دانلود کتاب Unholy war_ terror in the name of Islam - Original PDF
John L. Esposito
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توضیحات کتاب :
h e tragedy of Septem ber 11, 2001, brough t Am erican s togeth er as a n ation , un ited in grief an d in resolve. At th e sam e tim e, Am erican s from every walk of life began askin g som e h ard question s about Am erica, global terrorism , an d th e Muslim world. More th an a decade ago, in th e wake of th e fall of th e Soviet Un ion an d Saddam Hussein ’s call for a jih ad again st th e West in th e 1991 Gulf war, I wrote The Islam ic Threat: Myth or Reality?, respon din g to th e growin g propen sity am on g sen ior govern m en t officials, political com - m en tators, an d th e m edia to see a n ew “evil em pire” replacin g th e commun ist th reat.
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