Essential Elements of Career Counseling Processes and Techniques 3rd Edition

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Author: Norman E. Amundson, JoAnn E Harris-Bowlsbey, Spencer G. Niles

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Note: This is the bound book only and does not include access to MyCounselingLab®. To order MyCounselingLab® packaged with the bound book, use ISBN 0134297369 .


This accessible look at “how to do career counseling” clearly defines the profession and the competencies counselors need to pursue as part of their training. Straightforward and accessible, Essential Elements of Career Counseling focuses on the practice of career counseling, examined through the basic techniques and resources useful in supporting the theories of career choice and development. The use of the Internet as a career counseling tool is emphasized; emerging issues such as Web-based counseling are explored; and case studies illustrate authentic counseling strategies and techniques in action. This edition features a new look at such areas as using group counseling methods in job searches and using the resume to inspire the development of career stories, providing a highly practical look at the practice of career counseling today.


Also available with MyCounselingLab®

This title is also available with MyCounselingLab–an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with the text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students see key concepts demonstrated through video clips, practice what they learn, test their understanding, and receive feedback to guide their learning and ensure they master key learning outcomes.








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این نگاه قابل دسترس به "چگونگی انجام مشاوره شغلی" به وضوح حرفه و شایستگی هایی را که مشاوران باید به عنوان بخشی از آموزش خود دنبال کنند، تعریف می کند. سرراست و در دسترس، عناصر ضروری مشاوره شغلی بر روی تمرین مشاوره شغلی تمرکز دارد که از طریق تکنیک‌ها و منابع اولیه مفید در حمایت از نظریه‌های انتخاب شغل و توسعه مورد بررسی قرار می‌گیرد. استفاده از اینترنت به عنوان یک ابزار مشاوره شغلی مورد تاکید است. مسائل نوظهور مانند مشاوره مبتنی بر وب بررسی می شوند. و مطالعات موردی، استراتژی‌ها و تکنیک‌های مشاوره معتبر را در عمل نشان می‌دهند. این نسخه نگاه جدیدی به حوزه‌هایی مانند استفاده از روش‌های مشاوره گروهی در جستجوی شغل و استفاده از رزومه برای الهام بخشیدن به توسعه داستان‌های شغلی دارد و نگاهی بسیار کاربردی به عمل مشاوره شغلی امروزی ارائه می‌دهد.


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این عنوان با MyCounselingLab نیز موجود است - یک برنامه آموزشی آنلاین، تکالیف، و ارزیابی که برای کار با متن طراحی شده است تا دانش آموزان را درگیر کند و نتایج را بهبود بخشد. در محیط ساختاریافته آن، دانش‌آموزان مفاهیم کلیدی نشان‌داده‌شده از طریق کلیپ‌های ویدیویی را می‌بینند، آنچه را که یاد می‌گیرند تمرین می‌کنند، درک خود را آزمایش می‌کنند و بازخورد دریافت می‌کنند تا یادگیری خود را راهنمایی کند و اطمینان حاصل کند که بر نتایج یادگیری کلیدی تسلط دارند.









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Ebook details:
عنوان: Essential Elements of Career Counseling Processes and Techniques (3rd Edition) (The Merrill Counseling Series) (9780132850643)
نویسنده: Norman E. Amundson, JoAnn E Harris-Bowlsbey, Spencer G. Niles
ناشر: Pearson; 3 edition (February 17, 2013)
زبان: English
شابک: 0132850648, 978-0132850643
حجم: 74 Mb
فرمت: Image pdf with ocr

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Essential Elements of Career Counseling Processes and Techniques Preface New to This Edition Brief Contents Contents CHAPTER 1 Career Counseling: Myths, Realities, and Emerging Trends MyCounselingLab What is Career Counseling? Factors Contributing to Shifts in Career Counseling Seven Common Career Counseling Myths Defining Career Counseling Career Counseling Competencies CHAPTER 2 Using Career Theories to Help Clients MyCounselingLab Case Study Theory of John L. Holland Counseling Goals Sample Counselor–Client Interchange Second Interview Theory of Donald E. Super Counseling Goals Sample Client–Counselor Interchange Second Interview The Constructivist Approach of Mark L. Savickas Counseling Goals Sample Client–Counselor Interchange Theory of John Krumboltz Counseling Goals and Steps Sample Counselor–Client Interchange Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 3 Context and Career Planning MyCounselingLab Internal Variables Assessing Self-Variables External Variables Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 4 Negotiating the Career Counseling Relationship MyCounselingLab Creating a Mattering Climate Building Bridges Negotiating the Working Alliance Coping with Client Reluctance Fear of the Unfamiliar Refusal to Acknowledge or Take Responsibility for the Problem Job Loss and Job Search Burnout Fighting the System Secondary Gains Mandated Participation Summary CHAPTER 5 Defining the Client’s Career Concerns MyCounselingLab Elaborating the Problem Viewing the Problem through a Metaphoric Lens Changing Direction Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 6 Exploring the Problem: Understanding the Self MyCounselingLab Questioning and Storytelling In Search of Flow and Excellence (Self) Counseling Process In Search of Flow and Excellence (Others) No Worries, Mate Learning From Failure Strengths in Other Places Time Frame Metaphors 1. Extending Metaphors 2. Using Multiple Metaphors 3. Using a Metaphor as a Platform for Career Exploration Structured Assessment Limitations Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 7 Exploring the Problem: Contextual and Labor Market Options MyCounselingLab Social Context Later Educational and Work/Leisure Context Later Labor Market Options (A Personal View) Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 8 Using Technology in Support of Career Counseling MyCounselingLab Options for Using Technology Levels of Use of Technology Level 1: Use of individual websites Level 2: Use of an Integrated Web-Based Career Planning System Level 3—Supporting Virtual Career Centers or Integrated Career Planning Systems with Distance (Virtual) Counseling Deciding Whether to Use a Technology-Based Intervention with specific students or clients Selecting Systems And Sites An Example Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 9 Consolidation, Decision Making, and Action Planning MyCounselingLab Consolidation Decision Making Readiness for Action Planning Developing the Action Plan Advocacy and Social Action Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 10 Implementing Action Plans MyCounselingLab Providing Support to Clients Processing New Insights and Information Action Plans that aren’t Followed Through Handling Additional Concerns Summary MyCounselingLab CHAPTER 11 Evaluating Client Progress MyCounselingLab Evaluating Client Progress During the Course of Career Counseling Career Counseling Goals Often Change Over Time Career Counseling is Often Short-Term Counseling Evaluating Client Progress at the End of Career Counseling Eliminate the Ambiguity Addressing the Emotions Associated with Ending Creating an Environment for a Positive Ending Knowing When to Terminate Summary CHAPTER 12 Adapting Career Counseling to Counseling Settings MyCounselingLab School Settings University Settings Community Settings Summary MyCounselingLab Appendix A The National Career Development Association’s Career Counseling Competencies and Performance Indicators Career Development Theory Individual and Group Counseling Skills Individual/Group Assessment Information/Resources Program Promotion, Management, and Implementation Coaching, Consultation, and Performance Improvement Diverse Populations Supervision Ethical/Legal Issues Research/Evaluation Technology Appendix B National Career Development Association Ethical Standards (Revised 2003) Section A: General Section B: Counseling Relationship Section C: Measurement and Evaluation Section D: Research and Publication Section E: Consulting Section F: Private Practice Procedures for Processing Ethical Complaints References Index A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z

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