Have You Truly Been Born Again of Water and the Spirit? - Original PDF

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Author: Paul C. Jong

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This is the first book in this age to preach the gospel of the baptism and the blood of Jesus as it is written in the Scriptures. The true gospel clearly tells us that He took away all our sins through His baptism and took over judgment for all our sins on the Cross. I am sure that there is no other book that preaches ‘the gospel of the water and the blood’ more clearly and faithfully than this one. The Samaritan woman who drank from the well of Jacob everyday couldn’t quench her spiritual thirst, but when she drank the water of life from Jesus, she earned salvation and thus, quenched her thirst immediately and forever. All of humankind must be born again. We have to be born again through our faiths, be redeemed from all our sins and become righteous. For only then can we enter the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible says, ''Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God'' (John 3:5). ''To be born again of water and the Spirit'' is the only way we can enter the eternal Kingdom of God. What, then, is this ‘water’ and ‘the Spirit’ that allows us to be born again? The ‘water’ in the Bible refers to ‘the baptism of Jesus.’ Why was Jesus, who is God, baptized by John the Baptist? Was it to show His humility? Was it to proclaim Himself the Messiah? No, it wasn’t. When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist by means of ‘the laying on of hands’ (Leviticus 16:21), it was ‘one Man’s righteous act’ (Romans 5:18), which took away all the sins of humankind. In the Old Testament, God gave Israel the merciful law of redemption. This was so that on the Day of Atonement, all the sins of Israel for that year could be expiated through the High Priest, Aaron, by laying his hands on the head of the ‘scapegoat’ and passing all the sins onto that scapegoat. These were the words of revelation, which foretold the sacrifice of eternal atonement. It revealed the truth that all the sins of humanity would be passed onto Jesus all at once, who came in the flesh of a man, according to the will of the Father. And He was baptized by John the Baptist who was the descendant of Aaron and the representative of all humankind. When Jesus was baptized, He said to John, ''Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness'' (Matthew 3:15). Here, ‘for thus’ means ‘by the laying on of hands,’ in order to pass all the sins of the world onto Jesus, so that all righteousness might be fulfilled for all of us. The word ‘righteousness’ is ‘dikaiosune’ in Greek, and its meaning is ''the fairest state'' or ''to be just in character or deeds with the implication of being righteous or fitting.'' Jesus had fulfilled all righteousness for all people through His baptism in a just and fitting manner. Because Jesus took on all the sins of people through His baptism, the next day, John the Baptist testified, ''Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!'' (John 1:29) With all the sins of humankind on His shoulders, Jesus walked toward the Cross. He vicariously took the judgment for all the sins He had taken on Himself through His baptism. He died on the Cross, saying, ''It is finished'' (John 19:30). He took all our sins onto Himself and received the complete judgment for them in our place.

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This is the first book in this age to preach the gospel of the baptism and the blood of Jesus as it is written in the Scriptures. The true gospel clearly tells us that He took away all our sins through His baptism and took over judgment for all our sins on the Cross. I am sure that there is no other book that preaches ‘the gospel of the water and the blood’ more clearly and faithfully than this one. The Samaritan woman who drank from the well of Jacob everyday couldn’t quench her spiritual thirst, but when she drank the water of life from Jesus, she earned salvation and thus, quenched her thirst immediately and forever.

All of humankind must be born again. We have to be born again through our faiths, be redeemed from all our sins and become righteous. For only then can we enter the eternal Kingdom of Heaven. The Bible says, ''Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God'' (John 3:5). ''To be born again of water and the Spirit'' is the only way we can enter the eternal Kingdom of God.

What, then, is this ‘water’ and ‘the Spirit’ that allows us to be born again? The ‘water’ in the Bible refers to ‘the baptism of Jesus.’

Why was Jesus, who is God, baptized by John the Baptist? Was it to show His humility? Was it to proclaim Himself the Messiah? No, it wasn’t.

When Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist by means of ‘the laying on of hands’ (Leviticus 16:21), it was ‘one Man’s righteous act’ (Romans 5:18), which took away all the sins of humankind.

In the Old Testament, God gave Israel the merciful law of redemption. This was so that on the Day of Atonement, all the sins of Israel for that year could be expiated through the High Priest, Aaron, by laying his hands on the head of the ‘scapegoat’ and passing all the sins onto that scapegoat.

These were the words of revelation, which foretold the sacrifice of eternal atonement. It revealed the truth that all the sins of humanity would be passed onto Jesus all at once, who came in the flesh of a man, according to the will of the Father. And He was baptized by John the Baptist who was the descendant of Aaron and the representative of all humankind.

When Jesus was baptized, He said to John, ''Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness'' (Matthew 3:15).

Here, ‘for thus’ means ‘by the laying on of hands,’ in order to pass all the sins of the world onto Jesus, so that all righteousness might be fulfilled for all of us. The word ‘righteousness’ is ‘dikaiosune’ in Greek, and its meaning is ''the fairest state'' or ''to be just in character or deeds with the implication of being righteous or fitting.''

Jesus had fulfilled all righteousness for all people through His baptism in a just and fitting manner. Because Jesus took on all the sins of people through His baptism, the next day, John the Baptist testified, ''Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!'' (John 1:29)

With all the sins of humankind on His shoulders, Jesus walked toward the Cross. He vicariously took the judgment for all the sins He had taken on Himself through His baptism. He died on the Cross, saying, ''It is finished'' (John 19:30). He took all our sins onto Himself and received the complete judgment for them in our place.

چکیده فارسی


این اولین کتاب در این عصر است که انجیل تعمید و خون عیسی را همانطور که در کتاب مقدس نوشته شده موعظه می کند. انجیل واقعی به وضوح به ما می گوید که او همه گناهان ما را از طریق غسل تعمید خود برداشت و برای همه گناهان ما بر روی صلیب قضاوت را بر عهده گرفت. من مطمئن هستم که هیچ کتاب دیگری وجود ندارد که انجیل آب و خون را واضح تر و صادقانه تر از این کتاب موعظه کند. زن سامری که هر روز از چاه یعقوب می‌نوشید، نمی‌توانست تشنگی روحانی خود را سیراب کند، اما هنگامی که از عیسی آب حیات نوشید، نجات یافت و بدین ترتیب، تشنگی خود را بلافاصله و برای همیشه سیراب کرد.

همه نوع بشر باید دوباره متولد شوند. ما باید از طریق ایمان خود دوباره متولد شویم، از تمام گناهان خود رهایی یافته و عادل شویم. زیرا تنها در این صورت است که می توانیم به ملکوت ابدی بهشت ​​وارد شویم. کتاب مقدس می گوید: "تا کسی که از آب و روح متولد نشود، نمی تواند به ملکوت خدا وارد شود" (یوحنا 3: 5). "تولد دوباره از آب و روح" تنها راهی است که می توانیم به پادشاهی ابدی خدا وارد شویم.

پس این "آب" و "روح" چیست که به ما امکان می دهد دوباره متولد شویم؟ "آب" در کتاب مقدس به "تعمید عیسی مسیح" اشاره دارد.

چرا عیسی، که خداست، توسط یحیی تعمید دهنده تعمید داده شد؟ آیا برای نشان دادن فروتنی او بود؟ آیا این بود که خود را مسیحا اعلام کند؟ نه، اینطور نبود.

وقتی عیسی توسط یحیی تعمید دهنده با دست گذاشتن تعمید یافت (لاویان 16:21)، این یکی از عمل صالح انسان بود (رومیان 5:18) که از بین رفت. همه گناهان بشریت.

در عهد عتیق، خدا قانون رحمانی رستگاری را به اسرائیل داد. این کار به این دلیل بود که در روز کفاره، تمام گناهان اسرائیل در آن سال از طریق کاهن اعظم، هارون، با گذاشتن دست های خود بر سر بزغذایی و سپردن همه گناهان بر روی آن بزغاله، جبران شود.

اینها کلمات وحی بود که قربانی کفاره ابدی را پیشگویی می کرد. این حقیقت را آشکار کرد که تمام گناهان بشریت به یکباره به عیسی منتقل خواهد شد، که بر اساس اراده پدر در جسم یک انسان آمد. و او توسط یحیی تعمید دهنده که از نسل هارون و نماینده همه نوع بشر بود تعمید یافت.

هنگامی که عیسی تعمید یافت، به یوحنا گفت: "اجازه بده که اکنون چنین شود، زیرا برای ما شایسته است که تمام عدالت را به جا آوریم" (متی 3:15).

در اینجا، "زیرا به این ترتیب" به معنای دست گذاشتن است، به منظور انتقال تمام گناهان جهان به عیسی، تا تمام عدالت برای همه ما برآورده شود. کلمه "عدالت" در یونانی "dikaiosuneвЂ" است و معنای آن "عادلانه ترین حالت" یا "عادل بودن در منش یا اعمال به معنای عادل بودن یا مناسب بودن است."

عیسی تمام عدالت را برای همه مردم از طریق تعمید خود به شیوه ای عادلانه و مناسب به انجام رسانده بود. از آنجا که عیسی تمام گناهان مردم را از طریق تعمید خود بر عهده گرفت، روز بعد، یحیی تعمید دهنده شهادت داد: «اینک! بره خدا که گناه جهان را می برد!» (یوحنا 1:29)

عیسی با تمام گناهان بشر بر دوش خود به سمت صلیب رفت. او با قاطعیت تمام گناهانی را که از طریق غسل تعمیدش بر خود گرفته بود، قضاوت کرد. او بر روی صلیب درگذشت و گفت: "تمام شد" (یوحنا 19:30). او تمام گناهان ما را بر خود گرفت و به جای ما قضاوت کامل را برای آنها دریافت کرد.


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Author(s): Paul C. Jong

Publisher: Hephzi-Bah Publishing House, Year: 1999

ISBN: 9788983140357,8983140356

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۲- برای خرید محصولات لطفا به شماره محصول و عنوان دقت کنید.

۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

۵- در صورت وجود هر مشکلی در فرایند خرید با تماس بگیرید.