Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition 2nd edition

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Author: Erin C Amerman

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For the two-semester A & P course. This package does not include Mastering A & P. Provide a learner-centered approach to the study of A & P Human Anatomy & Physiology speaks to the way today's diverse students learn and study.

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For the two-semester A & P course. This package does not include Mastering A & P. Provide a learner-centered approach to the study of A & P Human Anatomy & Physiology speaks to the way today's diverse students learn and study. In the 2nd Edition, author Erin Amerman strengthens her distinctive learner-centered approach by focusing on three unique pillars. First, Amerman uses art to present one-concept-at-a-time before bringing the distinct parts together in one summarizing Big Picture figure. Second, Amerman coaches students right when they need it, beginning on page 51 where the opening module.

چکیده فارسی

برای دوره دو ترم A & P. این بسته شامل تسلط بر A & P نیست. ارائه یک رویکرد یادگیرنده محور برای مطالعه آناتومی و فیزیولوژی انسان A & P به روشی که دانش آموزان متنوع امروزی یاد می گیرند و مطالعه می کنند صحبت می کند. در ویرایش دوم، نویسنده ارین آمرمن، رویکرد متمایز یادگیرنده محور خود را با تمرکز بر سه رکن منحصر به فرد تقویت می کند. اول، Amerman از هنر برای ارائه یک مفهوم در یک زمان استفاده می کند، قبل از اینکه بخش های متمایز را در یک شکل خلاصه کننده Big Picture کنار هم بیاورد. دوم، Amerman دانش‌آموزان را درست در زمانی که به آن نیاز دارند، آموزش می‌دهد، از صفحه 51 که ماژول افتتاحیه شروع می‌شود.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Human Anatomy & Physiology, Global Edition 2nd edition
نویسنده: Erin C Amerman
ناشر: Pearson Education Limited; 2nd edition edition
زبان: English
شابک: 1292260084
حجم: 326 Mb
فرمت: True Pdf

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Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; About the Author; About the Media Author; Preface; Acknowledgments; Brief Contents; Contents; 1. Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology; 1.1. How to Succeed in Your Anatomy and Physiology Course; How to Develop Study Skills; How to Make the Best Use of Class and Lab Time; How to Use This Book and Its Associated Materials; 1.2. Overview of Anatomy and Physiology; Characteristics of Living Organisms; Levels of Structural Organization and Body Systems; Types of Anatomy and Physiology; 1.3. The Language of Anatomy and Physiology. The Anatomical Position and Directional TermsRegional Terms; Planes of Section; 1.4. The Organization of the Human Body; The Posterior Body Cavity; The Anterior Body Cavity; 1.5. Core Principles in Anatomy and Physiology; Overall Theme: Physiological Processes Operate to Maintain the Body's Homeostasis; Core Principle One: Feedback Loops Are a Key Mechanism Used to Maintain Homeostasis; Core Principle Two: Structure and Function Are Related at All Levels of Organization; Core Principle Three: Gradients Drive Many Physiological Processes. Core Principle Four: Cell-Cell Communication Is Required to Coordinate Body FunctionsConcept Boost: Putting Anatomical Terms Together; Concept Boost: Debunking Some Common Misconceptions about Homeostasis; A & P in the Real World: Medical Errors; A & P in the Real World: Abdominal Pain; A & P in the Real World: Medical Imaging; A & P in the Real World: Childbirth, Pitocin, and Positive Feedback Loops; 2. The Chemistry of Life; 2.1. Atoms and Elements; Atoms and Atomic Structure; Elements in the Periodic Table and the Human Body; Isotopes and Radioactivity. 2.2. Matter Combined: Mixtures and Chemical BondsMixtures; Chemical Bonds; Ions and Ionic Bonds; Covalent Bonds; 2.3. Chemical Reactions; Chemical Notation; Energy and Chemical Reactions; Homeostasis and Types of Chemical Reactions; Reaction Rates and Enzymes; 2.4. Inorganic Compounds: Water, Acids, Bases, and Salts; Water; Acids and Bases; Salts and Electrolytes; 2.5. Organic Compounds: Carbohydrates, Lipids, Proteins, and Nucleotides; Monomers and Polymers; Carbohydrates; Lipids; Proteins; Nucleotides and Nucleic Acids; Concept Boost: Determining the Type of Bonds in a Molecule or Compound. Concept Boost: Making Sense of the pH ScaleA & P in the Real World: Nuclear Medicine; A & P in the Real World: Enzyme Deficiencies; A & P in the Real World: The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly of Fatty Acids; 3. The Cell; 3.1. Introduction to Cells; Basic Processes of Cells; Overview of Cell Structure; Cell Size and Diversity; 3.2. Structure of the Plasma Membrane; The Phospholipid Bilayer; The Fluid Mosaic Model of the Plasma Membrane; 3.3. Transport across the Plasma Membrane; Passive Transport Processes; Active Transport via Membrane Proteins.

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