 Lesson 12 Expect the Unexpected Introduction Activity 1: Expect the Unexpected Introduction Activity 2: Handling the Unexpected Exploration Educator Guide: Handling the Unexpected Game Rules Materials: Handling the Unexpected Game Board Materials: Handling the Unexpected Game Cards Closing Classroom Practice 12 Home Practice 12 Topic 3 Progress Report Topic 4 Why Be Flexible? Lesson 13 The Advantages of Being Flexible Introduction Activity 1: What to Do When What I Want Is Impossible Educator Script: My Two Choices Visual: Group Flexibility Chant Activity 2: Flexibility Freeway Game Educator Guide: Flexibility Freeway Game Rules Materials: Flexibility Freeway Game Board Materials: Flexibility Freeway Game Cards Closing Classroom Practice 13 Home Practice 13 Lesson 14 Being Flexible Can Make Good Things Happen Introduction Activity 1: Flexibility Powers Educator Script: Flexibility Gives You Power Scenarios Activity 2: Flexible Reputation Educator Script: Marble Jar: Flexible Reputation Scenarios Closing Classroom Practice 14 Home Practice 14 Topic 4 Progress Report Topic 5 Your Goals: Getting What You Want Lesson 15 Setting and Achieving Goals Using GWPDC Introduction Activity 1: Think Pink—GWPDC Handout: Think Pink—GWPDC Closing Classroom Practice 15 Home Practice 15 Lesson 16 GWPDC Application and Practice Introduction Activity 1: Cereal Additional Activity: What Is a Target Goal? Additional Activity: Target Goal Example Closing Classroom Practice 16 Home Practice 16 Lessons 17 & 18 GWPDC Stations Introduction Activity 1: Plan B Strategies Activity 2: GWPDC Stations Handout: GWPDC Station 1 Handout: Compromise Station 2 Handout: GWPDC Station 3 Materials: Distractor Game Cards Station 4 Materials: Distractor Game Cards Answer Key Station 4 Materials: Distractor Game Tracking Sheet Station 4 Handout: GWPDC Station 5 Handout: GWPDC Station 5 Scenarios Closing Classroom Practice 17 & 18 Home Practice 17 & 18 Lesson 19 Event Planning Introduction Activity 1: Planning a Class Event Closing Classroom Practice 19 & 20 Home Practice 19 & 20 Lesson 20 Event Topic 5 Progress Report Topic 6 Flexible/Goal-Directed Futures Lesson 21 Interview (& Optional Game) Introduction Activity 1: Talk Show Handout: Flexible Futures Additional Activity: Four Corners Educator Script: Four Corners Questions & Answer Key Closing Handout: Graduation Certificate Classroom Practice 21 Home Practice 21 Topic 6 Progress Report Appendix Index

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