Collected Works 8 - What Are You Seeking - Original PDF

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Author: Krishnamurti Jiddu

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BANARAS, INDIA 4TH JANUARY 1954 1ST TALK TO STUDENTS AT RAJGHAT SCHOOL I suppose most of you understand English. Don't you? It does not matter if you do not, as your teachers and your elders understand English. Perhaps you would ask them afterwards to explain what I have been talking about make a point of asking them won't you? Because what we are going to discuss for the next three or four weeks is very important; we are going to discuss what is education and what are its implications, not just passing examination but the whole implication of being educated. So, as we are going to talk about that every day please ask your teachers, if you do not understand what I am saying now, to explain carefully what we have talked. Also, after I have talked, perhaps you would ask questions. Because these talks are meant primarily for students and if the older people want to ask questions, they can only ask questions that will help the students to understand, that explain further the problem. If the older people would ask questions so as to help students, then their questions will be useful. To ask questions with their own personal problems will not help the students. Don't you ask yourself why you are being educated? Do you know why you are being educated, and what does that education mean? As we know, education is to go to schools, learn how to read and write, to pass examinations and to play a few games; and after you leave the school, you go to the college, there again study very very hard for a few months or a few years, pass an examination and then get a job; and then, you forget all about what you have learnt. Is it not that, what we call education? Do you understand what I am talking about? Is it all that we do? If you are girls you pass a few examinations, B.A. or M.A., marry and become cooks or something else and then have children; and all the education that you have got for a number of years is useless. You know how to speak English, you are a little bit more clever, a little bit more tidy, a little bit more clean, that is all, is it not? And the boys get a technical job, or become clerks, or get some kind of governmental job, and that finishes, does it not? You see what we call living is to get a job, to have children, raise a family and to know how to read and write and to be able to read newspapers or magazines, to discuss, to cleverly argue about something or other. That is what we call education, is it not? Have you noticed your own parents, your own elder people? They have passed examinations, they have got some jobs and they know how to read and write. Is it all what we call education? Education is something much more different, is it not? It is to help you not only to get a job in the world but also how to meet the world. Is it not? You know what the world is. In the world, there is competition. You know what competition means - each man out for himself, struggling to get the best pushing the others aside. In the world, there are wars, there are class divisions and the fight between them. In the world, every man is trying to get a better job, to keep on rising; if you are a clerk, you try to get a little higher and so fight all the time. Have you not noticed it? If you have a car, you want a bigger So, there is that constant fight going on, not only within ourselves but with all our neighbours. Then there is the war that kills, which destroys people, like the last war millions were killed, wounded or maimed. Our life is all this political struggle. And also, life is religion is it not? What we call religion is rituals going to temples, putting on something like the sacred thread, mumbling some words, or following some guru. Life is also, is it not?, the fear of dying, fear of living, fear of what people say and do not say, fear of not knowing where one is going fear of losing a job, fear of opinion. So, life is something extraordinarily complex, is it not? You know what that word `complex' means? Very intricate, it is not just simple which you just follow; it is very very difficult, many many things are involved.

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BANARAS, INDIA 4TH JANUARY 1954 1ST TALK TO STUDENTS AT RAJGHAT SCHOOL I suppose most of you understand English. Don't you? It does not matter if you do not, as your teachers and your elders understand English. Perhaps you would ask them afterwards to explain what I have been talking about make a point of asking them won't you? Because what we are going to discuss for the next three or four weeks is very important; we are going to discuss what is education and what are its implications, not just passing examination but the whole implication of being educated. So, as we are going to talk about that every day please ask your teachers, if you do not understand what I am saying now, to explain carefully what we have talked. Also, after I have talked, perhaps you would ask questions. Because these talks are meant primarily for students and if the older people want to ask questions, they can only ask questions that will help the students to understand, that explain further the problem. If the older people would ask questions so as to help students, then their questions will be useful. To ask questions with their own personal problems will not help the students. Don't you ask yourself why you are being educated? Do you know why you are being educated, and what does that education mean? As we know, education is to go to schools, learn how to read and write, to pass examinations and to play a few games; and after you leave the school, you go to the college, there again study very very hard for a few months or a few years, pass an examination and then get a job; and then, you forget all about what you have learnt. Is it not that, what we call education? Do you understand what I am talking about? Is it all that we do? If you are girls you pass a few examinations, B.A. or M.A., marry and become cooks or something else and then have children; and all the education that you have got for a number of years is useless. You know how to speak English, you are a little bit more clever, a little bit more tidy, a little bit more clean, that is all, is it not? And the boys get a technical job, or become clerks, or get some kind of governmental job, and that finishes, does it not? You see what we call living is to get a job, to have children, raise a family and to know how to read and write and to be able to read newspapers or magazines, to discuss, to cleverly argue about something or other. That is what we call education, is it not? Have you noticed your own parents, your own elder people? They have passed examinations, they have got some jobs and they know how to read and write. Is it all what we call education? Education is something much more different, is it not? It is to help you not only to get a job in the world but also how to meet the world. Is it not? You know what the world is. In the world, there is competition. You know what competition means - each man out for himself, struggling to get the best pushing the others aside. In the world, there are wars, there are class divisions and the fight between them. In the world, every man is trying to get a better job, to keep on rising; if you are a clerk, you try to get a little higher and so fight all the time. Have you not noticed it? If you have a car, you want a bigger So, there is that constant fight going on, not only within ourselves but with all our neighbours. Then there is the war that kills, which destroys people, like the last war millions were killed, wounded or maimed. Our life is all this political struggle. And also, life is religion is it not? What we call religion is rituals going to temples, putting on something like the sacred thread, mumbling some words, or following some guru. Life is also, is it not?, the fear of dying, fear of living, fear of what people say and do not say, fear of not knowing where one is going fear of losing a job, fear of opinion. So, life is something extraordinarily complex, is it not? You know what that word `complex' means? Very intricate, it is not just simple which you just follow; it is very very difficult, many many things are involved.

چکیده فارسی


باناراس، هند 4 ژانویه 1954 اولین صحبت با دانش آموزان در مدرسه راجغات فکر می کنم اکثر شما انگلیسی می دانید. اینطور نیست؟ مهم نیست که این کار را نکنید، زیرا معلمان و بزرگترهای شما انگلیسی را می فهمند. شاید بعد از آن از آنها بخواهید توضیح دهند که من در مورد آن چه صحبت می کنم، یک نکته را از آنها بپرسید، نه؟ زیرا آنچه قرار است در سه چهار هفته آینده در مورد آن بحث کنیم بسیار مهم است. ما قصد داریم در مورد چیستی آموزش و مفاهیم آن بحث کنیم، نه فقط قبولی در امتحان، بلکه در کل مفهوم تحصیلکرده بودن. بنابراین، همانطور که ما هر روز در مورد آن صحبت می کنیم، لطفاً از معلمان خود بخواهید، اگر متوجه نمی شوید که چه می گویم، آنچه را که ما صحبت کرده ایم را به دقت توضیح دهند. همچنین، بعد از اینکه من صحبت کردم، شاید شما سؤالاتی بپرسید. از آنجا که این گفتگوها عمدتاً برای دانش‌آموزان است و اگر افراد مسن‌تر بخواهند سؤال بپرسند، فقط می‌توانند سؤالاتی بپرسند که به درک دانش‌آموزان کمک کند و مشکل را بیشتر توضیح دهد. اگر افراد مسن برای کمک به دانش آموزان سؤالاتی را مطرح کنند، سؤالات آنها مفید خواهد بود. پرسیدن سوالات با مشکلات شخصی خود کمکی به دانش آموزان نخواهد کرد. از خودت نمیپرسی چرا تحصیل میکنی؟ آیا می دانید چرا تحصیل می کنید و این تحصیل به چه معناست؟ همانطور که می دانیم، آموزش رفتن به مدرسه، یادگیری خواندن و نوشتن، قبولی در امتحانات و انجام چند بازی است. و بعد از اینکه مدرسه را ترک کردید، به کالج می روید، دوباره آنجا چند ماه یا چند سال خیلی سخت درس می خوانید، امتحان می دهید و سپس شغل پیدا می کنید. و سپس، همه چیزهایی را که یاد گرفته اید فراموش می کنید. آیا این چیزی نیست که ما به آن آموزش می گوییم؟ میفهمی چی میگم؟ آیا این همه کاری است که ما انجام می دهیم؟ اگر دختر هستید چند امتحان را قبول می کنید، B.A. یا M.A. ازدواج کنند و آشپز شوند یا چیز دیگری و سپس بچه دار شوند. و تمام تحصیلاتی که چندین سال است بی فایده است. شما بلدید انگلیسی صحبت کنید، کمی باهوش‌تر، کمی مرتب‌تر، کمی تمیزتر، همین است، اینطور نیست؟ و پسرها یک شغل فنی می گیرند یا کارمند می شوند یا نوعی کار دولتی می گیرند و تمام می شود، اینطور نیست؟ می بینید چیزی که ما به آن زندگی می گوییم یافتن شغل، بچه دار شدن، تشکیل خانواده و دانستن خواندن و نوشتن و توانایی خواندن روزنامه یا مجلات، بحث کردن، بحث کردن زیرکانه در مورد چیزی یا چیز دیگری است. این چیزی است که ما به آن آموزش می گوییم، اینطور نیست؟ آیا به پدر و مادر خود، افراد مسن خود توجه کرده اید؟ آنها امتحانات را پس داده اند، مشاغلی پیدا کرده اند و خواندن و نوشتن بلدند. آیا این همه چیزی است که ما به آن آموزش می گوییم؟ آموزش چیز بسیار متفاوت تری است، اینطور نیست؟ این به شما کمک می کند که نه تنها شغلی در دنیا پیدا کنید، بلکه چگونه با دنیا آشنا شوید. اینطور نیست؟ میدونی دنیا چیه در دنیا رقابت وجود دارد. می دانید رقابت یعنی چه - هر مردی برای خودش تلاش می کند تا دیگران را کنار بزند تا بهترین ها را به دست آورد. در دنیا جنگ است، اختلاف طبقاتی و دعوا بین آنها وجود دارد. در دنیا، هر مردی در تلاش است تا شغل بهتری پیدا کند، تا به رشد خود ادامه دهد. اگر منشی هستید، سعی می کنید کمی بالاتر بروید و بنابراین همیشه مبارزه کنید. آیا به آن توجه نکرده اید؟ اگر ماشین دارید، یک ماشین بزرگتر می خواهید، بنابراین، این دعوای دائمی، نه تنها در درون خودمان، بلکه با همه همسایگان ما در جریان است. سپس جنگی است که می کشد، که مردم را نابود می کند، مانند جنگ گذشته میلیون ها نفر کشته، زخمی یا معلول شدند. زندگی ما این همه مبارزه سیاسی است. و همچنین، زندگی دین است، نه؟ آنچه ما به آن دین می گوییم، تشریفات رفتن به معابد، پوشیدن چیزی شبیه نخ مقدس، زمزمه کردن برخی کلمات، یا پیروی از یک مرشد است. زندگی هم همینطور است، نه؟، ترس از مردن، ترس از زندگی، ترس از آنچه مردم می گویند و نمی گویند، ترس از ندانستن به کجا می رود، ترس از دست دادن شغل، ترس از عقیده. بنابراین، زندگی چیزی فوق العاده پیچیده است، اینطور نیست؟ می دانید این کلمه "پیچیده" به چه معناست؟ بسیار پیچیده است، آن را فقط ساده نیست که شما فقط دنبال کنید. خیلی خیلی سخت است، خیلی چیزها دخیل هستند.


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Author(s): Krishnamurti Jiddu



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پشتیبانی محصول

۱- در صورت داشتن هرگونه مشکلی در پرداخت، لطفا با پشتیبانی تلگرام در ارتباط باشید.

۲- برای خرید محصولات لطفا به شماره محصول و عنوان دقت کنید.

۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

۴- بعد از خرید، محصول مورد نظر از صفحه محصول قابل دانلود خواهد بود همچنین به ایمیل شما ارسال می شود.

۵- در صورت وجود هر مشکلی در فرایند خرید با تماس بگیرید.