Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing (6th Edition) [2019] - Image pdf with ocr

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Author: Lorraine Olszewski Walker RN EdD FAAN

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Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing 6th Edition by Lorraine O Walker; Kay C Avant and Publisher Pearson for ISBN: 9780134803524, 0134803523. The print version of this textbook is ISBN: 9780134754079, 0134754077.

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For courses in nursing theory.

The clearest, most useful introduction to theory development methods
Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing provides a straightforward, logically organized resource on theory development, from a nursing perspective. It places theory development in the context of both a rich history tracing back to the mid-¿20th century and of contemporary and emerging issues. Present¿-day coverage includes population- and domain-specific theories addressing the needs of diverse clients. Reflecting vast changes in nursing practice, the 7th edition covers advances both in theory development and in strategies for concept, statement, and theory development. It also builds further connections between nursing theory and evidence-based practice.


This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. For courses in nursing theory. The clearest, most useful introduction to theory development methods Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing provides a straightforward, logically organized resource on theory development, from a nursing perspective. It places theory development in the context of both a rich history tracing back to the mid-¿20th century and of contemporary and emerging issues. Present¿-day coverage includes population- and domain-specific theories addressing the needs of diverse clients. Reflecting vast changes in nursing practice, the 7th edition covers advances both in theory development and in strategies for concept, statement, and theory development. It also builds further connections between nursing theory and evidence-based practice.

Additional ISBNs

9780134803548, 013480354X

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استراتژی‌های ساخت نظریه در پرستاری منبعی سرراست و سازمان‌یافته منطقی در مورد توسعه نظریه، از دیدگاه پرستاری ارائه می‌کند. توسعه تئوری را هم در زمینه تاریخ غنی که به اواسط قرن بیستم بازمی‌گردد و هم در زمینه مسائل معاصر و نوظهور قرار می‌دهد. پوشش امروزی شامل نظریه های جمعیت و دامنه خاص است که به نیازهای مشتریان مختلف می پردازد. با بازتاب تغییرات گسترده در عملکرد پرستاری، نسخه هفتمپیشرفت‌ها را هم در توسعه تئوری و هم در استراتژی‌های توسعه مفهوم، بیانیه و نظریه پوشش می‌دهد. همچنین ارتباط بیشتری بین نظریه پرستاری و عملکرد مبتنی بر شواهد ایجاد می کند.


این کتاب الکترونیکی کتاب چاپی است و ممکن است شامل هیچ رسانه، کد دسترسی به وب‌سایت، یا مکمل چاپی که ممکن است همراه با کتاب صحافی شده باشد نباشد. برای دوره های تئوری پرستاری. واضح‌ترین و مفیدترین مقدمه برای روش‌های توسعه تئوری، استراتژی‌های ساخت نظریه در پرستاری، منبعی سرراست و منطقی در مورد توسعه تئوری، از دیدگاه پرستاری ارائه می‌کند. توسعه تئوری را هم در زمینه تاریخ غنی که به اواسط قرن بیستم بازمی‌گردد و هم در زمینه مسائل معاصر و نوظهور قرار می‌دهد. پوشش امروزی شامل نظریه های جمعیت و دامنه خاص است که به نیازهای مشتریان مختلف می پردازد. ویرایش هفتم با بازتاب تغییرات گسترده در عمل پرستاری، پیشرفت‌ها را هم در توسعه تئوری و هم در استراتژی‌هایی برای توسعه مفهوم، بیانیه و نظریه پوشش می‌دهد. همچنین ارتباط بیشتری بین نظریه پرستاری و عملکرد مبتنی بر شواهد ایجاد می کند.

شبکه های اضافی

9780134803548، 013480354X

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Strategies for Theory Construction in Nursing (6th Edition)
نویسنده: Lorraine Olszewski Walker RN EdD FAAN
ناشر: Pearson; 6 edition (April 8, 2018)
زبان: English
شابک: 0134754077, 978-0134754079

9780134803524, 0134803523
حجم: 148 Mb
فرمت: Image pdf with ocr

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Inside Front Cover Title Page Copyright Page Contents Preface Part 1 Overview of Theory and Theory Development Chapter 1 THEORY IN NURSING: WHERE HAVE WE BEEN? WHERE ARE WE GOING? Theory Development in Nursing: A Beginner’s Guide A Historical Glimpse at Theory in Nursing as a Profession Evolution of Theory Development: Metatheory to Practice Theory Population- and Domain-Focused Theories and Models Global Nursing Theory Development Issues and Efforts Summary References Additional Readings Chapter 2 USING KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT AND THEORY TO INFORM PRACTICE Introduction Evidence-Based Practice and Practice-Based Evidence Nursing Informatics Nursing Practice Research and Theory Development Summary Practice Exercise References Additional Readings Chapter 3 APPROACHES TO THEORY DEVELOPMENT Introduction Elements of Theory Building Interrelatedness of Elements Approaches to Theory Building Strategy Selection Interrelatedness of Strategies Summary References Additional Readings Part 2 Derivation Strategies Chapter 4 CONCEPT DERIVATION Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Procedures for Concept Derivation Application of Concept Derivation to Nursing Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Concept Derivation Summary Practice Exercise References Chapter 5 STATEMENT DERIVATION Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Procedures for Statement Derivation Application of Statement Derivation to Nursing Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Statement Derivation Summary Practice Exercises References Additional Readings Chapter 6 THEORY DERIVATION Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Procedures for Theory Derivation Examples of Theory Derivation Application of Theory Derivation to Nursing Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Theory Derivation Summary Practice Exercises References Additional Readings Part 3 Synthesis Strategies Chapter 7 CONCEPT SYNTHESIS Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Approaches to Concept Synthesis Procedures for Concept Synthesis Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Concept Synthesis Summary Practice Exercises References Additional Readings Chapter 8 STATEMENT SYNTHESIS Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Procedures for Statement Synthesis Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Statement Synthesis Summary Practice Exercise Self-Assessment Test of Introductory Statistics References Additional Readings Chapter 9 THEORY SYNTHESIS Definition and Description Example of the Use of Theory Synthesis Process Purpose and Uses Procedures for Theory Synthesis Illustrations of Theory Synthesis Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Theory Synthesis Theory Synthesis and Integrative Models and Theories Summary Practice Exercises References Additional Readings Part 4 Analysis Strategies Chapter 10 CONCEPT ANALYSIS Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Procedures for Concept Analysis Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Concept Analysis Response to Criticism of this Method Summary An Additional Example and Practice Exercise Practice Exercise References Additional Readings Chapter 11 STATEMENT ANALYSIS Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Steps in Statement Analysis Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Statement Analysis Summary Practice Exercises References Additional Readings Chapter 12 THEORY ANALYSIS Definition and Description Purpose and Uses Procedures for Theory Analysis Advantages and Limitations Utilizing the Results of Theory Analysis Summary Practice Exercise 1 Practice Exercise 2 References Additional Readings PART 5 Perspectives on Theory and Its Credibility Chapter 13 ASSESSING THE CREDIBILITY AND SCOPE OF NURSING KNOWLEDGE DEVELOPMENT: CONCEPTS, STATEMENT A Glance at Concept, Statement, and Theory Testing Concept Testing Statement Testing Theory Testing The Scope of Nursing Knowledge and Its Central Concerns Closing Commentary References Additional Readings Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

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