Nutrition and Diet Therapy (10th Edition) - Image pdf with ocr

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Author: Linda Kelly DeBruyne; Kathryn Pinna; Eleanor Noss Whitney

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Set audacious nutritional goals with NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY, 10th Edition! The core nutrition concepts and the latest clinical approaches in this book set you up for success, no matter your role in a client's nutritional care

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Set audacious nutritional goals with NUTRITION AND DIET THERAPY, 10th Edition! The core nutrition concepts and the latest clinical approaches in this book set you up for success, no matter your role in a client's nutritional care. Organized around diet types instead of organ systems and diseases, this practical guide accelerates understanding by requiring you to apply concepts and skills as you learn them. From public policy and nutritional guidelines to weight management and diet planning, this go-to resource builds your confidence, so you're ready to help others make the best choices for their nutritional needs.

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با تغذیه و رژیم درمانی، نسخه دهم، اهداف تغذیه ای جسورانه ای را تعیین کنید! مفاهیم اصلی تغذیه و آخرین رویکردهای بالینی در این کتاب شما را برای موفقیت آماده می کند، بدون توجه به نقش شما در مراقبت های تغذیه ای مشتری. این راهنمای عملی که به جای سیستم‌های اندام و بیماری‌ها حول انواع رژیم غذایی سازماندهی شده است، با درخواست از شما برای به کارگیری مفاهیم و مهارت‌ها در حین یادگیری، درک را تسریع می‌کند. از خط‌مشی‌های عمومی و دستورالعمل‌های تغذیه گرفته تا مدیریت وزن و برنامه‌ریزی رژیم غذایی، این منبع مفید اعتماد به نفس شما را افزایش می‌دهد، بنابراین آماده‌اید به دیگران کمک کنید تا بهترین انتخاب‌ها را برای نیازهای تغذیه‌ای خود انجام دهند.


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Ebook details:
عنوان: Nutrition and Diet Therapy
نویسنده: Medicine & Health Science Books @
ناشر: Cengage Learning; 10 edition (January 1, 2019)
زبان: English
شابک: 0357039866, 978-0357039861
حجم: 339 Mb
فرمت: Image pdf with ocr

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Title Page Copyright Page Brief Contents Contents Preface Acknowledgments Chapter 1: Overview of Nutritionand Health 1.1 Food Choices 1.2 The Nutrients Six Classes of Nutrients kCalories: A Measure of Energy 1.3 Nutrient Recommendations Dietary Reference Intakes Acceptable Macronutrient Distribution Ranges 1.4 National Nutrition Surveys National Health Goals 1.5 Dietary Guidelines and Food Guides Dietary Ideals Dietary Guidelines for Americans The USDA Food Patterns MyPlate 1.6 Food Labels The Ingredient List Nutrition Facts Panel Claims on Labels 1.7 Nutrition in Practice Finding the Truth about Nutrition Chapter 2: Digestion andAbsorption 2.1 Anatomy of the Digestive Tract The Digestive Organs The Involuntary Muscles and the Glands 2.2 The Process of Digestion Digestion in the Mouth Digestion in the Stomach Digestion in the Small and Large Intestines 2.3 The Absorptive System The Small Intestine Absorption of Nutrients 2.4 Transport of Nutrients The Vascular System The Lymphatic System Transport of Lipids: Lipoproteins 2.5 The Health and Regulation of the GI Tract Gastrointestinal Hormones and Nerve Pathways Gastrointestinal Microbes The System at Its Best 2.6 Nutrition in Practice Food Safety Chapter 3: Carbohydrates 3.1 The Chemist’s View of Carbohydrates Monosaccharides Disaccharides Polysaccharides 3.2 Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates 3.3 Regulation of Blood Glucose 3.4 Health Effects of Sugarsand Alternative Sweeteners Sugars Alternative Sweeteners: Sugar Alcohols Alternative Sweeteners: Nonnutritive Sweeteners 3.5 Health Effects of Starch and Dietary Fibers Carbohydrates: Disease Preventionand Recommendations Carbohydrates: Food Sources Carbohydrates: Food Labels and Health Claims 3.6 Nutrition in Practice The Glycemic Index in Nutrition Practice Chapter 4: Lipids 4.1 Roles of Body Fat 4.2 The Chemist’s View of Lipids Triglycerides Fatty Acids Phospholipids Sterols 4.3 Digestion and Absorption of Lipids 4.4 Health Effects and RecommendedIntakes of Fats Fats and Heart Health Recommendations 4.5 Fats in Foods Finding the Fats in Foods Cutting Solid Fats and ChoosingUnsaturated Fats 4.6 Nutrition in PracticeFiguring Out Fats Chapter 5: Protein 5.1 The Chemist’s View of Proteins The Structure of Proteins Nonessential and EssentialAmino Acids 5.2 Protein Digestion and Absorption 5.3 Protein Turnover and Nitrogen Balance Protein Turnover Nitrogen Balance 5.4 Roles of Body Proteins 5.5 Protein and Health Protein Deficiency Malnutrition Protein Excess Protein and Amino Acid Supplements Protein Recommendations and Intakes 5.6 Protein in Foods Protein Quality Protein Sparing Protein on Food Labels 5.7 Nutrition in PracticeVegetarian Diets Chapter 6: Metabolism, EnergyBalance, and BodyComposition 6.1 The Organs and Their Metabolic Roles The Principal Organs The Body’s Metabolic Work 6.2 The Body’s Use of Fuels Energy Metabolism Glucose Production 6.3 Energy Imbalance Feasting The Economics of Fasting 6.4 Energy Balance Energy In Energy Out Estimating Energy Requirements 6.5 Body Weight and Body Composition Defining Healthy Body Weight Body Composition How Much Body Fat Is Too Much? 6.6 Health Risks of Underweightand Obesity Health Risks of Underweight Health Risks of Overweight and Obesity Guidelines for Identifying Those at Risk from Obesity Other Risks of Obesity 6.7 Nutrition in PracticeEating Disorders Chapter 7: WeightManagement 7.1 Causes of Obesity Genetics and Weight Environmental Stimuli 7.2 Obesity Treatment: Who Should Lose? 7.3 Inappropriate Obesity Treatments Over-the-Counter Weight-Loss Products Other Gimmicks 7.4 Aggressive Treatments of Obesity Obesity Drugs Surgery 7.5 Reasonable Strategiesfor Weight Loss A Healthful Eating Plan Physical Activity Behavior and Attitude Weight Maintenance 7.6 Strategies for Weight Gain 7.7 Nutrition in PracticeFad Diets Chapter 8: The Vitamins 8.1 The Vitamins—An Overview 8.2 The Fat-Soluble Vitamins Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene Vitamin D Vitamin E Vitamin K 8.3 The Water-Soluble Vitamins The B Vitamins Thiamin Riboflavin Niacin Pantothenic Acid and Biotin Vitamin B6 Folate Vitamin B12 Non–B Vitamins Vitamin C 8.4 Nutrition in PracticePhytochemicals and Functional Foods Chapter 9: Water and theMinerals 9.1 Water and Body Fluids Water Balance Fluid and Electrolyte Balance Acid–Base Balance 9.2 The Major Minerals Sodium Chloride Potassium Calcium Phosphorus Magnesium Sulfate 9.3 The Trace Minerals Iron Zinc Selenium Iodine Copper Manganese Fluoride Chromium Other Trace Minerals 9.4 Nutrition in PracticeVitamin and Mineral Supplements Chapter 10: Fitness and Nutrition 10.1 Fitness Benefits of Fitness Developing Fitness The Components of Fitness Cardiorespiratory Endurance Muscle Strength and Endurance A Balanced Fitness Program 10.2 The Active Body’s Use of Fuels Glucose Use during Physical Activity Fat Use during Physical Activity Protein Use during Physical Activity 10.3 Vitamins and Minerals to Support Activity Dietary Supplements Nutrients of Special Concern 10.4 Fluids and Electrolytes in Physical Activity Temperature Regulation Fluid Needs during Physical Activity Sports Drinks Enhanced Water Other Beverages 10.5 Diets for Physically Active People 10.6 Nutrition in PracticeSupplements and Ergogenic Aids Athletes Use Chapter 11: Nutrition throughthe Life Span:Pregnancy andLactation 11.1 Pregnancy: The Impact of Nutritionon the Future Nutrition Prior to Pregnancy Prepregnancy Weight Healthy Support Tissues The Events of Pregnancy Nutrient Needs during Pregnancy Food Assistance Programs Weight Gain Weight Loss after Pregnancy Physical Activity Common Nutrition-Related Concerns of Pregnancy Problems in Pregnancy Practices to Avoid Adolescent Pregnancy 11.2 Breastfeeding Nutrition during Lactation Contraindications to Breastfeeding 11.3 Nutrition in PracticeEncouraging Successful Breastfeeding Chapter 12: Nutrition throughthe Life Span:Infancy, Childhood,and Adolescence 12.1 Nutrition of the Infant Nutrient Needs during Infancy Breast Milk Infant Formula The Transition to Cow’s Milk Introducing First Foods Looking Ahead Mealtimes 12.2 Nutrition during Childhood Energy and Nutrient Needs Hunger and Malnutrition in Children Lead Poisoning in Children Food Allergy Hyperactivity Childhood Obesity Mealtimes at Home Nutrition at School 12.3 Nutrition during Adolescence Growth and Development during Adolescence Energy and Nutrient Needs Food Choices and Health Habits 12.4 Nutrition in PracticeChildhood Obesity andthe Early Development of Chronic Diseases Chapter 13: Nutrition throughthe Life Span:Later Adulthood 13.1 Nutrition and Longevity Slowing the Aging Process Nutrition and Disease Prevention 13.2 Nutrition-Related Concerns duringLate Adulthood Cataracts and Macular Degeneration Arthritis The Aging Brain 13.3 Energy and Nutrient Needs duringLate Adulthood Energy and Energy Nutrients Vitamins and Minerals Nutrient Supplements for Older Adults The Effects of Drugs on Nutrients 13.4 Food Choices and Eating Habitsof Older Adults Individual Preferences Meal Setting Depression Food Assistance Programs Meals for Singles 13.5 Nutrition in PracticeHunger and Community Nutrition Chapter 14: Illness andNutrition Care 14.1 Nutrition in Health Care Effects of Illness on Nutrition Status Responsibility for Nutrition Care Nutrition Screening The Nutrition Care Process 14.2 Nutrition Assessment Historical Information Food Intake Data Anthropometric Data Biochemical Analyses Physical Examinations Determining Energy Requirements 14.3 Implementing Nutrition Care Dietary Modifications Approaches to Nutrition Care Documenting Nutrition Care Improving Food Intake 14.4 Nutrition in PracticeNutritional Genomics Chapter 15: Medications,Diet-Drug Interactions,and Herbal Products 15.1 Medications in Disease Treatment Risks from Medications Patients at High Risk of Adverse Effects 15.2 Diet-Drug Interactions Drug Effects on Food Intake Drug Effects on Nutrient Absorption Dietary Effects on Drug Absorption Drug Effects on Nutrient Metabolism Dietary Effects on Drug Metabolism Drug Effects on Nutrient Excretion Dietary Effects on Drug Excretion Diet-Drug Interactions and Toxicity 15.3 Herbal Products Effectiveness and Safety of Herbal Products Use of Herbal Products in Illness 15.4 Nutrition in PracticeComplementary and Alternative Therapies Chapter 16: Specialized NutritionSupport: Enteral andParenteral Nutrition 16.1 Enteral Nutrition Oral Supplements Candidates for Tube Feedings Tube Feeding Routes Enteral Formulas Administration of Tube Feedings Medication Delivery during Tube Feedings Tube Feeding Complications Transition to Table Foods 16.2 Parenteral Nutrition Candidates for Parenteral Nutrition Venous Access Parenteral Solutions Administering Parenteral Nutrition Managing Metabolic Complications 16.3 Nutrition Support at Home Candidates for Home Nutrition Support Planning Home Nutrition Care Quality-of-Life Issues 16.4 Nutrition in PracticeInborn Errors of Metabolism Chapter 17: Foods and FoodConsistency forUpper GI Disorders 17.1 Modifications in Food Textureand Consistency Mechanically Altered Diets Clear Liquid Diet 17.2 Conditions Affecting the Mouthand Esophagus Dry Mouth Dysphagia Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease 17.3 Conditions Affecting the Stomach Dyspepsia Nausea and Vomiting Gastroparesis Gastritis Peptic Ulcer Disease 17.4 Gastric Surgery Gastrectomy Bariatric Surgery 17.5 Nutrition in PracticeNutrition and Oral Health Chapter 18: Fiber-Modified Diets forLower GastrointestinalTract Disorders 18.1 Modifying Dietary Fiber Intake 18.2 Disorders of Bowel Function Constipation Diarrhea Irritable Bowel Syndrome 18.3 Inflammatory Bowel Diseases 18.4 Diverticular Disease of the Colon 18.5 Colostomies and Ileostomies 18.6 Nutrition in PracticeProbiotics and Intestinal Health Chapter 19: Carbohydrate- and Fat-ModifiedDiets for Malabsorption Disorders 19.1 Malabsorption Syndromes Evaluating Malabsorption Fat Malabsorption Bacterial Overgrowth 19.2 Lactose Intolerance 19.3 Disorders of the Pancreas Pancreatitis Cystic Fibrosis 19.4 Disorders of the Small Intestine Celiac Disease Short Bowel Syndrome 19.5 Nutrition in PracticeAnemia in Illness Chapter 20: Nutrition Therapy forLiver and GallbladderDiseases 20.1 Fatty Liver and Hepatitis Fatty Liver Hepatitis 20.2 Cirrhosis Consequences of Cirrhosis Treatment of Cirrhosis Nutrition Therapy for Cirrhosis 20.3 Liver Transplantation 20.4 Gallstone Disease Types of Gallstones Consequences of Gallstones Risk Factors for Cholesterol Gallstones Treatment of Gallstones 20.5 Nutrition in PracticeAlcohol in Health and Disease Chapter 21: Carbohydrate-Controlled Dietsfor DiabetesMellitus 21.1 Overview of Diabetes Mellitus Symptoms of Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus Types of Diabetes Acute Complications of Diabetes Mellitus Chronic Complications of Diabetes 21.2 Treatment of Diabetes Mellitus Treatment Goals Evaluating Diabetes Treatment Nutrition Therapy: Dietary Recommendations Nutrition Therapy: Meal-Planning Strategies Insulin Therapy Antidiabetic Drugs Physical Activity and Diabetes Management Sick-Day Management 21.3 Diabetes Management in Pregnancy Pregnancy in Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes Gestational Diabetes 21.4 Nutrition in PracticeThe Metabolic Syndrome Chapter 22: Fat-Controlled, Mineral-ModifiedDiets for Cardiovascular Diseases 22.1 Atherosclerosis Consequences of Atherosclerosis Causes of Atherosclerosis 22.2 Coronary Heart Disease Evaluating Risk for Coronary Heart Disease Lifestyle Management to Reduce CVD Risk Vitamin Supplementation and CHD Risk Lifestyle Changes for Hypertriglyceridemia Drug Therapies for CHD Prevention Treatment for Heart Attack 22.3 Stroke Stroke Prevention Stroke Management 22.4 Hypertension Factors That Influence Blood Pressure Factors That Contribute to Hypertension Treatment of Hypertension 22.5 Heart Failure Consequences of Heart Failure Medical Management of Heart Failure 22.6 Nutrition in PracticeHelping People with Feeding Disabilities Chapter 23_Protein-, Mineral-,and Fluid-ModifiedDiets for KidneyDiseases 23.1 Nephrotic Syndrome Consequences of the Nephrotic Syndrome Treatment of the Nephrotic Syndrome 23.2 Acute Kidney Injury Causes of Acute Kidney Injury Consequences of Acute Kidney Injury Treatment of Acute Kidney Injury 23.3 Chronic Kidney Disease Consequences of Chronic Kidney Disease Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease Kidney Transplants 23.4 Kidney Stones Formation of Kidney Stones Consequences of Kidney Stones Prevention and Treatment of Kidney Stones 23.5 Nutrition in PracticeDialysis CHAPTER 24_Energy- and Protein-Modified Dietsfor Metabolic andRespiratory Stress 24.1 The Body’s Responses to Stressand Injury Hormonal Responses to Stress The Inflammatory Response 24.2 Nutrition Treatment of Acute Stress Determining Nutritional Requirements Approaches to Nutrition Care in Acute Stress 24.3 Nutrition and Respiratory Stress Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Respiratory Failure 24.4 Nutrition in PracticeMultiple Organ Dysfunction Syndrome Chapter 25_Energy- andProtein-ModifiedDiets for Cancerand HIV Infection 25.1 Cancer How Cancer Develops Nutrition and Cancer Risk Consequences of Cancer Treatments for Cancer Nutrition Therapy for Cancer 25.2 HIV Infection Consequences of HIV Infection Treatments for HIV Infection Nutrition Therapy for HIV Infection 25.3 Nutrition in PracticeEthical Issues in Nutrition Care appendixes appendix A Aids to Calculation A.1 Conversion Factors A.2 Percentages A.3 Weights and Measures appendix B WHO: Nutrition Recommendations appendix C Choose Your Foods: Food Lists for Diabetes C.1 The Food Lists C.2 Serving Sizes C.3 The Foods on the Lists C.4 Controlling Energy, Fat, and Sodium C.5 Planning a Healthy Diet appendix D Physical Activity and Energy Requirements appendix E Nutrition Assessment: Supplemental Information E.1 Weight Gain during Pregnancy E.2 Growth Charts E.3 Measures of Body Fat and Lean Tissue E.4 Nutritional Anemias E.5 Cautions about Nutrition Assessment appendix F Enteral Formulas Glossary Index

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