Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies Fourth Edition

دانلود کتاب Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies Fourth Edition

Author: Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld

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The Fourth Edition of Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies by Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld takes a multidisciplinary approach that allows students to explore a broad scope of hate crimes.

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The Fourth Edition of Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies by Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld takes a multidisciplinary approach that allows students to explore a broad scope of hate crimes. Drawing on recent developments, topics, and current research, this book examines the issues that foster hate crimes while demonstrating how these criminal acts impact individuals, as well as communities. Students are introduced to the issue through first-person vignettes―offering a more personalized account of both victims and perpetrators of hate crimes. Packed with the latest court cases, research, and statistics from a variety of scholarly sources, the Fourth Edition is one of the most comprehensive and accessible textbooks in the field.

چکیده فارسی

نسخه چهارم جنایت های نفرت انگیز: علل، کنترل ها و جنجال های فیلیس بی. گرستنفلد رویکردی چند رشته ای دارد که به دانش آموزان اجازه می دهد تا دامنه وسیعی از جنایات ناشی از نفرت را کشف کنند. این کتاب با تکیه بر تحولات اخیر، موضوعات و تحقیقات جاری، به بررسی موضوعاتی می‌پردازد که جنایات ناشی از نفرت را تقویت می‌کنند و در عین حال نشان می‌دهند که چگونه این اعمال مجرمانه بر افراد و همچنین جوامع تأثیر می‌گذارد. دانش‌آموزان از طریق عکس‌های اول شخص با این موضوع آشنا می‌شوند - که گزارش شخصی‌تر از قربانیان و عاملان جنایات ناشی از نفرت ارائه می‌کند. ویرایش چهارم که مملو از آخرین پرونده های دادگاه، تحقیقات و آمار از منابع علمی مختلف است، یکی از جامع ترین و در دسترس ترین کتاب های درسی در این زمینه است.

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Hate Crimes: Causes, Controls, and Controversies
نویسنده: Phyllis B. Gerstenfeld
ناشر: SAGE Publications, Inc; Fourth edition (April 27, 2017)
زبان: English
شابک: 1506345441, 978-1506345444
حجم: 8 Mb
فرمت: Epub + Converted pdf

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Preface Second Edition Preface Third Edition Preface Fourth Edition Preface Acknowledgments 1. The Whys and Hows of Hate Crime Laws Overview of This Book Goals of This Book Punishing Hate Before Hate Crime Laws Arguments for Having Hate Crime Laws Retribution: Hate Crimes Are Different From Ordinary Crimes Deterrence Symbolic Effects The Birth of Hate Crimes Hate Crime Laws Today State Federal Hate Speech Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Suggested Readings 2. The Hate Debate: Constitutional and Policy Problems Hate Crime Laws and the Constitution Motive Are Hate Crimes Thought Crimes? Do Hate Crime Laws Have a “Chilling Effect”? Other Constitutional Issues Which Groups Should Be Protected? Sexual Orientation Gender Transgender Identity Homelessness Police and Emergency Personnel Factors That Affect States’ Decisions About Which Groups to Protect Identifying and Prosecuting Hate Crimes Victims’ Reporting of Hate Crimes Police Responses to Hate Crimes Prosecuting Hate Crimes Paradoxical Effects of Hate Crime Laws Hate Crime Laws Might Inspire Complacency Hate Crime Laws Might Cause Resentment of Minorities Hate Crime Laws Might Disempower Minorities Hate Crime Laws Might Increase Prejudice Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Suggested Readings 3. Committing Hate: Who and Why The Offender Profile The “Typical” Offender Offender Motivations The Psychology of Prejudice The Development of Prejudice How Stereotypes Affect Us What Makes a Bigot? The Role of the Family Situational Factors Bullying Hate Crime and Terrorism Why Do People Join Organized Hate Groups? Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Suggested Readings 4. Organized Hate What Is a Hate Group? Problems in Defining Hate Groups Characteristics Shared by All Hate Groups Characteristics Shared by Most Hate Groups Hate Group Typologies Major American Hate Groups The Ku Klux Klan Racist Skinheads The Racist Militia Movement Hate Group Ideologies Power Racial Separatism Religion Common Antipathy for the Same Groups Common Antipathy for Particular Beliefs and Actions Hate Group Recruitment and Defection Recruitment Defection Births and Deaths of Hate Groups Hate Group Activities Meetings Rallies Propaganda Internet Organized Political Activity Socializing Women in Organized Hate Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Suggested Readings 5. Hate Crime Victims Problems in Identifying Hate Crime Victims Difficulties in Reporting Difficulties in Recording Difficulties With Self-Reports Official Hate Crime Data Advocacy Group Data Hate Crimes Against African Americans Hate Crimes Against African Americans, Yesterday Hate Crimes Against African Americans, Today Hate Crimes Against African Americans, Tomorrow Anti-Semitic Hate Crimes Anti-Semitism in the United States Today Why the Jews? Hate Crimes Against LGBT People How Common Are Antigay Hate Crimes? Why Homophobic Hate Crimes? Anti-Muslim Hate Crimes Other Victims Ethnicity Disability Gender Homelessness Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Suggested Readings 6. Fighting Hate The Psychology of Reducing Prejudice Theories and Models Changing Legal, Social, or Cultural Messages Antihate Groups The Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) The Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC) National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF) Other Antihate Groups Common Features of Antihate Groups Government Initiatives for Fighting Hate Other Antihate Approaches Local Initiatives The Internet Dealing With Hate Crime Offenders Ways to Promote Rehabilitation Civil Remedies Assessing Efforts to Fight Hate Effectiveness of Major Approaches to Fighting Hate The Contact Hypothesis Social Recategorization Changing the Laws Changing Cultural Norms Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Suggested Readings 7. Global Hate: International Problems and Solutions Distinguishing Hate Crimes From Other Events The Narrow Study of Global Hate The Rise of Nationalism and the Radical Right Five Countries’ Approaches to Hate Crimes Germany United Kingdom Australia Canada Croatia Commonalities and Differences A Global Hate Network Links Between Hate Groups The Internet White Power Music Policing Hate Across Borders Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Suggested Readings 8. The Future of Hate New Research Areas Where Research Is Needed Why Do Research? Better Data Collection Law Enforcement Responses Police Prosecutors Legislation Groups Protected Civil Actions Legislation Concerning Law Enforcement Globalized Hate Fighting Hate Focus on Young People Focus on Bias in State Institutions Focus on Prejudices in Society Conclusion Discussion Questions Internet Exercises Appendix A: Selected International Hate Crime Laws Appendix B: Selected Resources on Hate Crimes Appendix C: Film Suggestions References Index About the Author

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۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

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