Approaches to Early Childhood Education 6th Revised ed

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Author: Jaipaul L Roopnarine

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This uniquely compiled volume addresses the current trends and issues in the field of early childhood education, reflecting the evolving nature of the field and teacher training in the United States and worldwide, preparing readers with the skill set necessary to meet the new needs and challenges that face the teaching profession today.

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This uniquely compiled volume addresses the current trends and issues in the field of early childhood education, reflecting the evolving nature of the field and teacher training in the United States and worldwide, preparing readers with the skill set necessary to meet the new needs and challenges that face the teaching profession today. Comprehensive and authoritative, this edited text includes 15 chapters written by over 32 experts in the field, covering a variety of approaches to teaching young children, the historical foundations, as well as the philosophy and theory behind the applications described. The text addresses current tensions within early childhood education, covering new developments in curricula, methods, and assessment strategies. By clarifying and addressing current tensions, definitions, identities, functions, and boundaries, it helps readers stay on the cutting edge of the field.An important resource and guide for pre-service and in-service teachers, as well as those professionals who currently guide or work with children in early childhood settings, Approaches to Early Childhood Education, Sixth Edition, is the best preparation tool on the market for preparing future early childhood educators--tomorrow's leaders in the field--with the knowledge and skills necessary to meet the ever-changing needs and challenges of teaching in today's world

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این جلد گردآوری شده منحصر به فرد به روندها و مسائل جاری در زمینه آموزش در دوران کودکی می پردازد، که منعکس کننده ماهیت در حال تحول این رشته و تربیت معلم در ایالات متحده و سراسر جهان است، و خوانندگان را با مجموعه مهارت های لازم برای برآوردن نیازهای جدید آماده می کند. و چالش هایی که امروزه حرفه معلمی با آن مواجه است. این متن ویرایش شده جامع و معتبر، شامل 15 فصل است که توسط بیش از 32 متخصص در این زمینه نوشته شده است، که رویکردهای متنوعی برای آموزش کودکان خردسال، مبانی تاریخی، و همچنین فلسفه و نظریه پشت برنامه های توصیف شده را پوشش می دهد. متن به تنش‌های جاری در آموزش دوران کودکی می‌پردازد و تحولات جدید در برنامه‌های درسی، روش‌ها و استراتژی‌های ارزیابی را پوشش می‌دهد. با روشن کردن و پرداختن به تنش‌ها، تعاریف، هویت‌ها، کارکردها و مرزهای کنونی، به خوانندگان کمک می‌کند تا در لبه‌های این حوزه باقی بمانند. منبع و راهنمای مهمی برای معلمان قبل از خدمت و ضمن خدمت، و همچنین آن دسته از متخصصانی که در حال حاضر راهنما یا کار با کودکان در محیط های اولیه کودکی، رویکردهایی به آموزش ابتدایی کودکی، ویرایش ششم، بهترین ابزار آماده سازی در بازار برای آماده سازی مربیان آینده دوران کودکی - رهبران فردا در این زمینه - با دانش و مهارت های لازم برای ملاقات است. نیازها و چالش های در حال تغییر تدریس در دنیای امروز

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Ebook details:
عنوان: Approaches to Early Childhood Education
نویسنده: Jaipaul L Roopnarine
ناشر: Pearson Educacion; 6th Revised ed. edition (March 1, 2012)
زبان: English
شابک: 0132977575, 978-0132977579
حجم: 200 Mb
فرمت: Image pdf with ocr

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pt. I. Introduction -- 1. History of early childhood education in multicultural perspective / Blythe F. Hinitz -- American Indian early childhood -- European roots -- Progressive schools -- Black early childhood education -- Asian and Hispanic early childhood education -- Immigrant and citizen children and youth -- The education of young English language learners -- The Child Well-Being Index -- Women's leadership in early education -- 2. The program for infant toddler care / J. Ronald Lally and Peter L. Mangione -- PITC-recommended program policies -- History of PITC -- 3. The Head Start Program / Douglas R. Powell -- War on Poverty origins -- 4. Home visiting programs / Barbara Hanna Wasik [and others] -- pt. II. Core themes -- 5. Including everyone : a model preschool program for children with and without disabilities / David Smukler, Ellen Barnes -- Jowonio School -- Age-appropriate curriculum -- Communication-based classrooms -- How to respond to challenging behavior -- Strategies for accomplishing inclusion -- 6. More than the sum of its parts : creating multicultural and linguistically responsive early childhood classrooms / Aisha Ray, Luisiana Melendez -- The beginning of schools failing culturally -- Linguistically diverse children -- Children in poverty -- 7. Early prevention initiatives / Karen L. Bierman [and others] -- School readiness -- Social-emotional and self-regulatory skills -- Language skills and a foundation for literacy -- The Preventive Intervention approach -- High-risk children -- 8. Assessment for learning in the early childhood classroom / Jie-Qi Chen, Gillian Dowley McNamee -- Child assessment practices -- Early learning standards -- The theory and practice of assessment for learning -- Bridging -- pt. III. Specific approaches : United States -- 9. The Creative Curriculum / Diane Trister Dodge, Cate Heroman, Kai-leé Berke -- Objectives for development and learning -- The Creative Curriculum includes all children -- English and DL learners -- Children with disabilities -- Children with advanced knowledge and skills -- 10. The HighScope Model of early childhood education / Lawrence J., David P. Weikart -- Active learning -- 11. Tools of the mind : the Vygotskian approach to early childhood education / Elena Bodrova, Deborah J. Leong -- Vygotskian view of learning and teaching -- Vygotskian view of child -- Applications of the Vygotskian Theory in the early childhood classroom -- 12. The Developmental-Interaction Approach at Bank Street College of Education / Harriett K. Cuffaro, Nancy Nager -- 13. The Project Approach : an overview / Lilian G. Katz, Sylvia C. Chard -- pt. IV. Specific approaches : Europe -- 14. The Piramide Method / Jef J. van Kuyk -- Basic concepts in coherence -- Metacognitive level -- Intervention -- Child assessment -- Teacher evaluation -- Program evaluation -- 15. Reggio Emilia in the 21st century : enduring commitments amid new challenges / Rebecca S. New -- Italian early care and education : children's right and society's responsibility -- Teacher education : changing the concepts of competence -- Reggio Emilia and the United States -- 16. Montessori education today / Martha Torrence, John Chattin-McNichols -- Montessori's view of human development -- The absorbent mind -- Discipline : the development of the will -- Program characteristics -- Prepared environment -- Freedom -- Structure and order -- Reality and nature -- Beauty and atmosphere -- Montessori learning materials -- The development of community life -- Curriculum areas -- The role of the teacher -- Montessori education in the elementary years -- 17. The Waldorf Approach to early childhood education / Christy L. Husek -- Rudolph Steiner and anthroposophy -- Steiner's theory of child development -- Program's characteristics -- Caring community of learners -- Teaching to enhance development and learning -- Constructing appropriate curriculum -- How to assess children's learning -- Waldorf relationship with families -- Special education.

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