Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals in SI Units 14th ed

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Author: George Thomas

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For three-semester or four-quarter courses in Calculus for students majoring in mathematics, engineering, or science Clarity and precision Thomas' Calculus

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For three-semester or four-quarter courses in Calculus for students majoring in mathematics, engineering, or science Clarity and precision Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentals helps students reach the level of mathematical proficiency and maturity you require, but with support for students who need it through its balance of clear and intuitive explanations, current applications, and generalized concepts. In the 14th SI Edition, new co-author Christopher Heil (Georgia Institute of Technology) partners with author Joel Hass to preserve what is best about Thomas' time-tested text while reconsidering every word and every piece of art with today's students in mind. The result is a text that goes beyond memorizing formulas and routine procedures to help  students generalize key concepts and develop deeper understanding. Also available with Pearson MyLab Math Pearson MyLab™ Math is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. A full suite of Interactive Figures have been added to the accompanying Pearson MyLab Math course to further support teaching and learning. Enhanced Sample Assignments include just-in-time prerequisite review, help keep skills fresh with distributed practice of key concepts, and provide opportunities to work exercises without learning aids to help students develop confidence in their ability to solve problems independently.

چکیده فارسی

برای دوره های سه ترم یا چهار چهارم در حساب دیفرانسیل و انتگرال برای دانش آموزانی که در رشته های ریاضیات، مهندسی، یا علوم تحصیل می کنند. دانش آموزانی که از طریق توازن توضیحات واضح و شهودی، کاربردهای فعلی و مفاهیم کلی به آن نیاز دارند. در نسخه چهاردهم SI، کریستوفر هیل (موسسه فناوری گرجستان) با نویسنده جوئل هاس همکاری می کند تا بهترین متن را در مورد متن آزمایش شده توماس حفظ کند و در عین حال هر کلمه و هر اثر هنری را با در نظر گرفتن دانش آموزان امروزی بازنگری کند. نتیجه متنی است که فراتر از حفظ کردن فرمول‌ها و رویه‌های معمول است تا به دانش‌آموزان کمک کند مفاهیم کلیدی را تعمیم دهند و درک عمیق‌تری ایجاد کنند. همچنین با Pearson MyLab Math موجود است. در محیط ساختاریافته آن، دانش آموزان آنچه را که می آموزند تمرین می کنند، درک خود را آزمایش می کنند و یک برنامه مطالعه شخصی را دنبال می کنند که به آنها کمک می کند مطالب درسی را جذب کنند و مفاهیم دشوار را درک کنند. مجموعه کاملی از فیگورهای تعاملی به دوره همراه Pearson MyLab Math اضافه شده است تا از آموزش و یادگیری بیشتر پشتیبانی کند. تکالیف نمونه پیشرفته شامل بررسی پیش‌نیاز به‌موقع می‌شود، کمک می‌کند مهارت‌ها با تمرین توزیع شده مفاهیم کلیدی تازه بماند، و فرصت‌هایی برای انجام تمرین‌ها بدون وسایل کمک آموزشی فراهم می‌کند تا به دانش‌آموزان کمک کند تا در توانایی خود برای حل مستقل مشکلات اعتماد کنند.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Thomas' Calculus: Early Transcendentlas in Si Units
نویسنده: George Thomas
ناشر: Pearson Education; 13 edition (May 18, 2016)
زبان: English
شابک: 1292163445, 978-1292163444
حجم: 72 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Front Cover; My Lab Promotional Material; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; 1 Functions; 1.1 Functions and Their Graphs; 1.2 Combining Functions; Shifting and Scaling Graphs; 1.3 Trigonometric Functions; 1.4 Exponential Functions; 1.5 Inverse Functions and Logarithms; Questions to Guide Your Review; Practice Exercises; Additional and Advanced Exercises; Technology Application Projects; 2 Limits and Continuity; 2.1 Rates of Change and Tangent Lines to Curves; 2.2 Limit of a Function and Limit Laws; 2.3 The Precise Definition of a Limit; 2.4 One‐Sided Limits 2.5 Limits Involving Infinity Asymptotes of Graphs; 2.6 Continuity; Questions to Guide Your Review; Practice Exercises; Additional and Advanced Exercises; Technology Application Projects; 3 Derivatives; 3.1 Tangent Lines and the Derivative at a Point; 3.2 The Derivative as a Function; 3.3 Differentiation Rules; 3.4 The Derivative as a Rate of Change; 3.5 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions; 3.6 The Chain Rule; 3.7 Implicit Differentiation; 3.8 Derivatives of Inverse Functions and Logarithms; 3.9 Inverse Trigonometric Functions; 3.10 Related Rates; 3.11 Linearization and Differentials Questions to Guide Your ReviewPractice Exercises; Additional and Advanced Exercises; Technology Application Projects; 4 Applications of Derivatives; 4.1 Extreme Values of Functions on Closed Intervals; 4.2 The Mean Value Theorem; 4.3 Monotonic Functions and the First Derivative Test; 4.4 Concavity and Curve Sketching; 4.5 Indeterminate Forms and L'HÔpital's Rule; 4.6 Applied Optimization; 4.7 Newton's Method; 4.8 Antiderivatives; Questions to Guide Your Review; Practice Exercises; Additional and Advanced Exercises; Technology Application Projects; 5 Integrals 5.1 Area and Estimating with Finite Sums5.2 Sigma Notation and Limits of Finite Sums; 5.3 The Definite Integral; 5.4 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; 5.5 Indefinite Integrals and the Substitution Method; 5.6 Definite Integral Substitutions and the Area Between Curves; Questions to Guide Your Review; Practice Exercises; Additional and Advanced Exercises; Technology Application Projects; 6 Applications of Definite Integrals; 6.1 Volumes Using Cross‐Sections; 6.2 Volumes Using Cylindrical Shells; 6.3 Arc Length; 6.4 Areas of Surfaces of Revolution; 6.5 Work and Fluid Forces 6.6 Moments and Centers of MassQuestions to Guide Your Review; Practice Exercises; Additional and Advanced Exercises; Technology Application Projects; 7 Integrals and Transcendental Functions; 7.1 The Logarithm Defined as an Integral; 7.2 Exponential Change and Separable Differential Equations; 7.3 Hyperbolic Functions; 7.4 Relative Rates of Growth; Questions to Guide Your Review; Practice Exercises; Additional and Advanced Exercises; 8 Techniques of Integration; 8.1 Using Basic Integration Formulas; 8.2 Integration by Parts; 8.3 Trigonometric Integrals; 8.4 Trigonometric Substitutions

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