Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences Global Edition (14th Edition) [2019] - Original PDF

دانلود کتاب Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences Global Edition (14th Edition) [2019] - Original PDF

Author: Raymond A. Barnett, Michael R. Ziegler, Karl E. Byleen, Christopher J. Stocker

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For two-semester courses in Calculus

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For two-semester courses in Calculus.


Helps students “get the idea.”

Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, 14th Edition offers more built-in guidance than any other text in its field – with special emphasis on applications and prerequisite skills – and a host of student-friendly features to help students catch up or learn on their own. The text’s emphasis on helping students “get the idea” is enhanced in the new edition by a design refresh and updated data and applications.



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Ebook details:
عنوان: Calculus for Business, Economics, Life Sciences, and Social Sciences, Global Edition
نویسنده: Barnett, Raymond A., Ziegler, Michael R., Byleen, Karl E., Stocker, Christopher J.
ناشر: Pearson; 14 edition (December 12, 2018)
زبان: English
شابک: 1292266155, 978-1292266152


9781292266206 1292266201

حجم: 210 Mb
فرمت: Original PDF

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Front Cover; Title Page; Copyright Page; Contents; Preface; Diagnostic Prerequisite Test; Chapter 1 Functions and Graphs; 1.1 Functions; 1.2 Elementary Functions: Graphs and Transformations; 1.3 Linear and Quadratic Functions; 1.4 Polynomial and Rational Functions; 1.5 Exponential Functions; 1.6 Logarithmic Functions; 1.7 Right Triangle Trigonometry; 1.8 Trigonometric Functions; Chapter 1 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 2 Limits and the Derivative; 2.1 Introduction to Limits; 2.2 Infinite Limits and Limits at Infinity; 2.3 Continuity; 2.4 The Derivative 2.5 Basic Differentiation Properties2.6 Differentials; 2.7 Marginal Analysis in Business and Economics; Chapter 2 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 3 Additional Derivative Topics; 3.1 the Constant E and Continuous Compound Interest; 3.2 Derivatives of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions; 3.3 Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions; 3.4 Derivatives of Products and Quotients; 3.5 The Chain Rule; 3.6 Implicit Differentiation; 3.7 Related Rates; 3.8 Elasticity of Demand; Chapter 3 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 4 Graphing and Optimization 4.1 First Derivative and Graphs4.2 Second Derivative and Graphs; 4.3 L'hôpital's Rule; 4.4 Curve-sketching Techniques; 4.5 Absolute Maxima and Minima; 4.6 Optimization; Chapter 4 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 5 Integration; 5.1 Antiderivatives and Indefinite Integrals; 5.2 Integration by Substitution; 5.3 Differential Equations; Growth and Decay; 5.4 The Definite Integral; 5.5 The Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; 5.6 Area Between Curves; Chapter 5 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 6 Additional Integration Topics; 6.1 Integration by Parts 6.2 Other Integration Methods6.3 Applications in Business and Economics; 6.4 Integration of Trigonometric Functions; Chapter 6 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 7 Multivariable Calculus; 7.1 Functions of Several Variables; 7.2 Partial Derivatives; 7.3 Maxima and Minima; 7.4 Maxima and Minima Using Lagrange Multipliers; 7.5 Method of Least Squares; 7.6 Double Integrals over Rectangular Regions; 7.7 Double Integrals over More General Regions; Chapter 7 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 8 Differential Equations; 8.1 Basic Concepts; 8.2 Separation of Variables 8.3 First-order Linear Differential EquationsChapter 8 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 9 Taylor Polynomials and Infinite Series; 9.1 Taylor Polynomials; 9.2 Taylor Series; 9.3 Operations on Taylor Series; 9.4 Approximations Using Taylor Series; Chapter 9 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Chapter 10 Probability and Calculus; 10.1 Improper Integrals; 10.2 Continuous Random Variables; 10.3 Expected Value, Standard Deviation, and Median; 10.4 Special Probability Distributions; Chapter 10 Summary and Review; Review Exercises; Appendix A Basic Algebra Review; A.1 Real Numbers

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۱- در صورت داشتن هرگونه مشکلی در پرداخت، لطفا با پشتیبانی تلگرام در ارتباط باشید.

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۳- شما می توانید فایلها را روی نرم افزارهای مختلف اجرا کنید(هیچگونه کد یا قفلی روی فایلها وجود ندارد).

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